AntTweakBar.dll missing error in VS C++ - c++

I came across AntTweakBar Fraemwork and was very impressed.So i thought of integrating it to my program as well.
I add the include directory to the include path in the project properties
I also added the path to the lib in the library directory in project..
Even after adding AntTweakBar.lib to the input Linker..
I keep getting this error while debugging
*The Program cannot start as AntTweakBar.dll is missing from the computer *
I dont know what to do...
Please do help me out here
Waiting eagerly for an answer.
Thanks in advance

You may need to extend the PATH environment variable with the directory where that AntTweakBar.dll file is actually installed.
The error message you get indicates, that the dynamic linker isn't able to find and load it when your program starts.


Include OpenCV for Project in C++

I feel like this should be basic, but I can't find anything for it online. I downloaded OpenCV and can't figure out how to have my projects recognize it. When I try to include it with like
#include <opencv2/core/version.hpp>
I get the error:
"No such file or directory"
The only solution I've tried is to add /usr/include/opencv4/ to my PATH. Also, I am running ArchLinux if that is helpful to know.
So I ended up just moving the directory /usr/include/opencv4/opencv2 to /usr/include and that worked. Unless there are any ways to add directories to the list of directories that c++ checks when running the #include, this is the only way I've figured to solve it.
if you have trouble with this
#include <opencv2/core/version.hpp>
You can find more detail information on "Googling".
what I have organized shown below:
try using include "opencv2/core/version.hpp" instead of it.
right-click, then check-the-location
recheck several environment settings:
Additional Include Directories
Additional Dependencies
Try changing these three:

Eclipse CDT MinGW path variables

My Eclipse didn't show any console outputs.
I tested the ".exe" in the debug file of my C++ project, with wich i received an error that "libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll" was missing.
I read abit on this and i found that i could simply copy/paste that file from my c:/MinGW/bin folder to the ".exe" in the "/debug" folder of my project.
That helped me with that error but i then received the message that "libstdc++-6.dll" was missing, so i did the same again.
Now The ".exe" works fine and I get an output in my eclipse.
But now i'm afraid that i will get simillar erro's at my next build if i use some what more complex programming.
I also think that it would be very timeconsuming if i have to add those files too all of my future projects.
So my question now isn't there a way to tell eclpise that those .dll files are at "c:/MinGW/bin"?
I suspect that a similar question already exists but I wouldn't have a clue on what tags I'd have to search for.
Speacial thanks to #Deniz !
right click on "my computer" => properties .
on the right select "Advanced system settings".
open "Enviormentvariables"
search for "path"
select Edit
you'll have a list of paths, hit "end" on your keyboard to make sure you are at the end of this list.
then add ";" to close the previous path and add the path to your MinGW/bin location. (by default C:\MinGW\bin).
result in adding ";C:\MinGW\bin"

Codeblocks cannot create output directory

I'm using Code::Blocks 12.11 in Widnows XP. I've been learning C++, so I haven't been working on any specific projects, just individual files. I'm trying to debug one of these files, but found from this question that I needed to be in a project in order to debug. So, I created a project for all of my C++ practice files. Now, when I try to debug (or run) the program, Code::Blocks gives me this error: "Can't create output directory bin\Debug.
When I remove the file from the project it still gives me this error. What can I do to try to fix this so that the program can run and debug?
Additional information:
In Settings>Compiler>Global Compiler Settings>Compiler Settings>Compiler Flags, I have enabled "Produce debugging symbols [-g]". This is something that a lot of other resources I've checked have mentioned.
Also, under Debug>Active Debuggers, I've tried using both debuggers, both of which produce the same error message.
Why don't you try to remove the entire project directory, create an empty project and then place the source files one by one into the project. Beware if you have a main() method in each of your source files.
Well, a friend of mine was getting the same error. So I decided to check it out.
I my case, the error was because of the account user name.
When I checked, the output directory while creating the file and the one in the error being shown, were different.
When I checked, I created an user account name with "$aaa$", and I got the same error.
and I noticed that the error was because of the "$" sign. (Probably).
So, I guess the problem is with the user name. Try changing the user name to something simple.

Working with Box2D/Cocos2D in an external iOS project

I have followed the instructions as per this article and have been working with Cocos2D without much issues. Recently, I tried including the Box2D headers to try some physics like so:
#import "Box2D.h"
This resulted in a lot of errors where the Box2D.h file could not include the rest of the header files:
../cocos2d-iphone-0.99.5/external/Box2d/Box2D/Box2D.h:34:0 ../cocos2d-iphone-0.99.5/external/Box2d/Box2D/Box2D.h:34:37: error: Box2D/Common/b2Settings.h: No such file or directory
That's the first error and the rest of the 23 are like that, but for the different headers in Box2D.h.
I have already added the projects/targets to the current project as per the instructions in the article, so my project currently looks like this:
Also, I have attempted to remedy this by selecting all .m files in my project and setting the file type to sourcecode.cpp.objcpp but do not think that this is the issue. I am certain that under the User Header Search Paths build setting, the folders where these headers are stored are added. If it weren't, Cocos2D wouldn't be able to compile either.
What am I doing wrong?
I don't know if this is immediately obvious to other programmers, but I fixed this by checking the Always Search User Paths setting in the target settings. Hope it helps someone else.
Another solition for me is removing blank characters from directory names. Forexample if your project folder such as
"user/prj 01"
change it to

VC2008 compiler errors opening sbr files (C2418 C1903 C2471)

EDIT: See my answer below for the hotfix.
In setting up for our boat-programming adventure I have to set up source control and fix project files for a team to use them. (the project was previously only being worked on by one person who took shortcuts with setting up the project includes, etc)
I am fixing those SLN and Proj files. When trying to do a build on an external USB drive (I have not tried it on the primary hard drive) I am getting odd errors (lots of them for various files):
fatal error C1083: Cannot open
compiler generated file:
'.\Debug\.sbr': Permission
These files are referenced in the vcproj file with relative paths in double quotes:
I get the same errors form within a sln file in the IDE or if I call msbuild with the sln file.
The files are kind of "shared" for a few sln files (projects).
The person who originally created the SLN files is not known for being a wizard at configuring MSDev or making things work for teams.
Is this an issue with the way the source files are referenced? Any suggestions on how to fix these?
This URL does not seem to have helpful information:
Fatal Error C1083 on MSDN
Note - there were/are still hardcoded paths in the proj file, but i don;t see them for these files. They were mostly for the include and lib dirs. I think I removed them all.
I also get these errors:
..\..\Source\.cpp : error C2471:
cannot update program database '\debug\vc90.pdb'
..\..\Source\.cpp(336) : fatal
error C1903: unable to recover from
previous error(s); stopping
..\..\Source\.cpp(336) : error
C2418: cannot delete browser file:
Title: You may receive a "PRJ0008" or "C2471" or "C1083" or "D8022" or "LNK1103" or similar error message when you try to build a solution in Visual C++
D8022 : Cannot open 'RSP00000215921192.rsp'
PRJ0008 : Could not delete file 'vc90.idb'.
C1083 : Cannot open program database file 'vc90.pdb'
C2471 : Cannot update program database 'vc90.pdb'
LNK1103 : debugging information corrupt.
This problem occurs when all of the following conditions are true:
You have a solution with more than one project in it.
Two or more of the projects are not dependent on each other.
You have parallel builds enabled. (Tools -> Options: Projects and Solutions, Build and Run: "maximum number of parallel project builds" is set to a value greater than 1)
You are building on a system with multiple CPUs (cores).
Two or more of the non-dependent projects are configured to use the same Intermediate and/or Output directory.
A specific race condition in mspdbsrv.exe remains uncorrected.
To resolve the problem do one or more of the following:
Reconfigure the non-dependent projects to specify an Intermediate and Output directory that is different from one another, e.g. Output Directory = "$(SolutionDir)$(ProjectName)\$(ConfigurationName)", Intermediate Directory = "$(OutDir)".
Adjust your solution's project dependencies (Project -> Project Dependencies...) so that each is dependent on another.
Disable parallel builds.
Add the "/onecpu" boot option to your boot.ini file.
Change you BIOS settings to enable/use only one CPU.
File a problem report with Microsoft Technical Support and keep bugging the crap out of them until they eventually fix mspdbsrv.
The problem is a combination of both a user project configuration error as well as a race condition in Microsoft's "mspdbsrv.exe" utility that does not properly handle more than one thread calling it at the same time for the same file resulting in the file's HANDLE being left open.
Additionally Visual Studio itself and/or its build system (VCBUILD and/or MSBUILD) (or all three!) should be made smart enough to detect and alert the user of such user errors so that corrective action can be taken.
This problem has been around for a LOOOOOONG time.
Applies to:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
Respectfully submitted:
"Fish" (David B. Trout)
You're welcome. :)
there is a hotfix from MS
That might be my problem. I think it might only be on one machine I have.
I downloaded and ran the hotfix installer. It seems to have fixed it.
I get this same error when I physically remove a file from disk, but leave it in VS. In VS2005 it would give a much better : fatal error file not found. I think this is a bug in VS2008. The hotfix mentioned above didn't help me.
In my case it was my virus package (Trend Micro) causing all the problems. I added my Dev folders to the Ignore/White lists to solve the problem
delete your debug folder and build your project agian.
Occastionally my Visual Studio will suddenly decide something like this. I have found it maybe help to toggle to release, do a full rebuild, then toggle back to debug.