boost async operations not working (for me) - c++

First of all, this is my first time using boost::asio as well as asynchronous programming. So, I am not at all well versed with either of the two.
Basically I want to interact with a robot via serial port. For this purpose, i am using boost::asio::serial_port. One of the operations I want to do is enable the robot to rotate for a few milliseconds, but asynchronously, so as not to have any lag in other processing being done. The internals of the class are as follows:
class Robot
boost::asio::io_service is;
boost::asio::serial_port port;
Robot(const std::string &visionDeviceAddress, const std::string &motorControlDeviceAddress)
:visionDevice(visionDeviceAddress), port(is), motorControlDevice(motorControlDeviceAddress)
void completePendingMotions()
I believe the following function should do the job:
void Robot::async_rotateLeftFor(unsigned long milliseconds)
boost::asio::deadline_timer t(is, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(milliseconds));
//the character 'a' initiates a non-stop anticlockwise rotation
char c='a';
boost::asio::write(port, boost::asio::buffer(&c,1));
t.async_wait([&](boost::system::error_code e)
//to stop the rotation, i need to pass the character 'q'
//this is done synchronously by function stop()
Finally, the call from main() looks like:
int main(void)
Robot r("0","COM6");
return 0;
What I get is simply that robot connection is established successfully, it starts rotating, but then it does not stop, as it should due to the completion handler. I am at a loss as to what could be the cause. Lack of documentation on asio doesn't help either. Any assistance is extremely appreciated.

The problem is that the deadline_timer object needs to stay alive until the handler triggers, otherwise the handler will be triggered instantly with an error when is called. The timer is being destroyed when the async_rotateLeftFor function exits.
What I do to keep the timer around, is wrap the timer object in a shared_ptr and pass it along to the handler object.
void Robot::async_rotateLeftFor(unsigned long milliseconds) {
auto t = std::make_shared<boost::asio::deadline_timer>(
is, boost::posix_time::milliseconds( milliseconds ));
// (capture shared_ptr in lambda)
t->async_wait( [this,t](boost::system::error_code e )


C++ GRPC ClientAsyncReaderWriter: how to check if data is available for read?

I have bidirectional streaming async grpc client that use ClientAsyncReaderWriter for communication with server. RPC code looks like:
rpc Process (stream Request) returns (stream Response)
For simplicity Request and Response are bytes arrays (byte[]). I send several chunks of data to server, and when server accumulate enough data, server process this data and send back the response and continue accumulating data for next responses. After several responses, the server send final response and close connection.
For async client I using CompletionQueue. Code looks like:
CompletionQueue cq;
std::unique_ptr<Stub> stub;
grpc::ClientContext context;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncReaderWriter<Request,Response>> responder = stub->AsyncProcess(&context, &cq, handler);
// thread for completition queue
std::thread t(
void *handler = nullptr;
bool ok = false;
while (cq_.Next(&handler, &ok)) {
if (can_read) {
// how do you know that it is read data available
// Do read
} else {
// do write
Request request = prepare_request();
responder_->Write(request, handler);
// wait
What is the proper way to async reading? Can I try to read if it no data available? Is it blocking call?
Sequencing Read() calls
Can I try to read if it no data available?
Yep, and it's going to be case more often than not. Read() will do nothing until data is available, and only then put its passed tag into the completion queue. (see below for details)
Is it blocking call?
Nope. Read() and Write() return immediately. However, you can only have one of each in flight at any given moment. If you try to send a second one before the previous has completed, it (the second one) will fail.
What is the proper way to async reading?
Each time a Read() is done, start a new one. For that, you need to be able to tell when a Read() is done. This is where tags come in!
When you call Read(&msg, tag), or Write(request, tag),you are telling grpc to put tag in the completion queue associated with that responder once that operation has completed. grpc doesn't care what the tag is, it just hands it off.
So the general strategy you will want to go for is:
As soon as you are ready to start receiving messages:
call responder->Read() once with some tag that you will recognize as a "read done".
Whenever cq_.Next() gives you back that tag, and ok == true:
consume the message
Queue up a new responder->Read() with that same tag.
Obviously, you'll also want to do something similar for your calls to Write().
But since you still want to be able to lookup the handler instance from a given tag, you'll need a way to pack a reference to the handler as well as information about which operation is being finished in a single tag.
Completion queues
Lookup the handler instance from a given tag? Why?
The true raison d'ĂȘtre of completion queues is unfortunately not evident from the examples. They allow multiple asynchronous rpcs to share the same thread. Unless your application only ever makes a single rpc call, the handling thread should not be associated with a specific responder. Instead, that thread should be a general-purpose worker that dispatches events to the correct handler based on the content of the tag.
The official examples tend to do that by using pointer to the handler object as the tag. That works when there's a specific sequence of events to expect since you can easily predict what a handler is reacting to. You often can't do that with async bidirectional streams, since any given completion event could be a Read() or a Write() finishing.
Here's a general outline of what I personally consider to be a clean way to go about all that:
// Base class for async bidir RPCs handlers.
// This is so that the handling thread is not associated with a specific rpc method.
class RpcHandler {
// This will be used as the "tag" argument to the various grpc calls.
struct TagData {
enum class Type {
// add more as needed...
RpcHandler* handler;
Type evt;
struct TagSet {
TagSet(RpcHandler* self)
: start_done{self, TagData::Type::start_done},
read_done{self, TagData::Type::read_done},
write_done{self, TagData::Type::write_done} {}
TagData start_done;
TagData read_done;
TagData write_done;
RpcHandler() : tags(this) {}
virtual ~RpcHandler() = default;
// The actual tag objects we'll be passing
TagSet tags;
virtual void on_ready() = 0;
virtual void on_recv() = 0;
virtual void on_write_done() = 0;
static void handling_thread_main(grpc::CompletionQueue* cq) {
void* raw_tag = nullptr;
bool ok = false;
while (cq->Next(&raw_tag, &ok)) {
TagData* tag = reinterpret_cast<TagData*>(raw_tag);
if(!ok) {
// Handle error
else {
switch (tag->evt) {
case TagData::Type::start_done:
case TagData::Type::read_done:
case TagData::Type::write_done:
void do_something_with_response(Response const&);
class MyHandler final : public RpcHandler {
using responder_ptr =
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncReaderWriter<Request, Response>>;
MyHandler(responder_ptr responder) : responder_(std::move(responder)) {
// This lock is needed because StartCall() can
// cause the handler thread to access the object.
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
~MyHandler() {
// TODO: finish/abort the streaming rpc as appropriate.
void send(const Request& msg) {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
if (!sending_) {
sending_ = true;
responder_->Write(msg, &tags.write_done);
} else {
// TODO: add some form of synchronous wait, or outright failure
// if the queue starts to get too big.
// When the rpc is ready, queue the first read
void on_ready() override {
std::lock_guard l(mutex_); // To synchronize with the constructor
responder_->Read(&incoming_, &tags.read_done);
// When a message arrives, use it, and start reading the next one
void on_recv() override {
// incoming_ never leaves the handling thread, so no need to lock
// ------ If handling is cheap and stays in the handling thread.
responder_->Read(&incoming_, &tags.read_done);
// ------ If responses is expensive or involves another thread.
// Response msg = std::move(incoming_);
// responder_->Read(&incoming_, &tags.read_done);
// do_something_with_response(msg);
// When has been sent, send the next one is there is any
void on_write_done() override {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
if (!queued_msgs_.empty()) {
responder_->Write(queued_msgs_.front(), &tags.write_done);
} else {
sending_ = false;
responder_ptr responder_;
// Only ever touched by the handler thread post-construction.
Response incoming_;
bool sending_ = false;
std::queue<Request> queued_msgs_;
std::mutex mutex_; // grpc might be thread-safe, MyHandler isn't...
int main() {
// Start the thread as soon as you have a completion queue.
auto cq = std::make_unique<grpc::CompletionQueue>();
std::thread t(RpcHandler::handling_thread_main, cq.get());
// Multiple concurent RPCs sharing the same handling thread:
MyHandler handler1(serviceA->MethodA(&context, cq.get()));
MyHandler handler2(serviceA->MethodA(&context, cq.get()));
MyHandlerB handler3(serviceA->MethodB(&context, cq.get()));
MyHandlerC handler4(serviceB->MethodC(&context, cq.get()));
If you have a keen eye, you will notice that the code above stores a bunch (1 per event type) of redundant this pointers in the handler. It's generally not a big deal, but it is possible to do without them via multiple inheritance and downcasting, but that's starting to be somewhat beyond the scope of this question.

How to use Thread to run a class Constructor

Is there a way to construct a class with specific parameters in a separate thread?
In the examples I have seen I can only see thread running functions and member functions. To be more specific, I would need it to run this constructor in a separate thread:
Thermistor(ukd_Adc * pAdc,
const lookup_table_t * pLUT,
uint8_t numOfLutElements);
I want to construct the class in a different thread to assert functionality and check for edge cases.
If there is an edge case like the pointer to ukd_Adc being NULL, the assert will make it hang in an infinite loop. This thread will allow me to set a time limit on how long the constructor may run so it does not go into an infinite loop.
This is for testing purposes since google test does not have a timeout feature to my knowledge.
If you simply want to construct an object on a separate thread and check if it has successfully finished within a specific time constrain, use:
int main() {
std::promise<std::shared_ptr<Thermistor>> promise;
std::future<std::shared_ptr<Thermistor>> future = promise.get_future();
std::thread([&promise](ukd_Adc * pAdc,
const lookup_table_t * pLUT,
uint8_t numOfLutElements) {
promise.set_value_at_thread_exit(std::make_shared<Thermistor>(pAdc, pLUT, numOfLutElements));
}, <pAdc-value>, <pLUT-value>, <numOfLutElements-value>).detach();
auto status = future.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(3));
if (status == std::future_status::ready)
// succeeded
// failed
You can use the alarm() function to raise a signal (SIGALRM) after a specified amount of time:
static bool alarmed = false;
extern "C" void handler(int signo)
alarmed = true;
signal(SIGALRM, handler);
alarm(5); // seconds to SIGALRM
// do stuff
// if (alarmed) ...
You could use pthreads start the process and when you don't like your thread anymore you can kill it off with pthread_cancel
pseudo code
start thread
cancel thread if not finished

Recovering from error in Qt

I'm implementing a system that uses 3 threads (one is GUI, one is TCP client for data acquisition and one analysis thread for calculations).
I'm having a hard time handling an exception for either one. The case that I'm trying to solve now is what happens if some calculation goes wrong, and I need to 'freeze' the system. The problem is that in some scenarios, I have data waiting in the analysis thread's event loop. How can I clear this queue safely, without handling all the events (as I said, something went wrong so I don't want any more calculations done).
Is there a way to clear an event loop for a specific thread? When can I delete the objects safely?
You question is somewhat low on details, but I assume you're using a QThread and embedding a QEventLoop in it?
You can call QEventLoop::exit(-1), which is thread safe.
The value passed to exit is the exit status, and will be the value returned from QEventLoop::exec(). I've chosen -1, which is typically used to denote an error condition.
You can then check the return code from exec(), and act accordingly.
class AnalysisThread : public QThread
void run() override
int res = _loop.exec();
if (res == -1)
// delete objects
void exit()
QEventLoop _loop;
Elsewhere, in your exception handler
// ...
catch(const CalculationError& e)

Trouble implementing generic Timer Class using boost::asio::deadline_timer

Implementing a timer class on a UI application.
Basically the problem I have is that calling would block, rendering the async_wait call useless. From reading other posts I got the impression that somehow Timer, or at least the code that calls startCountdown, should be on another thread.
Below is my code. How do I manage this in a way that is considered correct in Boost?
class Timer
Timer() : countdownTimer(io) { }
void startCountdown(int seconds)
countdownTimer.async_wait(boost::bind(&Timer::on_timeout, this, _1));; // this blocks
void on_timeout(const boost::system::error_code& e)
if (e != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) {
cout << "Timer expired!";
boost::asio::io_service io;
boost::asio::deadline_timer countdownTimer;
You shouldn't call the run member function of io_service but rahter one of :
Depending on your design goal.
Also note that boost Asio is not really designed to be a secondary library to use for some features but rather as a core element of your program, it is more a spine than an arm.
A thread dedicated to handle everything linked to the io_service could also work, but good luck synchronizing shared data between a synchronous and an asynchronous world :)

boost::asio async condition

The idea is to be able to replace multithreaded code with boost::asio and a thread pool, on a consumer/producer problem. Currently, each consumer thread waits on a boost::condition_variable - when a producer adds something to the queue, it calls notify_one/notify_all to notify all the consumers. Now what happens when you (potentially) have 1k+ consumers? Threads won't scale!
I decided to use boost::asio, but then I ran into the fact that it doesn't have condition variables. And then async_condition_variable was born:
class async_condition_variable
boost::asio::io_service& service_;
typedef boost::function<void ()> async_handler;
std::queue<async_handler> waiters_;
async_condition_variable(boost::asio::io_service& service) : service_(service)
void async_wait(async_handler handler)
void notify_one()
void notify_all()
while (!waiters_.empty()) {
Basically, each consumer would call async_condition_variable::wait(...). Then, a producer would eventually call async_condition_variable::notify_one() or async_condition_variable::notify_all(). Each consumer's handle would be called, and would either act on the condition or call async_condition_variable::wait(...) again. Is this feasible or am I being crazy here? What kind of locking (mutexes) should be performed, given the fact that this would be run on a thread pool?
P.S.: Yes, this is more a RFC (Request for Comments) than a question :).
Have a list of things that need to be done when an event occurs. Have a function to add something to that list and a function to remove something from that list. Then, when the event occurs, have a pool of threads work on the list of jobs that now need to be done. You don't need threads specifically waiting for the event.
Boost::asio can be kind of hard to wrap your head around. At least, I have difficult time doing it.
You don't need to have the threads wait on anything. They do that on their own when they don't have any work to do. The examples that seemed to look like what you wanted to do had work posted to the io_service for each item.
The following code was inspired from this link. It actually open my eyes to how you could use it do a lot of things.
I'm sure this isn't perfect, but I think it gives the general idea. I hope this helps.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
class ServerProcessor
void handleWork1(WorkObject1* work)
//The code to do task 1 goes in here
void handleWork2(WorkObject2* work)
//The code to do task 2 goes in here
boost::thread_group worker_threads_;
boost::asio::io_service io_service_;
//This is used to keep io_service from running out of work and exiting to soon.
boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service::work> work_;
void start(int numberOfThreads)
boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service::work> myWork(new boost::asio::io_service::work(io_service_));
for (int x=0; x < numberOfThreads; ++x)
worker_threads_.create_thread( boost::bind( &ServerProcessor::threadAction, this ) );
void doWork1(WorkObject1* work)
{, this, work));
void doWork2(WorkObject2* work)
{, this, work));
void threadAction()
void stop()
int main()
ServerProcessor s;
std::string input;
std::cout<<"Press f to stop"<<std::endl;
return 0;
How about using boost::signals2?
It is a thread safe spinoff of boost::signals that lets your clients subscribe a callback to a signal to be emitted.
Then, when the signal is emitted asynchronously in an io_service dispatched job all the registered callbacks will be executed (on the same thread that emitted the signal).