Unable to run WAMP Server - wamp

I tried installing WAMP Server in Win 7 64 bit version. I got "MSVCR100.DLL" missing I downloaded and installed. Again unable to run then I downloaded and installed "VCREDIST_x64.exe from stachoverflow site. Still m unable to run WAMP Server. Please help me out in this regard.

Uninstall wamp and then install VCREDIST_x64.exe first and then install the wamp 64 bit... If it's doesn't work you can try installing wamp server 32 bit even on a 64 bit as an alternative you can go for XAMMP server.


Wamp Server Staying on Yellow (Windows 8.1 64 bit)

I am trying to run a WAMP server and it stays on Yellow every time, since Apache wont run. I tried Installing the Service, I changed the port, I changed the settings on my Skype, which even when not running, it still doesn't work. None of the methods I found online works. I am running a 64 bit computer with Windows 8.1.

Configuration of modwsgi with wamp server

I would like to deploy a Django application in a production environment (Windows Server 2012 R2).
I am unable to configure modwsgi for a WAMP server.
There are a few posts for this topic, however it seems that all are old and not applicable now. All the posts say that I should have the .so file of modwsgi, but I am unable to find this file.
I have downloaded the source code for modwsgi and also .whl file, but don't know how to configure.
System configuration is as follows:
Operating System: Windows Server 2012 R2 (64 bit)
WAMP Server 2.5
Python 3.4
Django 1.7
Have you looked at the official mod_wsgi download area at all?
All the release notes specifically say to read:

How do I go about installing ColdFusion 11 Trial on an Ubuntu 14.04?

I want to try changing my development environment from Windows 8 to Ubuntu so I would like to know if it is possible to install CF11 Trial on an Ubuntu? It will be my first time working with Linux. I already know how to install Postgre 9.3 and pgAdmin. I'm clueless with CF though. Can anyone help me?
Ubuntu 13.04 and 13.10 are supported with ColdFusion 11. Here is the list of supported environments. You can download CF11 here. For installation instructions, see: Installing the Server Configuration

What is the difference between installing WampServer versus components

What are the differences between installing an Open Source package that I found called WampServer versus installing each component separately (Apache, PHP, MySQL)?
I will be installing this on a Windows 7 laptop which is for development purposes. The production machine is Linux although I've never had problems in the past just picking up my php code from a Windows machine and putting it on a linux machine.
Thanks ahead of time for the replies.
Wamp is for quick setup of a developement enviroment. Wamp is also configured on a low security level. If you have an other production system, there is no need to install all the components separately.

Wamp 5.1 and wamp 5.3 on same machine?

I want to install wamp 5.1 and wamp 5.3 on same machine. My operating system is Windows XP.
I have initially wamp 5.3. So, i installed wamp5.1. But, I am unable to find wamp 5.3.
How can i install both version versions?
Easy answer from the top of my head, install a virtual machine and the other WAMP server on it. Then you can configure shared folders and access the VM Server from the host browser.