Access localhost site from web server - web-services

I have a site running via Visual Studio (i.e. at http://localhost:1234)
I need to access this site from test web server(windows/IIS).
I can ping from the web server to my machine name.
Just wondering what I need to do to test this? to browse the site from the web server?

I usually just do a quick Publish and set up a web site application in IIS to point to the published location. I am interested to know if there is another way though.


Provider Hosted Apps Launch Issue

I have a provider hosted app (a normal web forms application) deployed on a typical web server IIS 7.5.
While launching the app from SharePoint Site in Office 365 Multi Tenant, it's throwing the below issue on App launch.
On capturing details using Fiddler, found the following when the app is launched
The SPErrorInfo Part is interesting. I am unable to confirm whether we really need the remote site to be configured for https?
Additional Information - Identity Provider is ACS and it is a low trust app.
Can someone suggest?
Nitin Rastogi
In a production environment, you should always be using HTTPS. If you don't, you're exposing yourself (and your organization) to many risks.
If this is your development environment and you are confident this isn't an issue, you may want to look at the accepted answer to this question on the MSDN forums, which mentions the same error message. Their solution to bypass the HTTPS checking:
$c = Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig
$c.AllowMetadataOverHttp = $true
When packaging the SharePoint App from Visual Studio, you must ensure that the URL you use is using HTTPS:
In IIS, add an HTTPS binding to the site to achieve this. You would have to reupload the App to SharePoint after packaging it with the new HTTPS URL.
More information here.

Call web services from IIS it works slowly

I'm developing mvc web application that calls third party web services.
I'm not sure about web services but looks like that they are java web services. They work perfect when I call them from windows console application or run my site under development server. But when I host my site under IIS 7.5 (I check it under Windows 7 32x and Windows Web Server 64x) performance is degraded in 10 time.
Could anybody suggest me with settings which I should check or anything else?
The best idea that I have, it is using Reversed Proxy for matching data that pass.
I've tired to use Fiddler 2 in this way. But what a pity I have trouble because web services are hosted via https.
Somebody has idea how to solve this?

installing an XML Websevice on Windows7 home basic

i've searched the site for this answer but couldnt find a good answer.
My client has a computer with Windows7 Home Basic Installed in his workstation (Thank you HP).
and i need to install a web service on IIS. Web service is written in c# (.asmx). When i installed IIS into that windows, i've realized that there is no IIS comsole available in windows7 home basic machines.
is there a way to register web service from the command prompt? this web service is a middleware for communication several mobile devices with the sql server on the machine so it has to be able to connect form outer ip's too.
I've tried IISExpress but it only lets connectiong from localhost.
I cannot format his harddisk, also my client doesnt really want an edition upgrade.
Thanks for spending your time.
I did a quick google search on hosting a web service (*.asmx) without IIS, and found this article: Run ASMX Without IIS. A quick glance at it looks like you'd wind up writing your own host and implementing your own web server.
If this is the only solution available, I think you'd be far better off to rewrite your ASMX web service as a WCF web service, and then either self-host it or host it in a Windows Service.

Host a SOAP web service on a server

I have a SOAP web service code (.asmx) created using VS.NET 2008 which I plan to host on a web server. I am unaware and completely new to the term 'hosting' . My question is whether there are any free and limited period web hosting services that offer me to host a .asmx web service having Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as backend. If yes, what should the approach be from my side ? Should I the upload the .asmx code or the entire VS.NET project ? I am working on localhost at present.
This describes how to deploy ASMX web services:
You'll need to find a web host that supports IIS and ASP.NET. I'm not aware of any free hosts that support server side scripts and SQL databases. One of the cheapest options that I've used in the past is GoDaddy, which should satisfy all your needs.
You can test locally if you install IIS 7, available through the web platform installer:

How to set up Apache server via an FTP account

I have developed a web application in Django and would like to go online i have an FTP access to the hosting server I am a beginner to "setting up a website" i would like to know how to install apache on that server and have my application working
Kindly provide detailed info as i am newbie, any links or tutorials would help a lot
Thanks in advance
If you only have user level access to the machine (ie: you don't have root), then you won't be able to control what web server runs and you can only control its settings to a limited regard. You will have to consider contacting your provider or looking for a different hosting package if the server doesn't meet you needs.
Typically, if it is a hosting server, the administrators will already have web server software like Apache running. You simply just have to upload what you would like to have displayed (typically to a directory called "public_html" or something like that), and it will display when someone visits your site. Hopefully they support things like Django, otherwise you might need to look at other options.
Your hosting provider is most likely to have specific and the most relevant instructions for how to upload your website.