Display a Console in Qt - c++

I want to add a console to my application, and here's my problem.
In Qt Creator, I create a new Project, I select 'Qt Console Application', convert it from using QCoreApplication to QApplication, add core gui widgets to the QT configuration flag in the project file, and it works. I can create windows while having a console window. So the project file looks like this...
QT += core gui widgets
TARGET = ConsoleApp
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
This is working perfectly and I could develop a full GUI app with this; however, the app is already built. When I created the project for the app, I chose 'Qt Widgets Application'. So I thought I could just copy the configuration of the ConsoleApp's project file over to my app's project file. So My apps project file looks like this...
QT += core gui widgets
CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
But this is not showing me a console and I don't understand why. I know I could just create a Console Application and just transfer my source over which right there solves my problem, but I wanna know... why is the console not showing up in my GUI app despite using the exact same configuration as the console app in the project file?
I'm compiling with Qt 5.3.1 MSVC2013 OpenGL 64bit on Windows 8 64bit, all in Qt Creator 3.1.2

By default, GUI apps don't have the terminal enabled in QtCreator. Enabling it is simple:
In the left sidebar, click Projects
At the top, select your project's Run tab
In the Run section, check the Run in terminal checkbox

Ok, it turns out the console only shows up when directly running the deployed executable, meaning actually navigating to it and running it manually, not by running it within Qt Creator. I should've tested this first before posting the question, but I really didn't think it would've done anything. I'll leave the question up because it might help some others out anyway.


SFML window application remove console

For an application, while I make the final application, How could I remove the terminal window for the final application on MacOS or Linux.
I find the key point, that is in macos we should build a app file, which should consist of Resources folder、MACOS、PkgInfo、Info.plist files, then when I just click the packaged file, the application could just show the GUI window.

No output from heob in a Qt application using Qt Creator

I would like to use heob to check my app for memory leaks. This is what i tried: I opened the project "analogclock" from the examples collection in qtcreator. After that i have chosen "Analyze" and "Heob" from the drop down menu. After choosing the heob path and a click on the ok button, the application starts and a console window "heob32" is displayed. But now nothing happens. Just the word "kill" is displayed in the console window. I can´t see any output and if i close the analogclock app i get the message: "heob: cannot create target process". Can anyone help me further to get useful output from heob?
What OS are you using and what heob did you install?
You need to download and install heob separately from Creator. Creator just installs a link without heob itself. Have you done this? Are you really running on a 32-bit system (there is a heob64 in case you are using a modern OS).
Did you configure your heob installation in Qt Creator correctly?
Can you run heob from the commandline with reasonable behaviour?

Force output in QtCreator for console app

When I am using Qt Creator to make a widget app, the text output is redirected to the Qt Creator built in console (For example from QDebug function). When I work with a console app however, the text output is redirected to a separate terminal window. How Can I decide where does the output go in Qt Creator? I would appreciate all help.
Uncheck [✓] Run in terminal in your project options:

Qt Console Application missing in New Project wizard in Qt Creator

For some reason the Qt Console Application entry is missing from the New Project wizard in my Qt Creator 3.3.0.
How it looks on my computer:
How it should look normally:
Any idea why it's missing and how to bring it back?
It turned out that it was because I had selected Android Templates in the combo at the top-right. I hadn't noticed that Combo at all and I have no idea how it got that way.
Changing it to All Templates fixed the problem.

Suppressing the console window while running QT4 programs

I am trying to make an application using QT for C++ using codeblocks. Every time I run the application a command prompt window pops out followed by the gui for my application.
How do I suppress the command prompt window?
Here the possible answer
Just remove
from your .pro file
Yet another option for Code::Blocks. In IDE menu
Project->Properties->Build Targets: change Type from "Console Application" to "GUI Application".
Found here and here