What's wrong with my C++ code? - c++

I'm trying to create an equilateral triangle that outputs to the console but my code seems to output the triangle at point 0,0.
How can I fix this?
this is what I have:
Header file:
#include "shape.h"
#include "vertex.h"
#include <list>
// An equilateral triangle
class Triangle : public Shape
// the radius provides the length of a side
// and enables a vertex to be plotted from
// which the other two vertices can be derived
// via rotation
int radius;
// constructor
Triangle(Vertex point, int radius = 10);
// calculates and returns a triangle's area
int area();
// calculates and returns a triangle's perimeter
int perimeter();
and the cpp file
#include "triangle.h"
#include "vertex.h"
#include <list>
Triangle::Triangle(Vertex point, int radius) : Shape(point)
this->radius = radius;
this->centroid = Vertex(0,0);
vertices.push_back(Vertex(centroid.getY() + radius));
vertices.push_back(Vertex(centroid.getY() + (radius*2)));
vertices.push_back(Vertex(centroid.getX() * cos(120) - centroid.getY() * sin(120),centroid.getY() * cos(120) + centroid.getX() * sin(120)));
vertices.push_back(Vertex(centroid.getX() * cos(240) - centroid.getY() * sin(240),centroid.getY() * cos(240) + centroid.getX() * sin(240)));
this->centroid = point;
// returns the area of an equilateral triangle
int Triangle::area()
return radius*radius*(sqrt(3)/4);
// returns the perimeter of an equilateral triangle
int Triangle::perimeter()
return radius *3;
I'm not sure what's wrong with it. I have tried many different ways to fix it but I have had no luck in doing so. can somebody please help?

sin, cos, etc use radians, not degrees.
Also you set your centroid at a hard-coded 0,0.

As noted in the other answer, sin and cos take their arguments in radians, not degrees.
Furthermore, your constructor seems strange. Bear in mind that I don't have all the details behind your code (Vertex, Shape, ...), but assuming that vertices needs to contain the three vertices of your triangle and that Vertex has a constructor taking the three coordinates, I'd try something like this:
Triangle::Triangle(Vertex point, int radius) : Shape(point)
this->radius = radius;
// in any case, you want the traingle to be centered around the point given as input
this->centroid = point;
// we can just avoid calling trigonometric functions at runtime
// also, the values for these particular angles are well-known, so we don't need to call any actual trigonometric functions
static const float COS_60 = 0.5f;
static const float COS_30 = 0.5f * sqrt(3.f);
// compute the length of the side of the triangle based on its radius
// for instance, using any of the six right triangles between the center, a vertice and the projection of the center against one of the sides
const float side = radius * 2.f * COS_30;
// more basic geometry
const float bottomHeight = point.getY() - COS_60 * radius;
// first vertice is right above the center
this->vertices.push_back(Vertex(point.getX(), point.getY() + radius));
// second vertice is at the bottom height, and its X position is offset by half the side
this->vertices.push_back(Vertex(point.getX() + COS_60 * side, bottomHeight));
// same, but in the other direction
this->vertices.push_back(Vertex(point.getX() - COS_60 * side, bottomHeight));


Function that finds the specified distance from a point to any part of a rectangle

Write a function that tests if a point is within a specified distance of any part of a filled rectangle. The rectangle is specified by its center point, extents and rotation.
struct s_Vector
float x;
float y;
struct s_Rectangle
s_Vector center; // center of the rect in world space
s_Vector localX; // local space X direction vector, normalized
s_Vector localY; // local space Y direction vector, normalized
float fExtentsX; // distance from the rect center to the right edge
float fExtentsY; // distance from the rect center to the top edge
bool IsPointWithinDistOfRectangle(s_Rectangle & rect, s_Vector & point, float distance);
So I am so confused on how to use the localX and localy for the rotation of the triangle and then how to use that to fnd if the point is at a specified distance from the rectangle or not.
For an arbitrary rectangle, we can determine if a point is inside the rectangle as follows:
bool IsPointWithinRectangle(s_Rectangle & rect, s_Vector & point) {
s_Vector dist = abs(point - rect.center);
float dist_x = dot(dist, rect.localX);
float dist_y = dot(dist, rect.localY);
return dist_x <= rect.fExtentsX && dist_y <= rect.fExtentsY;
This uses the dot function to project the distance onto the local X and Y vectors. The extents of the rectangle are defined in terms of multiples of these local X and Y vectors, so we test against these extents.
If we now want to add the "within distance" constraint as well:
bool IsPointWithinDistOfRectangle(s_Rectangle & rect, s_Vector & point, float distance) {
s_Vector dist = abs(point - rect.center);
float dist_x = dot(dist, rect.localX) - rect.fExtentsX;
float dist_y = dot(dist, rect.localY) - rect.fExtentsY;
if (dist_x <= 0 && dist_y <= 0)
return true; // In the rectangular area
// If one of the two distances is negative (ie in the rectangle),
// put it on the edge by setting distance to 0.
dist_x = max(dist_x, 0);
dist_y = max(dist_y, 0);
// Finally, check if we are within a distance of the rectangle.
// If the point is along one of the sides, one of dist_x and dist_y is 0,
// so compare the (squared) distance to `distance`.
// Otherwise the point must be in a radius around the corner.
return (dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y) <= distance * distance;

Intersection problems with ray-sphere intersection

I'm writing a simple ray tracer and to keep it simple for now I've decided to just have spheres in my scene. I am at a stage now where I merely want to confirm that my rays are intersecting a sphere in the scene properly, nothing else. I've created a Ray and Sphere class and then a function in my main file which goes through each pixel to see if there's an intersection (relevant code will be posted below). The problem is that the whole intersection with the sphere is acting rather strangely. If I create a sphere with center (0, 0, -20) and a radius of 1 then I get only one intersection which is always at the very first pixel of what would be my image (upper-left corner). Once I reach a radius of 15 I suddenly get three intersections in the upper-left region. A radius of 18 gives me six intersections and once I reach a radius of 20+ I suddenly get an intersection for EACH pixel so something is acting as it's not supposed to do.
I was suspicious that my ray-sphere intersection code might be at fault here but having looked through it and looked through the net for more information most solutions describe the very same approach I use so I assume it shouldn't(!) be at fault here. So...I am not exactly sure what I am doing wrong, it could be my intersection code or it could be something else causing the problems. I just can't seem to find it. Could it be that I am thinking wrong when giving values for the sphere and rays? Below is relevant code
Sphere class:
Sphere::Sphere(glm::vec3 center, float radius)
: m_center(center), m_radius(radius), m_radiusSquared(radius*radius)
//Sphere-ray intersection. Equation: (P-C)^2 - R^2 = 0, P = o+t*d
//(P-C)^2 - R^2 => (o+t*d-C)^2-R^2 => o^2+(td)^2+C^2+2td(o-C)-2oC-R^2
//=> at^2+bt+c, a = d*d, b = 2d(o-C), c = (o-C)^2-R^2
//o = ray origin, d = ray direction, C = sphere center, R = sphere radius
bool Sphere::intersection(Ray& ray) const
//Squared distance between ray origin and sphere center
float squaredDist = glm::dot(ray.origin()-m_center, ray.origin()-m_center);
//If the distance is less than the squared radius of the sphere...
if(squaredDist <= m_radiusSquared)
//Point is in sphere, consider as no intersection existing
//std::cout << "Point inside sphere..." << std::endl;
return false;
//Will hold solution to quadratic equation
float t0, t1;
//Calculating the coefficients of the quadratic equation
float a = glm::dot(ray.direction(),ray.direction()); // a = d*d
float b = 2.0f*glm::dot(ray.direction(),ray.origin()-m_center); // b = 2d(o-C)
float c = glm::dot(ray.origin()-m_center, ray.origin()-m_center) - m_radiusSquared; // c = (o-C)^2-R^2
//Calculate discriminant
float disc = (b*b)-(4.0f*a*c);
if(disc < 0) //If discriminant is negative no intersection happens
//std::cout << "No intersection with sphere..." << std::endl;
return false;
else //If discriminant is positive one or two intersections (two solutions) exists
float sqrt_disc = glm::sqrt(disc);
t0 = (-b - sqrt_disc) / (2.0f * a);
t1 = (-b + sqrt_disc) / (2.0f * a);
//If the second intersection has a negative value then the intersections
//happen behind the ray origin which is not considered. Otherwise t0 is
//the intersection to be considered
//std::cout << "No intersection with sphere..." << std::endl;
return false;
//std::cout << "Intersection with sphere..." << std::endl;
return true;
#include "Sphere.h"
#include "Ray.h"
void renderScene(const Sphere& s);
const int imageWidth = 400;
const int imageHeight = 400;
int main()
//Create sphere with center in (0, 0, -20) and with radius 10
Sphere testSphere(glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -20.0f), 10.0f);
return 0;
//Shoots rays through each pixel and check if there's an intersection with
//a given sphere. If an intersection exists then the counter is increased.
void renderScene(const Sphere& s)
//Ray r(origin, direction)
Ray r(glm::vec3(0.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f));
//Will hold the total amount of intersections
int counter = 0;
//Loops through each pixel...
for(int y=0; y<imageHeight; y++)
for(int x=0; x<imageWidth; x++)
//Change ray direction for each pixel being processed
r.setDirection(glm::vec3(((x-imageWidth/2)/(float)imageWidth), ((imageHeight/2-y)/(float)imageHeight), -1.0f));
//If current ray intersects sphere...
//Increase counter
std::cout << counter << std::endl;
Your second solution (t1) to the quadratic equation is wrong in the case disc > 0, where you need something like:
float sqrt_disc = glm::sqrt(disc);
t0 = (-b - sqrt_disc) / (2 * a);
t1 = (-b + sqrt_disc) / (2 * a);
I think it's best to write out the equation in this form rather than turning the division by 2 into a multiplication by 0.5, because the more the code resembles the mathematics, the easier it is to check.
A few other minor comments:
It seemed confusing to re-use the name disc for sqrt(disc), so I used a new variable name above.
You don't need to test for t0 > t1, since you know that both a and sqrt_disc are positive, and so t1 is always greater than t0.
If the ray origin is inside the sphere, it's possible for t0 to be negative and t1 to be positive. You don't seem to handle this case.
You don't need a special case for disc == 0, as the general case computes the same values as the special case. (And the fewer special cases you have, the easier it is to check your code.)
If I understand your code correctly, you might want to try:
Right now, you've positioned the camera one unit away from the screen, but the rays can shoot as much as 400 units to the right and down. This is a very broad field of view. Also, your rays are only sweeping one octent of space. This is why you only get a handful of pixels in the upper-left corner of the screen. The code I wrote above should rectify that.

Wave vector in 2 dimensions

So I'm trying to make the player shoot a bullet that goes towards the mouse in a wavey pattern. I can get the bullet to move in a wavey pattern (albeit not really how I predicted), but not towards the mouse.
Vector2 BulletFun::sine(Vector2 vec) {
float w = (2 * PI) / 1000; // Where 1000 is the period
float waveNum = (2 * PI) / 5; // Where 5 is the wavelength
Vector2 k(0.0F, waveNum);
float t = k.dot(vec) - (w * _time);
float x = 5 * cos(t); // Where 5 is the amplitude
float y = 5 * sin(t);
Vector2 result(x, y);
return result;
Right now the speed isn't much of a concern, that shouldn't be too much of a problem once I have this figured out. I do get some angle change, but it seems to be reversed and only 1/8th a circle.
I'm probably miscalculating something somewhere. I just kind of learned about wave vectors.
I've tried a few other things, such as 1 dimensional travelling waves and another thing involving adjusting a normal sine wave by vec. Which had more or less the same result.
vec is the displacement from the player's location to the mouse click location. The return is a new vector that is adjusted to follow a wave pattern, BulletFun::sine is called each time the bullet receives and update.
The setup is something like this:
void Bullet::update() {
_velocity = BulletFun::sine(_displacement);
_location.add(_velocity); // add is a property of Tuple
// which Vector2 and Point2 inherit
In pseudocode, what you need to do is the following:
waveVector = Vector2(travelDistance,amplitude*cos(2*PI*frequency*travelDistance/unitDistance);
cosTheta = directionVector.norm().dot(waveVector.norm());
theta = acos(cosTheta);
That should compute the wave vector in a traditional coordinate frame, and then rotate it to the local coordinate frame of the direction vector (where the direction vector is the local x-axis), and then translate the wave vector relative to your desired origin position of the wave beam or whatever...
This will result in a function very similar to
BulletFun::sine(Bullet _bullet, float _amplitude, float _frequency, float _unitDistance)
float displacement = _bullet.getDisplacement();
float omega = 2.0f * PI * _frequency * _displacement / _unitDistance;
// Compute the wave coordinate on the traditional, untransformed
// Cartesian coordinate frame.
Vector2 wave(_displacement, _amplitude * cos(omega));
// The dot product of two unit vectors is the cosine of the
// angle between them.
float cosTheta = _bullet.getDirection().normalize().dot(wave.normalize());
float theta = acos(cosTheta);
// Translate and rotate the wave coordinate onto
// the direction vector.

OpenGL Camera vectors

I have a very rudimentary camera which generates 3 vectors for use with gluLookAt(...) the problem is I'm not sure if this is correct, I adapted code from something my lecturer showed us (I think he got it from somewhere).
This actually works until you spin the mouse round in circles than camera starts to rotate around the z-axis. Which shouldn't happen as the mouse coords are only attached to the pitch and yaw not the roll.
// Camera.hpp
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <boost/utility.hpp>
#include <Moot/Platform.hpp>
#include <Moot/Vector3D.hpp>
namespace Moot
class Camera : public boost::noncopyable
Vec3f m_position, m_up, m_right, m_forward, m_viewPoint;
uint16_t m_height, m_width;
m_forward = Vec3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
m_right = Vec3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
m_up = Vec3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
void setup(uint16_t setHeight, uint16_t setWidth)
m_height = setHeight;
m_width = setWidth;
void move(float distance)
m_position += (m_forward * distance);
void addPitch(float setPitch)
m_forward = (m_forward * cos(setPitch) + (m_up * sin(setPitch)));
// Cross Product
m_up = (m_forward / m_right) * -1;
void addYaw(float setYaw)
m_forward = ((m_forward * cos(setYaw)) - (m_right * sin(setYaw)));
// Cross Product
m_right = m_forward / m_up;
void addRoll(float setRoll)
m_right = (m_right * cos(setRoll) + (m_up * sin(setRoll)));
// Cross Product
m_up = (m_forward / m_right) * -1;
virtual void apply() = 0;
}; // Camera
} // Moot
Snippet from update cycle
// Mouse movement
m_camera.addPitch((float)input().mouseDeltaY() * 0.001);
m_camera.addYaw((float)input().mouseDeltaX() * 0.001);
apply() in the camera class is defined in an inherited class, which is called from the draw function of the game loop.
void apply()
m_viewPoint = m_position + m_forward;
gluLookAt( m_position.getX(), m_position.getY(), m_position.getZ(),
m_viewPoint.getX(), m_viewPoint.getY(), m_viewPoint.getZ(),
m_up.getX(), m_up.getY(), m_up.getZ());
Don't accumulate the transforms in your vectors, store the angles and generate the vectors on-the-fly.
EDIT: Floating-point stability. Compare the output of a and b:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
const float small = 0.00001;
const unsigned int times = 100000;
float a = 0.0f;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < times; ++i )
a += small;
cout << a << endl;
float b = 0.0f;
b = small * times;
cout << b << endl;
return 0;
I am not sure where to start, as you are posting only small snippets, not enough to fully reproduce the problem.
In your methods you update all parameters, and your parameters are depending on previous values. I am not sure what exactly you call, because you posted that you call only these two :
m_camera.addPitch((float)input().mouseDeltaY() * 0.001);
m_camera.addYaw((float)input().mouseDeltaX() * 0.001);
You should somehow break that circle by adding new parameters, and the output should depend on the input (for example, m_position shouldn't depend on m_forward).
You should also initialize all variables in the constructor, and I see you are initializing only m_forward, m_right and m_up (by the way, use initialization list).
You might want to reconsider your approach in favor of using quaternion rotations as described in this paper. This has the advantage of representing all of your accumulated rotations as a single rotation about a single vector (only need to keep track of a single quaternion) which you can apply to the canonical orientation vectors (up, norm and right) describing the camera orientation. Furthermore, since you're using C++, you can use the Boost quaternion class to manage the math of most of it.

OpenGL draw circle, weird bugs

I'm no mathematician, but I need to draw a filled in circle.
My approach was to use someone else's math to get all the points on the circumference of a circle, and turn them into a triangle fan.
I need the vertices in a vertex array, no immediate mode.
The circle does appear. However, when I try and overlay circles strange things happen. They appear only a second and then disappear. When I move my mouse out of the window a triangle sticks out from nowhere.
Here's the class:
class circle
//every coordinate with have an X and Y
GLfloat *_vertices;
static const float DEG2RAD = 3.14159/180;
GLfloat _scalex, _scaley, _scalez;
int _cachearraysize;
circle(float scalex, float scaley, float scalez, float radius, int numdegrees)
//360 degrees, 2 per coordinate, 2 coordinates for center and end of triangle fan
_cachearraysize = (numdegrees * 2) + 4;
_vertices = new GLfloat[_cachearraysize];
for(int x= 2; x < (_cachearraysize-2); x = x + 2)
float degreeinRadians = x*DEG2RAD;
_vertices[x] = cos(degreeinRadians)*radius;
_vertices[x + 1] = sin(degreeinRadians)*radius;
//get the X as X of 0 and X of 180 degrees, subtract to get diameter. divide
//by 2 for radius and add back to X of 180
_vertices[0]= ((_vertices[2] - _vertices[362])/2) + _vertices[362];
//same idea for Y
_vertices[1]= ((_vertices[183] - _vertices[543])/2) + _vertices[543];
//close off the triangle fan at the same point as start
_vertices[_cachearraysize -1] = _vertices[0];
_vertices[_cachearraysize] = _vertices[1];
_scalex = scalex;
_scaley = scaley;
_scalez = scalez;
delete[] _vertices;
void draw()
glScalef(_scalex, _scaley, _scalez);
glVertexPointer(2,GL_FLOAT, 0, _vertices);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, _cachearraysize);
That's some ugly code, I'd say - lots of magic numbers et cetera.
Try something like:
struct Point {
Point(float x, float y) : x(x), y(y) {}
float x, y;
std::vector<Point> points;
const float step = 0.1;
const float radius = 2;
// iterate over the angle array
for (float a=0; a<2*M_PI; a+=step) {
// duplicate the first vertex after the centre
// rendering:
glVertexPointer(2,GL_FLOAT,0, &points[0]);
It's up to you to rewrite this as a class, as you prefer. The math behind is really simple, don't fear to try and understand it.