Opengl/glsl shader animation and lighting issue - opengl

So lately i've took my first serious steps (or at least i think so) into opengl/glsl and shaders in general.
Ive managed to construct and render VBOs, create and compile shaders and also mess with them in some sort of way.
I'm using a vertex shader to fix my opengl view (correct the aspect ratio) and also perform animation. This is achieved with varius matrix manipulations.
One would ask why am i using vertex shaders for animation, but reading articles around the globe i got the impression it's best to maintain static VBOs rather updating them constantly. Some sort of GPU>CPU battle.
Now i may be wrong about it that's why im reaching here for aid on the matter. My view on it is that in the future i might make a game which (for instance) will have a lot of coins for a player to grab and i would like them to be staticly stored at the GPU side. And then use the shader for rotating them.
Moving on.. "Let there be light".
I've also managed to use my normals in the vertex shader to reproduce lighting. It all worked fine with the exception that light rotates with my cube (currently im using a cube as a test dummy). Now, i know what's wrong here. It's my vertex shader transforming absolutely everything (even my light source i guess). And i can think of a way or two on how to solve this problem. One would be to apply reverse-negative transformation forces on my light source so i can keep it static as everything else rotates.
And here's where everything blurs. Im reaching stackoverflow for guidance on how to move forward. I am trying to think bigger in a way-sense : what if, in the future, i'll have plenty objects i'd like to perform basic animations for (such as rotation, scaling, translations). Would that require me to have different shaders or even a packed one with every function in it. And how would i even use this. Would i pass different values before every object rending inside the same shader?
Right now, to be honest, i want to handle the lighting issue. But i have a feeling that the way im about to approach this will set my general approach in shading animations in general. One suggested (here in stackoverflow in another question) that one should really use different shaders and swap them before every VBO rendering. I have my concerns on wether that's efficient enough, but i definately like the idea.

One suggested (here in stackoverflow in another question) that one should really use different shaders and swap them before every VBO rendering.
Which question/answer was this? Because you normally should avoid switching shaders where possible. Maybe the person meant uniforms, which are parameters to shaders, but can be changed for cheap.
Also your question is far too broad and also not very concise (all that backstory hides the actual issue). I strongly suggest you split up your doubts into a number of small questions which can be answered in separate.


opengl - possibility of a mirroring shader?

Until today, when I wanted to create reflections (a mirror) in opengl, I rendered a view into a texture and displayed that texture on the mirroring surface.
What i want to know is, are there any other methods to create a mirror in opengl?
And 2. can this be done lonely in shaders (e.g. geometry shader) ?
Ray-tracing. You can write a ray-tracer in the fragment shader (every fragment follows a ray). Ray-tracers can perfectly deal with reflection (mirroring) on all kinds of surfaces.
You can find an OpenGL example here and a WebGL example including mirroring here.
There are no universal way to do that, in any 3D API i know of.
Depending on your case there are several possible techniques with different downsides.
Planar reflections: That's what you are doing already.
Note that your mirror needs to be flat and you have to clip so anything closer than the mirror ins't rendered into the texture.
Good old cubemaps: attach a cubemap to each mirror then sample it in the reflection direction. This works for any surface but you will need to render the cubemaps (which can be done only once if you don't care about moving objects being reflected). I don't think you can do this without shaders but only the mirror will need one. Its a very common technique as it's easy do implement, can be dynamic and fairly cheap while being easy to integrate into an existing engine.
Screen space ray-marching: It's what danny-ruijters suggested. Kind of like SSAO : for each pixel, sample the depth buffer along the reflection vector until you hit something. This has the advantage to be applicable anywhere (on arbitrary complex surfaces) however it can only reflect stuff that appear on screen which can introduce lots of small artifacts but it's completly dynamic and very simple to implement. Note that you will need an additional pass (or rendering normals into a buffer) to access your scene final color in while computing the reflections. You absolutely need shaders for that, but it's post process so it won't interfere with the scene rendering if that's what you fear.
Some modern game engines use this to add small details to reflective surfaces without the burden of having to compute/store cubemaps.
They are probably many other ways to render mirrors but these are the tree main one (at least for what i know) ways of doing reflections.

Techniques for drawing tiles with OpenGL

I've been using XNA for essentialy all of my programming so far and would like to move on to OpenGL (along with SFML for IO, creating the window etc.) with C++ . For starters I'd like to create a tile-based game and I've mostly looked at LazyFoo's tutorials.
I just have a two questions:
How should I draw the tiles? Should I use immediate drawing, arrays, VBOs or what? VBOs feel like overkill for this but I'm not sure. It's very tempting to use immediate drawing but apparently it's deprecated. Maybe it's fine for this purpose since it's 2D and only for a bunch of quads.
I'd like a lot of different tiles and thus all of my tiles will not fit into a single texture without making it massive. I've read that using bindTexture isn't very cheap and thus I should avoid as many calls as I can. I thought that maybe I can create a manager for my textures and stitch them all together into one big texture and bind that but then the dimensions of that is an issue.
Don't use immediate mode! It's cumbersome to work with and has been removed from recent OpenGL versions. Use Vertex Arrays, ideally through VBOs. In the end they're much easier to use, believe me.
Regarding that switching of textures. We're talking about optimizing the texture switch patterns in very complex scenes. In your case it will hardly matter at all.
Right now you worry abount things without having even used them. That's worse than premature optimization. I suggest you first get a good grip on OpenGL, then start worrying about state switch management.
With regards to the texture atlas; this is usually done by stitching textures into groups of power-of-two sized textures. For example in a tile-based game you might have a particular tile set (say, tiles for an ice world) grouped together on 2 or 3 textures. When you want to render them you would determine what tiles are visible, then you bind each texture once and render the tiles from that texture for any tiles that are visible on screen.
This requires quite a lot of set-up time to get right; you need keep information on each sub-texture of the atlas so you can find the right texture and render the appropriate region of that texture whenever a tile is referenced. You also need a good way of grouping rendering operations so that they occur when the appropriate texture is bound.
Like datenwolf said, I wouldn't focus too much on complicated texture systems early on; eager binding of textures will be plenty fast enough until you get further down the road.

Is it possible to reuse glsl vertex shader output later?

I have a huge mesh(100k triangles) that needs to be drawn a few times and blend together every frame. Is it possible to reuse the vertex shader output of the first pass of mesh, and skip the vertex stage on later passes? I am hoping to save some cost on the vertex pipeline and rasterization.
Targeted OpenGL 3.0, can use features like transform feedback.
I'll answer your basic question first, then answer your real question.
Yes, you can store the output of vertex transformation for later use. This is called Transform Feedback. It requires OpenGL 3.x-class hardware or better (aka: DX10-hardware).
The way it works is in two stages. First, you have to set your program up to have feedback-based varyings. You do this with glTransformFeedbackVaryings. This must be done before linking the program, in a similar way to things like glBindAttribLocation.
Once that's done, you need to bind buffers (given how you set up your transform feedback varyings) to GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER with glBindBufferRange, thus setting up which buffers the data are written into. Then you start your feedback operation with glBeginTransformFeedback and proceed as normal. You can use a primitive query object to get the number of primitives written (so that you can draw it later with glDrawArrays), or if you have 4.x-class hardware (or AMD 3.x hardware, all of which supports ARB_transform_feedback2), you can render without querying the number of primitives. That would save time.
Now for your actual question: it's probably not going to help buy you any real performance.
You're drawing terrain. And terrain doesn't really get any transformation. Typically you have a matrix multiplication or two, possibly with normals (though if you're rendering for shadow maps, you don't even have that). That's it.
Odds are very good that if you shove 100,000 vertices down the GPU with such a simple shader, you've probably saturated the GPU's ability to render them all. You'll likely bottleneck on primitive assembly/setup, and that's not getting any faster.
So you're probably not going to get much out of this. Feedback is generally used for either generating triangle data for later use (effectively pseudo-compute shaders), or for preserving the results from complex transformations like matrix palette skinning with dual-quaternions and so forth. A simple matrix multiply-and-go will barely be a blip on the radar.
You can try it if you like. But odds are you won't have any problems. Generally, the best solution is to employ some form of deferred rendering, so that you only have to render an object once + X for every shadow it casts (where X is determined by the shadow mapping algorithm). And since shadow maps require different transforms, you wouldn't gain anything from feedback anyway.

GLSL How to retrieve vertex position after a shader process it?

I wrote a program that simulates soft bodies using springs. It looks nice but the problem is it consumes a lot of CPU time. So I can not run it on my laptop or any not high end PC.
I thought It would be a good idea to write a vertex shader and move the logic to the GPU. I've read some tutorials and made a toon shader so I thought (wrong) I was ready to go.
The big problem I have is that I need to know the old position of a vertex to calculate the new one. I don't know how could I retrieve a vertex position so I could send it back to the shaders each frame?
I'm not really sure is this even possible to do and maybe I'm trying to do something that shaders are never meant to do. I am still researching but I thought I could ask an see if maybe someone can help.
You can use the transform feedback mechanism if your hardware supports OpenGL 3.0 or above. There are also other techniques for getting the vertex position back, like carefully arranging your rendering so that you're writing a triangle (or point primitive) to each separate pixel on the screen. This is fairly difficult, and you need to render to a floating-point buffer, which requires FBO support.

OpenGL 3.1-4.1 new and deprecated features

I've been working with OpenGL for about a year now, and have learned a lot of stuff. Unfortunatly the way I learned it was the old pre 3.x way, meaning immediate mode, default shaders, matrix stacks, etc. I more or less have an idea of what has changed from then to now by looking at the OpenGL specs, however I don't totally understand some of the new ways to do things.
From my understanding they got rid of matrix stacks, meaning you have to keep track of your own transformation matrices, which doesn't seem too complicated. They also got rid of immediate mode, meaning you now need to use VBOs or VAOs (never know which one, maybe both..) to send the pixel/normal/texture,etc. information to the shader program. I don't really get the way these objects works, I think you need to put all the info into them, and provide an ofset of some sort to show the separators between pixel,normal and texture coordinates. Could someone briefly explain how this actually works (or send me a link which explains it)? I tried wikipedia and googling it, but found myself still not quite understanding them.
Another point I would like to know more about are shaders, as I've never used them. I'm not going to ask how to code them or anything, just what needs to go in there and what opengl still does for you. More specifically, what would you need to do in the shaders to get a basic rendering program? I know you need to do all the ligthing calculations and use your matrices to calculate the real vertex position. But does opengl still take care of backface culling, line clipping, polygon filling and other lower level issues, or do you have to code them yourslef into the shaders (or don't they even belong in the shaders)?
Since immediate mode is deprecated doing a "hello triangle" application is a bit more involved. There is a good tutorial on modern OpenGL here:
You should read it thoroughly. Bear in mind that it doesn't use VAOs so you'll have to read about it somewhere else afterwards. VAOs don't change things much so you won't have to unlearn things from mentioned tutorial to use them.
And about your second question... Your vertex shader will be executed by OpenGL for every vertex. Your job is to calculate final position of the vertex and prepare data (like normals, light data...) to be sent to fragment shader, given the attributes of vertex and other data you send to shader (uniforms - you'll read about it in tutorial). Fragment shader will be executed per fragment and in fragment shader you are calculating the final color of each fragment.
You can see here:
that things like, glPolygonMode and glCullFace are still there.