fopen, fprintf and fclose forces socket connection end - c++

I have a dll which hooks recv function of a network application. The code works just fine (it makes everything its suppossed to do), but if i add output logs to a file, the connection closes after some time working (the server side application throws the error "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host").
That time isnt even always the same, sometimes it closes almost when initializing connection, other times i can use the connection for few secs before it gets closed. It does not give any error or warning message. If i remove the log code, the application runs fine. Any idea why is that happening? I run it in windows 8 x64
Also, even erasing the log code, the connection keeps being closed in windows xp x32.
Here is the recv hook code:
int __stdcall NewRecv(SOCKET socket, char *data, int datalen, int flags) {
int result = 0;
if(!IsLoginServerPacket(&socket)) {
INT size = 0,opcode = 0,temp = 0,writer = 0,second_op = 0;
do {
size = 0;
second_op = 0;
temp = 0;
writer = 0;
while(temp < 2) {
temp += recvPacket(socket,recv_gs_buffer+writer,2 - temp,flags);
writer += temp;
size = (*(SHORT*)recv_gs_buffer) & 0xffff;
FILE *f = fopen("debug.txt", "a");
fprintf(f, "datalen=%d, size=%d\n", datalen, size);
while(temp < size) {
temp += recvPacket(socket,recv_gs_buffer+writer,size - temp,flags);
writer += temp;
opcode = (*(recv_gs_buffer+2) & 0xff);
if(opcode == EXTENDED_PROTOCOL) {
second_op = *(SHORT*)(recv_gs_buffer + 3);
second_op &= 0xffff;
} while(second_op == 0x8a || second_op == 0x8b);
if(opcode == 0x00) {
} else
int i = 0;
while(i < size) {
data[i] = recv_gs_buffer[i];
result = size;
} else
result = recvPacket(socket,data,datalen,flags);
return result;

I just found the problem and its solution.
The injected app was configuring sockets on non blocking mode. Any little delay was making it throwing WSAEWOULDBLOCK (10035 error code). All i had to do to fix it was to retry the recv request if i get any error
INT val = 0;
while(temp < 2) {
val = recvPacket(socket,recv_gs_buffer+writer,2 - temp,flags);
if(val > 0) {
temp += val;
writer += temp;
val = 0;
while(temp < size) {
val = recvPacket(socket,recv_gs_buffer+writer,size - temp,flags);
if(val > 0) {
temp += val;
writer += temp;


IOCP Socket Worker threads works too much slow when i test it with client simulator

I'm developing a mmorpg with iocp sockets.When im testing with my client simulator , after 70-80 connection , writing operation at socket worker thread slowing down than users get lagged.
This is my worker thread ;
typedef void(*OperationHandler)(Socket * s, uint32 len);
void HandleReadComplete(Socket * s, uint32 len);
void HandleWriteComplete(Socket * s, uint32 len);
void HandleShutdown(Socket * s, uint32 len);
static OperationHandler ophandlers[] =
uint32 THREADCALL SocketMgr::SocketWorkerThread(void * lpParam){
SocketMgr *socketMgr = (SocketMgr *)lpParam;
HANDLE cp = socketMgr->GetCompletionPort();
DWORD len;
Socket * s = nullptr;
OverlappedStruct * ov = nullptr;
while (socketMgr->m_bWorkerThreadsActive)
if (!GetQueuedCompletionStatus(cp, &len, (LPDWORD)&s, &ol_ptr, INFINITE))
if (s != nullptr)
ov = CONTAINING_RECORD(ol_ptr, OverlappedStruct, m_overlap);
if (ov->m_event == SOCKET_IO_THREAD_SHUTDOWN)
delete ov;
return 0;
if (ov->m_event < NUM_SOCKET_IO_EVENTS)
ophandlers[ov->m_event](s, len);
return 0;}
This is Write Complete event handler;
void HandleWriteComplete(Socket * s, uint32 len)
if (s->IsDeleted()) {
s->BurstBegin(); // Lock
TRACE("SOCK = %d removed = %d",s->GetFd(),len);
if (s->GetWriteBuffer().GetContiguousBytes() > 0) {
else {
s->BurstEnd(); // Unlock
WriteCallBack function ;
void Socket::WriteCallback()
if (IsDeleted() || !IsConnected()) {
// We don't want any writes going on while this is happening.
Guard lock(m_writeMutex);
DWORD w_length = 0;
DWORD flags = 0;
// attempt to push all the data out in a non-blocking fashion.
buf.len = (ULONG)writeBuffer.GetContiguousBytes();
buf.buf = (char*)writeBuffer.GetBufferStart();
TRACE("\n SOCK = %d aslında giden = %X THREADID = %d", GetFd(), buf.buf[4],GetCurrentThreadId());
int r = WSASend(m_fd, &buf, 1, &w_length, flags, &m_writeEvent.m_overlap, 0);
if (r == SOCKET_ERROR && WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING)
// Write operation is completed.
this is stuffs about mutexes ;
/* Atomic wrapper functions for increasing read/write locks */
INLINE void IncSendLock() { Guard lock(m_writeMutex); ++m_writeLock; }
INLINE void DecSendLock() { Guard lock(m_writeMutex);
--m_writeLock; }
INLINE bool HasSendLock() {Guard lock(m_writeMutex); return (m_writeLock != 0); }
INLINE bool AcquireSendLock()
Guard lock(m_writeMutex);
if (m_writeLock != 0)
return false;
return true;
// Write lock, stops multiple write events from being posted.
uint32 m_writeLock;
std::recursive_mutex m_writeLockMutex;
This is read event handler;
void HandleReadComplete(Socket * s, uint32 len)
if (s->IsDeleted())
if (len)
// s->Delete(); // Queue deletion.
OnRead function ;
void KOSocket::OnRead()
Packet pkt;
for (;;)
if (m_remaining == 0)
if (GetReadBuffer().GetSize() < 5) {
//TRACE("pkt returnzzz GetFd %d", GetFd());
return; //check for opcode as well
uint16 header = 0;
GetReadBuffer().Read(&header, 2);
//printf("header : %X", header);//derle at k
if (header != 0x55AA)
TRACE("%s: Got packet without header 0x55AA, got 0x%X\n", GetRemoteIP().c_str(), header);
goto error_handler;
GetReadBuffer().Read(&m_remaining, 2);
if (m_remaining == 0)
TRACE("%s: Got packet without an opcode, this should never happen.\n", GetRemoteIP().c_str());
goto error_handler;
if (m_remaining > GetReadBuffer().GetAllocatedSize())
TRACE("%s: Packet received which was %u bytes in size, maximum of %u.\n", GetRemoteIP().c_str(), m_remaining, GetReadBuffer().GetAllocatedSize());
goto error_handler;
if (m_remaining > GetReadBuffer().GetSize())
if (m_readTries > 4)
TRACE("%s: packet fragmentation count is over 4, disconnecting as they're probably up to something bad\n", GetRemoteIP().c_str());
goto error_handler;
uint8 *in_stream = new uint8[m_remaining];
m_readTries = 0;
GetReadBuffer().Read(in_stream, m_remaining);
uint16 footer = 0;
GetReadBuffer().Read(&footer, 2);
if (footer != 0xAA55
|| !DecryptPacket(in_stream, pkt))
TRACE("%s: Footer invalid (%X) or failed to decrypt.\n", GetRemoteIP().c_str(), footer);
delete [] in_stream;
goto error_handler;
delete [] in_stream;
// Update the time of the last (valid) response from the client.
m_lastResponse = UNIXTIME2;
//TRACE("pkt:%d GetFd %d", pkt.GetOpcode(), GetFd());
if (!HandlePacket(pkt))
TRACE("%s: Handler for packet %X returned false\n", GetRemoteIP().c_str(), pkt.GetOpcode());
#ifndef _DEBUG
goto error_handler;
m_remaining = 0;
//TRACE("pkt return11 GetFd %d", GetFd());
and this is how my server sends to packet to clients ;
//TRACE("\n SOCK = %d FREE SPACE = %d ",GetFd(),GetWriteBuffer().GetSpace()/*, GetWriteBuffer().m_writeLock*/);
if (GetWriteBuffer().GetSpace() < size_t(len + 6))
size_t freespace = GetWriteBuffer().GetSpace();
return false;
TRACE("\n SOCK = %d gitmesi gereken paket = %X THREADID = %d", GetFd(), out_stream[0],GetCurrentThreadId());
r = BurstSend((const uint8*)"\xaa\x55", 2);
if (r) r = BurstSend((const uint8*)&len, 2);
if (r) r = BurstSend((const uint8*)out_stream, len);
if (r) r = BurstSend((const uint8*)"\x55\xaa", 2);
if (r) BurstPush();
The number of Worker threads according to processor number;
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfWorkerThreads; i++)
m_thread[i] = new Thread(SocketWorkerThread, this);
The server which i tested on it has Intel XEON E5-2630 v3 2.40 ghz (2 processor)
Can you guys help me about how can i improve performance ? For ex: when the client moves in the map per 1.5 second that sends to move packet to server and if it success server sends to every client in that region that move packet.
When client count increasing server starts to slow down to send back to packets to clients.My write buffer filling fully (it's capacity 16384 bytes) cause server couldn't send packets inside of the writebuffer.

Why is msgrcv() feeding garbage characters into the buffer?

right now, I am currently trying to output the contents of buf.mtext so I can make sure take the correct input before moving on with my program. Everything seems to work fine, except one thing; msgrcv() puts garbage characters into the buffer, and the reciever process outputs garbage characters.
Here is my sender process:
int main (void)
int i; // loop counter
int status_01; // result status
int msqid_01; // message queue ID (#1)
key_t msgkey_01; // message-queue key (#1)
unsigned int rand_num;
float temp_rand;
unsigned char eight_bit_num;
unsigned char counter = 0;
unsigned char even_counter = 0;
unsigned char odd_counter = 0;
struct message {
long mtype;
char mtext[BUFFER_SIZE];
} buf_01;
msgkey_01 = MSG_key_01; // defined at top of file
msqid_01 = msgget(msgkey_01, 0666 | IPC_CREAT)
if ((msqid_01 <= -1) { exit(1); }
/* wait for a key stroke at the keyboard ---- */
eight_bit_num = getchar();
buf_01.mtype = 1;
/* send one eight-bit number, one at a time ------------ */
for (i = 0; i < NUM_REPEATS; i++)
temp_rand = ((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX)*255.0;
rand_num = (int)temp_rand;
eight_bit_num = (unsigned char)rand_num;
if ((eight_bit_num % 2) == 0)
printf("Even number: %d\n", eight_bit_num);
even_counter = even_counter + eight_bit_num;
printf("Odd number: %d\n", eight_bit_num);
odd_counter = odd_counter + eight_bit_num;
/* update the counters ------------------------------ */
counter = counter + eight_bit_num;
if((eight_bit_num % 2) == 0) { even_counter = even_counter + eight_bit_num; }
else { odd_counter = odd_counter + eight_bit_num; }
buf_01.mtext[0] = eight_bit_num; // copy the 8-bit number
buf_01.mtext[1] = '\0'; // null-terminate it
status_01 = msgsnd(msqid_01, (struct msgbuf *)&buf_01, sizeof(buf_01.mtext), 0);
status_01 = msgctl(msqid_01, IPC_RMID, NULL);
Here is my receiver process:
int main() {
struct message {
long mtype;
char mtext[BUFFER_SIZE];
} buf;
int msqid;
key_t msgkey;
msgkey = MSG_key_01;
msqid = msgget(msgkey, 0666); // connect to message queue
if (msqid < 0) {
else {
if (msgrcv(msqid, &buf, BUFFER_SIZE, 0, 0) < 0) { // read message into buf
printf("Data received is: %s \n", buf.mtext);
printf("Done receiving messages.\n");
return 0;
The output is usually something like as follows:
Data received is: ▒
Done receiving messages.
I have made sure to clear my message queues each time after running the sender and receiver processes, as well, since I have come to find out this can cause issues. Thanks in advance for your help.
Turns out neither of the suggested solutions were the issue, as I suspected; the sender process actually works just fine. The problem was that I was trying to print buf.mtext instead of buf.mtext[0] which isn't an actual integer value. I fixed the issue by just doing this:
int temp_num = buf.mtext[0];
printf("Data recieved is %d \n", temp_num);

display std::cout in app

I have quite a lot of debugging monitoring all over my program so whenever something undesired happens a message appears in XCode with "std::cout" showing what happended, where it happened, and so on.
While I was testing the app on an iPhone or iPad connected to my computer, this worked as well (as I always had XCode open to show the fault).
But now I installed the app on devices of several beta-testers and they do not see these messages...
Rewriting the code to route all the "cout" to a string would cost a lot of time as they appear everywhere in several classes and sub classes, etc...
is there a possibility of simply reading out the last line of the output console or detecting the event of writing to the console and then copying it over to a separate string?
This is something I've done on some android projects to forward stdout and stderr to logcat. You could use this same approach to forwards the stdout/stderr to anywhere you want:
struct stream {
const char *name;
int fd[2];
FILE *src;
static void*
log_thread(void *arg)
struct stream *stream = arg;
char buf[4000], *off = buf, *nl; // Can't be too big or android stops logging
for (ssize_t r = 0;;off += r, r = 0) {
if (off - buf < sizeof(buf) - 1) {
errno = 0;
r = read(stream->fd[0], off, (sizeof(buf) - 1) - (off - buf));
if (r <= 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; else break; }
off[r] = 0;
if ((nl = strrchr(off, '\n'))) {
*nl = 0; ++nl;
__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, stream->name, buf);
r = (off + r) - nl;
memcpy((off = buf), nl, r);
} else if (off - buf >= sizeof(buf)) {
__android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, stream->name, buf);
r = 0; off = buf;
return NULL;
__attribute__((constructor)) static void
log_init(void) {
static struct stream stream[] = { { .name = "stdout" }, { .name = "stderr" } };
stream[0].src = stdout; stream[1].src = stderr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(stream) / sizeof(stream[0]); ++i) {
setvbuf(stream[i].src, NULL, _IOLBF, BUFSIZ);
dup2(stream[i].fd[1], fileno(stream[i].src));
pthread_t thread;
pthread_create(&thread, 0, log_thread, &stream[i]);

libusb_get_device_list seg fault

I am writing a file explorer application in Qt C++ and have a libUSB function (QList UsbDevice::getDeviceList()) which gets all attached USB devices, checks each one for my products vendor and product ID's, claims them and the returns them in an array. This all works fine and I get the device I want, however I have added a refresh button which should update the device list shown in a drop-down list (it basically calls the getDeviceList function again) but it seg faults when calling:
int numDevices = libusb_get_device_list(NULL, &usbDevices);
the second time around and I can't for the life of me see why. If someone could check over the code below and see if I have missed something stupid that would be very helpful.
QList<UsbDevice*> UsbDevice::getDeviceList()
unsigned char manf[256] = {'\0'};
QList<UsbDevice*> usbDeviceList;
libusb_device **usbDevices;
struct libusb_device_descriptor desc;
int numDevices = libusb_get_device_list(NULL, &usbDevices);
if(numDevices < 0)
libusb_free_device_list(usbDevices, 1);
return usbDeviceList;
QString error;
for(int i=0; i!=numDevices; ++i)
libusb_device *dev = usbDevices[i];
libusb_get_device_descriptor(dev, &desc);
if((desc.idVendor != VendorUsbId) && (desc.idProduct != ProductUsbId))
libusb_device_handle *handle = NULL;
libusb_config_descriptor *conf_desc = NULL;
int result = 0;
result = libusb_open(dev, &handle);
if(result < 0)
if(result == -3)
error = QString(libusb_error_name(result));
int config = 1;
if( handle == NULL)
result = libusb_set_configuration(handle, config);
if(result < 0)
error = QString(libusb_error_name(result));
result = libusb_get_config_descriptor(dev, 0, &conf_desc);
if(result < 0)
error = QString(libusb_error_name(result));
result = libusb_claim_interface(handle, 0);
if(result < 0)
error = QString(libusb_error_name(result));
result = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, desc.iProduct, manf, sizeof(manf));
if(result < 0)
error = QString(libusb_error_name(result));
UsbDevice *newDevice = new UsbDevice();
usbDeviceList << newDevice;
libusb_free_device_list(usbDevices, 1);
return usbDeviceList;
You are calling libusb_init() at the beginning of your program, but you are also calling libusb_exit() at the beginning : before calling a.exec().
Your first call probably happens in MainWindow constructor ?
You could instead subclass QApplication, call libusb_init() in the constructor and libusb_exit() in the destructor.

How can I send all data over a socket?

I am trying to send large amounts of data over a socket, sometimes when I call send (on Windows) it won't send all the data I requested, as expected. So, I wrote a little function that should have solved my problems- but it's causing problems where the data isn't being sent correctly and causing the images to be corrupted. I'm making a simple chat room where you can send images (screenshots) to each other.
Why is my function not working?
How can I make it work?
void _internal_SendFile_alignment_512(SOCKET sock, BYTE *data, DWORD datasize)
Sock::Packet packet;
packet.DataSize = datasize;
DWORD until = datasize / 512;
send(sock, (const char*)&packet, sizeof(packet), 0);
unsigned int pos = 0;
while( pos != datasize )
pos += send(sock, (char *)(data + pos), datasize - pos, 0);
My receive side is:
public override void OnReceiveData(TcpLib.ConnectionState state)
if (state.fileTransfer == true && state.waitingFor > 0)
byte[] buffer = new byte[state.AvailableData];
int readBytes = state.Read(buffer, 0, state.AvailableData);
state.waitingFor -= readBytes;;;
if (state.waitingFor == 0)
state.fileTransfer = false;
IPEndPoint ip = state.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;
Program.MainForm.log("Ended file transfer with " + ip);
else if( state.AvailableData > 7)
byte[] buffer = new byte[8];
int readBytes = state.Read(buffer, 0, 8);
if (readBytes == 8)
Packet packet = ByteArrayToStructure<Packet>(buffer);
IPEndPoint ip = state.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;
String filename = getUniqueFileName("" + ip.Address);
if (filename == null)
Program.MainForm.log("Error getting filename for " + ip);
byte[] data = new byte[state.AvailableData];
readBytes = state.Read(data, 0, state.AvailableData);
state.waitingFor = packet.DataSize - readBytes;
state.hFile = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Append); = new BinaryWriter(state.hFile);;;
state.fileTransfer = true;
Program.MainForm.log("Initiated file transfer with " + ip);
It receives all the data, when I debug my code and see that send() does not return the total data size (i.e. it has to be called more than once) and the image gets yellow lines or purple lines in it — I suspect there's something wrong with sending the data.
I mis-understood the question and solution intent. Thanks #Remy Lebeau for the comment to clarify that. Based on that, you can write a sendall() function as given in section 7.3 of
int sendall(int s, char *buf, int *len)
int total = 0; // how many bytes we've sent
int bytesleft = *len; // how many we have left to send
int n = 0;
while(total < *len) {
n = send(s, buf+total, bytesleft, 0);
if (n == -1) {
/* print/log error details */
total += n;
bytesleft -= n;
*len = total; // return number actually sent here
return n==-1?-1:0; // return -1 on failure, 0 on success
You need to check the returnvalue of send(). In particular, you can't simply assume that it is the number of bytes sent, there is also the case that there was an error. Try this instead:
while(datasize != 0)
n = send(...);
throw exception("send() failed with errorcode #" + to_string(WSAGetLastEror()));
// adjust pointer and remaining number of bytes
datasize -= n;
data += n;
Make that BYTE const* data, you're not going to modify what it points to.
The rest of your code seems too complicated, in particular you don't solve things by aligning to magic numbers like 512.