DirectShow Raw Capture [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have problems with DirectShow. I'm trying to record video from webcam and save as raw format on the disk. Can someone PLEASE show me simple example how to do it? I'm new to it and I'm not having enough time to start learning and then doing it, because of job..
Thank you!

DirectShow Samples on MSDN:
AmCap Sample Capture Video capture application.
PlayCap Sample Capture Simple capture application.
Using GraphEdit SDK tool you can interactively connect web cam filter to WM ASF Writer Filter and produce Windows Media files (the same can be repeated in code programmatically).


How would I grab image data from display output of amd gpus? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am attempting to create a personal PC streaming application on Windows. I was wondering how I could grab data from an AMD GPUs display output in C++ 11 (somewhat like OBS)? I attempted this in java with Robot.createScreenCapture method but was not able to achieve sufficient speeds required for streaming. I hope this is clear enough. Anything helps, thanks.
AMD AMF SDK can get you this: Is there a functionality to capture screen directly and encode at GPU buffer memory?
amf\public\src\components\DisplayCapture already has code which is basically wrapping DD API into AMF component. If my memory serves me right DVR sample shows how to use it (source code definitely has traces that it was/is working).

How to overlay Chromium/Electron browser hosts on DirectX and OpenGL applications? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm trying to display info from the Spotify API as a overlay for DirectX and OpenGL games as there is a lot of people asking for it and I needed a project for school. I've got all the design elements working in a Electron application and I now just need to make it an overlay.
The application has a couple states: Playing, Paused, Control (frees cursor to allow in game song control with a couple buttons), Connect(for when audio is played via Spotify connect rather then on the host pc) and Stopped.
If possible I would also like to have the control state toggle with a key bind.
I've had a look online and can't find anything helpful, but I do know that Discord uses something like this. From what I can see, they use C++.
Edit: pergy commented with this: electron offscreen rendering which seems good enough.

Implement video editor [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to implement a "simple" video editor and since I'm new to the topic, I'm not sure how to start.
The editor should have the following features / components
A timeline for multiple recordings
A video player that plays the edited video in real-time (it should render all added effects and assets)
Assets that can be placed on the timeline such as text elements, arrows and so on
I'd like to start with the video player and then build the other components around it.
Which frameworks would you recommend?
For the player, I'm not sure if DirectShow is the right choice or MediaFoundation would be better. Are there other libraries to consider? FFmpeg?
My recommendation given your interests is to start with Blender
It's written in a combination of C, C++, and Python, has a substantial user community, and has the advantage of open source code so you can see how a real large project looks.
You might end up just contributing to it, or you might lift bits of it to bootstrap your own project, etc. But if you don't know about, it's worthwhile to look at if only to help you refine what you want to work on.

How to get computer device manager information as text result in cpp code? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How to get computer device manager information (in Windows (especially win 10)) as text result in cpp code?. In addition I don't want to use registry i my code.
You can get information of device manager using Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI) or by using Setup APIs. One example of Setup APIs for getting device manager information can be found in code project.

DirectShow filter for ip-camera [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to write DirectShow filter which will stream data from ip camera. I have found example how to open ip camera stream using opencv.
I have only basic knowledges how to write a directShow filters. What should I do to send data from one directShow filter to another?
Thank you in advance!
Check Push source filter sample from Windows SDK.
Also some open source and coomercial implementations available:
MJPEG HTTP from (source available) -
VisioForge MJPEG / MPEG-4 / H264 via HTTP / RTSP / RTMP (commercial) - Video Capture SDK or Filter SDK
Good idea to start from Alax project, but use FFMPEG like VisioForge for demuxing / decoding.