OS X Yosemite Spotlight extensions - spotlight

Is it possible to extend spotlight's search feature to support additional commands?
For example, is it possible to define custom web search aliases, meaning I could type yt and it would provide results from youtube.
Alternatively, is it possible to add additional system commands were I could type sl (or some variant) to put my computer to sleep.

In the meantime there is Flashlight (The missing plugin system for Spotlight) http://flashlight.nateparrott.com/
This is expandable with Python scripts.
UPDATE Oct 2016 It seems that Flashlight is not longer maintained. The last update was more then a year ago. Check the repo here: https://github.com/nate-parrott/Flashlight
UPDATE Mar 2017 There is a fork which is still maintained: github.com/w0lfschild/Flashlight – Thanks #amoebe

No it is not possible, there are only 4 types of extensions for OS X Yosemite:
Today - Get a quick update or perform a quick task in the Today view of Notification Center
Share - Post to a sharing website or share content with others
Action - Manipulate or view content within the context of another app
Finder - Present information about file sync states directly in Finder.
All of these extension types are explicitly activated by the user for functionality. Apple has said that they are just getting started with extensions and plan to add more in the future, so logically it seems that Spotlight extensions are next (goodbye Alfred :sadface:).

I have an alternate solution for you which I am currently using. It's native to the OS and does not require disabling System Integrity Protection in order to install Flashlight.
Using Automator to create a new Service. Then with Ask For Text node you can display a popup similar to spotlight. From there the possibility are numerous. For web search there is a command like Display Webpages. The top activate AppleScript command is for gaining focus of the following popup.
You can construct the URL from your input text using JavaScript node. You can parse "yt" to YouTube search url for example and put the rest after the space to the URL.
Then in Preference you can set this new service as a shortcut for easier access.


XPages are rebuilt automatically when opening designer

I have a customer who likes to do some basic stuff in Domino Designer in a specific database. He only works with Forms, agents etc and never do any Xpages stuff. I have done all the xpages stuff in the Database.
This morning when I opened designer I can see that almost all of the xpages design object has been signed by him. but he has not opened any of the xpages design objects. (only forms) and have not signed the application.
When I look at the webpage I can see that the designn changes I did from a few days back have disapeared, so I seem to be looking at an older version of my webpage.
If I go in to the application and Build the application with my id everything is back to normal.
This scenario seem to repeat only a few times a week even though my customer do changes to the application every day.
Image show the xpages time stamp this morning which seem to be about the same time my customer opened the application in designer.
Currently we are both using 9.0.1 FP10 but I have also seen this problem before FP10
Not sure if it is related but my customer also have another version of Domino Designer (8.5.3 Swedish) which he use when signing agents as signing them with v9 cause them to not work.
What can be the cause of this behaviour and how can I avoid it.
Open Designer. From the top menu, select Project > Build Automatically and ensure it is disabled (not checked).
For additional reading, refer to Nathan T. Freeman's wonderful article "Taming Domino Designer" https://nathantfreeman.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/tamingdesigner.pdf
I am pretty sure that it's the 8.5.3 Designer that does the rebuild when opening the database in Designer. So this happens when the user just wants to sign some agents.
This problematic behaviour has been fixed in 9.0.1 (or perhaps in a fix pack release of 9.0.1). See this IBM technote about the problem: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1LO80591

Getting d3.js to work with raphael.js

I have recently implemented some data visualisation using d3.js, I'm now trying to get this to work for Internet Explorer browser versions 7 and above. The common suggestion to get this to work, is to combine d3.js with raphael.js, which is a cross browser graphics library.
There already seem to be some implementations of such libraries such as
r2d3.js :
d34raphael.js :
I'm trying to understand if these existing implementation already have d3's capability of data binding and the physics implementation of the force layout to implement something as simple as this d3 example : http://bl.ocks.org/1095795
I have been looking into this too and a number of options came up.
Chrome Frame - A browser plug-in that actually uses chrome underneath, meaning SVG just works. This is great if you're able to deploy plugins to the browser, for a real commercial environment however this may not be possible.
SVG Web - The aim is it bring SVG to all browsers. It looks like a fairly large project, one that's had Google's input. This doesn't however work out of the box with D3 though I don't know much about the issues.
D34Raphael - You've mentioned this one, I found again it doesn't work out of the box. Check the project out on GitHub, there hasn't been any commit activity in months and there's some pull requests "first pass on trying to get support for .on() required for event binding". If it doesn't support events, is that an issue to you? I'd generally keep away from this one.
R2D3 - Again another one you mentioned. I took the Sankey example from the D3 website and had to make a few changes to get it working. The main things I couldn't get working (Drag Events, Groups - though can use an alternative). It took about a day of effort to get the example working in IE8 and I believe is in a useable state. The project on GitHub is also much more active, the developer is committing, pulling work in and is very active on discussions etc. This gets my vote.

Remove security settings and reset layout and insert options on all items in Sitecore?

I have a Sitecore 6.5 project, where I have upgraded all the content from an earlier version. But something seems to have gone wrong in the upgrade process, which has caused all items to have a security setting of extranet\everyone which have deny read access, even though that is not the case. Also the layout and insert options needs to get reset and taken the values from the templates standard values.
I could do this manually in the Sitecore UI, but that would take quite some time, as there is 3000+ items.
Is there any way I can patch this with a quickfix of some sort?
You could either write a script in ASPX that does this for you or install the PowerShell module and script it with that.
It depends on your experience and on which tools you have available.
Unfortunately there is no built-in method for resetting layouts and insert options on all content items.

Is there a solution to automatically synchronize Emacs org-mode with one of the web based todo services?

Org-mode is amazing. I like its power and simplicity. However, sometimes I need access to my tasks in places where I don't have the necessary setup. Is there a way to synchronize my org agenda with one of the better web based todo services like RTM, Toodledo or similar?
It would be the best solution, because I'd run the sync process regularly and automatically on my computer and I would have access (read access is enough) to my org data through the web interface of the synchronized service.
I have been using Org-mode with Remember the Milk quite nicely. here is my setup:
(require org-feed)
(setq org-feed-alist
'(("Remember The Milk"
"Remember The Milk"
:template "* TODO %title\n %a\n "
;;* rtm feed timer
(run-at-time 3600 3600 'org-feed-update-all)
The only problem is that I get asked for authentication the first time I start up emacs. With a bit of elisp this could be fixed, I just haven't had time yet.
Just as an update, there is a new package shaping up that might handle syncing a little better: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/gsoc2012/student-projects/org-sync/index.html
I realize this is quite old, however a pertinent update is that a Google Summer of Code project is currently in progress to create just this. See (and follow updates to) the page on the Org-mode Wiki for Org-sync.
Org-sync is a tool to synchronize your Org-mode documents with bugtracking tools such as Bugzilla, Github or Google Code and other TODO-list services such as Toodledo or Google Task.
Project Goals
Integrate and complete org-element.el
Write a library for bugtracker backends
Write several backends
There is also a link to the list of backends currently in progress to be integrated with Org-sync.
I just save my org-mode files in a Dropbox folder and then they are automatically synced and can be viewed/edited from anywhere.
This is probably way late but Sacha Chua wrote an org to toodledo synchronization tool for emacs.
you could also set up org with some kind of revision control software-- I use git, and then use git to clone/pull where ever i need it.
MobileOrg is, however, limited to the iPhone at present. I am eagerly following development on a similar application for android.
There is a possibility to publish org mode to HTML. If you need only readonly access it should work.
And if memory serves, org-mode has a mobile hook ... here's a snippet from the Info page:
MobileOrg is an application for the
iPhone/iPod Touch series of devices,
developed by Richard Moreland.
MobileOrg offers offline viewing and
capture support for an Org-mode system
rooted on a "real" computer. It does
also allow you to record changes to
existing entries. For information
about MobileOrg, see
This appendix describes the support
Org has for creating agenda views in a
format that can be displayed by
MobileOrg, and for integrating notes
captured and changes made by MobileOrg
into the main system.
For changing tags and TODO states
in MobileOrg, you should have set up
the customization variables
org-todo-keywords' and
org-tags-alist' to cover all
important tags and todo keywords, even
if individual files use only part of
these. MobileOrg will also offer you
states and tags set up with in-buffer
settings, but it will understand the
logistics of todo state sets (*note
Per-file keywords::) and mutually
exclusive tags (*note Setting tags::)
only for those set in these variables.
I've put together a simple python script based on some already-existing code,
which allows one to push an org file to a google-tasks list, to
pull the contents of a google-tasks list into an org file, or to perform a bidirectional synchronization between the two.
There is an app for Android, orgzly, that gives you views of your org-mode files synced by dropbox.
Not totally related but org-mode doesn't work that well as an 'on-the-go' thing. The mobile-org and other services try to do this but I don't know..
I version control my org files and push them (using git) onto my personal webspace and then sync it on the various computers I use. That way, I can keep myself on top of things.
org-trello is a nice package that lets you sync an org-mode file with Trello.
Since Trello's and org-mode's feature sets don't overlap 100 %, I prefer to name the files .trello to make sure I don't confuse them with full-blown org-files.
Here's how I init it, with use-package:
(use-package org-trello
:defer t
:mode (("\\.trello$" . org-mode))
(when (locate-library "org-trello")
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
(defun org-trello-turn-on-if-extension-matches ()
(let ((filename (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
(when (and filename (string= "trello" (file-name-extension filename)))
(set-variable 'org-trello-current-prefix-keybinding "C-c t"))
I've not used it, but this seems to be an org-mode integration for todoist.com: https://github.com/ttakamura/org-todoist

Extending Filenet P8 3.5 Workplace with custom GUI and code

I'm not familiar with Filnet P8.
My assumptions from reading some online docs is that it has a central web-based user interface called Workplace which is implemented on the Java web stack and communicates with the core parts of Filenet through Java APIs.
Also it seems you can extend the Workplace trough JSR 186 compliant portlets. - from what I've read Filnet P8 Workplace is not a portal itself and cannot host portlets, but provides some of the functionality as portlets which can be used with 3rd party portals.
Filenet also seems to have a lot of extensibility points which don't require coding, but I'm considering a highly-customized application with custom dynamic grids and forms.
Is it possible to extend the Workplace using portlets and/or plain JSP/Servlet approach with custom GUI for a custom workflow? (Probably the "Web Application Toolkit" is the tool)
The GUI can contain grids with filtering and column selection, forms (not paper once) with dynamically disabling/enabling fields, custom search forms, dynamic context and dropdown menus.
The GUI should be able to integrate with the Content and Process engines of course.
A link to an existing Filenet P8 based solution which proves such a custom Workplace GUI extension possible would be great.
This is possible. First of all Workplace comes with FULL source code. Look in the AESource directory (usually in c:\Program Files\FileNet\AE if you are running it on Windows). What you need to decide first of all is where you want to plug in (for example do you want to create a new Wokrplace page altogether like the Browse and Search pages or do you want to splice it in as a new action like Checkout, Get-Info etc).
Once you figure that out, I can provide more specific information of where you want to look to add your new code. Once you can display an entry point to your own feature in Workplace, then you can use whatever you want as far as controls etc. You can use JSF grids or just classic JSP stuff or even JQuery controls (provided you link the right libs etc).
Another thing to keep in mind is that you are going to need to get familiar with the Web Application Toolkit (WAT) so that you can make sure you are getting the right state information from Workplace (like the user token of who is logged in, maybe what doc id the user clicked on, what folder they were in when they entered your UI).
Anyways, here is some info to get you started. If you provide more info about where you want to splice your UI in, I can provide some guidance as what you need to change etc.