rest service get file parameters in yii - web-services

Hi i try to get file from postman in google chroome.
And I try to get file parameters, size, type.
This is logic of the solution
$size = file size of $document
$tip = file type of $document
$size sent to database.
$tip sent to database.
But I don't know how to implement this in yii controller, how to get key value from postman, i never work with web service before.How to put document name from postman in variable example:

You must use
in your controller. Than you can get size and type of file
echo $file->size;
echo $file->type;
To write to database you already know i think what to do. Example:
$model->size = $file->size;
$model->type = $file->type;


Extra string & pipe character in Laravel Cookies

In a Laravel 6x project I'm working on I'm setting a cookie with:
Cookie::queue('remember_me', json_encode(['uid' => $user->id, 'token' => $token]),2628000);
I'm reading the cookie and decrypting it with:
$cookies = Crypt::decrypt(Cookie::get('remember_me'),false);
This works well, except that the value of $cookies has an extra pre-pended string and a | delimiter in it:
I can work with that obviously to get what I need but I have been unable to find anything on why that string and | are being prepended to the cookie. Any explanation or documentation link?
I did find another thread here with a similar question but no answer:
How to decrypt cookies in Laravel 8
I also found a thread suggesting that Laravel 8 adds the session_id to the cookie string. Is that what I'm seeing here?
This value looks to be an HMAC-SHA1 of the cookie name with v2 appended to the end.
This logic is implemented in the CookieValuePrefix class in Laravel and the code looks like so:
public static function create($cookieName, $key)
return hash_hmac('sha1', $cookieName.'v2', $key).'|';
This is used in the EncryptCookies middleware when encrypting and decrypting accordingly. The relevant source code is:
// in decrypt() function
$hasValidPrefix = strpos($value, CookieValuePrefix::create($key, $this->encrypter->getKey())) === 0;
$key, $hasValidPrefix ? CookieValuePrefix::remove($value) : null
// in encrypt() function
CookieValuePrefix::create($cookie->getName(), $this->encrypter->getKey()).$cookie->getValue(),
I put this logic into a CyberChef page here to test it out with some local cookies I had and verify the output matches and it did. If you go there and plug in your app key (preferable a disposable one) you should see it output the hash value you have in your question.

Postman accessing the stored results in the database leveldb

So I have a set of results in Postman from a runner on a collection using some data file for iterations - I have the stored data from the runner in the Postman app on Linux, but I want to know how I can get hold of the data. There seems to be a database hidden away in the ~/.config directory (/Desktop/file__0.indexeddb.leveldb) - that looks like it has the data from the results there.
Is there anyway that I can get hold of the raw data - I want to be able to save the results from the database and not faff around with running newman or hacking a server to post the results and then save, I already have 20000 results in a collection. I want to be able to get the responseData from each post and save it to a file - I will not execute the posts again, I need to just work out a way
I've tried KeyLord, FastNoSQL (this crashes), levelDBViewer(Jar), but not having any luck here.
Any suggestions?
inline 25024 of runner.js a simple yet hack for small numbers of results I can do the following
RunnerResultsRequestListItem = __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2_pure_render_decorator___default()(_class = class RunnerResultsRequestListItem extends __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_react__["Component"] {
constructor(props) {
var text = props.request.response.body,
blob = new Blob([text], { type: 'text/plain' }),
anchor = document.createElement('a'); = props.request.ref + ".txt";
anchor.href = (window.webkitURL || window.URL).createObjectURL(blob);
anchor.dataset.downloadurl = ['text/plain',, anchor.href].join(':');;
it allows me to save but obviously I have to click save for now, anyone know how to automate the saving part - please add something here!

Store Data from Postman request in variables to use in tests

Im currently trying to get used to POSTMAN and i was wondering if there is a way to store variables from my request JSON Body via Pre Request in some environment variable so ican resuse it in the tests for response value cheks
This is how my json File might look like
"text" : "myText",
"attachments": {
"text": "myText2",
"anotherText" : "myText3"
So i want to get all Values, store them in a variable before sending my request, and then test if they match the expected value in my response
(example: myText2 gets mapped to green, myText3 gets mapped to red and so on)
That would make it possible to write one test for several request
Thanks a lot!
You can write the following in your script:
let body = JSON.parse(pm.request.body);
_.forEach(body, (value, key) => pm.environment.set(key, JSON.stringify(value)));
This will set each key and it's associated value as an environment variables.
Note you'll need to JSON.parse the value in the test script before using it for testing.
For eg in your test script you'll need to do something like this:
let attachments = JSON.parse(pm.environment.get('attachments'));
pm.test('All attachments are of correct value', function () {
// ...write your test here using the `attachments` variable

Prestashop 1.5 Cookie content

I need to display prestashop customer ID in an external PHP page.
In the official documentation
I found the php code:
If you need to access the PrestaShop cookie from non-PrestaShop code, you can use this code:
$cookie = new Cookie('ps'); // Use "psAdmin" to read an employee's cookie.
So i tryed:
$cookie = new Cookie('ps');
$id_client = $cookie->id_customer;
echo $id_client;
But nothing is displayed, I tried other tokens, only "date_add" works
What's wrong with my code?
The following works:
global $smarty;
global $cookie;
$cookie = new Cookie('ps');
$id_client = $cookie->id_customer;
echo $id_client;
I tested it myself. Everything including id and firstname works. It seems you should not include classes/Cookie.php file. Instead, replace it with global $cookie Make sure to change the directory of the included files.

SBL-ODU-01007 The HTTP request did not contain a valid SOAPAction header

I am hoping someone can help get me in the right direction...
I am using Powerbuilder 12 Classic and trying to consume a Oracle CRM OnDemand web service.
Using Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0 commands, I have been able to connect using https and retrieve the session id, which I need to send back when I invoke the method.
When I run the code below, I get the SBL-ODU-01007 The HTTP request did not contain a valid SOAPAction header error message. I am not sure what I am missing??
OleObject loo_xmlhttp
ls_get_url = ""
loo_xmlhttp = CREATE oleobject
loo_xmlhttp.ConnectToNewObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0") ("GET",ls_get_url, false)
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("UserName", "xxxxxxx")
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Password", "xxxxxxx")
cookie = loo_xmlhttp.getResponseHeader("Set-Cookie")
sesId = mid(cookie, pos(cookie,"=", 1)+1, pos(cookie,";", 1)-(pos(cookie,"=", 1)+1))
ls_post_url = ";"
ls_response_text = "jsessionid=" + sesId + ";"
ls_post_url = ls_post_url + ls_response_text ("POST",ls_post_url, false)
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("COOKIE", left(cookie,pos(cookie,";",1)-1) )
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("COOKIE", left(cookie,pos(cookie,";",1)-1) )
ls_post_url2 = "document/urn:crmondemand/ws/activity/10/2004:Activity_QueryPage"
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("SOAPAction", ls_post_url2)
ls_get_url = "" ("POST",ls_get_url, false)
catch (RuntimeError rte)
MessageBox("Error", "RuntimeError - " + rte.getMessage())
end try
I believe you are using incorrect URL for Login and Logoff;
Here is the sample:
Rest of the code looks OK to me.
I have run into similar issues in PB with msxml through ole. Adding this may help:
loo_xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml")
you need to make sure that the your value for ls_post_url2 is one of the values that is found in the wsdl file. Just search for "soap:operation soapAction" in the wsdl file to see the valid values for SOAPAction.