Elmah is not logging NullReference exception - elmah

Good afternoon,
in my project is installed elmah framework to logging exceptions. On the localhost it works fine, but when I deploy it to production it stops logging null reference exceptions. All others exceptions are logged (or I didn't find out next which is not logged).
I have set logging into SqlServer.
I can't find out what is wrong, can someone give me advice please? (How I said it loggs all exceptions what I fired but only this one is never caught)
Thank you

Well, Thomas Ardal answered right.
Problem was in the FilterConfig.cs file. Because in default settings it didn't want log any 500 errors, dangerous requests, null reference exceptions etc, i have added this lines:
public class ElmahHandleErrorAttribute : HandleErrorAttribute
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
if(filterContext.Exception is HttpRequestValidationException)
ErrorLog.GetDefault(HttpContext.Current).Log(new Error(filterContext.Exception));
and added this line to the RegisterGlobalFilters method on the first place.
filters.Add(new ElmahHandleErrorAttribute());
After that it started log some exceptions but not all. Solution is that I remove if condition and catch everything. So if anyone will have similar problem, be sure, that problem will be somewhere in filters...


Elmah Does not email in a fire and forget scenario

I have a MVC app where I am trying to capture all the incoming requests in a ActionFilter. Here is the logging code. I am trying to log in a fire and forget model.
My issue is if I execute this code synchronously by taking out the Task.Run Elmah does send out an email. But for the code shown below I can see the error getting logged to the InMemory logger in elmah.axd but no emails.
public void Log(HttpContextBase context)
Task.Run(() =>
throw new NotImplementedException(); //simulating an error condition
using (var s = _documentStore.OpenSession())
catch (Exception ex)
Got this answer from Atif Aziz (ELMAH Lead contributor) on the ELMAH google group:
When you use Task.Run, the HttpContext is not transferred to the thread pool thread on which your action will execute. When ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext is called from within your action, my guess is that it's probably failing with another exception because there is no current context. That exception is lying with the Task. If you're on .NET 4, you're lucky because you'll see the ASP.NET app crash eventually (but possibly much after the fact) when the GC will kick in and collect the Task and its exception will go “unobserved”. If you're on .NET 4.5, the policy has been changed and the exception will simply get lost. Either way, your observation will be that mailing is not working. In fact, logging won't work either unless you use Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(null).Log(new Error(ex)), where a null context is allowed. But that call only logs the error but does not do any mailing. ELMAH's modules are connected to the ASP.NET context. If you detach from that context by forking to another thread, then you cannot rely on ELMAH's modules. You can only use Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDefault(null).Log(new Error(ex)) reliably to log an error.

Should I change the log level of my unit test if it's supposed to produce an error?

I have a unit test that creates an error condition. Normally, the class under test writes this error to the logs (using log4j in this case, but I don't think that matters). I can change the log level temporarily, using
Logger targetLogger = Logger.getLogger(ClassUnderTest.class);
Level oldLvl = targetLogger.getLevel();
but that also means that if an unrelated / unintended error occurs during testing, I won't see that information in the logs either.
Is there a best practice or common pattern I'm supposed to use here? I don't like prodding the log levels if I can help it, but I also don't like having a bunch of ERROR noise in the test output, which could scare future developers.
If your logging layer permits, it is a good practice to make an assertion on the error message. You can do it by implementing your own logger that just asserts on the message (without output), or by using a memory-buffer logger and then check on the contents of the log buffer.
Under no circumstances should the error message end up in the unit-test execution log. This will cause people to get used to errors in the log and mask other errors. In short, your options are:
Most preferred: Catch the message in the harness and assert on it.
Somewhat OK: Raise the level and ignore the message.
Not OK: Don't do anything and let the log message reach stderr/syslog.
The way I approach this assuming an XUnit style of unit testing (Junit,Pyunit, etc)
#Test(expected = MyException)
foo_1() throws Exception
theTestObject.doABadThing(); //MyException here
The issue with doing logging is that someone needs to go and actually parse the log file, this is time consuming and error prone. However the test will pass above if MyException is generated and fail if it isn't. This in turn allows you to fail the build automatically instead of hoping the tester read the logs correctly.

Django 404 dilemma

I have a bug in my 404 setup. I know that because, when I try to reach some page which doesn't exist, I get my server error template. But that templates is useless because it doesn't give me any debug info. In order to get django's debug page, I need to set DEBUG=True in settings file. But if I do that, bug doesn't appear because django doesn't try to access my buggy 404 setup. So what do you guys think? This is in my root urls file:
handler404 = 'portal.blog.views.handlenotfound' And this is in portal.blog.views.handlenotfound:
def handlenotfound(request):
global common_data
datas = {
'tags' : Tag.objects.all(),
'date_list' : Post.objects.filter(yayinlandi=True).dates("pub_date","year")
return render_to_response("404.html",datas)
I guess I also need to return a HttpResponseNotFound right?
If I had to debug this kind of errors, I would either
temporarily turn the handler into a simple view served by a custom url, so that django's internal mechanisms don't get into the way, or
(temporarily) wrap the handler code in a try..except block to log any error you may have missed
Anyway, are you sure your handler doesn't get called if DEBUG=true?
data.update(common_data) should be datas.update(common_data).
(Incidentally, data is already plural: the singular is datum.)

Handling Exceptions in a critical application that should not crash

I have a server application which I am debugging which basically parses scripts (VBscript, Python, Jscript and SQl) for the application that requests it.
This is a very critical application which, if it crashes causes havoc for a lot of users. The problem I am facing is how to handle exceptions so that the application can continue and the users know if something is wrong in their scripts.
An example: In the SQL scripts the application normally returns a set of values (Date, Number, String and Number). So the scripts have to have a statement at the end as such:
into dtDate, Number, Number, sString. These are values that are built into the application and the server application knows how to interpret these. These fields are treated in the server app as part of an array. The return values should normally be in a specific order as the indexes for these fields into the array are hardcoded inside the server application.
Now when a user writing a script forgets one of these fields, then the last field (normally string) throws an IndexOutofBoundsException.
The question is how does one recover from exceptions of this nature without taking down the application?
Another example is an error in a script for which no error parsing message can be generated. These errors just disappear in the background in the application and eventually cause the server app to crash. The scripts on which it fails don't necessarily fail to execute entirely, but part of it doesn't execute and the other parts do, which makes it look fairly odd to a user.
This server app is a native C++ application and uses COM technologies.
I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on what the best way is to handle exceptions such as the ones described above without crashing the application??
You can't handle problems like this with exceptions. You could have a top-level catch block that catches the exception and hope that not too much state of the program got irrecoverably munched to try to keep the program alive. Still doesn't make the user happy, that query she is waiting for still doesn't run.
Ensuring that changes don't destabilize a critical business app requires organization. People that sign-off on the changes and verify that they work as intended before it is allowed into production. QA.
since you talk about parsing different languages, you probably have something like
class IParser //parser interface
virtual bool Parse( File& fileToParse, String& errMessage ) = 0;
class VBParser : public Parser
class SQLParser : public Parser
Suppose the Parse() method throws an exception that is not handled, your entire app crashes. Here's a simplified example how this could be fixed at the application level:
//somewhere main server code
void ParseFileForClient( File& fileToParse )
String err;
if( !currentParser->Parse( fileToParse, err ) )
ReportErrorToUser( err );
//process parser result
catch( std::exception& e )
ReportErrorToUser( FormatExceptionMessage( err ) );
catch( ... )
ReportErrorToUser( "parser X threw unknown exception; parsing aborted" );
If you know an operation can throw an exception, then you need to add exception handling to this area.
Basically, you need to write the code in an exception safe manner which usually uses the following guidelines
Work on temporary values that can throw exceptions
Commit the changes using the temp values after (usually this will not throw an exception)
If an exception is thrown while working on the temp values, nothing gets corrupted and in the exception handling you can manage the situation and recover.
It really depends on how long it takes to start up your server application. It may be safer to let the application crash and then reload it. Or taking a cue from Chrome browser run different parts of your application in different processes that can crash. If you can safely recover an exception and trust that your application state is ok then fine do it. However catching std::exception and continuing can be risky.
There are simple to complex ways to baby sit processes to make sure if they crash they can be restarted. A couple of tools I use.
bluepill http://asemanfar.com/Bluepill:-a-new-process-monitoring-tool
pacemaker http://www.clusterlabs.org/
For simple exceptions that can happen inside your program due to user errors,
simply save the state that can be changed, and restore it like this:
try {
} catch(std::exception& e){
If you want to prevent external code from crashing (possible untrustable code like plugins), you need an IPC scheme. On Windows, I think you can memory map files with OpenFile(). On POSIX-systems you can use sem_open() together with mmap().
If you have a server. You basically have a main loop that waits for a signal to start up a job. The signal could be nothing and your server just goes through a list of files on the file system or it could be more like a web server where it waits for a connection and executes the script provided on the connection (or any thing like that).
while(job = jobList.getJob())
To stop the server from crashing because of the scripts you need to encapsulate the external jobs in a protected region.
// Don't bother to catch exceptions from here.
// This probably means you have a programming error in the server.
while(job = jobList.getJob())
// Catch exception from job.execute()
// as these exceptions are generally caused by the script.
catch(MyServerException const& e)
// Something went wrong with the server not the script.
// You need to stop. So let the exception propagate.
catch(std::exception const& e)
log(job, e.what());
log(job, "Unknown exception!");
If the server is critical to your operation then just detecting the problem and logging it is not always enough. A badly written server will crash so you want to automate the recovery. So you should write some form of heartbeat processes that checks at regular intervals if the processes has crashed and if it has automatically restart it.

Castle MonoRail & ELMAH

Is anyone using Castle MonoRail and ELMAH with success?
We are using a number of Resuces to present users with friendly error messages, but if we do this the exceptions never get as far as ELMAH as the MonoRail rescue intercepts them.
Ideally we want the user to see the rescue, but for the exception to be logged in ELMAH.
Any ideas/pointers?
After looking at the links Macka posted, I wrote this simple monorail exception handler:
public class ElmahExceptionHandler : AbstractExceptionHandler {
public override void Process(IRailsEngineContext context) {
Then I registered it in web.config, monorail section:
<extension type="Castle.MonoRail.Framework.Extensions.ExceptionChaining.ExceptionChainingExtension, Castle.MonoRail.Framework"/>
<exceptionHandler type="MyNamespace.ElmahExceptionHandler, MyAssembly"/>
And that's it.
After also posting on Google Groups it looks like Atif may have pointed me in the right direction.
You might want to look into error
signaling in ELMAH. It is designed for
scenarios where you want to pass an
exception through ELMAH's pipeline
even if it is being handled/swallowed.
Here are some pointers to get started
with error signaling: