Application Development Using WSO2 Servers - wso2

Can I have source code of any running application/Test case build using (DSS,ESB,IS,AS, etc).
I am able to understand the these servers separately but not able to deliver any project using these servers collectively.
Do not have clue to use all these servers collectively best way and din't get any video, article or samples using all there in one application.
I Have already posted this question in StackOverflow, but din't get any response.
Please help me to achieve the same so that the greatness of WSO2, I can show to some of my colleague and We can go long with WSO2.

You can try the Retail Bankning Sample with WSO2 Developer Studio and bunch of other WSO2 Servers such as WSO2 ESB, WSO2 BPS, WSO2 DSS, WSO2 AS etc [1]. This sample was demonstrated on this webinar as well [2]. Source code for the Webinar is in [3].
Hope this helps!



newbie on ESB and BRS here.
Below message was displayed in WSO2 download page for BRS:
The WSO2 Business Rules Server (WSO2 BRS) was created as a mechanism to host standalone business rules services. We no longer believe it is well suited for others to use directly, and as such it will no longer be available for download.
We currently have the ability to execute business rules within WSO2 ESB, and we encourage you to continue to use the WSO2 ESB to create business rules services.
If you are currently using WSO2 BRS as a standalone product please contact us
We will of course support it as needed or help you migrate to the right higher level product.
How can I implement this example I saw on youtube using WSO2 ESB because BRS is no longer promoted.
I don't know also if I got it right, but my understanding is that the mediators like rule mediator is the best fit solution to implement business rules in ESB now. Am I right?
I hope you can help me how to translate the video tutorial from using BRS to ESB in WSO2, or at least if you know some good sites to read and use as reference, then I am happy to visit them as well.
Thank you in advance.

WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 clustering with Oracle Coherence

Halo everybody (maybe Asela? :),
Can anyone guide me how can I implement Oracle Coherence as a Cache provider with WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 clustered using with WSO2 ELB?
I found some very useful links on that topic, from which I consider this one as a good start: Clustering Identity Server
But I cannot find a way how to find solution for changing Hazelcast cache provider for any other provider.
I also realized, WSO2 is not using javax.caching implementation from JDK (since it was introduced in 1.7 and later), it is using its own based on JSR-107 (from which JSR I suppose Java JDK JCache is originated.
This article shows, that there is a way, how to somehow implement user JSR 107 JCache, but I don't see it configured for whole Identity Server:
WSO2 Multi-tenant Cache: JSR-107 (JCache)
I'm expecting answer which will guide me, what to change or add (for instance to carbon core) and where to setup / configure those changes, to make them global used within WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0.
I hope it is relevant question and since this Carbon based platform is very rich and configurable, I hope this will be possible with some time invested.
Thank you in advance,
Coherence supports the real JCache APIs, so if WSO2 uses JCache, it should be easy to integrate Coherence!

Application Development on WSO2

Can I Have any sample Application or full design or Solution blueprint, which is build upon Wso2 with different server (Product) like ESB, DSS, AS, BPS, API Manager, Identity Server and User Interface etc.
So that I can understand how to use all the product to build any application.
Thanks in advance.
You can start with reading case studies in wso2 website. For example first two are small and useful. Here is the link of the wso2 case studies.

Enabling Web Service Security With OpenAM WSS Agent

I am struggling with setting up the Web service security with OpenAM.
Here is what I have done so far:
I looked up openam documentation but I could nto find anything
significant which points to web service security implementation details.
However I found this link
( on
OpenSSO oracle website which gives step by step instructions to
secure the web services.
Also I found this post
( which essentially says that there are many issues one might face while
trying to implement WSS in OpenAM.
I followed oracle link (point 2 above) and tried to implement the WSS in OpenAM version 10.0.0:
My questions:
But The WSS Agent I got from OpenAM website is glassfish version. I am not sure if extracting it and including files from it in my service and client will cause any issues if the server is not glassfish. OpenAM website has glassfish version only.
Another problem is that oracle tutorial was probably written in days of OpenSSO 8.0. Not sure if it will work with Open AM 10. I can see some differences in directory structure already.
It will be helpful if anyone can point me to any other available documentation for implementation of WSS in OpenAM.
Is it advisable to use some IDM solution other than OpenAM for WSS security if OpenAM WSS has known issues.
Any help here will be sincerely appreciated. Thanks in Advance.
WSS Agent actually is a JAX-WS filter implementation. It does not rely on GlassFish you can also use it with Tomcat and Metro. However I've not tested it with Apache CXF yet.
Unfortunately there's no real documentation yet. If you face issues you may post it to the OpenAM mailing list.

WSO2 Cloud adapters

I went thorough the features of WSO2 ESB. I noticed WSO2 Coud Connectors like Twitter, LinkedIn ..
I would like to know about any documents, wiki which supports this. I have the Auth Keys from Twitter. I want to do a simple twitter integration using WSO2 ESB.
Please share your thoughts.
This is a new feature that will be released with WSO2 ESB 4.5.0. You can do 3rd party API integration very easily with this new feature. For example once the Twitter Connector Library is deployed in the ESB , you can feed the relevant OAuth keys directly and connect to Twitter Cloud seamlessly. Currently there are no publicly available docs. But please await we will be releasing this documentation soon with upcoming releases.
You can find the documentation on connectors from here. Twitter specific documentation can be found here.