How to change to the hand cursor with GLUT (in windows)? - c++

I'm using GLUT in a C++ OpenGL project.
I tried to use the glutSetCursor function in order to get the common 'hand' cursor, which usually appears in other applications when hovering something clickable.
However, none of the GLUT_CURSOR defines gives me that cursor.
One of the defines is GLUT_CURSOR_INFO with the description 'Pointing hand', which I would assume is what I want, however this only gives me the SizeAll cursor (probably as a fallback).
Is there something else I need to do to get this cursor to work, or is this a problem with GLUT in Windows?
(I'm currently using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit)

GLUT is a very simplicistic framework and you just hit one of it's limits. Time to look for another framework to use.


How should a Windows application with custom controls be drawn with Direct2D?

I would like to create a Windows application (for Windows 10) using the C++ and the Windows API. I already have some basic knowledge of using the built-in windows controls to create a basic application, but would now like to expand into custom controls . Since I have no need for my application to be compatible with anything but Windows 10, and would like to use a reliable API which supports transparency and anti-aliasing but is also fast enough to render a GUI, I have chosen to use Direct2D.
The MSDN documentation says:
'Your application should create render targets once'
Bearing this in mind, should each child window use one ID2D1HwndRenderTarget which renders only to the parent window (and doesn't respond to the child windows' WM_PAINT messages), or should there be a single ID2D1DCRenderTarget which would draw to each control using the device context from the WM_PAINT message (using bindDC() - although I would still like to be able to use transparency, and am not interested in GDI interoperability)? Should I even be using Direct2D at all?
I would like to use the Windows API, so a solution involving QT or MFC wouldn't work. I haven't got a specific application in mind, but would eventually like to create a simple library that would enable me to quickly produce GUI applications that have a custom look.
I have spent hours scouring the web for answers, but have found nothing conclusive. MSDN itself seems particularly unhelpful, it just teaches you to draw an ellipse and stops there. Please forgive me if I have accidentally broken the rules of asking questions - as you can probably tell I am new to Stack Overflow - and if any other information is needed, I will of course include it (I am using C++ with Visual Studio Community 2019).

Mac override window maximize button c++

I am writing an application, and I want to change the default behavior of the Window Maximize button on Mac.
Since few latest versions of MacOS it defaults to putting the app in fullscreen mode, however it's not what I want.
I want the same behavior as in Windows OS.
I'm using C++.
Ideally what I want is to intercept some window function callback, disable entering fullscreen and instead just maximize the window to entire desktop working area.
How to do this?
It's going to be difficult to help you since there's no native C++ binding for Cocoa. If you're programming using C++, you must be using some third-party library like Qt or SDL or something like that, but you neglect to tell us what that is.
Also, macOS doesn't have and never has had a "maximize" feature, let alone one like Windows. It has a zoom operation on windows, but that's not the same thing. It's simply an automated resize, it doesn't put the window into a mode where it's locked to the new size until it's restored.
Anyway, to achieve what you want, you should set the window's collectionBehavior property to include NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenNone and not NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary or NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenAuxiliary. So, in Objective-C(++):
window.collectionBehavior &= ~(NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary | NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenAuxiliary);
window.collectionBehavior |= NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenNone;
If your window is defined in a NIB, you can set its Full Screen behavior to None in the Attributes inspector.
Setting this for NSWindow did the trick:

Does the Win32 ShowWindow api behave differently on Windows 7 SP1 in some special case?

I found a bug yesterday in one of my Windows applications, which is built in a high level framework, which in the end, calls Windows APIs like CreateWindow, and ShowWindow, in order to display its user interface.
One one machine so far, and only one, which happened to be a customer machine, I observed the following behaviour:
For only one window in my entire application, when I first call ShowWindow(Handle,SW_SHOW ) for this window, the size which it previously had received by SetWindowPos is overridden.
Reading the MSDN Win32 API documentation, on ShowWindow(Handle,SW_SHOW) I can not see any reference it it moving the window bounds. I can work around this surprising result by having my window-show routine get the bounds before it calls the Win32 ShowWindow routine.
My question is, has anyone ever seen behaviour like this? I think it must be one of the following:
An obscure bug in Windows 7 Service Pack 1 that does not reproduce on all systems, and only reproduces perhaps for a particular version of a particular video card driver. (This affected system has dual AMD/ATI FireGL video cards)
An obscure problem caused by a side effect of some other software running on the system, which may be hooking window handles, installing trampolined code hooks somewhere (perhaps even inside my own process, thanks to some DLL or something that I am not aware of).
Something my 4 million line application is doing to me, through some weird code somewhere I have not yet identified.
I am hitting an application compatibility shim within the Win32 API layer.
If anyone who has worked in C++, C, or Delphi, or any other language, has ever seen anything like this and can think of a reason why ShowWindow would have this amazing and unexpected side effect, of moving the bounds of the window, back to a certain original position, in my case, x=175, y=175, width=320, height=240, which appears to be have been the window bounds right after the initial CreateWindow call, I'd like to know what it is.
Here is a sequence of events:
Application starts up, and creates a few top level windows parented to the desktop.
The first window created is the main application window and the second is a tool window, both have full window grabber bars and are conventional top level Win32 windows, Forms which are sizeable, draggable, and parented to the desktop.
The second window's position is loaded from disk, and the form is shown.
During the form show process, its bounds are set so that the window is at some x and y top/left position, and some height/width is given.
If I query the Win32 window handle immediately before I call ShowWindow, its bounds are where I expect.
If I query the Win32 window handle immediately after I call ShowWindow, its bounds have been reset.
According to MSDN help SW_SHOW means Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position.
This is indeed what occurs on over 100 client PCs I have observed. Only on a single customer-owned Windows 7 PC is this behaviour different.
This affected system has dual AMD/ATI FireGL video cards
I ain't sure about FireGL, but for consumers videocards, made upon the same chip lineage, video-drivers exactly have add-on to reposition windows as they think is easier for operator.
it is called HydraVision Package for Catalyst Software Suite

How can I hide the mouse cursor?

I wanna ask if someone can provide me a c++ code in which I can hide/show the pointer of the mouse when pressing a specific key..
I found several codes written for only TURBO C++, none of which can be compiled and run using dev c++ or even visual c++..
I tried running the codes I found in Dev C++ but I only get lots of errors and incompatibilities..
I also found several articles that says I can use the function ShowCursor but it just wouldn't work..
In fact hiding the cursor can turn out to be quite a task, depending on what you want to achive. If you're programming a GUI-application using the WinAPI it is pretty easy.
Just calling ShowCursor(false); once might turn out not to work in some cases though, since the ShowCursor function only "sets an internal display counter". The cursor is displayed until this counter is smaller than 0 (see msdn on it). You could try something like this:
to ensure the counter gets below 0.
This will however only hide the cursor inside your applications window, if you're using newer Windows versions like Windows 7. Hiding the cursor all over the system could turn out to be a lot more difficult.
If you are programming a console application ShowCursor won't show any effect as far as I've tested it. Using the following code:
we can see, that the counter definitely is below 0, but still the cursor is displayed. I haven't come up with a solution to this so far.
If you look at the documentation for the SetCursor function, setting the cursor to a NULL handle (e.g SetCursor(NULL)) will remove the cursor from the screen.

Custom Windows GUI library

I always wondered how software such as iTunes, Winamp etc is able to create its own UI.
How is this accomplished under the Windows platform? Is there any code on the web explaining how one would create their own custom GUI?
WinAmp doesn't usually supply its own GUI at all -- it delegates that to a "skin". You can download dozens of examples and unless memory fails me particularly badly, documentation is pretty easily available as well.
From the looks of things, I'd guess iTunes uses some sort of translation layer to let what's basically written as a native Mac UI run on Windows (the same kind of thing that Apple recently decided was so evil that they're now forbidden on the iPhone and apparently the iPad).
Since saying anything that could possibly be construed as negative about Apple is often treated as heresy, I'll point to all the .xib files that are included with iTunes for Windows. An .XIB file (at least normally) is produced by Apple's Interface Builder to hold resources for OS/X programs, and compiled to a .NIB file prior to deployment. Windows doesn't normally use either .XIB or .NIB files at all, and it appears likely to me that Apple includes a compatibility layer to use them on Windows (though I've never spent any time looking to figure out what file it's stored in or anything like that).
Edit: (response to Mattias's latest comment). Rendering it is tedious but fairly straightforward. You basically take the input from the skin (for example) and create an owner draw control (e.g. a button) and render the button based on that input.
The easiest way to do this is to have fixed positions for your controls, and require the user to draw/include bitmaps for the background and controls. In this case, you just load the background bitmap and display it covering the entire client area of your application (and you'll probably use a borderless window, so that's all that shows). You'll specify all your controls as owner-drawn, and for each you'll load their bitmap and blit it to the screen for that control. Since there won't (usually) be a visible title bar, you'll often need to handle WM_NCHITTEST (or equivalent on other systems) to let the user drag the window around.
If you want to get a bit more complex, you can add things like allowing them to also specify a size and position for each control, as well as possibly specifying that some controls won't show up at all. Again, this isn't really terribly difficult to manage -- under Windows, for example, most controls are windows, and you can specify a size and position when you create a window. If the user loads a different skin at run-time, you can call MoveWindow to move/resize each control as needed.
I'm assuming that you mean creating a GUI application as opposed to a GUI framework.
There are lots of GUI frameworks available for Windows.
Some are
wxWidgets (
Qt (
And of course the venerable MFC framework (
If you want a more complete list, look at the Wikipedia article for MFC ( and scroll to the bottom.
Each of these GUI frameworks is amply documented on the web.