seticon is not working - c++

I have develop a file browser in Qt/C++. I'm displaying the files and folders but I want to add an icons if it's a files or a folders.
I have used :
item->setIcon(0,*(new QIcon(":images/file.jpg")));
But nothing is displayed. I have add the file into the project, it appears in the "Other Files"/"images" folder of the project.
Do I need to declare the file in other location and how ?

Are you developing with Qt Creator?
I think there are 2 approachs to solve this problem:
1) Try to load the file as new QIcon("qrc:/images/file.jpg"); Maybe there is a problem loading from the resources.
2) Try to change the jpg to a png file as vahancho said (jpeg library must be attached to the project to support jpeg in qt) - Jpeg qt plugin


How to add .exp file in QT project?

I am beginner in QT. I want to know is there is any way to add .exp file in QT project, or is there any work around to achieve this.
I'm not shure what is the .exp file but The Qt Resource System allow you storing files with any extension in the application's executable.
I hope it help.

Qt - How to build a standalone app with OpenCV and Qt

I was able to connect Qtwith OpenCV and the my application is working properly. But now would like that my .exe file does not have any dependencies with .dll files. I would like be able to use my application in another computer without concerns.
I tried to search in several forums but i didn´t find any solution to my problem.
Adding CONFIG += static to my .pro file is enough??
You need to add the CONFIG += static indeed, besides that you need to create a static build of OpenCV, Qt, and statically link it all into an exe.
I shared my setup here.
Just clone the repo and follow the instructions :)
check out bin2h. it can convert your dll file to a header file that you import into your project. you can then write out to file the generated header and then dynamically link it to your executable

MFC logo in a MFC application

I have an MFC application. When the application is launched, I see it is represented on the taskbar using the MFC logo. Also, the application Window Menu Bar has the MFC icon.
How can I replace these with custom made logos?
The icons are in the .ico file that is part of your project. Usually in the /res directory. You can edit them or replace them with files you generate.
The icon file is stored with your project files.
Go to <Projects Folder>\SOLUTIONNAME\PROJECTNAME\res. When you locate this folder, there should be a PROJECTNAME.ico file. rename the ico file you created to PROJECTNAME.ico. Next time you build your project, the MFC icon should be replaced with your custom icon.
I recommend going to this site mostly because it does not require any registration and its 100% free.
You can then fine a suitable icon for your program bu searching keywords.
Then select the .ICO type and download.
Copy the .ico file to your “res” folder.
Then delete the .ico file and rename the downloaded file to .ico.

failed to load platform plugin "windows" Available platforms are: windows, minimal

Hi Im trying to execute my .exe file from the debug folder.
Now before you go telling me about all the other related articles Ive looked at them all and their solutions are not helping with my problem.
Ok first off Im using Qwt library and trying to create a set of gauges. I got a gauge working now I need to get it to execute from the .exe.
Ive tried adding the platforms folder in with my directory and adding the windowsd.dll and minimald.dll but still does not work.
Please advise on any course of action this had got me stumped.
Also one post says to create a qt.conf file and place it in the directory but I cant find out how to make a .conf file.
the error reads
debug error!
File: kernel\qguiapplication.cpp
Failed to load platform plugin "windows". Available platforms are:
When deploying Qt on Windows, you have to copy over a number of the dlls from the bin folder of the Qt directory.
On my system it is:
After you copy over all the required dll's from there, like QtCore4.dll and QtGui4.dll, if you are using any additional plugins like phonon or jpeg support, you need to copy those dll's over from the plugins folder:
For example I make a folder in the folder with my exe called imageformats and I put qjpeg4.dll in that folder.
As far as Qwt works, you probably need to do a similar process to expose those dll's to your exe, and put them in the same folder as your exe.
The dll's listed above are for the "release" build of your exe. If you are running the "debug" version, it will look for <dll_name>d.dll.
The reasoning for putting in those paths has to do with the library search order that windows uses.
Qt, Phonon and multimedia codecs: how to bundle them?
Hope that helps.
If you have several executable and\or you don't want to copy plugins by hand, you can create a qt.conf file with the path to the plugin directory
Plugins = PATH_TO_QT_DIR/plugins
You need to place the qt.conf file where the executable is.
More information at

c++ qt dll not in good folder

I made an project in visual studio with QT, its something for in the taskbar with a tray icon.
but on other pc's i didnt saw the icon because they dont have de qicon.dll file.
the qicon.dll is in the folder: C:\Qt\4.6.3\plugins\imageformats but when i delete it there and i paste it at the exe location it dont work. how can i fix this?
so i need the dll but i want it in the same folder as the exe.
Please take a look at this section of the Qt documentation:
The relevant parts:
"Plugins work differently to normal DLLs, so we can't just copy them into the same directory as our application's executable as we did with the Qt DLLs. When looking for plugins, the application searches in a plugins subdirectory inside the directory of the application executable."
"An alternative to putting the plugins in the plugins subdirectory is to add a custom search path when you start your application using QApplication::addLibraryPath() or QApplication::setLibraryPaths()."
I guess that answers your question.