How to write OAuth client for web elgg services - web-services

I am new to elgg and web development. I searched in net but did not get any working sample on OAuth and elgg web services example. So posting here my question.
I am using -
Elgg: 1.8.19
Web services plug-in:
OAuth plug-in:
My problem is I did not find any tutorial or example on how to use OAuth client in Javascript. I am developing a Chrome Extension and from that extension I want to use Elgg web service.
Please suggest any link or steps or advice if I can use OAuth and Elgg Web service from Web Browser extension.
Thank you


How to implement authentication and authorization for web apps

I have been working on a web application. I installed it on AWS EC2 instance. Currently it is available to all the people over the web. However I'd like it be available only for authorized users. Could you please help me on how to implement the google sign in for the app so that only user who authenticate with google sign in can access it.
I had referred to the google sign in for websites doc: . It however talks only about implementing the authentication code but not about how it should be connected to the web app.
Where should I place the google sign in code? is it inside the web app code
Should I create a seperate web page for sign in code and redirect it the AWS/web app server IP address?
Google's API Clients, which will let you implement Sign in Using Google, are hosted on Github. Visit and find the repo google-api-[your_language]-client. Follow this tutorial to get started.

Consume soap web service from Azure web app

I'm trying to consume a soap web service from an azure web app.
To do this I need to run a connectivity test through telnet to do this.
How would I go about doing this in Azure?
Unfortunately, Telnet client is not setup by default on Azure App Service.
It is not possible to install it as it requires elevated permissions.
My advice would be to develop a quick app, for example based on this kind of tool:
Hope this helps,

Azure App Service web authentication guidance

I'm trying to get Google authentication working against Azure App Service from a web site and later hopefully from Cordova. There is a lot of information related to the old Azure Mobile Services, but not much on App Services. Microsoft did exclude tutorials on how to do it from web.
I included <script src=""></script>, don't know if this is still current?
Any pointers on how to handle authentication are appreciated!
This is possible using the Authentication/Authorization feature. Refer this article for more information:
AFAIK, there is no native support for Cordova in Azure App Service Mobile App. You will have to implement this yourself.

webservice + facebook-connect

I'm working on a project that consist in an IOS App and a webservice written using django-piston. Right now I'm using basic HTTP Auth use the webservice. Any idea of how can i integrate facebook connect to authenticate users to use the webservice?
It depends on if you want to authenticate from your iOS app or your web service.
For the iOS app, you can use the iOS SDK:
If you authenticate from here, you should be able to get an authentication token via HTTP if you need to grab information on your web service. If you post more details I'll try to address them.

Cant create liferay 6.1 web service

I try to develop simple web service to liferay 6.1. I follow such manuals as
Portlet creates successfully, but service does not appear in /api/secure/axis
Portlet specific web services do not appear in /api/secure/axis, but can be found at /your-portlet/api/axis. Those web service URLs have changed in Liferay 6.1.