C++ runtime symbol lookup error, ubuntu - c++

I have a C++ function doSth that will call a function "checkFrame" from a class "canMsg" as shown below
#include "canMsg.h"
void doSth(char* canFrame){
map<int, double> returnedData;
CANMsg canMsg;
std::cout<<canFrame <<endl;
During compilation I receive no error, but when I run it, it executes std::cout<<canFrame <<endl; statement and crashes by creating an error
undefined symbol: _ZNSaIcEC1Ev, version GLIBCXX_3.4
Any ideas how to fix this?

Thanks for the replies. The error was due to my attempt to return a locally declared pointer. After I changed the local pointer variable to a static, it works perfect. The basic idea is C++ does not advocate to return the address of a local variable to outside of the function.
Look this for more information.

I think that kind of problem can arise if things are linked in the 'wrong' order. I suggest you try changing the order of whatever libraries you are passing to the linker.
(I don't actually know why the ordering matters - but it sometimes does.)

This error can occur when dependent library(where _ZNSaIcEC1Ev id defined) was compiled for other version of GLIBC (newer version or much older), that you currently have.
Try to recompile that library with your current environment.
Also you can add nice switch to LDFLAGS of your app: -Wl,--no-undefined. Then you can see any undefined symbols at compile time (not sure if it helps in your situation).


Call to method ends up in completely different one

I have a strange problem which appears in wxWidgets libraries and which can be reproduced easily in debugger. It does not seem to be wxWidgets-specific, so I'm asking this here.
I perform some kind of non-standard initialisation. During this initialisation a method wxAppBase::Initialize() is called. wxAppBase is the base class of my own App-class. Within wxAppBase::Initialize() an other method OnInitGui() is called, this method exists in wxAppBase as well as in my derived class.
And here is the problem: In Debug Build, everthing works well, OnInitGui() is executed as expected. But in Release-build I never reach OnInitGui() method but end up in a completely different one which does not have anything to do with OnInitGui(). So it seems an illegal jump is performed.
All pointers seem to be valid and this happens in wxWidgets library completely.
Anybody an idea what could cause such a behaviour and how one could fix this?
Every hint/idea/suggestion is welcome.
This looks like a bad build. Clean everything and rebuild both the library and your application using exactly the same compiler and compiler options and the problem will probably just disappear.

Why Are Vtables Not Being Implemented Correctly On Embedded Platform?

I am developing code for an embedded system (specifically, the PSoC 5, using PSoC Creator), and writing in C++.
While I've overcome most hurdles with using C++ , first off compiling in C++ using the compiler flag -x c++, defining the new and delete operators, making sure exceptions aren't thrown with the compiler flag -fno-exception, I've come to a brick wall when it comes to using virtual functions.
If I try and declare a virtual function, the compiler gives me the error undefined reference to "vtable for __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info". The only way to get around this is to use the compiler flag -fno-rtti, which prevents the error and makes it compile successfully. However, if I do that, the embedded program crashes when trying to run the overloaded virtual function, and I'm thinking this is because the vtable does not exist.
I don't see why you shouldn't be able to implement vtables on an embedded platform, since all it is a extra space in memory before or after member objects (depending on the exact compiler).
The reason I am trying to use virtual functions is because I am wanting to use FreeRTOS with C++, and other people have implemented this by using virtual functions (see http://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS_Support_Forum_Archive/July_2010/freertos_Is_it_possible_create_freertos_task_in_c_3778071.html for the discussion, and https://github.com/yuriykulikov/Event-driven_Framework_for_Embedded_Systems for a well written embedded C++ FreeRTOS framework)
The fact that the error message refers to a class named __cxxabiv1 suggests that you are not linking against the correct C++ runtime for your platform. I don't know anything about PSoC, but on more "normal" platforms, this sort of error could happen if you used the gcc (resp. clang) command at link-time instead of g++ (resp. clang++); or under handwavey circumstances if you used -lc++ without -stdlib=libc++ or -lstdc++ without -stdlib=libstdc++.
Use the -v option to examine your linker command line, and try to find out exactly which C++ runtime library it's pulling in. It'll probably be named something like libcxxabi or libcxxrt.
This guy here gives step-by-step instructions for compiling C++ in PSoC Creator; but he never figured out how to link with a C++ runtime library, so all his tips are focused on how to remove C++isms from your code (-fno-rtti, -fno-exceptions,...). I agree that there doesn't seem to be any information online about how to actually use C++ with PSoC.
For this specific error, you could always try defining the missing symbol yourself:
// file "fix-link-errors.cpp"
namespace __cxxabiv1 {
class __class_type_info {
virtual void dummy();
void __class_type_info::dummy() { } // causes the vtable to get created here
Or many linkers have the ability to define undefined symbols as 0x0 through command-line options such as -C or --defsym. However, that's not only a Bad Idea but also inconvenient, because you'd have to figure out what the actual (mangled) name of the vtable object is, and the linker didn't tell you that. (This being GCC, it's probably something like __ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE.)
Either of those "solutions" would result in horrible crashes if the program ever tried to do anything with the vtable; but they'd shut the linker up, if that's all you cared about and you knew the program would never actually use RTTI. But in that case, it should be sufficient to use -fno-rtti consistently on your entire project.
What, specifically, goes wrong when you use -fno-rtti?

Same Program code with same compiler leads to different binaries

I have an issue with my code that has some very strange symptoms.
The code is compiled on my computer with the following versions:
a. GCC Version: 4.4.2
b. CMAKE verson: 2.8.7
c. QNX (operating system) version: 6.5.0
And the code has a segfault whilst freeing some memory and exiting from a function (not dying on any code, just on the exit from a function).
The weird things about this are:
The code does it in release mode but not debug mode:
a. The code is threaded so this indicates a race condition.
b. I cannot debug by putting it in debug mode.
The code when compiled on a workmates machine with the same versions of everything, does not have this problem.
a. The wierd things about this are that the workmates code works, but also that the binary created from compiling on his machine, which is the same, is about 6mB bigger.
Now annoyingly I cannot post the code because it is too big and also for work. But can anyone point me along a path to fixing this.
Since I am using QNX I am limited for my debug tools, I cannot use Valgrind and since it is not supported in QNX, GDB doesn't really help.
I am looking for anyone who has had a similar/same problem and what the cause was and how they fixed it.
Sooo... I found out what it was, but im still a bit confused about how it happened.
The culprit code was this:
Eigen::VectorXd msBb = data.modelSearcher->getMinimumBoundingBox();
where the definition for getMinimumBoundingBox is this:
Eigen::VectorXd ModelSearcher::getMinimumBoundingBox();
and it returns a VectorXd which is always initialised as VectorXd output(6, 1). So I immediately thought, right it must be because the VectorXd is not being initialised, but changing it to this:
Eigen::VectorXd msBb(6, 1); msBb = data.modelSearcher->getMinimumBoundingBox();
But this didn't work. In fact I had to fix it by changing the definition of the function to this:
void ModelSearcher::getMinimumBoundingBox(Eigen::MatrixXd& input);
and the call to this
Eigen::VectorXd msBb(6, 1); data.modelSearcher->getMinimumBoundingBox(msBb);
So now the new question:
What the hell? Why didn't the first change work but the second did, why do I have to pass by reference? Oh and the big question, how the hell didn't this break when my co-worker compiled it and I ran it? Its a straight out memory error, surely it shouldn't depend on which computer compiles it, especially since the compiler and all the other important things are the same!!??
Thanks for your help guys.
... the binary created from compiling on his machine, which is the same, is about 6mB bigger
It's worth figuring out what the difference is (even if it's just the case that his build hides, while yours exposes, a real bug):
double-check you're compiling exactly the same code (no un-committed local changes, no extra headers in the include search path, etc.)
triple-check by adding a -E switch to your gcc arguments in cmake, so it will pre-process your files with the same include path as regular compilation; diff the pre-processor output
compare output from nm or objdump or whatever you have to for your two linked executables: if some system or 3rd-party library is a different version on one box, it may show up here
compare output from ldd if it's dynamically linked, make sure they're both getting the same library versions
compare the library versions it actually gets at runtime too, if possible. Hopefully you can do one of: run pldd, compare the .so entries in /proc/pid/map, run the process under strace/dtrace/truss and compare the runtime linker activity
As for the code ... if this doesn't work:
Eigen::VectorXd ModelSearcher::getMinimumBoundingBox();
// ...
Eigen::VectorXd msBb(6, 1); msBb = data.modelSearcher->getMinimumBoundingBox();
and this does:
void ModelSearcher::getMinimumBoundingBox(Eigen::MatrixXd& input);
// ...
Eigen::VectorXd msBb(6, 1); data.modelSearcher->getMinimumBoundingBox(msBb);
you presumably have a problem with the assignment operator. If it does a shallow copy and there is dynamically-allocated memory in the vector, you'll end up with two vectors holding the same pointer, and they'll both free/delete it.
Note that if the operator isn't defined at all, the default is to do this shallow copy.
You said you have to change from:
void ModelSearcher::getMinimumBoundingBox(Eigen::MatrixXd& input);
What was it before?
If it was:
void ModelSearcher::getMinimumBoundingBox(Eigen::MatrixXd input);
and the copy constructors / assignment operators weren't implemented properly it might have caused the problem.
Please do check how they are both implemented. Here's some info that might help.

VC++ 6.0 vector access violation crash. Known bug?

I'm trying to use a std::vector<>::const_iterator and I get an 'access violation' crash. It looks like the std::vector code is crashing when it uses its own internal First_ and Last_ pointers. Presumably this is a known bug. I'm hoping someone can point me to the correct workaround. It's probably relevant that the crashing function is called from an external library?
const Thing const* AClass::findThing (const std::string& label) const
//ThingList_.begin() blows up at run time. Compiles fine.
for (std::vector<Thing*>::const_iterator it = ThingList_.begin(); it != ThingList_.end(); ++it) {
return 0;
Simply calling ThingList_.size() also crashes.
This is sp6, if it matters.
If you're passing C++ objects across external library boundaries, you must ensure that all libraries are using the same runtime library (in particular, the same heap allocator). In practice, this means that all libraries must be linked to the DLL version of MSVCRT.
It's almost certainly a bug in your code and not std::vector. This code is used by way too many projects to have such an easy to repro bug.
What's likely happening is that the ThnigList_ variable has been corrupted in some way. Was the underlying array accessed directly and/or modified?
I agree with Jared that it is probably in your code,
never the less, you should be sure your stl libs are up to date.
The dinkumware site has the patched files you need.
You should update just to be safe

VS2008 internal compiler error

I'm consistently running into an internal compiler error while attempting to switch from MSVC6 to MSVC 2008. After much work commenting out different parts of the program, I've traced the error to two lines of code in two different CPP files. Both of these CPP files compile successfully, yet somehow have an effect on whether or not the error manifests in other files.
Both of those lines involve instantianting several complex, nested templates. They also appear to be the only places in the app that use an abstract class as one of the template parameters. That said, I'm far from certain that the issue involves either abstract classes or templates, it's just the most obvious thing I've noticed. I can't even be sure that these lines are significant at all. Here's what they look like, though:
m_phDSAttributes = new SObjDict<RWCString, SIDataSource>(&RWCString::hash);
So we've got SObjDict, a templatized dictionary class, SIDataSource, an abstract interface, and the parameter is a pointer to a static member function of RWCString.
I've been playing around with the code some, and I can occasionally get the error to move from one CPP file to another (for instance, I changed a bunch of template declarations from using class to typename), but I can't find any rhyme or reason to it.
I'm at a loss as to how to debug this issue further. The exact error output by the compiler (with the name of my source file changed) is below. There is no mention of it anywhere on the internet. I'm pretty desperate for any advice on how to proceed. I don't expect someone to say "oh, you just need to do XYZ", but a pointer on how to debug this sort of issue would be greatly appreciated.
1>d:\Dev\webapi.cpp : fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
1>(compiler file 'f:\dd\vctools\compiler\utc\src\p2\p2symtab.c', line 5905)
The trick seems to be disabling precompiled headers. I have no idea why that solves the problem, and it's very unfortunate since my build time for the affected project has gone from less than 30 secs to nearly 5 minutes, but at least I can progress forward.
It's a reasonable bet to assume that p2symtab.c is (part of) the symbol table code. This would immediately explain how the upgrade caused it; this code has been rewritten. (Remember the 255 character length warnings of VC6?)
In this case, there is no new entry in the symbol table, so it's likely a lookup in the symbol table failing spectactularly. It would be interesting to see if the context in which th name lookup happens affects the result. For instance, what happens if you change the code to
typedef SObjDict<RWCString, SIDataSource> SObjDict_RWCString_SIDataSource;
m_phDSAttributes = new SObjDict_RWCString_SIDataSource(&RWCString::hash);
This will force another symbol table entry to be created, for SObjDict_RWCString_SIDataSource. This entry is sort of a symbolic link to the template instantiation. The new name can (and must) be looked up on its own.
Start breaking it down into smaller parts. My first guess is the pointer to the static function is going to be the problem. Can you make a dummy non-template class with the same parameter in the constructor? Does it compile if you don't use an abstract class in the template?
Looks like I'm sending you in the wrong direction, the following compiles fine in 2008:
class thing {
static void hash( short sht ) {
void hash( long lng ) {
class thing2 {
thing2( void (short ) ){}
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
thing2* t = new thing2( &thing::hash );
delete t;
return 0;
The principle remains though, remove/replace complex elements until you have code that compiles and you'll know what is causing the problem.
fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
1>(compiler file 'f:\dd\vctools\compiler\utc\src\p2\p2symtab.c
i also observed the same error when i try to build my vs 2005 code to vs 2008. but it happen till i have not installed Service pack of VS 2008...
have you installed Service pack... i think this will resolved your issue....
This typically happens with template instantiation. Unfortunately it could be caused by many things, but 99% of the time your code is subtly invoking undefined behavior.