OpenGL SuperSampling Anti-Aliasing? - opengl

At office we're working with an old GLX/Motif software that uses OpenGL's AccumulationBuffer to implement anti-aliasing for saving images.
Our problem is that Apple removed the AccumulationBuffer from all of its drivers (starting from OS X 10.7.5), and some Linux drivers like Intel HDxxxx don't support it neither.
Then I would like to update the anti-aliasing code of the software for making it compatible with most actual OSs and GPUs, but keeping the generated images as beautiful as they were before (because we need them for scientific publications).
SuperSampling seems to be the oldest and the best quality anti-aliasing method, but I can't find any example of SSAA that doesn't use AccumulationBuffer. Is there a different way to implement SuperSampling with OpenGL/GLX ???

You can use FBOs to implement the same kind of anti-aliasing that you most likely used with accumulation buffers. The process is almost the same, except that you use a texture/renderbuffer as your "accumulation buffer". You can either use two FBOs for the process, or change the attached render target of a single render FBO.
In pseudo-code, using two FBOs, the flow looks roughly like this:
create renderbuffer rbA
create fboA (will be used for accumulation)
bind fboA
attach rbA to fboA
create texture texB
create fboB (will be used for rendering)
attach texB to fboB
(create and attach a renderbuffer for the depth buffer)
loop over jitter offsets
bind fboB
render scene, with jitter offset applied
bind fboA
bind texB for texturing
set blend function GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA, GL_ONE
set blend color 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / #passes
enable blending
render screen size quad with simple texture sampling shader
disable blending
end loop
bind fboA as read_framebuffer
bind default framebuffer as draw framebuffer
blit framebuffer
Full super-sampling is also possible. As Andon in the comment above suggested, you create an FBO with a render target that is a multiple of your window size in each dimension, and in the end do a down-scaling blit to your window. The whole thing tends to be slow and use a lot of memory, even with just a factor of 2.


OpenGL: Post-Processing + Multisampling =?

I'm fairly new to OpenGL and trying to figure out how to add a post-processing stage to my scene rendering. What I believe I know so far is that I create an FBO, render the scene to that, and then I can render to the back buffer using my post-processing shader with the texture from the FBO as the input.
But where this goes beyond my knowledge is when multisampling gets thrown in. The FBO must be multisampled. That leaves two possibilities: 1. the post-process shader operates 1:1 on subsamples to generate the final multisampled screen output, or 2. the shader must resolve the multiple samples and output a single screen fragment for each screen pixel. How can these be done?
Well, option 1 is supported in the GL via the features braught in via GL_ARB_texture_multisample (in core since GL 3.2). Basically, this brings new multisample texture types, and the corresponding samplers like sampler2DMS, where you explicitely can fetch from a particular sample index. If this approach can be efficiently used to implement your post-processing effect, I don't know.
Option 2 is a little bit different than what you describe. Not the shader will do the multisample resolve. You can render into a multisample FBO (don't need a texture for that, a renderbuffer will do as well) and do the resolve explicitely using glBlitFramebuffer, into another, non-multisampled FBO (this time, with a texture). This non-multisamples texture can then be used as input for the post-processing. And neither the post-processing nor the default framebuffer need to be aware of multisampling at all.

OpenGL blend two FBOs

In a game I'm writing, I have a level, which is properly rendered to the on-screen render buffer provided to me by the OS. I can also render this to a framebuffer, then render this framebuffer onto the output render buffer.
To add a background, I want to render a different scene, an effect, or whatever to a second framebuffer, then have this "show through" wherever the framebuffer containing the level has no pixel set, i.e. the alpha value is 0. I think this is called alpha blending.
How would I go about doing this with OpenGL? I think glBlendFunc could be used to achieve this, but I am not sure how I can couple this with the framebuffer drawing routines to properly achieve the result I want.
glBlendFunc allows the application to blend (merge) the output of all your current draw operations (say, X) with the current "display" framebuffer (say, Y) that already exists.
New display output = X (blend) Y
You can control the blend function by gl as below snippet shows for example:
Full usage shown here
Note that the concepts of "showing through" and "blending" are a little different, you might just want to stick with "per pixel alpha blending" terminology.
FBOs are just a containers and are not storage. What you need to do is attach a texture target for each FBO and render your output to that texture, once you have done this. You can use your output textures on a fullscreen quad and do whatever you want with your blending.

OpenGL: Objects are smooth if normally drawn, but edged when rendering to FBO

I have a problem with different visual results when using a FBO compared to the default framebuffer:
I render my OpenGL scene into a framebuffer object, because I use this for color picking. The thing is that if I render the scene directly to the default framebuffer, the output on the screen is quite smooth, meaning the edges of my objects look a bit like if they were anti-aliased. When I render the scene into the FBO and afterwards use the output to texture a quad that spans the whole viewport, the objects have very hard edges where you can easily see every single colored pixel that belongs to the objects.
At the moment I have no idea what the reason for this could be. I am not using some kind of anti-aliasing.
Fedora 18 x64
Intel HD Graphics 4000 and Nvidia GT 740M (same result)
As stated by Damon and Steven Lu, there is probably some kind of anti-aliasing enabled by the system by default. I couldn't figure out so far how to disable this feature.
The thing is that I was just curious why this setting only had an effect on the default framebuffer and not the one handled by the FBO. To get anti-aliased edges for the FBO too, I will probably have to implement my own AA method.
Once you draw your scene into custom FBO the externally defined MSAA level doesn't apply anymore.You must configure your FBO to have Multi-sample texture or render buffer attachments setting number of sample levels along the way.Here is a reference.

Blend FBO onto default framebuffer

To clarify, when I say 'default framebuffer' I mean the one provided by the windowing system and what ends up on your monitor.
To improve my rendering speeds for a CAD app, I've managed to separate out the 3D elements from the Qt-handled 2D ones, and they now each render into their own FBO. When the time comes to get them onto the screen, I blit the 3D FBO onto the default FB, and then I want to blend my 2D FBO on top of it.
I've gotten to the blitting part fine, but I can't see how to blend my 2D FBO onto it? Both FBOs are identical in size and format, and they are both the same as the default FB.
I'm sure it's a simple operation, but I can't find anything on the net - presumably I'm missing the right term for what I am trying to do. Although I'm using Qt, I can use native OpenGL commands without issue.
A blit operation is ultimately a pixel copy operation. If you want to layer one image on top of another, you can't blit it. You must instead render a full-screen quad as a texture and use the proper blending parameters for your blending operation.
You can use GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit to blit contents of the framebuffer object to the application framebuffer (or to any other). Although, as the spec states, it is not possible to use blending:
The pixel copy bypasses the fragment pipeline. The only fragment
operations which affect the blit are the pixel ownership test and
the scissor test.
So any blending means to use fragment shader as suggested. One fullscreen pass with blending should be pretty cheap, I believe there is nothing to worry about.
use shader to read back from frame buffer. this is OpenGL ES extension, not support by all hardware.

Is it possible to attach the default renderbuffer to a FBO?

I'm considering refactoring a large part of my rendering code and one question popped to mind:
Is it possible to render to both the screen and to a texture using multiple color attachments in a Frame Buffer Object? I cannot find any information if this should be possible or not even though it has many useful applications. I guess it should be enough to bind my texture as color attachment0 and renderbuffer 0 to attachment1?
For example I want to make an interactive application where you can "draw" on a 3D model. I resolve where the user draws by rendering the UV-coordinates to a texture so I can look up at the mouse-coordinates where to modify the texture. In my case it would be fastest to have a shader that both draws the UV's to the texture and the actual texture to the screen in one pass.
Are there better ways to do this or am I on the right track?
There is no such thing as "default renderbuffer" in OpenGL. There is the window system provided default frame buffer with reserved name zero, but that basically means "no FBO enabled". So no, unfortunately normal OpenGL provides no method to somehow use its color buffer as a color attachment to any other FBO. I'm not aware of any extensions that could possible provide this feature.
With render buffers there is also the reserved name zero, but it's only a special "none" variable and allows unbinding render buffers.