Performance difference between geometry shader and vertex shader - opengl

Currently am rendering a model of around 1 million vertices. And inside vertex shader i am doing some complex computation for each vertex. Now i would like to increase the resolution of the model.
I have two queries regarding this:
Is it advisable to use geometry shader for increasing resolution to very large factors like 64 times?
If i introduce a geometry shader i might need to move my computation from vertex shader to geometry shader. Whether doing an operation in verterx shader is same as doing it in geometry shader, in terms of performance.

Is it advisable to use geometry shader for increasing resolution to very large factors like 64 times.
Absolutely not. While GS's can amplify geometry and perform tessellation, that's not really what they're for. Their main purposes are for handling transform feedback data (particularly hardware that can handle multi-stream output) and layered rendering.
If i introduce a geometry shader i might need to move my computation from vertex shader to geometry shader. Whether doing an operation in verterx shader is same as doing it in geometry shader, in terms of performance.
Do as little work in the GS as is reasonable. The GS happens after the post-T&L cache, and you want to get as much out of that as possible. So do as much of your real transformation work as is reasonable in the vertex shader.


Optimize operation between fragment and vertex shader

I am learning to make a graphical engine with OpenGL. I wanted to know, should repetitive operations be moved from the vertex shader to the fragment shader, since from what I understood the vertex shader is only run once per vertex?
For instance, when normalizing a vector for the light direction, since this light is the same in the entire vertex should it be moved to the vertex shader, instead of calculating it for every pixel? Is there a particular reason to keep it in the fragment shader?
If the calculation is exactly the same: yes, it should usually be more efficient to do it in the vertex shader than the fragment shader. Some situations where it might not be more efficient:
when drawing geometry that results in fewer shaded pixels than transformable vertices -- either due to dense geometry or extreme discards/occlusion. If this is the case, usually you would want to address it by switching to lower level-of-detail geometry or smarter geometry culling.
when doing the calculation in the vertex shader requires you to send more data to the fragment shader in order to use the calculation's results. Sending more data can be slower because it requires more memory manipulation and because the rasterizer needs to interpolate more "varying" values across each polygon.
For light calculations, specifically, be mindful that moving calculations from the fragment shader to the vertex shader can affect the quality of your rendering. Particularly, normalized direction vectors at each vertex can become shorter after "varying" interpolation, which can slightly darken triangle interiors if used directly without renormalization. And, of course, moving the entire lighting calculation to the vertex shader has even more drastic effects.
But how visible these effects are depends on the frequency of textures, the resolution of geometry, the size on screen, how far away the lights are, etc. -- in some cases, the quality/performance tradeoff may make sense.

OpenGL Lighting Shader

I can't understand concept of smaller shaders in OpenGL. How does it work? For example: do I need to create one shader for positioning object in space and then shader another shader for lighting or what? Could someone explain this to me? Thanks in advance.
This is a very complex topic, especially since your question isn't very specific. At first, there are various shader stages (vertex shader, pixel shader, and so on). A shader program consists of different shader stages, at least a pixel and a vertex shader (except for compute shader programs, which are each single compute shaders). The vertex shader calculates the possition of the points on screen, so here the objects are being moved. The pixel shader calculates the color of each pixel, that is covered by the rendered geometry your vertex shader produced. Now, in terms of lighting, there are different ways of doing it:
Forward Shading
This is the straight-forward way, where you simply calculate the lighting in pixel shader of the same shader program, that moves to objects. This is the oldest way of calculating lighting, and the easiest one. However, it's abilities are very limited.
Deffered Shading
For ages, this is the go-to variant in games. Here, you have one shader program (vertex + pixel shader) that renders the geometrie on one (or multiple) textures (so it moves the objects, but it doesn't save the lit color, but rather things like the base color and surface normals into the texture), and then an other shader program that renders a quad on screen for each light you want to render, the pixel shader of this shader program reads the informations previously rendered in the textur by the first shader program, and uses it to render the lit objects on an other textur (which is then the final image). In constrast to forward shading, this allows (in theory) any number of lights in the scene, and allows easier usage of shadow maps
Tiled/Clustered Shading
This is a rather new and very complex way of calculating lighting, that can be build on top of deffered or forward shading. It basicly uses compute shaders to calculate an accelleration-structure on the gpu, which is then used draw huge amount of lights very fast. This allows to render thousands of lights in a scene in real time, but using shadow maps for these lights is very hard, and the algorithm is way more complex then the previous ones.
Writing smaller shaders means to separate some of your shader functionalities in another files. Then if you are writing a big shader which contains lightning algorithms, antialiasing algorithms, and any other shader computation algorithm, you can separate them in smaller shader files (light.glsl, fxaa.glsl, and so on...) and you have to link these files in your main shader file (the shader file which contains the void main() function) since in OpenGL a vertex array can only have one shader program (composition of vertex shader, fragment shader, geometry shader, etc...) during the rendering pipeline.
The way of writing smaller shader depends also on your rendering algorithm (forward rendering, deffered rendering, or forward+ rendering).
It's important to notice that writing a lot of shader will increase the shader compilation time, and also, writing a big shader with a lot of uniforms will also slow things down...

Why is the geometry shader processed after the vertex shader?

In both the OpenGL and Direct3D rendering pipelines, the geometry shader is processed after the vertex shader and before the fragment/pixel shader. Now obviously processing the geometry shader after the fragment/pixel shader makes no sense, but what I'm wondering is why not put it before the vertex shader?
From a software/high-level perspective, at least, it seems to make more sense that way: first you run the geometry shader to create all the vertices you want (and dump any data only relevant to the geometry shader), then you run the vertex shader on all the vertices thus created. There's an obvious drawback in that the vertex shader now has to be run on each of the newly-created vertices, but any logic that needs to be done there would, in the current pipelines, need to be run for each vertex in the geometry shader, presumably; so there's not much of a performance hit there.
I'm assuming, since the geometry shader is in this position in both pipelines, that there's either a hardware reason, or a non-obvious pipeline reason that it makes more sense.
(I am aware that polygon linking needs to take place before running a geometry shader (possibly not if it takes single points as inputs?) but I also know it needs to run after the geometry shader as well, so wouldn't it still make sense to run the vertex shader between those stages?)
It is basically because "geometry shader" was a pretty stupid choice of words on Microsoft's part. It should have been called "primitive shader."
Geometry shaders make the primitive assembly stage programmable, and you cannot assemble primitives before you have an input stream of vertices computed. There is some overlap in functionality since you can take one input primitive type and spit out a completely different type (often requiring the calculation of extra vertices).
These extra emitted vertices do not require a trip backwards in the pipeline to the vertex shader stage - they are completely calculated during an invocation of the geometry shader. This concept should not be too foreign, because tessellation control and evaluation shaders also look very much like vertex shaders in form and function.
There are a lot of stages of vertex transform, and what we call vertex shaders are just the tip of the iceberg. In a modern application you can expect the output of a vertex shader to go through multiple additional stages before you have a finalized vertex for rasterization and pixel shading (which is also poorly named).

OpenGL - Is switching shaders and uniforms often a serious bottleneck?

I'm currently planning out a renderer and I have 2 different ways I could handle shaders. I've written pseduo-code for them:
Example A
for all models {
bind all vertex data for the model
for each shader on this model {
set shader
upload uniforms
draw indicies for this shader
Example B
for all models {
collect geometry and seperate it by shader
sort geometry by shader into groups
for all shaders {
set shader
upload uniforms
draw geometry group for this shader
The advantage of Example A is that we only have to upload the vertex data one time and it's shared for all the geometry. The downside of this is I have to constantly change the shader and upload uniforms to it.
The advantage of Example B is that I can sort all the geometry in the entire scene by shader so I only have to apply each shader 1 time for the whole draw. This also means that I will have more on the draw stack at any given time so there is less "idle" time after a drawing for a shader is finished.
Which way would end up being better on performance? Based on what I've read I'm leaning towards Example B but I'd like to learn a little more about it.
Like so often with OpenGL it depends on the implementation (=driver) in question.
For example early NVidia drivers were prone for complete shader recompilation when Uniform values changed (so changing a uniform could be much more expensive than switching a texture or shader). Later this bottleneck was removed and changing a uniform value became a rather cheap operation (cheaper than switching a texture or a shader).
As with all performance related questions: You have to profile your program and test out your options.

Difference between tessellation shaders and Geometry shaders

I'm trying to develop a high level understanding of the graphics pipeline. One thing that doesn't make much sense to me is why the Geometry shader exists. Both the Tessellation and Geometry shaders seem to do the same thing to me. Can someone explain to me what does the Geometry shader do different from the tessellation shader that justifies its existence?
The tessellation shader is for variable subdivision. An important part is adjacency information so you can do smoothing correctly and not wind up with gaps. You could do some limited subdivision with a geometry shader, but that's not really what its for.
Geometry shaders operate per-primitive. For example, if you need to do stuff for each triangle (such as this), do it in a geometry shader. I've heard of shadow volume extrusion being done. There's also "conservative rasterization" where you might extend triangle borders so every intersected pixel gets a fragment. Examples are pretty application specific.
Yes, they can also generate more geometry than the input but they do not scale well. They work great if you want to draw particles and turn points into very simple geometry. I've implemented marching cubes a number of times using geometry shaders too. Works great with transform feedback to save the resulting mesh.
Transform feedback has also been used with the geometry shader to do more compute operations. One particularly useful mechanism is that it does stream compaction for you (packs its varying amount of output tightly so there are no gaps in the resulting array).
The other very important thing a geometry shader provides is routing to layered render targets (texture arrays, faces of a cube, multiple viewports), something which must be done per-primitive. For example you can render cube shadow maps for point lights in a single pass by duplicating and projecting geometry 6 times to each of the cube's faces.
Not exactly a complete answer but hopefully gives the gist of the differences.
See Also: