Castle MonoRail & ELMAH - elmah

Is anyone using Castle MonoRail and ELMAH with success?
We are using a number of Resuces to present users with friendly error messages, but if we do this the exceptions never get as far as ELMAH as the MonoRail rescue intercepts them.
Ideally we want the user to see the rescue, but for the exception to be logged in ELMAH.
Any ideas/pointers?

After looking at the links Macka posted, I wrote this simple monorail exception handler:
public class ElmahExceptionHandler : AbstractExceptionHandler {
public override void Process(IRailsEngineContext context) {
Then I registered it in web.config, monorail section:
<extension type="Castle.MonoRail.Framework.Extensions.ExceptionChaining.ExceptionChainingExtension, Castle.MonoRail.Framework"/>
<exceptionHandler type="MyNamespace.ElmahExceptionHandler, MyAssembly"/>
And that's it.

After also posting on Google Groups it looks like Atif may have pointed me in the right direction.
You might want to look into error
signaling in ELMAH. It is designed for
scenarios where you want to pass an
exception through ELMAH's pipeline
even if it is being handled/swallowed.
Here are some pointers to get started
with error signaling:


Web Service Error 400 - Bad Request

I have a perplexing issue. I have Web Service A (henceforth WSA), a 3.5 .Net WCF, which I have added a call to Web Service B (henceforth WSB) which is a 3.5 .Net ASMX. When running WSA in the client (SOAPUI or WCFStorm), the WSB call times out per the client timeout setting.
In the VS event viewer I can see that the call to WSB immediately throws two error 400s:
Exception thrown: 'System.Net.WebException' in System.dll ("The remote
server returned an error: (400) Bad Request."). Exception thrown:
'System.Net.WebException' in System.dll ("The remote server returned
an error: (400) Bad Request.")
No reason is given. What is just as puzzling to me is the error doesn't go to my catch. When I debug and I hit the line of code that calls WSB, it's like a reset. No further code gets executed and no error is thrown by my WSA.
If I call WSB directly, it works. So nothing is wrong with WSB. At suggestion of a coworker, I took the code specific to my change and put it in a stand-alone service. I literally C&P the code and configs setting specific to me and adjust namespaces and class names. Lo and behold it works. My stand-alone web service called WSB just fine and get the data I expect.
A coworker and I checked the logs (IIS log for the service and the HTTPERR log) on the IIS server that WSB resides on to see if there was any mention of the 400 error. We found none.
So we are kind of perplexed at this point. The only thing we can think of is perhaps something in the web config might be interfering but have no idea what it could be.
If you have any suggestions of where else to look that would be helpful.
And it would be nice to know why it isn't falling into my error handler.
Update: It was requested I add config and code. I don't think it will help honestly and it is pretty straightforward. I can't put the real code due to company reasons but it is basically this:
In web config:
<add key="endpointUrl" value = "someurl" />
<setting name="MyService_TheirService"
Even though the data is super small I did try making large reader settings and such:
<binding name="CustomHtttpBinding" maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" closeTimeout="01:50:00" openTimeout="01:50:00" sendTimeout="01:50:00" receiveTimeout="01:50:00" >
<readerQuotas maxDepth="128"
maxNameTableCharCount="16384" />
using MyService.TheirService
var theirURL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["endpointUrl"];
var oSvc = new TheirServiceObject
Url = theirURL
int numberIneed = oSvc.SomeMethod();
That last line is where it throws the 400.
A colleague show me how to use Fiddler. And I can now see that the request to WSB is absolute garbage.
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Some odd encoding? At least it's another clue.
Wanted to let you know this problem was solved. Another Dev that had worked on this service before but no longer just happened to walk by and I said "Hey! Look at this!"
They saw the garbage request data and said "That looks like compression. Look up compression in the project."
Turn out there was a custom compression component that was compressing the outgoing data of the service and you needed to add 2 lines of code to decompress. After adding those lines to the top of my method everything immediately worked.
The lesson here is if your project is doing some weird stuff that defies reason, try and find as many people as you can that worked on it before even if they aren't working on it anymore.

WSO2 AS 5.2.1. Servlet Exception while making the decision : java.lang.NullPointerException

i was actual trying this tutorial:
on the authentication with admin:admin on localhost:9763/Entitlement_Sample_WebApp/protected.jsp i encountered an error:
org.wso2.carbon.identity.entitlement.filter.exception.EntitlementFilterException: Exception while making the decision : java.lang.NullPointerException
My WSO2 IS PDP receives the request and responds also correctly with a XACML Response : Permit
so where could be the problem ??
thank you
The problem caused by an error of EntitlementFilter, so I could solve this by correcting the source file (line 191)
like below:
simpleDecision = decisionElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName("Result")).getFirstChildWithName(new QName("Decision")).getText();
rewrite it:
simpleDecision = decisionElement.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(“urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:core:schema:wd-17″,”Result”)).
getFirstChildWithName(new QName(“urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:core:schema:wd-17″,”Decision”)).getText();
It ommitted namespace in QName method
The detail is here (
Sorry, it is written in Korean, but I wish it could helpful.
It could be anywhere starting from this line : pepProxy.getDecision(userName, resource, action, env)
It could be in your pepProxy code, where they are getting back the result, or might be in the other lines after this call in that try catch.
One thing is sure PDP is not at all culprit.
Please paste your full exception here if you want to know precise problem + Solution.

Elmah is not logging NullReference exception

Good afternoon,
in my project is installed elmah framework to logging exceptions. On the localhost it works fine, but when I deploy it to production it stops logging null reference exceptions. All others exceptions are logged (or I didn't find out next which is not logged).
I have set logging into SqlServer.
I can't find out what is wrong, can someone give me advice please? (How I said it loggs all exceptions what I fired but only this one is never caught)
Thank you
Well, Thomas Ardal answered right.
Problem was in the FilterConfig.cs file. Because in default settings it didn't want log any 500 errors, dangerous requests, null reference exceptions etc, i have added this lines:
public class ElmahHandleErrorAttribute : HandleErrorAttribute
public override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
if(filterContext.Exception is HttpRequestValidationException)
ErrorLog.GetDefault(HttpContext.Current).Log(new Error(filterContext.Exception));
and added this line to the RegisterGlobalFilters method on the first place.
filters.Add(new ElmahHandleErrorAttribute());
After that it started log some exceptions but not all. Solution is that I remove if condition and catch everything. So if anyone will have similar problem, be sure, that problem will be somewhere in filters...

Sitecore context in HttpHandler

I have HttpTaskAsyncHandler in my sitecore solution and i call it I have sutup IngnoreUrlPrefix and etc.
By some reason i can't get access to SC.Context.Database Database is null in ProcessRequestAsync(HttpContext context) method,
it looks like I don't access to Sitecore context in HttpHandler.
How to resolve it ?
You wont be able to access Sitecore Context (Database or Item) in the Handler. We have confirmed this with Sitecore Support for our task.
The best way is Implement a Processor in the Request pipeline begin.
How to Implement
Inherit HttpRequestProcessor in your class found in (using Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest;)
and add that Processor after SiteResolver in < httpRequestBegin >
<processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.SiteResolver, Sitecore.Kernel" />
<!-- Custom Module -->
<processor type="SND641.Customization.RobotsModule, SND641" />
If you choose to ignore your script file (by using IgnoreUrlPrefix), then you it will not be processed by Sitecore's request pipeline and thus will not have a Sitecore context.
I think you can solve it by removing your url prefix from IgnoreUrlPrefix and make sure the file extension of your handler is added to the allowed extensions parameter of the FilterUrlExtensions pipeline processor:
<processor type="Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.FilterUrlExtensions, Sitecore.Kernel">
<param desc="Allowed extensions (comma separated)">aspx</param>
This way you can call your script and still have Sitecore process all the pipelines.
You can get context without pipeline. Along with web.config handler definition, you will need to add under customHandler. It helps in getting sitecore context. E.g
<handler trigger="blogfeed.xml" handler="blogfeed.xml" />
I'm sorry if I'm not getting exactly what you are trying to do. But by working with handlers I did have issues that my code was not able to access the sitecore object even when I updated the web.config and
I noticed that my handler was like this:
public class GetHandler: IHttpHandler
by adding the System.web.SessionState.IrequiresSessionStatem, like this:
public class GetHandler : IHttpHandler, System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState
then everything started to work and I was able to get items from sitecore without issues:
Public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
Database webdb = Factory.GetDatabase("web");
previous my change the webdb was coming with nothing and the code was coming back with "Command "Sitecore.Database" is not valid"
after that changes, as I said, everything worked for me.
I hope this helps and adds some value to the existing answers.

How to enable and disable ELMAH in web.config and in code behind?

I am using ELMAH for error reporting in my ASP.NET projects. Everything is working great, except when I debug a project I don't want to send an email report to the allowed users.
How can I accomplish this feat?
Assuming you have different web.config files for your development and production environments, just disable Elmah in your development web.config. You'll want to comment out (or remove) the Elmah.ErrorLogModule element in the httpModules section.
Maybe you can use ErrorFiltering to turn off the email logging in the Global.asax. Something like:
void ErrorMail_Filtering(object sender, ExceptionFilterEventArgs e)
Another way is to use the ErrorMail_Mailing method. When ELMAH sends the email, it runs this first (when present in global.asax.cs)
public void ErrorMail_Mailing(object sender, ErrorMailEventArgs e)
e.Mail.Subject = "Error in Development";
The example above can be via the the transformations in web.Debug.config & web.Release.config. But there is a lot more you can do in this method. See