How to trace a users path on a map? - rubymotion

I am developing an iOS app using Rubymotion.
In this app I want to be able to show the user on a map exactly which way he or she have driven or walked. I also want to save this path on the server.
How can I trace this patch in iOS?
All input and hints about a solution is welcome.

i guess your app needs a timer:
count = 0
timer = EM.add_periodic_timer 1.0 do
count = count + 1
puts "Great scott!"
(count < 10) || EM.cancel_timer(timer)
and then find the current location:
BW::Location.get do |result|
p "From Lat #{result[:from].latitude}, Long #{result[:from].longitude}"
p "To Lat #{result[:to].latitude}, Long #{result[:to].longitude}"
all this is BubbleWrap:


Offline Maps HERE-SDK - offline search and navigation

I am using HERE-Android-SDK to build a simple navigation solution with offline maps.
While using the offline mode for the search addresses and calculation of a route, I can see that there are results returned from the address-search, which are not included in the installed offline map datasets. Is there anything additional which I need to do, in order to get only search results which are located inside the offline-map data installed on my device?
I am using the following code snippets.
download offline maps for a specific country:
search request for addresses:
val term = "New York"
val center = GeoCoordinate(lastWayPoint.latitude, lastWayPoint.longitude)
val request = SearchRequest(term)
request.connectivity = Request.Connectivity.OFFLINE
request.locale = Locale.GERMAN
request.collectionSize = 5
request.execute { data, error ->
if (error != ErrorCode.NONE) return
// handle search results here
Thanks for all of your help in advance!


Can someone explain this script?
device = {}
ua = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', '').lower()
if ua.find("iphone") > 0:
device['iphone'] = "iphone" +"iphone os (\d)", ua).groups(0)[0]
I know it gets the user agent and the first bit searches the string for iphone. but
why > 0?
and what is the second like doing?
I am not a python guy but I am almost sure that .find() returns position where the string "iphone" occurs.
So if it was found, it will be >= 0.

jmeter - counting cookie values

I'm playing around with jmeter to validate a bug fix.
Server logic sets the cookie "mygroup" it can be either "groupa" or "groupb". I want to be able fire a series of requests and be able to see there is a proper balanced distribution between the values of this cookie. Ie make 100 requests and 50 times the cookie will be set to "groupa" and "groupb".
I'm a bit stuck on this. I currently have the following. I can see the cookies being set in the results tree but I'd like to be able to display the a table with the version and the number of requests of each.
Thread Group
HTTP Cookie Manager
HTTP Request
View Results Tree
Within the results tree I can see Set-Cookie: mygroup="groupa" and also sometimes mygroup="groupb" how do I tabulize this ??
You can have cookies values exported as JMeter variables by setting:
Add a Cookie Manager to your Test Plan.
In this case you will have the var COOKIE_mygroup set by JMeter.
You can then count it like this using a JSR223 Sampler + Groovy (add groovy-all-version.jar in jmeter/lib folder:
String value = vars.get("COOKIE_mygroup");
Integer counterB = vars.getObject("counterB");
Integer counterA = vars.getObject("counterA");
if(counterA == null) {
counterA = new Integer(0);
vars.putObject("counterA", counterA);
if(counterB == null) {
counterB = new Integer(0);
vars.putObject("counterB", counterB);
if(value.equals("groupa")) {
counterA = counterA+1;
vars.putObject("counterA", counterA);
} else {
counterB = counterB+1;
vars.putObject("counterB", counterB);
Asyou have only one thread, at end of loop you can then compare the 2 values or just display the value:
add a debug sampler
add a view tree result
Run test plan, in view result tree click on debug sampler , select response tab and you should have your values

ColdFusion HTTP POST large strings

Has anyone noticed that if you try to post a string that exceeds 1,000,000 characters, it simply does not include the field with the request?
...and doesn't throw()!
var h = new http( url = "http://...", method = "post" );
h.addParam( type = "formField", name = "a", value = repeatString("a",5000) );
h.addParam( type = "formField", name = "b", value = repeatString("b",1000000) );
h.addParam( type = "formField", name = "c", value = repeatString("c",1000001) );
var p = h.send().getPrefix();
writeDump( var = p, abort = true );
The "a" and "b" fields are present in the form scope of the recipient page.
The "c" field is missing!
ColdFusion 9,0,1,274733 + chf9010002.jar, Mac OS X 10.6.8, Java 1.6.0_31
Edit: It now works as expected!
Not sure what has changed? My cf admin configuration remains the same. The only possible candidate I can come up with is a recent Apple Java update. Could that be it?
You may need to specify
This is a setting within CF administrator.
In Coldfusion 9 (this setting has existed for a while, but may exist elsewhere in other versions):
Click on "server settings" group to expand, click on "settings" link (top link). On the settings page:
Maximum size of post data 100 MB (default)
Limits the amount of data that can be posted to the server in a single request. ColdFusion rejects requests larger than the specified limit.
It's interesting that you're hitting a limit right at 100,000 ; sounds like someone got a little lazy with the "bytes" computation. :) At any rate, I'd try tinkering with this setting.
Just an FYI: You'll encounter a similar issue with data truncation on data inserts/updates unless you set your datasource to allow "Long Text Buffer (chr)" greater than the 64,000 default limit.

Finding the phone company of a cell phone number?

I have an application where people can give a phone number and it will send SMS texts to the phone number through EMail-SMS gateways. For this to work however, I need the phone company of the given number so that I send the email to the proper SMS gateway. I've seen some services that allow you to look up this information, but none of them in the form of a web service or database.
For instance, provides such a service. Example output from my phone number:
Where do they get the "Current Telephone Company" information for each number. Is this freely available information? Is there a database or some sort of web service I can use to get that information for a given cell phone number?
What you need is called a HLR (Home Location Register) number lookup.
In their basic forms such APIs will expect a phone number in international format (example, +15121234567) and will return back their IMSI, which includes their MCC (gives you the country) and MNC (gives you the phone's carrier). The may even include the phone's current carrier (eg to tell if the phone is roaming). It may not work if the phone is currently out of range or turned off. In those cases, depending on the API provider, they may give you a cached result.
The site you mentioned seems to provide such functionality. A web search for "HLR lookup API" will give you plenty more results. I have personal experience with CLX's service and would recommend it.
This would be pretty code intensive, but something you could do right now, on your own, without APIs as long as the site is around:
Why not have IE open in a hidden browser window with the URL of the phone number? It looks like the URL would take the format of where # represents a number. So you need a textbox, a label, and a button. I call the textbox "txtPhoneNumber", the label "lblCarrier", and the button would call the function I have below "OnClick".
The button function creates the IE instance using MSHtml.dll and SHDocVW.dll and does a page scrape of the HTML that is in your browser "object". You then parse it down. You have to first install the Interoperability Assemblies that came with Visual Studio 2005 (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Merge Modules\vs_piaredist.exe). Then:
1> Create a new web project in Visual Studio.NET.
2> Add a reference to SHDocVw.dll and Microsoft.mshtml.
3> In default.aspx.cs, add these lines at the top:
using mshtml;
using SHDocVw;
using System.Threading;
4> Add the following function :
protected void executeMSIE(Object sender, EventArgs e)
SHDocVw.InternetExplorer ie = new SHDocVw.InternetExplorerClass();
object o = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
TextBox txtPhoneNumber = (TextBox)this.Page.FindControl("txtPhoneNumber");
object url = "" + txtPhoneNumber.Text);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (ie != null) {
ie.Navigate2(ref url,ref o,ref o,ref o,ref o);
ie.Visible = false;
IHTMLDocument2 d = (IHTMLDocument2) ie.Document;
if (d != null) {
IHTMLElementCollection all = d.all;
string ourText = String.Empty;
foreach (object el in all)
//find the text by checking each (string)el.Text
if ((string)el.ToString().Contains("Current Phone Company"))
ourText = (string)el.ToString();
// or maybe do something like this instead of the loop above...
// HTMLInputElement searchText = (HTMLInputElement)d.all.item("p", 0);
int idx = 0;
// and do a foreach on searchText to find the right "<p>"...
foreach (string s in searchText) {
if (s.Contains("Current Phone Company") || s.Contains("Original Phone Company")) {
idx = s.IndexOf("<strong>") + 8;
ourText = s.Substring(idx);
idx = ourText.IndexOf('<');
ourText = ourText.Substring(0, idx);
// ... then decode "ourText"
string[] ourArray = ourText.Split(';');
foreach (string s in ourArray) {
char c = (char)s.Split('#')[1];
// sb.ToString() is now your phone company carrier....
if (sb != null)
lblCarrier.Text = sb.ToString();
lblCarrier.Text = "No MSIE?";
For some reason I don't get the "Current Phone Company" when I just use the site directly, though, only the Original. So you might want to have the code test what it's getting back, i.e.
bool currentCompanyFound = false;
if (s.Contains("Current Telephone Company")) { currentCompanyFound = true }
I have it checking for either one, above, so you get something back. What the code should do is to find the area of HTML between
<p class="lt">Current Telephone Company:<br /><strong>
I have it looking for the index of
and adding on the characters of that word to get to the starting position. I can't remember if you can use strings or only characters for .indexOf. But you get the point and you or someone else can probably find a way to get it working from there.
That text you get back is encoded with char codes, so you'd have to convert those. I gave you some code above that should assist in that... it's untested and completely from my head, but it should work or get you where you're going.
Did you look just slightly farther down on the result page?
Need API access? Contact
[Disclosure: I work for Twilio]
You can retrieve phone number information with Twilio Lookup.
If you are currently evaluating services and functionality for phone number lookup, I'd suggest giving Lookup a try via the quickstart.