Sitecore how to separating Authoring from Delivery - sitecore

I am planning a Sitecore deployment, I was reading a "Separating Authoring from Delivery"
Do I need to install and configure Sitecore in both envioronments. In that case users can access Delivery/Sitecore and Authoring/Sitecore.
How can I actually seperate two websites? I am bit confused. Please help!

Dhanuka777, as mentioned by techphoria, you'll really have to start reading up on a lot of things before you'll be able to get more direct help.
That being said, this is the basics of what you're trying to achieve:
Delivery: This is a website running the sitecore web application, but it does not allow users to login to the Sitecore editing interface. It can only serve up the content to your extranet users.
Authoring: This is a website running the sitecore web application, but it allows users to login to the Sitecore editing interface. Extranet users cannot access it. This usually means it's running on a VM or server behind a firewall.
You will also need to look at how you want deploy your databases to support these two sites.


Build a website in sitecore and make it offline

I want build site using Sitecore(7.2) and also make it offline. Our requirement is not to use headless CMS. Is there any way to build or make it offline?
Internet websites cannot be delivered 'offline' without having all possible data delivered to the device so that it no longer needs to connect to the internet. This sounds less like a website, and more like an app that somebody would install?
If so, you probably DO need to look at headless and building an app that connects to the APIs for updates.
You might need to be more specific about the business use case because it seems contradictory to want to use a web application software that delivers web content, without using headless, and works without the web.
As already suggested that internet websites cannot work offline so either you have an app or intranet website.
Considering as an app you can consume sitecore OData apis for Content/Media however it will not work for Presentations and you have to implement your own mobile designs based on Xamarin or native.
For odata related information you can refer below link:
Once you get the response from api, you can locally store it in your local db of app

Django Windows IIS Single Sign On

I'm currently working on a Django App that has all reporting dashboards for 11 different divisions. One of the web development requirements of our company is a single sign-on. My app is currently hosted via Windows IIS and I have a database resource where I can grab all active users for our company.
However, I have searched the net for tutorials on how to do this in my Django app but with no success. If you could provide me a url or at least an advice on how to do this, I would definitely appreciate it.
Single sign on from an app in your company or something like Google? For social single sign on you could take a look at the, or use that to create your own.

Multiple results in people picker of hosted name site collection with ADFS

I am having a problem when setting up ADFS in a web application which have hosted name site collections. Although I put ADFS authentication in a different zone, but in my hosted site name collections, I still can search for ADFS accounts. Please refer to the detailed info below:
My situation is:
I have a web application which have 2 hosted name site collections. It is using NTML authentication in Default Zone.
In order to use ADFS, I extended the web application to Internet Zone
However, during the extending web application, I think the SercurityTokenServiceApplication got some problems. I had to restart application pool of the SecurityTokenServiceApplication. After that I continued to configure ADFS in sharepoint.
Then my problem is:
The login via ADFS works perfectly. However, I have got a problem with the people picker of the hosted name site collections. When I opened the people picker to check permission, I tried to enter an account and the people picker showed both results from ActiveDirectory and ADFS. This problem now is in production farm, but it did not happen in my staging farm. I think it is because the SecurityTokenServiceApplication was not down at the time I set up in the stating environment.
I tried to reproduce the problem in my testing environment by stopping the SecurityTokenServiceApplication during extending web application step, then I got the same problem in the production.
However, the path-based site collections in the web application do not have this problem. Every hosted name site collection have issue.
I even tried to delete the web application and recreate again but the problem still exists.
From my understanding, if I set up that way, only site collections from Internet zone can retrieve users from ADFS. However, I do not know how to resolve the above problem. If there is any one experienced the same problem, please kindly advise.
Thanks a lot.

Sitecore Intranet Site

Our client has a public site on sitecore, and they are asking us to create their intranet site using Sitecore.
The public and the intranet site sites have different content, but there is a possibility that both of the sites share the same content author users.
What is the best practices to achieve this? using a new instance of sitecore or the same instance.
Any thoughts?
The latest project where I used Sitecore as an intranet platform definitely had a use case for being a separate instance. While it would have been ideal to share license (as #Gatogordo points out) the organization had very strict security policies concerning network connectivity between the Intranet and internal systems.
If your intranet will have any integrations to internal network systems, you should consider the organization's security policies for a situation where a DMZ server (such as a Sitecore instance serving up a public website) is able to connect to these internal systems (such as a Sharepoint instance).
If there are no concerns on that front, HTTPS + Login requirement + disabling anonymous access via Sitecore security across the entire site should be enough. At its core, an Intranet is often just a website that people view after being logged in, and there may be some content you'll want to share between the sites or even content from the media library.
One final concern is your deployment and maintenance schedule. If you are operating the same Sitecore instances for both Intranet and Internet that means you should understand that you will likely have only one VS solution for both. Deploying a fix for the internet is also potentially affecting your intranet. This isn't a bad thing, but I have seen situations where a client did not want systems impacting each other from a deployment perspective. You can mitigate some downtime issues by using load-balanced CD nodes and also ensuring you have solid regression testing in place.
I would use the same instance: it saves you money (license) and you can share the same users for content editing. They don't need new logins and can edit both sites in the same environment.
For the front, you can easily set security on your new site to enable it as intranet. Just make sure you are running in https - best practice would be to do this for both sites.

How to set up Apache server via an FTP account

I have developed a web application in Django and would like to go online i have an FTP access to the hosting server I am a beginner to "setting up a website" i would like to know how to install apache on that server and have my application working
Kindly provide detailed info as i am newbie, any links or tutorials would help a lot
Thanks in advance
If you only have user level access to the machine (ie: you don't have root), then you won't be able to control what web server runs and you can only control its settings to a limited regard. You will have to consider contacting your provider or looking for a different hosting package if the server doesn't meet you needs.
Typically, if it is a hosting server, the administrators will already have web server software like Apache running. You simply just have to upload what you would like to have displayed (typically to a directory called "public_html" or something like that), and it will display when someone visits your site. Hopefully they support things like Django, otherwise you might need to look at other options.
Your hosting provider is most likely to have specific and the most relevant instructions for how to upload your website.