System Programming using C++ [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to learn system programming in C++ but I don't know how should start? which topics should I start to learn?
It is important for me to know the topics in both MS-Windows and *NIX operating systems.
(SO sorry for my bad English grammar)

System programming is a very abstract distinction. It is as if you said graphics programming or network programming.
I suggest you pick a specific sub-topic (like system-calls, gpu-interaction, compilier-writing) and explore that.

For a newer, start coding with standard c++, which windows and linux both supports. If you are interested in system programming, I think Linux best fits you.

If you wanna develop in Windows , start with Porgramming Wdinwos.


Where to start with C++ GUI? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Just wondering what a good place to start would be? The program I eventually hope to make is a calculator for a windows operating system (School project)
Provided that you have good command of C++, Qt can be a good cross-platform starting point.
Depening on the platform, you may choose to try native OS UI framework; MFC is Microsoft-only and somewhat confusing.
My money is on Qt.

C++ for graphical software [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm in the process of learning C++ and was wondering about the graphical implications of C++.
I know Chrome was developed in C++, but I don't see how to replicate it or create any sort of GUI.
How is Chrome programmed for the UI?
C++ doesn't include any graphical library in it. So you need to use any existing third-party library or API of operating system.
For example, there exists next graphical libraries, which supports C++:
Some of them are object oriented and some - not. Some of them are portable, some - not. Some of them are proprietary, some - not.
Also you always can use low-level API's such as Win32 API

Do i need to learn c before learning c++? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I started to learn C, but I realized that all i could do was to build thse console programs (correct me if i'm wrong). So, i've seen that c++ is much more "graphic", like, you can build apps and windows, and is also OOP, what makes everything easier. So, do I need to finish learning c before c++?
Also, what interested me about C was that I could program an Arduino. Can I program an Arduino with C++?
All the "graphic" things are supported by libraries, no matter in C(e.g. GTK, SDL) or C++ (e.g. QT).
And for hardware drive programming, no matter what language it is. You have to compile it into binaries so that the hardware will knows how to run. You can even create your own language if you can write your own compiler.

Is the Go programming language replacing C++? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have read on some blogs that Go is a better system programming language and is going to replace C/C++. I am currently learning C++. So, I was wondering whether I should continue learning C++ or move to Go?
Go is designed for reliable, fast online services. It's the recommended language of Google App Engine. It does have general feature parity with C, plus additional scalability features. Perhaps, one day, it will be adopted for embedded programming and client-side applications, but that has yet to happen.
C is used in many, many application domains. No other language approaches its breadth of use. As a first language, though, it won't help you develop good habits.
C++ is a multi-paradigm language. It supports deep, generic metaprogramming. Many users of C++ are really using "embedded domain-specific languages" (EDSLs) where a library provides functionality defined within the C++ grammar. Go does not attempt to provide this depth, which is a Pandora's box of complexity.

what C++ software do i use for accelerated c++ book [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have just bought accelerated c++ used. It wants me to do a project but i have no clue on what, does any one have a clue i searched online for a answer but nothing or at less one that would work. The program it want me to do is this
write a program that, when run, writes
this (") is a qute, and this (/) is a backslash
3 + 4;
There is no particular implementation you're supposed to use. You simply use whatever you've got. If you're on Windows you can get Visual Studio Express. If you're on linux you can use gcc, if you're on OS X you can get Xcode, etc.
Accelerated C++ is not intended for individuals new to programming; It's intended to get a programmer with experience in another language up and running in C++ quickly. You may find a different book more suited to your needs.