llvm InitializeNativeTarget() is undefined - c++

All of the samples I'm seeing show llvm::InitializeNativeTarget() being called on the first line.
I just finished building llvm and clang and am trying to get my first sample running and this function appears to be undefined. I'm not sure if it is actually undefined and these examples are stale, or if I did something wrong in a previous step.
Where would I find the definition of this function if it is supposed to exist? Is there something else I should be calling instead?
InitializeNativeTarget(); /* error, undefined */
LLVMContext context;
string error;
llvm::OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> buffer;
auto result = MemoryBuffer::getFile("test.bc", buffer);
auto m = ParseBitcodeFile(buffer.get(), context, &error);
auto ee = ExecutionEngine::create(m, true, &error);
With the code above, and a test.bc file compiled via clang I am getting a null ExecutionEngine so I'm assuming I'm not initializing something correctly.

Surprisingly hard to find but the function appears to have been renamed to:
Simply calling that function solved my problem.
(also I needed to call ExecutionEngine::create(m, false, &error) instead of true)

This is just a clarification. Actually, function llvm::InitializeNativeTarget can be found in
#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
Your called function llvm::LLVMInitializeNativeTarget exists in
#include "llvm-c/Target.h"
The latter header file is already included by ExecutionEngine.h. Therefore you found it. Both functions seem identical (until v3.9.1 at least) except for their return value. However, the former is the one used in LLVM examples and I'd recommend sticking with it especially if you are using C++.


How to convert function insertion module pass to intrinsic to inline

I currently have a traditional module instrumentation pass that
inserts new function calls into a given IR according to some logic
(inserted functions are external from a small lib that is later linked
to given program). Running experiments, my overhead is from
the cost of executing a function call to the library function.
What I am trying to do:
I would like to inline these function bodies into the IR of
the given program to get rid of this bottleneck. I assume an intrinsic
would be a clean way of doing this, since an intrinsic function would
be expanded to its function body when being lowered to ASM (please
correct me if my understanding is incorrect here, this is my first
time working with intrinsics/LTO).
Current Status:
My original library call definition:
void register_my_mem(void *user_vaddr){
... C code ...
So far:
I have created a def in: llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/IR/IntrinsicsX86.td
let TargetPrefix = "x86" in {
def int_x86_register_mem : GCCBuiltin<"__builtin_register_my_mem">,
Intrinsic<[], [llvm_anyint_ty], []>;
Added another def in:
TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_register_my_mem, "vv*", "", "")
Added my library source (*.c, *.h) to the compiler-rt/lib/test_lib
and added to CMakeLists.txt
Replaced the function insertion with trying to insert the intrinsic
instead in: llvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/myModulePass.cpp
FunctionCallee sm_func =
ArrayRef<Value*> args = {
builder.CreatePointerCast(sm_arg_val, currType->getPointerTo())
builder.CreateCall(sm_func, args);
Intrinsic::ID aREGISTER(Intrinsic::x86_register_my_mem);
Function *sm_func = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(currFunc->getParent(),
aREGISTER, func_type);
ArrayRef<Value*> args = {
builder.CreatePointerCast(sm_arg_val, currType->getPointerTo())
builder.CreateCall(sm_func, args);
If my logic for inserting the intrinsic functions shouldnt be a
module pass, where do i put it?
Am I confusing LTO with intrinsics?
Do I put my library function definitions into the following files as mentioned in
http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2017-June/114322.html as for example EmitRegisterMyMem()?
clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.cpp - define llvm::Instrinsic::ID
clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h - declare llvm::Intrinsic::ID
My LLVM compiles, so it is semantically correct, but currently when
trying to insert this function call, LLVM segfaults saying "Not a valid type for function argument!"
I'm seeing multiple issues here.
Indeed, you're confusing LTO with intrinsics. Intrinsics are special "functions" that are either expanded into special instructions by a backend or lowered to library function calls. This is certainly not something you're going to achieve. You don't need an intrinsic at all, you'd just need to inline the function call in question: either by hands (from your module pass) or via LTO, indeed.
The particular error comes because you're declaring your intrinsic as receiving an integer argument (and this is how the declaration would look like), but:
asking the declaration of variadic intrinsic with invalid type (I'd assume your func_type is a non-integer type)
passing pointer argument
Hope this makes an issue clear.
See also: https://llvm.org/docs/LinkTimeOptimization.html
Thanks you for clearing up the issue #Anton Korobeynikov.
After reading your explanation, I also believe that I have to use LTO to accomplish what I am trying to do. I especially found this link very useful: https://llvm.org/docs/LinkTimeOptimization.html. It seems that I am now on a right path.

C++ `if` seems to be taking the wrong branch?

I'm struggling with a non-sensical if statement...
Consider this code in a C++ file
if (coreAudioDevice) {
delete coreAudioDevice;
coreAudioDevice = nullptr;
coreAudioDevice = AudioDevice::GetDevice(defaultOutputDeviceID, false, coreAudioDevice, true);
if (coreAudioDevice)
// we use the quick mode which skips initialisation; cache the device name (in AudioDevice)
// using an immediate, blocking look-up.
char devName[256];
coreAudioDevice->GetName(devName, 256);
AUDINFO ("Using default output device %p #%d=\"%s\".\n",
defaultOutputDeviceID, coreAudioDevice, coreAudioDevice->GetName());
AUDERR ("Failed to obtain a handle on the default device (%p)\n", coreAudioDevice);
calling a function in an ObjC++ file:
AudioDevice *AudioDevice::GetDevice(AudioObjectID devId, bool forInput, AudioDevice *dev, bool quick)
if (dev) {
if (dev->ID() != devId) {
delete dev;
} else {
return nullptr;
dev = new AudioDevice(devId, quick, forInput);
return dev;
Which leads to the following terminal output:
ERROR coreaudio.cc:232 [init]: Failed to obtain a handle on the default device (0x7f81a1f1f1b0)
Evidently the if shouldn't fail because coreAudioDevice supposedly is NULL and then print a non-null value for this variable in the else branch.
I tried different compiler options and a different compiler (clang 4.0.1 vs. 5.0.1), apparently there is really something fishy in my code. Any thoughts?
Reaching the end of the function without returning a value is undefined behavior in C++.
See http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/ub and What are all the common undefined behaviours that a C++ programmer should know about?.
So the call setDefaultDevice() can legally result in anything. The compiler is free to compile the program into an executable that can do anything, when the program's control flow leads to undefined behavior (i.e. the call to setDefaultDevice()).
In this case, entering the if block with coreAudioDevice non-zero leads to UB. So the optimizing compiler foresees this and chooses to then make it go into the else branch instead. Like this it can remove the first branch and the if entirely, to produce more optimized code.
See https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20140627-00/?p=633
Without optimizations the program should normally run as expected.
Well, at least I found a reason, but no understanding (yet).
I had defined this method, without noticing the compiler warning (amidst a bunch of deprecation warnings printed multiple times because of concurrent compilation...):
bool setDefaultDevice(bool isDefault)
mDefaultDevice = isDefault;
Indeed, no return value.
Notice that I call this method inside the skipped if block - so theoretically I never got the chance to do that. BTW, it's what led me to discover this strange issue.
The issue goes away when I remove the call or when I make the method void as intended.
I think this also explains the very strange way of crashing I've seen: somehow the optimiser gets completely confused because of this. I'm tempted to call this a compiler bug; I don't use the return value from the method, so flow shouldn't be affected at all IMHO.
Ah, right. Should I read that as "free to build an exec that can do anything EXCEPT the sensical thing"? If so, that former boss of mine had a point banning C++ as an anomaly (the exact word was French, "saleté")...
Anyway, I can understand why the behaviour would be undefined when you don't know a function doesn't actually put a return value on the stack. You'd be popping bytes off the stack after the return, messing things up. (Read heap for stack if necessary =] ). I'm guessing that's what would happen when you run this kind of code without optimisation, in good ole C or with the bugggy method defined out of line (so the optimiser cannot know that it's buggy).
But once you know that a function doesn't actually return a value and you see that the value wouldn't be used anyway, you should be able to emit code that doesn't pop the corresponding number of bytes. IOW, code that behaves as expected. With a big fat compile-time warning. Presuming the standard allows this that'd be the sensical thing to do, rather than optimise the entire tainted block away because that'd be faster. If that's indeed the reasoning followed in clang it doesn't actually inspire confidence...
Does the standard say this cannot be an error by default? I'd certainly prefer that over the current behaviour!

STLport c_str() incorrect return value

I have encountered a problem with stlport STL implementation. I use it for Android, though platform probably not relevant here.
I’m using a third-party shared library, which tries to open certain file. That file path is passed to function as std::string, and then it comes to library inline function:
inline bool ReadProtoFromTextFile(const string& filename, Message* proto) {
return ReadProtoFromTextFile(filename.c_str(), proto);
and then that C string is used as an argument to open() function. The problem is that with stlport, ReadProtoFromTextFile function receives non-valid C string, thus failing to open file. That non-valid C string is deterministic, it is always this sequence of characters:
When I try to call c_str() from my code it is always valid.
I have tried to look into problematic string with LLDB and got this error:
error: The expression could not be prepared to run in the target
Still, it is possible to check internal structure of that string and problematic string sequence is present there in _M_buffers._M_end_of_storage field. Correct sequence is also there in _M_buffers._M_start_of_storage.
When I have switched to gnustl implementation, the problem was gone. And LLDB showed .c_str() without any problems. For me, it looks like some inlining problem, but what could it be? stlport_shared is recommended implementation by Google, after all.

Invoking function with string argument with lldb: how?

I am unable to use lldb to invoke simple, non-templated functions that take string arguments. Is there any way to get lldb to understand the C++ datatype "string", which is a commonly used datatype in C++ programs?
The sample source code here just creates a simple class with a few constructors, and then calls them (includes of "iostream" and "string" omitted):
using namespace std;
struct lldbtest{
int bar=5;
lldbtest(int foo){bar=foo;}
lldbtest(string fum){bar=7;}
int main(){
string name="fum";
lldbtest x,y(3);
return 0;
When compiled on Mac Maverick with
g++ -g -std=c++11 -o testconstructor testconstructor.cpp
the program runs and prints the expected output of "63".
However, when a breakpoint is set in main just before the return statement, and attempt to invoke the constructor fails with a cryptic error message:
p lldbtest(string("hey there"))
error: call to a function 'lldbtest::lldbtest(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >)' ('_ZN8lldbtestC1ENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEE') that is not present in the target
error: The expression could not be prepared to run in the target
Possibly relevant as well, the command:
p lldbtest(name)
prints nothing at all.
Also, calling the constructor with a string literal also failed, the standard way:
p lldbtest("foo")
gives a similar long error:
error: call to a function
'lldbtest::lldbtest(std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >)' ('_ZN8lldbtestC1ENSt3__112basic_stringIcNS0_11char_traitsIcEENS0_9allocatorIcEEEE') that is not present in the targeterror: The expression could not be prepared to run in the target
Is there any way to get lldb to understand and use the C++ "string" datatype? I have a number of functions taking string arguments and need a way to invoke these functions from the debugger. On a Mac.
This is due to a subtle problem with your code, that boils down to the following wording from the C++ Standard:
7.1.2p3-4 Function specifiers [dcl.fct.spec]
A function defined within a class definition is an inline function.
An inline function shall be defined in every translation unit in which it is odr-used, and shall have exactly the same definition in every case (3.2).
Your constructor, lldbtest(std::string) is defined within the body of lldbtest which means that it will implicitly be inline, which further means that the compiler will not generate any code for it, unless it is used in the translation unit.
Since the definition must be present in every translation unit that potentially calls it we can imagine the compiler saying; "heck, I don't need to do this.. if someone else uses it, they will generate the code".
lldb will look for a function definition which doesn't exist, since gcc didn't generate one; because you didn't use it.
If we change the definition of lldbtest to the following I bet it will work as you intended:
struct lldbtest{
int bar=5;
lldbtest(int foo);
lldbtest(string fum);
lldbtest::lldbtest() { bar=6; }
lldbtest::lldbtest(int) { bar=7; }
lldbtest::lldbtest(string) { bar=8; }
But.. what about p lldbtest(name)?
The command p in lldb is used to print* information, but it can also be used to evaluate expressions.
lldbtest(name) will not call the constructor of lldbtest with a variable called name, it's equivalent of declaring a variable called name of type lldbtest; ie. lldbtest name is sementically equivalent.
Going to answer the asked question here instead of addressing the problem with the op's code. Especially since this took me a while to figure out.
Use a string in a function invocation in lldb in C++
(This post helped greatly, and is a good read: Dancing in The Debugger)

IDL CALL_EXTERNAL crashing when passing arguments to C++

I'm trying to run a c++ script from IDL using the CALL_EXTERNAL function. I've been able to get it to work without arguments, but when I try to add an arg, such as a single IDL LONG INT, IDL crashes. with the error:
% CALL_EXTERNAL: Error loading sharable executable.
Symbol: main, File = /home/inspired/workspace/TestCode/main.
/home/inspired/workspace/TestCode/main.so: wrong ELF class:
% Execution halted at: TEST_EXTERNAL 7
/home/inspired/IDLWorkspace/Analyze Data/test_external.pro
% $MAIN$
The test code I'm using is as follows.
The C++ code:
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int temp = (int) strtod(argv[1], NULL);
return temp;
The IDL code:
pro test_external
c= call_external('/home/inspired/workspace/TestCode/main.so','main', long(2), /AUTO_GLUE)
This code is of course practice code, but if I can't get this to work, then there's no way I'll be able to pass a mixture of arrays, and values.
I am aware that IDL passes everything by reference unless stated otherwise. So I've tried both treating the passed argument as a pointer in the C++ code, and setting the /ALL_VALUE keyword to pass the arg as a value. Neither works resulting in the same error as above. I've read about "glue functions" but I have not been able to find a guide to making them (despite every source indicating that it's 'easy for most programmers'" >.>
Anyway, my options are as follows, and if you can help me with any, I'd be eternally grateful:
Get this CALL_EXTERNAL function to work
Have the C code grab the data it needs from memory somehow
Rewrite everything in C++ (you don't need to help with this one)
Thanks in advance.
I think you are trying to mix 32-bit and 64-bit code. It looks like you are compiling your code as 64-bit, but you are running 32-bit IDL. To check this, IDL prints it when it launches or you can check manually:
IDL> print, !version.memory_bits