Sitecore restrict access to webpage - sitecore

I am working on a website that uses Sitecore CMS. An intranet webpart was already created with restricted access.
In this intranet I've created a new page which should only be visible for 1 role. I have created the new role. I tried to mess around with the security of the page in the content editor (Security --> Assign). I published the changes. But no matter what I do, it doesn't seem to have any effect.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Open the sitecore desktop ( http://yoururl/sitecore/shell ), click on the 'sitecore' button, then 'security tools' and 'security editor'.
Select the 'anonymous user' account in the ribbon, click on the chosen page in the tree, and click 'x' near 'read'.
Then click 'select' in the ribbon and choose the proper role. Once again select the chosen node and allow 'Read' rights for the role.
Once it's done, you can use 'Access viewer' app (once again sitecore button and security tools on the desktop) to check whether the rights are set properly.

The trick is probably to deny access for the extranet\Anonymous user and then grant access for the role.
I like to use the Access Viewer or the Security Editor for that, instead of the Content Editor as it gives you a better overview.
Make sure to put inheritance to good use so you don't have to set security to each item individually but rather on the root of the site (if possible).
I advice you to take a look at the Sitecore Security Administrators Cookbook:


In Sharepoint 2013, how do I hide the content of a List?

I want to restrict users from seeing the content of a list when they navigate to "site/Lists//AllItems.aspx". All I want them to see is the message "There are no items to show in this view of the "" list." I've already checked permissions but everything is set properly. We are not using audience targeting.
Configure the list view to use a filter that returns no result. For example, if the smallest ID in the list is 9, set the filter to show ID equals 8
Such hacks will not prevent savvy users from viewing the data though. Access and permissions should be configured properly. Consider removing user access to that list entirely, so only administrators can see it.
First break permission on your list or library by "Stop Inheriting Permissions"
Go to the list, library, or survey and open it.
Go to the Permissions page using the steps in the previous section.
To break permissions inheritance from the parent, select Stop Inheriting Permissions.
Assign unique permissions in SharePoint 2019, 2016, or 2013 server
You must break inheritance from the parent site before you can grant unique permissions. Once you've broken inheritance using the steps in the section above, follow these steps to grant unique permissions:
Go to the list, library, or survey and open it.
Go to the Permissions page using the steps in the previous section.
Select Grant Permissions on the Permissions tab.
Delete Unique Permissions button
Note: If the list or library is inheriting from the parent, you won't see Grant Permissions.
In the Share... dialog box, make sure Invite people is selected, and then type the names of the people or group you want to grant access to in the Enter names or email addresses... box.
Share dialog box
Add a personal message if you like.
Check or uncheck Share everything in this folder, even items with unique permissions. This will grant or restrict access to items you already set unique permissions for. (This option is only available for folders.)
The permission level granted is set to Edit by default, which means the people you invite can make some changes to the list, library, or survey. If you want to grant a different permission level like Read only, click Show options and change the selection in the Select a permission level box.
An email message will be sent to everyone in the Invite people box. If you don't want this to happen, click Show options, and uncheck Send an email invitation.
When you're done, click Share.
Hope this can solve your issue:

Cannot add component in draft state Editor role

If I have an item in draft state and I go to Experience Editor, the add new component is disabled and I cannot add any new components for an Editor role.
Any idea where should I look?
It sounds like member Roles are the issue here.
Look into including one of the Designer roles (Designer / Sitecore Client Designing)
From Sitecore security roles documentation:
Sitecore Client Designing
Gives the user access to Experience Editor Design pane features that allow a user to set layout details associated with items in the Sitecore client.
Members of this role are: Designer
Gives the user read and write access to the areas of the content tree
that are required when changing layout details for individual items
and groups of items via template standard values, as well as items
required when configuring the Experience Editor Design Pane.
This role also has two of the Sitecore Client roles assigned to it, so
if you assign just this role to a user, the Sitecore Client Designing
and Sitecore Client Users roles will be automatically assigned to the
This role provides access to the Experience Editor Design Pane
features and the designer options in the Content Editor.
Note This role is not a member of the Author and Authoring roles, so
it does not allow users to edit items.
Members of this role are: Developer
This sounds like a a workflow security issue. I would recommend using the Access Viewer to check the user's access to the item you are trying to edit. If it tells you that there is no access, the right side of the tool should tell you why. If the 'why' is workflow state access, you probably need to adjust your security on the Workflow state for 'Draft'.

Sitecore - protect page and child pages except for Sitecore group

Using Sitecore 8, build 3, MVC. I have a page (\MustBeSecure) on a Sitecore 8 site and I do NOT want any users to access this unless they are in a specific security group ("sitecore\IhaveAccess").
I've looked into Content Editor for the item, clicked on the Security profile tab but believe that is for content editing.
Any help is appreciated on this.
///////// Update - Now working /////////
I should have noted we are using Active Directory with auto authentication. Per Martin's post I started looking # Access viewer
** please note on these screen shots I overlay the actual names of the pages (and group name) to test-page and secure page (and IHaveAccess)**.
Thanks for the assistance!!
Screen shot 1:
Screen shot 2:
Screen Shot 3: default\Anonymous
Screen shot 4: Security / Details from Content Editor for page
Use Access Viewer to achieve that (Sitecore --> Security Tools --> Access Viewer).
Select default\anonymous user (those are everyone who not logged in) then select your page, then click Assign and set Deny permission (you would probably also consider setting that recursively with setting Inherintance also to Deny).
Then pick up your role Sitecore\IHaveAccess and repeat previous step with setting Allow permission
And below is the screenshot of a dialog you get after clicking Assign button, there are actual permissions you set for the user / role, as well as inherritance.
Hope this answers your question.

Set Founder Adminstrator Permissions phpbb

I would like to install a new style in my forum.
As an administrator I go to the control panel and missing the Styles tab.
Any ideas?
I managed to get the styles tab by going to the list of users and then navigate to the adminstrator profile. From there on the way to the admin control panel is quite easy.
As #Eeji mentioned, a user cannot set permission to himself. Even not asministrator.

give a role access to specific folder in Sitecore 6.5

I have a user who's been assigned the sitecore/Analytics Reporting role (member of Sitecore Client Users), and when I log in with that user I can see Marketing Center, Engagement Analytics and Executive Dashboard. I now want to give this user read access to a content item, but I can't make it work.
First of all, the sitecore/Analytics Reporting role already has read access to the content editor etc (inherited from the Everyone role), so why can't I see it? I created another role with explicit read access to the content item and assigned it to the same user, but I still can't see it. Does anyone know what I need to do for the user to see the content item?
I seen this a few times before with older Sitecore versions. Doing a Sitecore cache clear or IIS reset resolved it at that time.
After checking with Sitecore support they told me you have to add Sitecore Client Designer to your role (even though the Access Viewer shows you have read access you still won't be able to see it until you've added this role).