Interrupt/Exception caught - c++

mingw32-make: Interrupt/Exception caught (code = 0xc0000005, addr = 0x61207374)
When I run make on the windows prompt I get this error. I saw an article that said it has to do with the order of the paths specified on the Path environment variable. I made sure that MinGW/bin is the first path on the list (because that is where I'm getting mingw32-make but nonetheless I still get this error.
It works on the Git Bash prompt but strangely not on this Windows command prompt.

The problem was that I had some paths in my PATH variable that conflicted with make. Taking them out solved the problem.


VS Code Error when compiling C++ Program: 'cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I attempted to follow through on VS Code's method on making C++ code work on their editor. I did this successfully on my laptop but when I tried compiling it, I was met with the error:
* Executing task: C/C++: g++.exe build active file
Starting build...
C:\msys64\mingw64\bin\g++.exe -fdiagnostics-color=always -g "C:\Users\salty\Documents\Programming\C++ Scripts\myProgram\main.cpp" -o "C:\Users\salty\Documents\Programming\C++ Scripts\myProgram\main.exe"
'cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Build finished with error(s).
* The terminal process failed to launch (exit code: -1).
* Terminal will be reused by tasks, press any key to close it.
This is the entire error message plus extra things in my editor.
If I try and copy and paste the command in the message into Windows Power Shell, it actually works (New .exe file appeared in the correct directory and runs without fault).
These are my environment variables for User, and these are my System variables.
I've tried uninstalling and re-installing and changing the paths around. I'm new to C++ programming and how compilers work in general, but I'm not sure why VS Studio says it doesn't recognize cmd among others it could've not recognized.
Why is it giving me this error?
Edit: I believe I didn't include a return 0; line in the program. Correcting this did not fix the issue.
I am not sure what I poked into place or if I just was too incompetent to realize something, however adding %SystemRoot%\system32 to my PSModulePath environment variables somehow fixed the issue, and since that action I have yet to replicate the compile error.
I don't know if adding that variable to my environments permanently fixed it or VS Studio needed a moment to process some things. Thanks anyways!

Trouble building BGFX on Windows w/ MinGW

Trying to build bgfx. Following the documentation for building it, I run make mingw-gcc.
This, originally resulted in Set MINGW environment variable & make.exe": *** [mingw-gcc-debug32] Error 127 so I set the MINGW environment variable, and this got rid of the Set MINGW environment variable message. However, I still get the same error:
make.exe": *** [mingw-gcc-debug32] Error 127, and I also noticed:
C:/(directory to my project)/extern/bgfx/C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/bin/make.exe: No such file or directory. Like the directory to make.exe was being appended onto the end of the directory to bgfx. I'm at a complete loss as to why or even how this is happening, and I've no idea how to fix it. I've tried changing the MINGW environment variable, using mingw32-make, specifying mingw-gcc-release64, etc... To be honest, I don't even know if this is related solely to bgfx or if it's a problem with make or whatever Idk... Shooting my shot here to see if anyone can help.

mingw32-make access denied when building wxWidgets

I get an error when I execute mingw32-make in cmd with the makefile.gcc found in the build\msw folder of the wxWidget decompressed zip. I followed the steps shown in this tutorial video.
The error is:
make (e=5): Acceso denegado.
mingw32-make: [makefile.gcc:5354: clean] Error 5 (ignored)
I tried adding "Everyone" with total control to the security tab in the properties option of the folder in which I had decompressed wxWidgets.
I changed the same option for make.exe file in C:\msys64\mingw64\bin
I read that it could be the antivirus, I'm using Windows Defender, I switched off the real time protection but it didn't change anything.
First of all, this is not a fatal error, as indicated by "(ignored)" at the end, so it's not clear what your actual problem is -- does the library get compiled or not?
Second, to debug problems such as this one, you could use the Process Monitor tool where you can find out accessing which file exactly triggers this error -- this could give you at least some idea. Without knowing it, it's really impossible to know what goes wrong on your machine.

How can I solve this error in OMNest 5.5.1?

I get the following error:
Exception occurred executing command line.
Cannot run program "C:/OMNEST-5.5.1/samples/enera/lteAdvanced/enera.exe" (in directory "C:\OMNEST-5.5.1\samples\enera\lte"): CreateProcess error=2, The System cannot find the file.
I already built the project many times. I have tried to make a simplier already given example from omnet just to check if this is working. It is working. But if I copy this example in my Project it also doesn't work, so there is sth wrong with my Project file. But it seems to be correct. I just have one Connection and kept it really really simple. But it doesn't work. I have installed Omnest and inet correctly.
The most likely cause is that the EXE file cannot find the omnet++ dynamic libraries it tries the load. And the most likely reason is that you are trying to execute the executable from a CMD prompt instead of from the shell provided by the mingwenv.cmd script.
Everything you do in OMNeT++ (including starting the simulations) must be run from the mingwenv shell.

What needs to be done to get a distributable program from Eclipse?

I’ve produced a C++ program in Eclipse running on Redhat, which compiles and runs fine through Eclipse.
I thought that to run it separately to Eclipse you use the build artifact which is in the directory set via the project’s properties.
However this executable doesn’t run (I know it’s an executable as I’ve set it to be an executable via the project’s properties and it shows up as such via the ls command and the file explorer).
When attempting to run it using the executable’s name, I get the error:
bash: <filename>: command not found
When attempting to run it as a bash file:
<filename>: <filename>: cannot execute binary file
And when running it with "./" before the file name, nothing happens. Nothing new appears in the running processes and the terminal just goes to the next line as though I’d just pressed enter with no command.
Any help?
You've more or less figure out the first error yourself. when you just run <filename> , it is not in your PATH environment variable, so you get "command not found". You have to give a full or relative path when to the program in order to run it, even if you're in the same directory as the program - you run it with ./<filename>
When you do run your program, it appears to just exit as soon as you start it - we can't help much with that without knowing what the program does or see some code.
You can do some debugging, e.g. after the program just exits run echo $? to see if it exited with a particular exit value, or run your program using the strace tool to see what it does (or do it the usual way, insert printf debugging, or debug it with gdb)