Set Founder Adminstrator Permissions phpbb - admin

I would like to install a new style in my forum.
As an administrator I go to the control panel and missing the Styles tab.
Any ideas?

I managed to get the styles tab by going to the list of users and then navigate to the adminstrator profile. From there on the way to the admin control panel is quite easy.
As #Eeji mentioned, a user cannot set permission to himself. Even not asministrator.


Disable/Hide/Remove Docs menu in Apache Airflow GUI

I have installed Airflow in my Ubuntu system and trying to deploy Airflow to production. I would like to turn off the menu Docs on the UI (browser).
I was reading setting permissions on the menus here access-control but it is hard to turn off this menu for each role. I am curious to know if we can Disable/Hide/Remove Docs menu from the root.
There's no one-click way to turn it off globally. I wonder why it's hard to turn it off for each role? The only way to truly perform this in one action is to query the metastore directly and remove the menu access on Docs permission from all roles using a single SQL query.
Assuming you don't have too many roles, it takes just a few clicks in the UI. First you'll need Admin permissions and go to Security -> List Roles. In there, edit each role and remove the menu access on Docs permission.

Google Cloud doesn't allow me to create my first project with admin role

I'm trying to create my first project in google cloud with organization's administrator account. I have access to the administrator's email and passwords and I am logging in with that account to do so. The problem is that when I click on create new project I receive the following error:
There was an error while loading /home/dashboard?project=proven-now-305315&authuser=1.
You are missing at least one of the following required permissions:
Check that the project ID is valid and you have permissions to access it. Learn more
Send feedback
The detail is that in my resource administration panel I already gave the permission that they ask me to the resource as shown in the following image:
As I have read, the project IAM Admin role should grant the resourcemanager.projects.get role and as you can see in the image the resource rcv # .. which is the administrator has it activated, however I keep trying to create a new project and it doesn't allow me to do it. Any idea?
In case anybody else, like me, reaches this answer, I want to point out that the accepted answer is correct, but for me I had to also make sure that within the settings, I ensured that Project Creation Settings on the right pane and under the section of Cloud Resource Manager Api Settings was set to on. It was turned off by default. Many people on my team overlooked this as it is significantly smaller text.
This may be an option that was not present before or it was turned on by default in the past. For us, it was turned off.
Please refer to the included image for a visual representation of the
settings that need to be turned on.
The problem was for some reason the Google Cloud was disable for all users, I solved following this instructions. Solved with this!
To activate this service, please follow the steps:
Access the admin console and go to Apps -> Additional Google Services
Look for the service “Google Cloud Platform” and click on the box next to it
In to top right corner click in “ON”
Confirm you want to turn it on in the pop-up box.

Django staff user can't see any application

I have a group of user called "support". I want them to be able to log in the django admin site, view and modifiy the instances of the class "HelpContextual" of the application "support".
So I created a group "support" with the permission support | help contextual | Can change help contextual. The users can log in the django admin site, but they can't see any application.
I tried to give them all the permissions of the "support" application, but still, they can't see the support app. If I use a direct link to change a "help contextual" like this one : admin/support/helpcontextual/5/change/, I get a 403.
I feel like I'm missing something obvious... Can you point it to me ?
Make sure you have done the following steps.
Add group `Support.
Under available permissions select support | help contextual | Can change help contextual from Available Permissions and then make sure you have clicked on the arrow pointing to Change Permissions. This will move the specific permission to Change Permissions.
Click Save.
Create or open users.
Select Active and Staff Users.
Select Support from Available Groups and click the arrow pointing to Chosen Groups. This will move the Support group to Chosen Group.
Don't make any change to User Permissions unless you want to grant additional permissions to any specific user.
Click save.
Have the user logout and log back in.
Answered here
I had a custom backend and removed the default django authentication backend...

Sitecore restrict access to webpage

I am working on a website that uses Sitecore CMS. An intranet webpart was already created with restricted access.
In this intranet I've created a new page which should only be visible for 1 role. I have created the new role. I tried to mess around with the security of the page in the content editor (Security --> Assign). I published the changes. But no matter what I do, it doesn't seem to have any effect.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Open the sitecore desktop ( http://yoururl/sitecore/shell ), click on the 'sitecore' button, then 'security tools' and 'security editor'.
Select the 'anonymous user' account in the ribbon, click on the chosen page in the tree, and click 'x' near 'read'.
Then click 'select' in the ribbon and choose the proper role. Once again select the chosen node and allow 'Read' rights for the role.
Once it's done, you can use 'Access viewer' app (once again sitecore button and security tools on the desktop) to check whether the rights are set properly.
The trick is probably to deny access for the extranet\Anonymous user and then grant access for the role.
I like to use the Access Viewer or the Security Editor for that, instead of the Content Editor as it gives you a better overview.
Make sure to put inheritance to good use so you don't have to set security to each item individually but rather on the root of the site (if possible).
I advice you to take a look at the Sitecore Security Administrators Cookbook:

Add To Timeline button not requesting publish_actions permission

I'm using the xfbml Add To Timeline social plugin (, but when I click it the permissions dialog I get just says "Access my basic information" and sure enough it isn't actually getting me the publish_actions permission I need to use the timeline. I tried specifying the perm explicitly on the tag like so:<fb:add-to-timeline show-face="false" mode="button" perms="publish_actions"></fb:add-to-timeline> but no luck.
This was working fine yesterday and suddenly now it isn't. I'm wondering if this has something to do with my adding and removing my app from my facebook account multiple times?
This was driving me crazy for a long while. In my case, I fixed it by enabling 'Enhanced Auth Dialog' under the Advanced tab of my app settings.
When asking for publish_actions Facebook shows a preview screen of what sort of aggregations your app will create on their timeline.
In other words, if the preview isn't working, Facebook won't ask for the permission so you're asking in vain. Facebook doesn't make this clear in the docs, but everything needs to be perfectly setup with your app on Facebook to get this to work right.
Enable Enhanced Auth Dialong in the advanced settings of the app
Make sure you have at least one action and one object set up in the open graph section
For each action you must have an aggregation set up.
If you do not do all of these steps, there can be no preview and so Facebook won't ask for permission no matter what.
I faced the same issue. I fixed it by doing the below mentioned two thiings.
a. Enabled 'Enhanced Auth dialog' from 'advanced' setting of the app.
b. blanked 'user and friend permissions' along with 'extended permissions' tab on 'auth dialog' page.
I am not sure what it did, but it started working.
BUT.. Even though the authentication works and the posts are reflecting on my timeline, the add-to-timeline button still shows, 'Add to Timeline'..
The other trick i used is to keep checking the app permissions under account setting tab of my profile page.
Hope this helps !
From Apps -> Settings -> Auth Dialog:
While in Open Graph Beta, the 'publish_actions' permission can only be
requested from developers and test users of your app. The
'publish_actions' permission will be ignored if requested from any
other user.
I had the Enhanced Auth Dialog enabled in the Advanced Settings, yet this did not work until I added a Aggregation Preview for the activity. Strange, but true.
Hope this helps.
The publish_actions permission appears only if the user has added timeline OR if your app is a game. I suppose it will also be available for apps when Timeline will be rolled out to all users...