MPI Fundamentals - c++

I have a basic question regarding MPI, to get a better understanding of it (I am new to MPI and multiple processes so please bear with me on this one). I am using a simulation environment in C++ (RepastHPC) that makes extensive use of MPI (using the Boost libraries) to allow parallel operations. In particular, the simulation consists of multiple instances of the respective classes (i.e. agents), that are supposed to interact with each other, exchange information etc. Now given that this takes place on multiple processes (and given my rudimentary understanding of MPI) the natural question or fear I have is, that agents on different processes don't intereact with each other anymore because they cannot connect (I know, this contradicts the entire idea of MPI).
After reading the manual my understanding is this: the available libraries of Boost.MPI (and also the libaries of the above mentionend package) take care of all of the communication and sending packages back and forth between processes, i.e. each process has copies of the instances from other processes (I guess this is some form of call by value, b/c the original instance cannot be changed from a process that has only a copy), then an updating takes place, to ensure that the copies of the instances have the same information as the originals and so on.
Does this mean, that in terms of the final outcomes of the simulations runs, I get the same as if I would be doing the entire thing on one process? Put differently, the multiple processes are just supposed to speed up things but not change the design of simulation (thus I don't have to worry about it)?

I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of MPI here. MPI is not an automatic parallelization library. It isn't a distributed shared memory mechanism. It doesn't do any magic for you.
What it does do is make it simpler to communicate between different processes on the same or different machines. Each process has its own address space which does not overlap with the other processes (unless you're doing something else outside of MPI). Assuming you set up your MPI installation correctly, it will do all of the pain of setting up the communication channels between your processes for you. It also gives you some higher level abstractions like collective communication.
When you use MPI, you compile your code differently than normal. Instead of using g++ -o code code.cpp (or whatever your compiler is), you use mpicxx -o code code.cpp. This will automatically link with all of the MPI stuff necessary. Then when you run your application, you use mpiexec -n <num_processes> ./code (other arguments aren't required, but are probably necessary) . The argument num_processes will tell MPI how many processes to launch. This isn't done at compile/link time.
You will also have to rewrite your code to use MPI. MPI has lots of functions (the standard is available here and there are lots of tutorials available on the web that are easier to understand) that you can use. The basics are MPI_Send() and MPI_Recv(), but there's lots and lots more. You'll have to find a tutorial for that.


On a single node, is there any reason I should choose MPI over other inter-process mechanisms?

Currently I am implementing a multi-processing application. Different processes seldom share data, instead each process will work on its own pre-divided chunk of data for most of the time. With that said, these processes are pretty independent, except occasionally they communicate for control or feedback purposes, and collecting results in the end.
So my question is, is there any reason I should choose MPI over other inter-process mechanisms? Or is there any reason preventing me from choosing MPI?
I am not sure if on a single node, MPI is efficient enough.
MPI is an interface that let you to communicate between multiple process. When your processes are not communicating together (with the MPI code) and not doing parallelized code, they are not more or less eficient than a standalone process.
MPI is made for high performance, scalability, and portability. Most of the time MPI is used for scientific computing because of it's caracteristics that I enumeratate. It helps scientifics to save time.
The communication interface include function like broadcast, scatter, gather, reduction that help to reduce time of processing. In other communication mechanisme (most of them) you need to think about the efficient part of your communication by yourself.
If you only need a simple communication with two process, and the processing time is not a concern, you should use the inter-process message passing mechanismes of your OS. Sometimes MPI become tricky and difficult if you don't follow the idea for what MPI is made. And if you are juste begining to that, I think it's better for your to begin with OS mechanisms.
Hope that helps
Captain Wise spoke to the efficiency aspect. Consider the maintainability aspect as well.
If you use MPI and your code grows more complex and larger and some day needs to run on more than one node, then your porting and tuning effort might be as simple as "run on more than one node" -- presuming, of course, that your MPI implementation is clever enough to skip the networking stack when a message is passed on the same node.
If you want to show your code to a future collaborator, its likely they will know MPI if you are at all affiliated with HPC environments, and your possible future collaborator can just dive in and help you. The pool of Chapel or UPC users is a bit smaller (though if you use Chapel, Brad Chamberlain will work insanely hard to ensure you have a good experience)

Using IPC as a multithread substitute?

I was wondering if you could theoretically utilise more than one core of of a processor to complete tasks quicker by using inter process communication instead of multithreading.
Say for instance a game engine. You have one executable processing ai and physics, then another handling the sound and rendering.
Maybe there could be shared memory that the physics and ai results get written to, that the renderer then could use to output the graphics.
What do you think? Ridiculous idea or feasible?
Thank you for your time.
Edit: the engine does not exist, it's just an example. Basically I'm asking if two or more programs can work together if any tasks can be parallelized.
Basically I'm asking if two or more programs can work together if any tasks can be parallelized.
Yes, the idea isn't flawed in principle.
That being said, creating a thread and creating a process vary on different OSes in terms of overhead; Windows processes are very expensive to create, while Linux ones are pretty much free.
One advantage of separating the processes is that when one of them crashes, the others aren't impacted and it can be restarted. You can also more easily push the calculations to another machine across the network. However, synchronizing threads will probably be easier and more performant in most cases.

Interaction of two c/c++ programs

I'm in complete lack of understanding in this. Maybe this is too broad for stack, but here it goes:
Suppose I have two programs (written in C/C++) running simultaneously, say A and B, with different PIDs.
What are the options to make then interact with each other. For instance, how do I pass information from one to another like having one being able to wait for a signal from the other, and respond accordingly.
I know MPI, but MPI normally works for programs that are compiled using the same source (so, it works more for parallel computing than just interaction from completely different programs built to interact with each other).
You must lookout for "IPC" (inter process communication). There are several types:
shared memory
message queues
files (per suggestion of #JonathanLeffler :-)
RPC (suggested by #sftrabbit)
Which is usually more geared towards Client/Server
You use one of the many interprocess communication mechanisms, like pipes (one applications writes bytes into a pipe, the other reads from it. Imagine stdin/stdout.) or shared memory (a region of memory is mapped into both programs virtual address space and they can communicate through it).
The same source doesn't matter - once your programs are compiled the system doesn't know or care where they came from.
There are different ways to communicate between them depending on how much data, how fast, one way or bidirectional, predicatable rate etc etc....
The simplest is possibly just to use the network - note that if you are on the same machine the network stack will automatically use some higher performance system to actually send the data (ie shared memory)

Thread Building Block versus MPI, which one fits mt need better?

Now I have a serial solver in C++ for solving optimization problems and I am supposed to parallelize my solver with different parameters to see whether it can help improve the performance of the solver. Now I am not sure whther I should use TBB or MPI. From a TBB book I read, I feel TBB is more suitable for looping or fine-grained code. Since I do not have much experience with TBB, I feel it is difficult to divide my code to small parts in order to realize the parallelization. In addition, from the literature, I find many authors used MPI to parallel several solvers and make it cooperate. I guess maybe MPI fits my need more. Since I do not have much knowledge on either TBB or MPI. Anyone can tell me whether my feeling is right? Will MPI fit me better? If so, what material is good for start learning MPI. I have no experience with MPI and I use Windows system and c++. Thanks a lot.
The basic thing you need to have in mind is to choose between shared-memory and distributed-memory.
Shared-memory is when you have more than one process (normally more than one thread within a process) that can access a common memory. This can be quite fine-grained and it is normally simpler to adapt a single-threaded program to have several threads. You will need to design the program in a way that the threads work most of the time in separate parts of the memory (exploit data parallelism) and that the shared part is protected against concurrent accesses using locks.
Distributed-memory means that you have different processes that might be executed in one or several distributed computers but these process have together a common goal and share data through message-passing (data communication). There is no common memory space and all the data one process need from another process will require communication.
It is a more general approach but, because of communication requirements, it requires coarse grains.
TBB is a library support for thread-based shared-memory parallelism while MPI is a library for distributed-memory parallelism (it has simple primitives for communication and also scripts for several processes in different nodes execution).
The most important thing is for you to identify the parallelisms within your solver and then choose the best solution. Do you have data parallelism (different thread/processes could be working in parallel in different chunks of data without the need of communication or sharing parts of this data)? Task parallelism (different threads/processes could be performing a different transformation to your data or a different step in the data processing in a pipeline or graph fashion)?

Force Program / Thread to use 100% of processor(s) resources

I do some c++ programming related to mapping software and mathematical modeling.
Some programs take anywhere from one to five hours to perform and output a result; however, they only consume 50% of my core duo. I tried the code on another dual processor based machine with the same result.
Is there a way to force a program to use all available processer resources and memory?
Note: I'm using ubuntu and g++
A thread can only run on one core at a time. If you want to use both cores, you need to find a way to do half the work in another thread.
Whether this is possible, and if so how to divide the work between threads, is completely dependent on the specific work you're doing.
To actually create a new thread, see the Boost.Thread docs, or the pthreads docs, or the Win32 API docs.
[Edit: other people have suggested using libraries to handle the threads for you. The reason I didn't mention these is because I have no experience of them, not because I don't think they're a good idea. They probably are, but it all depends on your algorithm and your platform. Threads are almost universal, but beware that multithreaded programming is often difficult: you create a lot of problems for yourself.]
The quickest method would be to read up about openMP and use it to parallelise your program.
Compile with the command g++ -fopenmp provided that your g++ version is >=4
You need to have as many threads running as there are CPU cores available in order to be able to potentially use all the processor time. (You can still be pre-empted by other tasks, though.)
There are many way to do this, and it depends completely on what you're processing. You may be able to use OpenMP or a library like TBB to do it almost transparently, however.
You're right that you'll need to use a threaded approach to use more than one core. Boost has a threading library, but that's not the whole problem: you also need to change your algorithm to work in a threaded environment.
There are some algorithms that simply cannot run in parallel -- for example, SHA-1 makes a number of "passes" over its data, but they cannot be threaded because each pass relies on the output of the run before it.
In order to parallelize your program, you'll need to be sure your algorithm can "divide and conquer" the problem into independent chunks, which it can then process in parallel before combining them into a full result.
Whatever you do, be very careful to verify the correctness of your answer. Save the single-threaded code, so you can compare its output to that of your multi-threaded code; threading is notoriously hard to do, and full of potential errors.
It may be more worth your time to avoid threading entirely, and try profiling your code instead: you may be able to get dramatic speed improvements by optimizing the most frequently-executed code, without getting near the challenges of threading.
To take full use of a multicore processor, you need to make the program multithreaded.
An alternative to multi-threading is to use more than one process. You would still need to divide & conquer your problem into mutiple independent chunks.
By 50%, do you mean just one core?
If the application isn't either multi-process or multi-threaded, there's no way it can use both cores at once.
Add a while(1) { } somewhere in main()?
Or to echo real advice, either launch multiple processes or rewrite the code to use threads. I'd recommend running multiple processes since that is easier, although if you need to speed up a single run it doesn't really help.
To get to 100% for each thread, you will need to:
(in each thread):
Eliminate all secondary storage I/O
(disk read/writes)
Eliminate all display I/O (screen
Eliminate all locking mechanisms
(mutexs, semaphores)
Eliminate all Primary storage I/O
(operate strictly out of registers
and cache, not DRAM).
Good luck on your rewrite!