DropBox integration to MFC application - mfc

I have an application which will create an encrypted file which i want to upload it to Dropbox (from no, and later in google Drive also). How can upload this file to dropbox from within the application. I have googled a lot for MFC integration with dropbox but havent come across any useful resource yet. If anyone has implemented it earlier please help..

For my own app I initially tried this the hard way, writing wrappers around Google Drive and DropBox to interface directly with their web services.
After a while I gave up on that (because the APIs were difficult to work with and there was almost no sample code of any kind) and instructed users to install the respective Windows clients for these services so that uploading was as simple as copying the file to their local Google Drive or DropBox folders.
It may not be the solution you want but it has worked well for me.


How to search for Shiny Apps - Rstudio

I'm entering the world of Shiny Rstudio now. So this is a beginner question
One question I came up with is: how do I search for the Shiny Apps available/created? Are all created Apps available? Is there any way that, once I create my app, I prevent it from being viewed? Or during the creation I "block it"?
From so much searching I found this link via Rstudio's website: http://www.showmeshiny.com/
Would this be the search platform for all apps made?
But in the case of http://www.showmeshiny.com/ it seems that it is necessary to send it via "Submit App".
I am not sure if I understand your questions correctly but I might be able to give you some insights.
Are all created Apps available?
No, some shiny Apps are hosted on private servers or/and are embedded in password-protected websites or Wordpress-pages for example. If you dont have those access rights, then you cannot see those Apps.
How do I search for the Shiny Apps available/created?
There is no way of doing that, except on pages like Showmeshiny, the RStudio Shiny Gallery, this gallery of recent Shiny-Apps or pther similar pages. Those Apps are publicly available and you can submit your own App if you like sharing it. Shinyapps.io is a nice and easy way of deploying your App on a server with a few clicks. But you need at least the standard license to include authentication, otherwise they would be free and open for everyone.
Is there any way that, once I create my app, I prevent it from being
I am not quite sure, what you mean. If it should be blocked from being viewed at all, I dont see the reason of building a ShinyApp. If you just want to access it yourself, then there are ways of doing so. Either password-protect it where only you know the password or host it on a local server that only you can access.
Or during the creation I "block it"?
If you create it on your computer and run it, it will run on your computer and only be accessible to yourself, except you explicitly configure it otherwise. So there is no need of "blocking it".

How to locate the WSDL file in Azure web site?

I've created a web application that runs a web service (WCF). The source code is long gone but I just checked that the app itself is still up and running. Given that I have the address to the service (something.azurewebsites.com) and the name of one of the methods exposed (parameterless Ping), how can I learn the location of the WSDL file?
As far I recall, I've exposed it the most common way, the publish file fetched from the suggestion on Azure portal. I'd like to just call the method Ping to verify something, so rebuilding a whole new service seems a bit overkill.
Suggestions on what the exact URL might be? Alternatively, suggestions on a tool to sniff that up?
Go to the Azure portal and find the FTP address for your "something.azurewebsite.net". Then use an FTP program to connect to the server and browse the files. This way you might be able to find the ".svc" file. For that matter, you might be able to download all of your code and use a tool like Reflector to view the .Net compiled code.

Scan for virus before upload. Coldfusion

I am working on a ColdFusion application which required to scan a file for virus before it upload to server.
Is it possible?
There's no guarantee that the user even has an anti-virus program in the first place. Even if it was possible for JavaScript to call a desktop program on the user's computer (it can't), you wouldn't know if there was one or which one they had.
Your only choice is to upload the file to your server:
Verify that the file being uploaded is of the correct mime-type and content for what you're expecting.
Make sure that you upload it to a folder that is not publicly available to your website.
Run it through the anti-virus program on your server
There are more tips for securely uploading files on Pete Freitag's site.

Push OO or xslt doc to google drive from django

I use pod to generate reports from django. A very smart solution, I enjoy it.
But pod solution required an Open Office (or LibreOffice) installation on client desktop (or server side).
To avoid Open Office software I will hope to send report to google drive as a new (or existing) doc from a django app (or python ...).
Someone would to share expertise with this kind of issue? Else, What would be the steps to publish a google doc from django app?
If your Python app can produce a csv file, you can upload it to Google Docs using the Documents List API and convert it into a Spreadsheet:
Many other file formats can be imported, please check the docs for more details.

Using box.net, dropbox, (OR ANY cloud storage) with a C++ application

How do you use cloud storage such as Dropbox in your C++ Apllication ? I've checked out their API and they only have Java, Python, and Ruby options. If you cant use dropbox with a c++ app, is therte any cloud storage provider that has an API for C++.
The drop box APIs seem to be wrappers for a http interface.
So if you want to hit them up from C++ you can use a http supporting library like libcurl to access stuff using the REST api
Droper is an open source C++/Qt Dropbox client that I have recently wrote. It can be compiled for Windows and Linux, but the GUI is optimized for Symbian mobile phones. Check it out.
I've found several differnet APIs on their website, righ under the place you propably found the ruby / pathon stuff..
Not sure if this is, wha you were looking for..