Render RGB-D image from mesh - c++

I have a mesh model (.ply file) and I have rendered it with VTK and changed the camera viewpoint.
From the new camera viewpoint how can I render an RGB and a depth image? I think this might be raytracing, but not sure
I want to generate a real depth map, as opposed to just a visualization of the depth. The visualization can be achieved by using values in Z buffer and scaling between 0-255 but this does not provide real depth information.

To get the real world depth from the camera I have done the following:
double z = render_win->GetZbufferDataAtPoint(x,y);
worldPicker->Pick(x, y, z, renderer);
double euclidean_distance = sqrt(pow((coords[0] - cam_pos[0]), 2) + pow(coords[1] - cam_pos[1], 2) + pow(coords[2] - cam_pos[2], 2));
where cam_pos is the camera position in real world coordinates. This seems to do the trick

Here is a short few lines if you already have the application set up and rendering, this has to be after the mesh has rendered at least once
// Screenshot
vtkSmartPointer<vtkWindowToImageFilter> windowToImageFilter =
windowToImageFilter->SetMagnification(3); //set the resolution of the output image (3 times the current resolution of vtk render window)
windowToImageFilter->SetInputBufferTypeToRGBA(); //also record the alpha (transparency) channel
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPNGWriter> writer =
This is from the VTK Public Wiki

To retrieve RGB image you can use vtkWindowToImageFilter class, allowing to read data from the vtkWindow.
For the Depth Image, i tried a solution which is to modify color on the mesh using vtkDepthSortPolyData , and again, read from the window.
See the example above :
# define VTK_CREATE(type, nom) vtkSmartPointer<type> nom = vtkSmartPointer<type>::New()
int main ()
VTK_CREATE(vtkPLYReader, reader);
reader->SetFileName ("mesh.ply");
reader->Update ();
// create depth sort algo
VTK_CREATE(vtkDepthSortPolyData, sort);
sort->SetInput(reader->GetOutput ());
// init stuff for rendering
VTK_CREATE(vtkPolyDataMapper, mapper);
VTK_CREATE(vtkActor, actor);
VTK_CREATE(vtkRenderer, rend);
VTK_CREATE(vtkRenderWindow, rw);
VTK_CREATE(vtkRenderWindowInteractor, inte);
VTK_CREATE(vtkCamera, cam);
sort->SetDirectionToBackToFront (); // camera direction
sort->SetCamera (cam); // set camera or runtime warning
sort->SortScalarsOn ();
sort->Update ();
// limit max scalar (nb Color)
mapper->SetScalarRange (0, sort->GetOutput ()->GetNumberOfCells ());
mapper->SetInputConnection(sort->GetOutputPort ());
mapper->Update ();
actor->RotateY (59); // transform with a rotation to see depth
actor->GetProperty()->SetColor(1, 0, 0);
sort->SetProp3D (actor); // set the actor to the algo
rend->SetActiveCamera (cam);
inte->SetRenderWindow (rw);
inte->Initialize ();
// read depth image from vtk Window
VTK_CREATE (vtkWindowToImageFilter, screen);
screen->SetInput (rw);
screen->Update ();
// start rendering for visualization
rw->Render ();
// save the depth img as a png
VTK_CREATE(vtkPNGWriter, writer);
writer->SetFileName ("output.png");
writer->SetInputConnection (screen->GetOutputPort ());
writer->Write ();
inte->Start ();
return 0;
Tested on VTK 5.10.


How does the DownScale2x2 BasicPostProcess work in DirectX Tool Kit?

I have a DirectX 12 desktop project on Windows 11 that implements post-processing using a combination of DXTK post-process effects.
The aim of the post-proc sequence is to end up with individual bloom and blur textures (along with a depth texture rendered in a depth pass) which are sampled in a 'big triangle' pixel shader to achieve a depth of field effect for the final backbuffer screen image.
The DXTK PostProcesses operate on the full-size (1920x1080) screen texture. Presently this isn't impacting performance (benchmarked at 60fps), but I imagine it could be an issue when I eventually want to support 4K resolutions in future, where full-size image post-processing could be expensive.
Since the recommended best practice is to operate on a scaled down copy of the source image,
I hoped to achieve this by using half-size (i.e. quarter resolution) working textures with the DownScale_2x2 BasicPostProcess option. But after several attempts experimenting with the effect, only the top-left quarter of the original source image is being rendered to the downsized texture... not the full image as expected per the documentation:
DownScale_2x2: Downscales each 2x2 block of pixels to an average. This is intended to write to a render target that is half the size of the source texture in each dimension.
Other points of note:
scene geometry is first rendered to a _R16G16B16A16_FLOAT MSAA render target and resolved to single-sample 16fp target
postprocessing operates on resolved single-sample 16fp target (where only the intermediate 'Pass1' & 'Pass2' working render targets are set to half the backbuffer length & width)
final processed image is tonemapped to the _R10G10B10A2_UNORM swapchain backbuffer for presentation.
The following code snippets show how I'm implementing the DownScale_2x2 shader into my post-process. Hopefully it's enough to resolve the issue and I can update with more info if necessary.
Resource initialization under CreateDeviceDependentResources():
namespace GameConstants {
constexpr DXGI_FORMAT BACKBUFFERFORMAT(DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM); // back buffer to support hdr rendering
constexpr DXGI_FORMAT HDRFORMAT(DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT); // format for hdr render targets
constexpr DXGI_FORMAT DEPTHFORMAT(DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT); // format for render target depth buffer
constexpr UINT MSAACOUNT(4u); // requested multisample count
// Render targets
mMsaaHelper = std::make_unique<MSAAHelper>(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT, GameConstants::DEPTHFORMAT, GameConstants::MSAACOUNT);
mDistortionRenderTex = std::make_unique<RenderTexture>(GameConstants::BACKBUFFERFORMAT);
mHdrRenderTex = std::make_unique<RenderTexture>(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT);
mPass1RenderTex = std::make_unique<RenderTexture>(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT);
mPass2RenderTex = std::make_unique<RenderTexture>(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT);
mBloomRenderTex = std::make_unique<RenderTexture>(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT);
mBlurRenderTex = std::make_unique<RenderTexture>(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT);
mMsaaHelper->SetDevice(device); // Set the MSAA device. Note this updates GetSampleCount.
RenderTargetState ppState(GameConstants::HDRFORMAT, DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN); // 2d postproc rendering
// Set other postprocessing effects
mBloomExtract = std::make_unique<BasicPostProcess>(device, ppState, BasicPostProcess::BloomExtract);
mBloomPass = std::make_unique<BasicPostProcess>(device, ppState, BasicPostProcess::BloomBlur);
mBloomCombine = std::make_unique<DualPostProcess>(device, ppState, DualPostProcess::BloomCombine);
mGaussBlurPass = std::make_unique<BasicPostProcess>(device, ppState, BasicPostProcess::GaussianBlur_5x5);
mDownScalePass = std::make_unique<BasicPostProcess>(device, ppState, BasicPostProcess::DownScale_2x2);
Resource resizing under CreateWindowSizeDependentResources():
// Get current backbuffer dimensions
CD3DX12_RECT outputRect(mDeviceResources->GetOutputSize());
// Determine the render target size in pixels
mBackbufferSize.x = std::max<UINT>(outputRect.right - outputRect.left, 1u);
mBackbufferSize.y = std::max<UINT>(outputRect.bottom -, 1u);
XMUINT2 halfSize(mBackbufferSize.x / 2u, mBackbufferSize.y / 2u);
mPass1RenderTex->SizeResources(halfSize.x, halfSize.y);
mPass2RenderTex->SizeResources(halfSize.x, halfSize.y);
Post-processing implementation:
// Render 3d scene
mMsaaHelper->Resolve(commandList, mHdrRenderTex->GetResource(),
// Postprocessing
// Set texture descriptor heap in prep for postprocessing if necessary.
// Unbind dsv for postprocess textures and sprites.
ID3D12DescriptorHeap* postProcHeap[] = { mPostProcSrvDescHeap->Heap() };
commandList->SetDescriptorHeaps(UINT(std::size(postProcHeap)), postProcHeap);
// downscale pass
CD3DX12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE rtvDownScaleDescriptor(mRtvDescHeap->GetCpuHandle(RTV_Descriptors::Pass1RTV));
commandList->OMSetRenderTargets(1u, &rtvDownScaleDescriptor, FALSE, nullptr);
mPass1RenderTex->BeginScene(commandList); // transition to render target state
mDownScalePass->SetSourceTexture(mPostProcSrvDescHeap->GetGpuHandle(SRV_PostProcDescriptors::HdrSRV), mHdrRenderTex->GetResource());
mPass1RenderTex->EndScene(commandList); // transition to pixel shader resource state
// blur horizontal pass
commandList->OMSetRenderTargets(1u, &rtvPass2Descriptor, FALSE, nullptr);
mPass2RenderTex->BeginScene(commandList); // transition to render target state
mGaussBlurPass->SetSourceTexture(mPostProcSrvDescHeap->GetGpuHandle(SRV_PostProcDescriptors::Pass1SRV), mPass1RenderTex->GetResource());
//mGaussBlurPass->SetSourceTexture(mPostProcSrvDescHeap->GetGpuHandle(SRV_PostProcDescriptors::HdrSRV), mHdrRenderTex->GetResource());
mGaussBlurPass->SetBloomBlurParameters(TRUE, 4.f, 1.f); // horizontal blur
mPass2RenderTex->EndScene(commandList); // transition to pixel shader resource
// blur vertical pass
CD3DX12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE rtvBlurDescriptor(mRtvDescHeap->GetCpuHandle(RTV_Descriptors::BlurRTV));
commandList->OMSetRenderTargets(1u, &rtvBlurDescriptor, FALSE, nullptr);
mBlurRenderTex->BeginScene(commandList); // transition to render target state
mGaussBlurPass->SetSourceTexture(mPostProcSrvDescHeap->GetGpuHandle(SRV_PostProcDescriptors::Pass2SRV), mPass2RenderTex->GetResource());
mGaussBlurPass->SetBloomBlurParameters(FALSE, 4.f, 1.f); // vertical blur
mBlurRenderTex->EndScene(commandList); // transition to pixel shader resource
// render the final image to hdr texture
CD3DX12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE rtvHdrDescriptor(mRtvDescHeap->GetCpuHandle(RTV_Descriptors::HdrRTV));
commandList->OMSetRenderTargets(1u, &rtvHdrDescriptor, FALSE, nullptr);
//mHdrRenderTex->BeginScene(commandList); // transition to render target state
commandList->SetGraphicsRootSignature(mRootSig.Get()); // bind root signature
commandList->SetPipelineState(mPsoDepthOfField.Get()); // set PSO
commandList->SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(RootParameterIndex::PSDofCB, psDofCB.GpuAddress());
commandList->SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable(RootParameterIndex::PostProcDT, mPostProcSrvDescHeap->GetFirstGpuHandle());
// use the big triangle optimization to draw a fullscreen quad
commandList->DrawInstanced(3u, 1u, 0u, 0u);
PIXBeginEvent(commandList, PIX_COLOR_DEFAULT, L"Tone Map");
// Set swapchain backbuffer as the tonemapping render target and unbind depth/stencil for sprites (UI)
CD3DX12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE rtvDescriptor(mDeviceResources->GetRenderTargetView());
commandList->OMSetRenderTargets(1u, &rtvDescriptor, FALSE, nullptr);
CD3DX12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE postProcTexture(mPostProcSrvDescHeap->GetGpuHandle(SRV_PostProcDescriptors::HdrSRV));
ApplyToneMapping(commandList, postProcTexture);
Vertex shader:
We use the 'big triangle' optimization that only requires three vertices to completely
cover the full screen area.
v0 v1 ID NDC UV
*____* -- ------- ----
| | / 0 (-1,+1) (0,0)
|_|/ 1 (+3,+1) (2,0)
| / 2 (-1,-3) (0,2)
TexCoordVertexOut VS(uint id : SV_VertexID)
TexCoordVertexOut vout;
vout.texCoord = float2((id << 1u) & 2u, id & 2u);
// See Luna p.687
float x = vout.texCoord.x * 2.f - 1.f;
float y = -vout.texCoord.y * 2.f + 1.f;
// Procedurally generate each NDC vertex.
// The big triangle produces a quad covering the screen in NDC space.
vout.posH = float4(x, y, 0.f, 1.f);
// Transform quad corners to view space near plane.
float4 ph = mul(vout.posH, InvProj);
vout.posV = / ph.w;
return vout;
Pixel shader:
float4 PS(TexCoordVertexOut pin) : SV_TARGET
//float4 PS(float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_TARGET
// Get downscale texture sample
float3 colorDownScale = Pass1Tex.Sample(PointSampler, pin.texCoord).rgb;
return float4(colorDownScale, 1.f); // only top-quarter of source input is rendered!
//return float4(colorOutput, 1.f);
//return float4(distortCoords, 0.f, 1.f);
//return float4(colorHDR, 1.f);
//return float4(colorBlurred, 1.f);
//return float4(colorBloom, 1.f);
//return float4((p.z * 0.01f).rrr, 1.f); // multiply by a contrast factor
The PostProcess class uses a 'full-screen quad' rendering model. Since we can rely on Direct3D 10.0 or later class hardware, it makes use of the 'self-generating quad' model to avoid the need for a VB.
As such, the self-generating quad is going to be positioned wherever you have the viewport set. The scissors settings are also needed since it uses the "big-triangle" optimization to avoid having a diagonal seam across the image IF you have the viewport positioned anywhere except the full render target.
I have this detail in the Writing custom shaders tutorial, but I forgot to replicate it in the PostProcess docs on the wiki.
TL;DR: When you go to render to the smaller render target, use:
auto vp = m_deviceResources->GetScreenViewport();
Viewport halfvp(vp);
halfvp.height /= 2.f;
halfvp.width /= 2.f;
commandList->RSSetViewports(1, halfvp.Get12());
Then when we switch back to your full-size rendertarget, use:
commandList->RSSetViewports(1, &vp);
Updated the wiki page.

How to get the depth at pixel x,y after post processing with RealSense?

Considering the following code :
// Declare pointcloud object, for calculating pointclouds and texture mappings
rs2::pointcloud pc;
// We want the points object to be persistent so we can display the last cloud when a frame drops
rs2::points points;
// Declare RealSense pipeline, encapsulating the actual device and sensors
rs2::pipeline pipe;
// Start streaming with default recommended configuration
// Declare filters
rs2::decimation_filter dec_filter; // Decimation - reduces depth frame density
rs2::threshold_filter thr_filter; // Threshold - removes values outside recommended range
rs2::spatial_filter spat_filter; // Spatial - edge-preserving spatial smoothing
rs2::temporal_filter temp_filter; // Temporal - reduces temporal noise
rs2::disparity_transform depth_to_disparity(true);
rs2::disparity_transform disparity_to_depth(false);
// Initialize a vector that holds filters and their options
std::vector<rs2::filter*> filters;
// The following order of emplacement will dictate the orders in which filters are applied
while (app) // Application still alive?
// Wait for the next set of frames from the camera
auto frames = pipe.wait_for_frames();
rs2::video_frame color = frames.get_color_frame();
// For cameras that don't have RGB sensor, we'll map the pointcloud to infrared instead of color
if (!color)
color = frames.get_infrared_frame();
rs2::depth_frame depth = frames.get_depth_frame();
int centerX = depth.get_width() / 2;
int centerY = depth.get_height() / 2;
// A: Pre-filtered
float prefiltered_distance = depth.get_distance(centerX, centerY);
// B: Filter frames
for (auto filter : filters)
depth = (*filter).process(depth);
// C: Post-filtered (fails)
float postfiltered_distance = depth.get_distance(centerX, centerY);
// Tell pointcloud object to map to this color frame
// Generate the pointcloud and texture mappings
points = pc.calculate(depth);
// ...
Why does calling depth.get_distance(centerX, centerY); before filtering the frame works fine, but calling the same function after filtering fails with a out of range value for argument "y"?
In short, how do I get the filtered distance (z) of a pixel at x,y?
The decimation filter decreases the image resolution, so you should check the resolution again after running the filters and update your centerX and centerY variables so they are no longer out of bounds.

How to rotate a vtk scene around a specific point?

I have a 3D vtk scene representing a point cloud, displayed through a QVTKWidget.
vtk7.1, Qt5.8.
I want to be able to rotate the scene around specific coordinates, but I don't know how to proceed.
I like the trackball interaction. I just need to set the center, but I'm a bit lost in VTK api.
I think I can do this by changing the rotation matrix : InvTranslation + Rotation + Translation should do the trick. I see two ways of doing it :
Get the Rotation Matrix computed by VTK
Generate a new matrix
Apply the matrix.
set a transform to vtk to apply before the process
set a transform to vtk to apply after the process
Am I in the right direction? If yes, how I can implement one of these solutions..?
Thank i advance,
Problem solved. The change of focale would also change the view. SO, I aplied a few geometric transform, and there it is.
// vtk Element /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
vtkRenderWindowInteractor *rwi = widget->GetInteractor();
vtkRenderer *renderer = widget->GetRenderWindow()->GetRenderers()->GetFirstRenderer();
vtkCamera *camera = renderer->GetActiveCamera();
// Camera Parameters ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
double *focalPoint = camera->GetFocalPoint();
double *viewUp = camera->GetViewUp();
double *position = camera->GetPosition();
double axis[3];
axis[0] = -camera->GetViewTransformMatrix()->GetElement(0,0);
axis[1] = -camera->GetViewTransformMatrix()->GetElement(0,1);
axis[2] = -camera->GetViewTransformMatrix()->GetElement(0,2);
// Build The transformatio /////////////////////////////////////////////////
vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> transform = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New();
transform->Translate(d->center[0], d->center[1], d->center[2]);
transform->RotateWXYZ(rxf, viewUp); // Azimuth
transform->RotateWXYZ(ryf, axis); // Elevation
transform->Translate(-d->center[0], -d->center[1], -d->center[2]);
double newPosition[3];
transform->TransformPoint(position,newPosition); // Transform Position
double newFocalPoint[3];
transform->TransformPoint(focalPoint, newFocalPoint); // Transform Focal Point
// Orhthogonalize View Up //////////////////////////////////////////////////
You just have to change the focal point of your vtkCamera
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera> camera =
camera->SetPosition(0, 0, 20);
camera->SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 10); // The center point is not 0, 0, 10

Is there a way to save a Graphics object in Codename One without without taking a screenshot?

The question is in the title. For example how can I save g in a file in the following snippet ?
public void paints(Graphics g, Image background, Image watermark, int width, int height) {
g.drawImage(background, 0, 0);
g.drawImage(watermark, 0, 0);
// Upper left corner
g.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
// Lower right corner
g.fillRect(width - 10, height - 10, 10, 10);
Font f = Font.createTrueTypeFont("Geometos", "Geometos.ttf").derive(220, Font.STYLE_BOLD);
// Draw a string right below the M from Mercedes on the car windscreen (measured in Gimp)
(int) (848 ),
(int) (610)
// NOW how can I save g in a file ?
The reaseon why I don't want to take a screenshot is because I want to keep the full resolution of g (eg : 2000 x 1500).
I would be so grateful to anyone that can tell me how to do that with Codename one. If not possible then it is already good to know it!
What you could do is to create an Image as buffer, get the graphics object from the image an do all your drawings operations on it. Then draw the whole image to the display and save it as a file:
int height = 2000;
int width = 1500;
float saveQuality = 0.7f;
// Create image as buffer
Image imageBuffer = Image.createImage(width, height, 0xffffff);
// Create graphics out of image object
Graphics imageGraphics = imageBuffer.getGraphics();
// Do your drawing operations on the graphics from the image
// Draw the complete image on your Graphics object g (the screen I guess)
g.drawImage(imageBuffer, w, h);
// Save the image with the ImageIO class
OutputStream os = Storage.getInstance().createOutputStream("storagefilename.png");
ImageIO.getImageIO().save(imageBuffer, os, ImageIO.FORMAT_PNG, saveQuality);
Note, that I have not tested it, but it should work like that.
Graphics is just a proxy to a surface, it has no knowledge or access to the underlying surface to which it is drawing and the reason for that is quite simple. It can draw to a hardware accelerated "surface" where there is physically no underlying image.
This is the case both on iOS and Android where the "screen" is natively drawn and has no buffer.

OpenGL/VTK: setting camera intrinsic parameters

I am trying to render views of a 3D mesh in VTK, I am doing the following:
vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow> render_win = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindow>::New();
vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer> renderer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderer>::New();
render_win->SetSize(640, 480);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera> cam = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCamera>::New();
cam->SetPosition(50, 50, 50);
cam->SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 0);
cam->SetViewUp(0, 1, 0);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor> actor_view = vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor>::New();
I am trying to simulate a rendering from a calibrated Kinect, for which I know the intrinsic parameters. How can I set the intrinsic parameters (focal length and principle point) to the vtkCamera.
I wish to do this so that the 2d pixel - 3d camera coordinate would be the same as if the image were taken from a kinect.
Hopefully this will help others trying to convert standard pinhole camera parameters to a vtkCamera: I created a gist showing how to do the full conversion. I verified that the world points project to the correct location in the rendered image. The key code from the gist is pasted below.
// apply the transform to scene objects
camera->SetModelTransformMatrix( camera_RT );
// the camera can stay at the origin because we are transforming the scene objects
camera->SetPosition(0, 0, 0);
// look in the +Z direction of the camera coordinate system
camera->SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 1);
// the camera Y axis points down
// ensure the relevant range of depths are rendered
camera->SetClippingRange(depth_min, depth_max);
// convert the principal point to window center (normalized coordinate system) and set it
double wcx = -2*(principal_pt.x() - double(nx)/2) / nx;
double wcy = 2*(principal_pt.y() - double(ny)/2) / ny;
camera->SetWindowCenter(wcx, wcy);
// convert the focal length to view angle and set it
double view_angle = vnl_math::deg_per_rad * (2.0 * std::atan2( ny/2.0, focal_len ));
std::cout << "view_angle = " << view_angle << std::endl;
camera->SetViewAngle( view_angle );
I too am using VTK to simulate the view from a kinect sensor. I am using VTK 6.1.0. I know this question is old, but hopefully my answer may help someone else.
The question is how can we set a projection matrix to map world coordinates to clip coordinates. For more info on that see this OpenGL explanation.
I use a Perspective Projection Matrix to simulate the kinect sensor. To control the intrinsic parameters you can use the following member functions of vtkCamera.
double fov = 60.0, np = 0.5, fp = 10; // the values I use
cam->SetViewAngle( fov ); // vertical field of view angle
cam->SetClippingRange( np, fp ); // near and far clipping planes
In order to give you a sense of what that may look like. I have an old project that I did completely in C++ and OpenGL in which I set the Perspective Projection Matrix similar to how I described, grabbed the z-buffer, and then reprojected the points out onto a scene that I viewed from a different camera. (The visualized point cloud looks noisy because I also simulated noise).
If you need your own custom Projection Matrix that isn't the Perspective flavor. I believe it is:
cam->SetUserTransform( transform ); // transform is a pointer to type vtkHomogeneousTransform
However, I have not used the SetUserTransform method.
This thread was super useful to me for setting camera intrinsics in VTK, especially decrispell's answer. To be complete, however, one case is missing: if the focal length in the x and y directions are not equal. This can easily be added to the code by using the SetUserTransform method. Below is a sample code in python :
cam = self.renderer.GetActiveCamera()
m = np.eye(4)
m[0,0] = 1.0*fx/fy
t = vtk.vtkTransform()
where fx and fy are the x and y focal length in pixels, i.e. the two first diagnoal elements of the intrinsic camera matrix. np is and alias for the numpy import.
Here is a gist showing the full solution in python (without extrinsics for simplicity). It places a sphere at a given 3D position, renders the scene into an image after setting the camera intrinsics, and then displays a red circle at the projection of the sphere center on the image plane: