How to isolate my own OpenGL calls inside a third-party process? - c++

I am writing small tool that is drawing OpenGL overlay on top of the game which is closed source. The game is using SDL, so I am just hooking into SDL_GL_SwapWindow and doing my own stuff. However, this kind of hooking results in some side effects in the game itself. I found a solution that is basically wrapping around my own calls with deprecated glPushAttrib/glPopAttrib. But this solves only half of the problems. I am still getting random texture flickering in the game (I meant game textures, mine are showing fine). What could be the reason of this flickering? Can my own textures interfere with game textures? Do I need to isolate my own calls and how can I do it?

What could be the reason of this flickering?
If the game uses shaders, then glPushAttrib / glPopAttrib will not take care of all the state you may be clobbering with. The attribute stack has been deprecated and the program may use states that are either not covered by it, or where certain attribute bits in compatibility profile have been reused or expanded to cover further state. I recommend not using the attribute stack at all, because it's hard to get right.
Can my own textures interfere with game textures?
Yes. Say you left a 2D texture active in a texture unit that's later being used for a 1D texture. If the host program does not use shaders, then the GL_TEXTURE_2D will take precedence over the GL_TEXTURE_1D. It's a (IMHO poor) design choice of OpenGL that you can have multiple texture targets being bound to the same texture unit at the same time and which one is used to deliver texels depends on the individual targets' precedence.
Do I need to isolate my own calls
and how can I do it?
Two possible solutions:
Create separate OpenGL context for just your own stuff. Use {wgl,glX}GetCurrentContext and {wglGetCurrentDC,glXGetCurrentDrawable} to retrieve the OpenGL context and drawable active at the moment you're "jumping" in. If you don't have a context already, you can use the drawable just retrieved to create a matching OpenGL context. Optionally install a namespace sharing. Switch to your context, draw your stuff and switch back to the host program one's. – Major drawback: Switching OpenGL contexts is quite expensive.
Before switching state around, use glGet… to retrieve the state active before doing so and restore the old state before returning to the host program.


C++ OpenGL wrapper: interface similar to fixed pipeline, can export .collada

I have opengl code that uses the fixed pipeline.
Hitting two birds with one stone, I need a wrapper that can help me with the following tasks:
Convert the code to the new shader-based pipeline with minimal effort.
I have a class that calls opengl functions, such as: glBegin(triangles/lines), glVertex, glPushMatrix, glTranslate, glColor, gluSphere.
Ideally, I'd like it to derive from a class that supplies these functions in the base class. Behind the scenes, it would use the same high level logic as the fixed pipeline.
I'd like to export an opengl scene to .collada to load in an external renderer.
Opengl is low level rendering, and it doesn't have the concept of a scene. For example, this reddit post:
"You realize that you have to write a shim to capture all API calls
you are interested in to do that. Then, when finally, a draw call is
emitted you have to parse every single vertex and collect the data
from all over the memory from the buffers that you have recorded from
the APi calls that set up VAOs, VBOs and IBOs. Then you have to parse
the shader source code so that you can see which uniforms and vertex
attributes contribute to vertex clip coordinate generation. Then you
also have to synthesize/guess which outputs are normal, color, texture
coordinate and so on from the shader source if the resulting program
even have those in .obj file format-wise.
This gets even more complicated if Compute is used to generate data
inside the GPU for any of the buffers. If geometry or tessellator is
used then you also have to implement one of those so that you get
accurate outputs from the vertex processing. TL;DR - you have to write
your own OpenGL 4.5 driver that does exactly the same things a real
hardware driver would do. Good luck with that."
However, my scene is simple, using the fixed pipeline operations above.
I'd like the wrapper to keep track and construct a scene that can be exported.
EDIT: Since recommendation is off-topic, I'll ask the following question.
What I need above seems like something obvious that many should have found useful. Since I can't find a library that accomplishes that, I'm wondering if my approach is unreasonable?
More specifically, how do people port their legacy opengl code; do they write the relevant part from scratch, or does everyone implement his own wrapper as I suggested?
What about constructing a scene to export to collada?
Posted also:
Although there are some parts in legacy OpenGL that are not optimized in current drivers (like glDrawPixels, the raster drawing operations and indexed color mode), between modern hardware and the modest requirements of legacy applications, legacy OpenGL stuff runs well enough on modern systems.
The main reason to "modernize" legacy OpenGL code is, if one want to make use of the modern features. Any sort of "wrapper" will just run into the same kind of design problems that the OpenGL API ran between OpenGL-1.5 to OpenGL-2.1: Lots of built-in variables, default state, implicit action, etc. etc. This is difficult to document properly, and even more difficult to make use of reliably. Which is the reason you usually don't find these kinds of wrappers.
If you find yourself in the situation, that you absolutely must port your legacy code to modern OpenGL, e.g. to be interoperable with core contexts, then your best course of action will be to do a proper rewrite. Replace implcit mode calls to filling vertex buffers, replace calls to glTexEnv…, glMaterial…, glLight… with loading appropriate shaders and setting their uniforms.
Or, if you want a quick and dirty method: Just create two contexts, a modern one, and a legacy one and switch between them; often you can establish "list" sharing between them.

How to render multiple different items in an efficient way with OpenGL

I am making a simple STG engine with OpenGL (To be exact, with LWJGL3).In this game, there can be several different types of items(called bullet) in one frame, and each type can have 10-20 instances.I hope to find an efficient way to render it.
I have read some books about modern OpenGL and find a method called "Instanced Rendering", but it seems only to work with same instances.Should I use for-loop to draw all items directly for my case?
Another question is about memory.Should I create an VBO for each frame, since the number of items is always changing?
Not the easiest question to answer but I'll try my best anyways.
An important property of OpenGL is that the OpenGL context is always bound to a single thread. So every OpenGL-method has to be called within that thread. A common way of dealing with this is using Queuing.
We are using Model-View-Controller architecture.
We have 3 threads; One to read input, one to handle received messages and one to render the scene.
Here OpenGL context is bound to rendering thread.
The first thread receives a message "Add model to position x". First thread has no time to handle the message, because there might be another message coming right after and we don't want to delay it. So we just give this message for the second thread to handle by adding it to second thread's queue.
Second thread reads the message and performs the required tasks as far as it can before OpenGL context is required. Like reads the Wavefront (.obj)-file from the memory and creates arrays from the received data.
Our second thread then queues this data to our OpenGL thread to handle. OpenGL thread generates VBOs and VAO and stores the data in there.
Back to your question
OpenGL generated Objects stay in the context memory until they are manually deleted or the context is destroyed. So it works kind of like C, where you have to manually allocate memory and free it after it's no more used. So you should not create new Objects for each frame, but reuse the data that stays unchanged. Also when you have multiple objects that use the same model or texture, you should just load that model once and apply all object specific differences on shaders.
You have an environment with 10 rocks that all share the same rock model.
You load the data, store it in VBOs and attach those VBOs into a VAO. So now you have a VAO defining a rock.
You generate 10 rock entities that all have position, rotation and scale. When rendering, you first bind the shader, then bind the model and texture, then loop through the stone entities and for each stone entity you bind that entity's position, rotation and scale (usually stored in a transformationMatrix) and render.
bind shader
load values to shader's uniform variables that don't change between entities.
bind model and texture (as those stay the same for each rock)
for(each rock in rocks){
load values to shader's uniform variables that do change between each rock, like the transformation.
unbind shader
Note: You don't need to unbind/bind shader each frame if you only use one shader. Same goes for VAO's and every other OpenGL object as well. So the binding will also stay over each rendering cycle.
Hope this will help you when getting started. Altho I would recommend some tutorial that might have a bit more context to it.
I have read some books about modern OpenGL and find a method called
"Instanced Rendering", but it seems only to work with same
instances.Should I use for-loop to draw all items directly for my
Another question is about memory.Should I create an VBO for each
frame, since the number of items is always changing?
These both depend on the amount of bullets you plan on having. If you think you will have less than a thousand bullets, you can almost certainly push all of them to a VBO each frame and upload and your end users will not notice. If you plan on some obscene amount, then don't do this.
I would say that you should write everything each frame because it's the simplest to do right now, and if you start noticing performance issues then you need to look into instancing or some other method. When you get to "later" you should be more comfortable with OpenGL and find out ways to optimize it that won't be over your head (not saying it is over your head right now, but more experience can only help make it less complex later on).
Culling bullets not on the screen either should be on your radar.
If you plan on having a ridiculous amount of bullets on screen, then you should say so and we can talk about more advanced methods, however my guess is that if you ever reach that limit on today's hardware then you have a large ambitious game with a zoomed out camera and a significant amount of entities on screen, or you are zoomed up and likely have a mess on your screen anyways.
20 objects is nothing. Your program will be plenty fast no matter how you draw them.
When you have 10000 objects, then you'll want to ask for an efficient way.
Until then, draw them whichever way is most convenient. This probably means a separate draw call per object.

Copy or move a FrameBufferObject

I want to find a way to send all the geometry from an opengl framebuffer to a remote computer, who would do the rendering. This would allow me to have very complex simulations running on some kind of a big supercomputer, and rendered on a small mobile or simply cheap client machine doing the rendering.
Before starting digging in my code, I though it would be relatively easy: let's copy the vertex arrays and send it through the network, using boost::serialisation for example, and that's it. But my geometry are encapsulated, which prevents me from accessing it from where I want to.
I have been able to render into a framebuffer instead of rendering directly on screen though, and I was wondering if there is a way to retrieve data from OpenGL's fbo's in anyway?
First your terminology is wrong. Frame Buffer Objects are encapsulations of off-screen images/surfaces and don't hold geometry.
Second: What you imagine has been implemented already by the VirtualGL project (however it's stuck at a rather old OpenGL profile and doesn't support modern GPUs).
Also X11/GLX always supported indirect OpenGL operation, i.e. a remote machine would send OpenGL commands to the local display server, which is exactly what you probably think of. But this has a major drawback: Network bandwidth becomes the major bottleneck.

intercept the opengl calls and make multi-viewpoints and multi-viewports

I want to creates a layer between any other OpenGL-based application and the original OpenGL library. It seamlessly intercepts OpenGL calls made by the application, and renders and sends images to the display, or sends the OpenGL stream to the rendering cluster.
I have completed my openg32.dll to replace the original library, I don't know what to do next,
How to convert OpenGL calls to images and what are OpenGL stream?
For an accurate description. visit the Opengl Wrapper
First and foremost OpenGL is not a libarary. It's an API. The opengl32.dll you have on your system is a library that provides the API and acts as a anchoring point for the actual graphics driver to attach to the programs.
Next it's a terrible idea to intercept OpenGL calls and turn them into something different, like multiple viewports. It may work for the fixed function pipeline, but as soon as shaders get involved it will break the program you hooked into. OpenGL is designed as an API to draw things to the screen, it's not a scene graph. Programs expect that when they make OpenGL calls they will produce an image in a pixel buffer according to their drawing commands. Now if you hook into that process and wildly alter the outcome, any graphics algorithm that relies on the visual outcome of the previous rendering for the following steps will break. For example any form of shadow mapping will be broken by what you do.
Also things like multiple viewport hacks will likely not work if the program does things like frustum culling internally, before making the actual OpenGL calls. Again this is because OpenGL is a drawing API, not a scene graph.
In the end yes you can hook into OpenGL, but whatever you do, you must make sure that OpenGL calls as made by the application get executed according to the specification. There is a authorative OpenGL specification for a reason, namely that programs rely on it to have predictable results.
OpenGL almost undoubtedly allows you to do the things you want to do without doing crazy modifications to it. Multi-viewpoints can be done by, in your render function, doing the following
glViewport(/*View 1 window coords*/0, 0, window_width, window_height / 2);
// Do all of your rendering for the first camera
glViewport(/*View 2 window coords*/0, window_height / 2, window_width, window_height);
// Redo your modelview matrix for a different viewpoint here, then re-render it all.
It's as simple as rendering twice into two areas which you specify with glViewport. If you Google around you can get a more detailed tutorial. I highly do not recommend messing with OpenGL as a good deal if it is implemented by the graphics card, and you should really just use what you're given. Chances are if you're modifying it you're doing it wrong. It probably allows you to do it a FAR better way.
Good luck!

Draw DirectX/OpenGL Graphics on an existing graphics application

First off, let me just apologize right off the bat in case this is already answered, because I might just be searching it under irregular search terms.
I am looking to draw 2D graphics in an application that uses DirectX to draw its own graphics (A game). I will be doing that by injecting a DLL into the application (that part I have no questions about, I can do that), and drawing my graphics. But not being really good at DirectX/OpenGL, I have a couple of fundamental questions to ask.
1) In order to draw graphics on that window, will I need to get a pre-existing context from the process memory, some sort of handle to the drawing scene?
2) If the application uses DirectX, can I use OpenGL graphics on it?
Please let me know as to how I can approach this. Any details will be appreciated :-)
Thank you in advance.
Your approach in injecting an DLL is indeed the right way to go. Programs like FRAPS use the same approach. I can't tell you about the method for Direct3D, but for OpenGL you'd do about the following things:
First you must Hook into the functions wglMakeCurrent, glFinish and wglSwapBuffers of opengl32.dll so that your DLL notices when a OpenGL context is selected for drawing. Pass their calls through to the OS. When wglMakeCurrent is called use the function GetPixelFormat to find out if the window is double buffered or not. Also use the glGet… OpenGL calls to find out which version of OpenGL context you're dealing with. In case you have a legacy OpenGL context you must use different methods for drawing your overlay, than for a modern OpenGL-3 or later core context.
In case of a double buffered window use your Hook on wglSwapBuffers to perform further OpenGL drawing operations. OpenGL is just pens and brushes (in form of points, lines and triangles) drawing on a canvas. Then pass through the wglSawpBuffers call to make everything visible.
In case of a single buffered context instead of wglSwapBuffers the function to hook is glFinish.
Draw 2D with OpenGL is as simple as disable depth buffering and using an orthographic projection matrix. You can change OpenGL state whenever you desire to do so. Just make sure you restore everything into its original condition before you leave the hooks.
"1) In order to draw graphics on that window, will I need to get a pre-existing context from the process memory, some sort of handle to the drawing scene?"
Yes, you need to make sure your hooks catch the important context creation functions.
For example, all variations of CreateDevice in d3d are interesting to you.
You didn't mention which DirectX you are using, but there are some differences between the versions.
For example, At DirectX 9 you'd be mostly interested in functions that:
1. Create/return IDirect3DSwapChain9 objects
2. Create/return IDirect3DDevice9,IDirect3DDevice9Ex objects
In newer versions of DirectX their code was splitted into (mostly) Device, DeviceContext, & DXGI.
If you are on a "specific mission" share which directx version you are addressing.
Apart from catching all the needed objects to allow your own rendering, you also want to catch all presentation events ("SwapBuffers" in GL, "Present" in DX),
Because that's time that you want to add your overlay.
Since it seems that you are attempting to render an overlay on top of DX applications, allow me to warn you that making a truly generic solution (that works on all games) isn't easy.
mostly due to need to support different DX versions along with numerous ways to create
If you are focused on a specific game/application it is, naturally, much easier.
"2. If the application uses DirectX, can I use OpenGL graphics on it?"
Well, first of all yes. It's possible.
The terminology that you want to search for is OpenGL DirectX interoperability (or in short interop)
Here's an example:
I don't know if the extension they used is only available in nVidia devices or not - check it.
Another thing about this is that you need a really good motivation in order to do it, generally I would simply stick with DX for both hooking and rendering.
I assume that internal interop between different DX version is better option.
I'd personally probably go with DirectX9 for your own rendering code.
Of course, if you only need to support a single DirectX version, no interop needed.
If you ever need to generate full wrappers of C++ classes, a quick n' dirty dll wrapper, or just general global function hook, feel free to use this lib that i created:
It's far from a fully tested tool, just something i hacked 2 days, but I found it super useful.
Note that in your case, i recommend just to use VTable hooking, you'll probably have to hardcode the function offset into the table, but that's not likely to change.
Good luck :)