Design pattern for the multimodel analysis of data in c++ - c++

I have a question specifically about designing good repeatable and expandable code that allows for the analysis of of a particular type (that will remain constant). I am aiming for a design pattern similar to the decorator but it doesn't need to be as complex.
The case study
I have a clustering algorithm that will identify several different point cloud clusters in a set of dense laser data. This is not important to the question but provides a good background for the problem. The issue is that I know one and only one of the clusters is a particular object that I want to do work on. This can be a different object in different scenarios and so I want to be able to create the clustering class where the user can specify their own functions for identifying this. These functions can take the following form:
Analysis of the centroid of the data. Position? Does it fall in an exclusion zone?
Analysis of the point cloud. How big is it, which way does it point, what do the normals look like.
There is the possibility that the user might want to analyze all of the point clouds before deciding which one. For example in the above case study one of the functions might be bool doesItHaveTheMostPoints(PointCloud) which would be difficult to evaluate unless you looped over the clusters twice.

The current solution
Currently I have developed a method to allow users to add functions to the class that will be used. These functions are specific to either the centroid, or to the point cloud.
Here is a simple example illustrating how:
// Some functions that can be used to analyse the data.
bool is3(int value) {
if (value == 3)
return true;
return false;
bool ismodulo3(int value) {
if (value % 3 == 0)
return true;
return false;
// The extractor class
class A {
//Added data analysis functions go into a vector.
void addFunctionPointer(bool (*function)(int)) {
// Here the functions would be evulated to determine if the
// data is what we want.
void print(void) {
for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); ++i)
std::cout << "Function: " << i << " evalutes: "
<< functions[i](value) << std::endl;
// The data being analysed.
int value;
// The functions stored to analyse it.
std::vector<bool (*)(int)> functions;
// A simple example implementation.
int main() {
A a;
a.value = 6;
The downsides of this are:
I find that it is not easy readable and the intention of the code is not particularly clear without explanation.
The current solution doesn't deal well with the possibility that the user might want to analyse all of the point clouds before deciding which one. For example in the above case study one of the functions might be bool doesItHaveTheMostPoints(PointCloud) which would be difficult to evaluate in the above solution because there would need to be some level of stored memory.


Two versions of the program depending on the input parameter without code duplication

I am solving the following problem. I am working on an optimization program in C ++ which, depending on the initial settings of the user, uses various regulations (standards) to calculate the target function. Suppose we have a method A based on some norm and a method B based on another norm to calculate the target function. The user is setting the right standard before starting the program. The rest of the code is the same. During optimization, the target function is iteratively called over and over again. Of course, there is a simple solution: each time the target function is called, the IF condition is used to decide which standard to use. But because the program has to make decisions in every iteration, it seems to be ineffective. The second option is to create 2 independent codes and run only the one with the required standard. This, in turn, is ugly in terms of duplicate code.
I imagined that I would create 2 different classes and use the selected class using the IF condition when constructing the object. This would make the program decide only once when creating the object, but during the iteration itself the object would be clearly defined. Unfortunately, this does not work because objects cannot be created in IF conditions.
// Create object sensor based on input
if(data.sensors_tipe == "Uniaxial_025") Sensor_Uniaxial_025 sensor(data);
else if (data.sensors_tipe == "T_rosette_05") Sensor_T_rosette_05 sensor(data);
else report.error("some error");
// rotation test
int element_index = 1;
double orientation_angle = 3.490658503988659;
sensor.rotate(element_index, orientation_angle);
Another way I would like is to set the correct method using a parameter in the constructor. Unfortunately, that probably isn't possible either.
I am a beginner and I did not find the answer anywhere. So maybe someone can help. Thanks
This is a good job for templates, which are "recipes" to generate code.
The end result will be duplicated machine code, but without the duplication in the source.
template<typename MethodT>
float optimize(const MethodT& method) {
float v = method();
// etc...
float methodA();
float methodB();
int main() {
auto a = optimize(methodA);
auto b = optimize(methodB);
First, the solution with if may be not that bad. It is branch on each function call, but the branch should be predicted well.
Second, if the functions that implement method A and method B are large enough to miss inlining, use function pointer.
Otherwise, use static polymorphism with templates, method A and method B may be passed via template parameter as functors.
In case, the user can change standard after programm compilation (for example, before each run) you can create interface and 2 child from it.
So, at startup you should create the instance (one of 2) you need through new. And then you can use it.
You can't use that algorithm with stack instances.
One way is to use inheritance.
class Sensor
virtual void rotate(int, double) = 0;
class Sensor_Uniaxial_025 : public Sensor
virtual void rotate(int, double) {/*stuff*/};
class Sensor_T_rosette_05 : public Sensor
virtual void rotate(int, double) {/*stuff*/};
Sensor* sensorToUse;
// Create object sensor based on input
if(data.sensors_tipe == "Uniaxial_025") sensorToUse = new Sensor_Uniaxial_025(data);
else if (data.sensors_tipe == "T_rosette_05") sensorToUse = new
else report.error("some error");
// rotation test
int element_index = 1;
double orientation_angle = 3.490658503988659;
sensorToUse->rotate(element_index, orientation_angle);
The example above, with new, comes with serious memory management issues. But if you pre-allocate the sensor for each type, in a single instance, and use a look-up instead it works well.
The alternative is with template. See other answers for these approaches.

Flexible design despite strongly dependent classes

I'm working on a code which needs to be extremely flexible in nature, i.e. especially very easy to extend later also by other people. But I'm facing a problem now about which I do not even know in principal how to properly deal with:
I'm having a rather complex Algorithm, which at some point is supposed to converge. But due to its complexity there are several different criteria to check for convergence, and depending on the circumstances (or input) I would want to have different convergence criteria activated. Also it should easily be possible to create new convergence criteria without having to touch the algorithm itself. So ideally I would like to have an abstract ConvergenceChecker class from which I can inherit and let the algorithm have a vector of those, e.g. like this:
//Algorithm.h (with include guards of course)
class Algorithm {
vector<ConvergenceChecker*> _convChecker;
void runAlgorithm() {
bool converged=false;
//Algorithm performs a cycle
for (unsigned i=0; i<_convChecker.size(); i++) {
// Check for convergence with each criterion
// If this criterion is not satisfied, forget about the following ones
if (!converged) { break; }
// If all are converged, break out of the while loop
if (converged) { break; }
The problem with this is that each ConvergenceChecker needs to know something about the currently running Algorithm, but each one might need to know totally different things from the algorithm. Say the Algorithm changes _foo _bar and _fooBar during each cycle, but one possible ConvergenceChecker only needs to know _foo, another one _foo and _bar, and it might be that some day a ConvergenceChecker needing _fooBar will be implemented. Here are some ways I already tried to solve this:
Give the function isConverged() a large argument list (containing _foo, _bar, and _fooBar). Disadvantages: Most of the variables used as arguments will not be used in most cases, and if the Algorithm would be extended by another variable (or a similar algorithm inherits from it and adds some variables) quite some code would have to be modified. -> possible, but ugly
Give the function isConverged() the Algorithm itself (or a pointer to it) as an argument. Problem: Circular dependency.
Declare isConverged() as a friend function. Problem (among others): Cannot be defined as a member function of different ConvergenceCheckers.
Use an array of function pointers. Does not solve the problem at all, and also: where to define them?
(Just came up with this while writing this question) Use a different class which holds the data, say AlgorithmData having Algorithm as a friend class, then provide the AlgorithmData as a function argument. So, like 2. but maybe getting around circular dependency problems. (Did not test this yet.)
I'd be happy to hear your solutions about this (and problems you see with 5.).
Further notes:
Question title: I'm aware that 'strongly dependent classes' already says that most probably one is doing something very wrong with designing the code, still I guess a lot of people might end up with having that problem and would like to hear possibilities to avoid it, so I'd rather keep that ugly expression.
Too easy?: Actually the problem I presented here was not complete. There will be a lot of different Algorithms in the code inheriting from each other, and the ConvergenceCheckers should of course ideally work in appropriate cases without any further modification even if new Algorithms come up. Feel free to comment on this as well.
Question style: I hope the question is neither too abstract nor too special, and I hope it did not get too long and is understandable. So please also don't hesitate to comment on the way I ask this question so that I can improve on that.
Actually, your solution 5 sounds good.
When in danger of introducing circular dependencies, the best remedy usually is to extract the part that both need, and moving it to a separate entity; exactly as extracting the data used by the algorithm into a separate class/struct would do in your case!
Another solution would be passing your checker an object that provides the current algorithm state in response to parameter names expressed as string names. This makes it possible to separately compile your conversion strategies, because the interface of this "callback" interface stays the same even if you add more parameters to your algorithm:
struct AbstractAlgorithmState {
virtual double getDoubleByName(const string& name) = 0;
virtual int getIntByName(const string& name) = 0;
struct ConvergenceChecker {
virtual bool converged(const AbstractAlgorithmState& state) = 0;
That is all the implementers of the convergence checker need to see: they implement the checker, and get the state.
You can now build a class that is tightly coupled with your algorithm implementation to implement AbstractAlgorithmState and get the parameter based on its name. This tightly coupled class is private to your implementation, though: the callers see only its interface, which never changes:
class PrivateAlgorithmState : public AbstractAlgorithmState {
const Algorithm &algorithm;
PrivateAlgorithmState(const Algorithm &alg) : algorithm(alg) {}
// Implement getters here
void runAlgorithm() {
PrivateAlgorithmState state(*this);
Using a separate data/state structure seems easy enough - just pass it to the checker as a const reference for read-only access.
class Algorithm {
struct State {
double foo_;
double bar_;
double foobar_;
struct ConvergenceChecker {
virtual ~ConvergenceChecker();
virtual bool isConverged(State const &) = 0;
void addChecker(std::unique_ptr<ConvergenceChecker>);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ConvergenceChecker>> checkers_;
State state_;
bool isConverged() {
const State& csr = state_;
return std::all_of(checkers_.begin(),
[csr](std::unique_ptr<ConvergenceChecker> &cc) {
return cc->isConverged(csr);
Maybe the decorator pattern can help in simplifying an (unknown) set of convergence checks. This way you can keep the algorithm itself agnostic to what convergence checks may occur and you don't require a container for all the checks.
You would get something along these lines:
class ConvergenceCheck {
ConvergenceCheck *check;
ConvergenceCheck(ConvergenceCheck *check):check(check){}
bool converged() const{
if(check && check->converged()) return true;
return thisCheck();
virtual bool thisCheck() const=0;
virtual ~ConvergenceCheck(){ delete check; }
struct Check1 : ConvergenceCheck {
Check1(ConvergenceCheck* check):ConvergenceCheck(check) {}
bool thisCheck() const{ /* whatever logic you like */ }
You can then make arbitrary complex combinations of convergence checks while only keeping one ConvergenceCheck* member in Algorithm. For example, if you want to check two criteria (implemented in Check1 and Check2):
ConvergenceCheck *complex=new Check2(new Check1(nullptr));
The code is not complete, but you get the idea. Additionally, if you are a performance fanatic and are afraid of the virtual function call (thisCheck), you can apply the curiously returning template pattern to eliminate that.
Here is a complete example of decorators to check constraints on an int, to give an idea of how it works:
#include <iostream>
class Check {
Check *check_;
Check(Check *check):check_(check){}
bool check(int test) const{
if(check_ && !check_->check(test)) return false;
return thisCheck(test);
virtual bool thisCheck(int test) const=0;
virtual ~Check(){ delete check_; }
class LessThan5 : public Check {
LessThan5(Check* check):Check(check) {};
bool thisCheck(int test) const{ return test < 5; }
class MoreThan3 : public Check{
MoreThan3(Check* check):Check(check) {}
bool thisCheck(int test) const{ return test > 3; }
int main(){
Check *morethan3 = new MoreThan3();
Check *lessthan5 = new LessThan5();
Check *both = new LessThan5(new MoreThan3());
std::cout << morethan3->check(3) << " " << morethan3->check(4) << " " << morethan3->check(5) << std::endl;
std::cout << lessthan5->check(3) << " " << lessthan5->check(4) << " " << lessthan5->check(5) << std::endl;
std::cout << both->check(3) << " " << both->check(4) << " " << both->check(5);
0 1 1
1 1 0
0 1 0

Should I and how do I create progress reporting in computation demanding algorithms in c++

I am implementing some Deep Learning Neural Networks and existing code from Matlab normaly just prints out to the console such users have an idea of progress.
When I am doing my design for C++ and have put core parts of the algorithms into separate functions that I do not want to print stuff out to the console, are there ways or design principles for leaving a option to the users who use the algorithm to get some kind of progress indication?
Could one let a optional parameter be a function pointer that people could hook into, or how would I do this?
void my_heavy_algorithm(int * data, int n,...);
If you are exposing your algorithm as a collection of functions then the way to go would be to have one of the parameters be a function pointer with a signature like this:
void (*reportProgress)(void*, int)
But if you are designing your algorithm in C++ you should probably take advantage of encapsulation and create a class (or set of classes) for your algorithm. In this case you wouldn't want to add the function pointer as a parameter to the individual functions.
Rather you might make the function pointer a member of your class. And have accessor methods to get/set it. Or even better, provide an abstract class for reporting progress.
class ProgressReporter
virtual ~ProgressReporter() = 0;
virtual void notifyProgressChanged(void* source, int progressValue) = 0;
class Algo
ProgressReporter* _userProvidedReporter = NULL;
void set_ProgressReporter(ProgressReporter*); // set accessor
ProgressReporter* get_ProgressReporter(); // get accessor
void my_heavy_algorithm(int*, int, ...); // your algo. implementation fn.
void Algo::set_ProgressReporter(ProgressReporter* reporter){
_userProvidedReporter = reporter;
ProgressReporter* Algo::get_ProgressReporter(){
return _userProvidedReporter;
void Algo::my_heavy_algorithm(int * data, int n,...){
// do stuff
if(_userProvidedReporter != NULL)
_userProvidedReporter->notifyProgressChanged((void*)this, currentProgress);
// do more stuff
if(_userProvidedReporter != NULL)
_userProvidedReporter->notifyProgressChanged((void*)this, currentProgress);
// so on and so forth..
Of course the above is a pretty simplistic example. If you expect your algorithms to support concurrency you should synchronize access to the internal user reporter and you might consider creating a base class for your algorithm and provide concrete derived implementations..
STL style functors may help you. This would also allow yor algorithm be used withoud any progress indicator.
For example, let's say you'd like to give a percent progress indicator.
// disclaimer - I didn't compile this code
class NoProgressFeedback; // see below
void my_heavy_algorithm(int * data, int n, ProgressFeedback giveFeedback = NoProgressFeedback() {
int percentProgress = 0;
/* start calculations, do stuff */
/* continue over and repeat percentProgress updates and giveFeedback calls */
/* NoProgressFeedback will do no progress feedback */
class NoProgressFeedback {
operator()(int percent) {}
If user code wants feedback, then it should pass your my_heavy_algorithm function a different progress indicator, that sould look like this:
class GetProgressFeedback {
void operator()(int percent) { std::cout << "percent advance: " << percent; }
Take a look at Dependancy Injection.
You can pass an object that implements an IProgress interface. A NullProgress object could just have the stubs but does no real work for objects you aren't interested in monitoring.
The usual way is to run your computationally heavy work in seperate thread and use that to update a section of memory via a lock. The UI thread then reads periodically from this memory location and updates the screen accordingly.
To report proper progress, you need three things:
An estimate of the total work to be done.
An estimate of how much work has been done so far.
A source of time.
You also need some way for your "heavy math" function to "report in". One way to do that is to have some sort of function that you call in the "start of function", "progress so far" and "end of function". The start of function also sets "total amount of work to do". Progress so far reports "how much is done now", and "end of function" says "I'm complete".
In a C++ class environment, this could be done as:
class Progress
Progress() { };
virtual void Start(int todo) = 0;
virtual void Done(int doneSoFar) = 0;
virtual void Finish();
This provides an interface that other classes can be derived from.
Of course, you still need to find a useful pace to put your "Done()" - if you put it too deep inside some tight loop, it will impact performance, but you need to do it often enough that it shows some useful progress too.

Design pattern for large decision tree based AI in c++

I'm currently writing an AI for a game that is written in c++. The AI is conceptually fairly simple, it just runs through a decision tree and picks appropriate actions. I was previously using prolog for the decision engine but due to the other developers using c++ and some issues with integrating the prolog code I'm now trying to port it to c++.
Currently I have a bunch of facts and rules in prolog (100+). Many express things in the form, if game_state then do action xyz. Most of the rules are fairly simple with a few being rather complex. I looked at a finite state machine approach, but that didn't seem to scale to the larger situations so well.
My first attempt at coding this up in c++ was a huge nightmare of if then else case statements. I had this sort of code popping up everywhere:
if( this->current_game_state->some_condition == true ){
if( this->current_game_state->some_other_condition == false ){
//some code
return do_default_action();
}else if( this->current_game->another_condition ){
//more code
The complexity became quickly unmanageable.
If there a good way to code this sort of problem in c++? Are there any good design patterns to deal with this type of situation? There is no requirement that the logic has to be contained within the source, it just needs to be accessible from c++. The only real requirement is that it is reasonably fast.
I also looked at rules engines and if fast enough they could be appropriate. Do you know if there is a open source c++ rules engine that would be appropriate?
Code is Data, and Data is Code. You've got working code - you just need to expose it to C++ in a way it can compile, then you can implement a minimal interpreter to evaluate it.
One possibility is to take your Prolog rules and translate them in the most direct way possible to a data structure. Maybe you could design a simple table like:
struct {
State coming_from;
Event event;
void (*func)(some, args);
State going_to;
} rules[] = {
{ next, rule, goes, here },
Similarly, function calls can populate data structures in such a way that it looks similar to your original Prolog:
void init_rules () {
rule("Parent", "Bill", "John");
rule("Parent", "Paul", "Bill");
// 99 more rules go here...
Then you implement a simple interpreter to traverse that data structure and find the answers you need. With less than 1000 rules, a brute force approach at searching is likely to be fast enough, but you can always get clever later and try to do things the way a real Prolog environment would when the time comes.
You can use polymorphism. Calling a virtual function is effectively a big-ass switch/case that's done and optimized for you by the compiler.
class GameState {
virtual void do_something() { std::cout << "GameState!"; }
// some functions
virtual ~GameState() {}
class SomeOtherState : public GameState {
// some other functions
virtual void do_something() { std::cout << "SomeOtherState!"; }
class MyFinalState : public GameState {
virtual void do_something() { std::cout << "MyOtherState!"; }
class StateMachine {
std::auto_ptr<GameState> curr_state;
: curr_state(NULL) {}
void DoSomething() { curr_state->DoSomething(); }
void SetState(GameState* ptr) { curr_state = ptr; }
template<typename T> void SetState() { curr_state = new T; }
int main() {
StateMachine sm;
sm.SetState(new SomeOtherState());
sm.DoSomething(); // prints "SomeOtherState!"
sm.DoSomething(); // prints "MyFinalState!"
In the above example, I didn't need to switch about any of the states, or even know that different states exist or what they do (in the StateMachine class, anyways), the selection logic was done by the compiler.
If you want to convert your prolog code to c++ code,
have a look at the Castor library (C++) which enable Logic Programming in C++:
I haven't tried it out myself, so I don't know anything about it's performance.
If you want to use a state-machine, have a look at Boost.Meta State Machine
I don't really get why a finite state machine is not sufficiant for your game. It is a common way to do what you want to. You could make it data driven to stay you code clean from concrete actions. The finite state m. is also described in "AI for Game Dev" O'Reilly (David M. Bourg & Glenn Seemann)
You maybe want to split you rules in several smaller rule sets to keep the machine small and understandable.
How about use mercury? its basically built to interface with C code.
Trying to match Prolog's expressive power with state machines is like trying to outrun a car with a bicycle.
Castor is probably the way to go. It is very lightweight and allows smooth interop between Logic programming and rest of C++. Take a look at the tutorial videos on

Is Polymorphism worth an increase in coupling?

I'm writing a simplistic game to learn get some more C++ experience, and I have an idea where I feel polymorphism almost works, but doesn't. In this game, the Party moves fairly linearly through a Map, but can occasionally encounter a Fork in the road. A fork is (basically) an std::vector<location*>.Originally I was going to code something like the following into the a Party member function:
// Loop through forks and show options to the player, go where s/he wants
But I was wondering if some variant of the following might be better:
CurrLocation = CurrLocation->getNext();
With Fork actually being derived from Location, and overloading some new function getNext(). But in the latter case, the location (a low level structure) would have to be the one to present the message to the user instead of "passing this back up", which I don't feel is elegant as it couples location to UserInterface::*.
Your opinions?
All problems can be solved by adding a level of indirection. I would use your suggested variant, and decouple Location from Party by allowing getNext to accept an object that resolves directional choices. Here is an example (untested):
class Location;
class IDirectionChooser
virtual bool ShouldIGoThisWay(Location & way) = 0;
class Location
virtual Location * GetNext(IDirectionChooser & chooser)
return nextLocation;
virtual Describe();
Location * nextLocation;
class Fork : public Location
virtual Location * GetNext(IDirectionChooser & chooser)
for (int i = 0; i < locations.size(); i++)
if (chooser.ShouldIGoThisWay(*locations[i]))
return locations[i];
virtual Describe();
vector<Location *> locations;
class Party : public IDirectionChooser
void Move()
currentLocation = currentLocation->GetNext(GetDirectionChooser());
virtual IDirectionChooser & GetDirectionChooser() { return *this; }
virtual bool ShouldIGoThisWay(Location & way)
cout << "Do you want to go that way? y/n" << endl;
char ans;
cin >> ans;
return ans == 'y';
You should use polymorphism as long as it makes sense and simplifies your design. You shouldn't use it just because it exists and has a fancy name. If it does make your design simpler, then it's worth the coupling.
Correctness and simplicity should be the ultimate goal of every design decision.
I think you spotted the issues yourself and can probably work it out with your knowledge of the rest of the system or a few more details here for us to look at.
As has been mentioned:
Polymorphism should be used to simplify the design - which it would do in this case, so well spotted.
You have an issue with the coupling - again well spotted, coupling can lead to problems later on. However, what this says to me is that the way in which you are
applying the polymorphism might not be the best way.
Programming to interfaces should allow you to hide the internal details of how the system is put together and so reduce the coupling.
Polymorphism does not lend to greater coupling, I think they are separate issues.
In fact if you are programming to interfaces and following general inversion of control patterns then you will lead to less or zero coupling.
In you example, I don't see how location is coupled to UserInterface?
If this is the case, can the coupling be removed through another level of abstraction in between UserInterface and Location, such as LocationViewAdapter?