g3d and visual studio 2010? - c++

I just freshly installed visual studio 2010 on my laptop and set up g3d aswell. I then opened a sample project that came with the g3d download to test if I had it set up right. The build was successful but when it came to executing the project i got this error
My laptop is new and g3d ran fine on my old laptop so i dont understand this. The new laptop however has switchable graphics. The chips that are in it are :
Radeon (TM) HD 7470M and Intel(R) HD Graphics Family

Well just in case anyone else was wondering what the answer was to this is it was a hp problem, the dual graphics card in my computer wasnt being picked up. I had to download the CCC Catalyst Control Centre and allow the programs access the radeon graphics chip in my laptop.


Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise - Offline installer cross-platform?

I need to travel next month to an area of the world with very poor internet service, this was never an issue before as I just took the vs iso images along with me on a sd card and re-installed at the other end.
But, now I'm using VS2017 the only option appears to be the 'offline installer' so I'm wondering if I create an offline install of my current vs2017/win7 setup, will I then be able to install this from a sd card onto a win10 machine at the other end?

GLSL shaders won't compile on VM Fusion - Windows 10/Visual Studio 2017

I have VMFusion installed on an external hard drive that I have connected to my 2014 Macbook Pro Retina Display. In this VM I have Windows 10 installed (not genuine) and Visual Studio 2017. I have my solution loaded (we use OpenGL), but when I compile and run, the console complains "error: GLSL 3.30 is not supported. Supported versions are: 1.10, 1.20, and 1.00 ES" when compiling any of our shaders.
In the VMFusion settings menu under Display, I see that the option for "Accelerate 3D Graphics" is already on. This option supposedly "Supports DirectX 10 and OpenGL 3.3". So I'm confused as to why I'm getting the error message about GLSL when I'm running my project. Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going on or how to solve this? I have the proper nuget packages installed and it seems like all the C++ code compiles just fine. It's purely the shaders. Is this a VMFusion problem or something not set up with my laptop?
On your virtual machine, try to add next variables:
in both sections "User variables" and "System variables"
To open "Advanced system settings" follow Control Panel -> System and Security -> System click on "Adanced system settings"
It's difficult to answer without further details (your GPU, the exact settings of the VM, etc).
However, I would suggest to check a few things:
Are VMware tools installed correctly on the guest OS?
What kind of profile are you requesting when you create your context (core or compatibility?) As far as I understand, VMware guests can get only OpenGL 3.3 core profile.
Then you can also have a look at VMware Fusion documentation about these issues here

Visual Studio Express 2013 GUI issues

I am having some weird graphical issues in the Visual Studio Express 2013 edition (C++ Project) where when hovering over some things it shows an enlarged sprite over the whole window until I resize the window or move the window somewhere else and then back again.
An example of a 'normal' window (Memory 1 to be specific)
Now I will hover over a value so it shows the little hover box with the value (I am not entirely sure what this is called) but is shown in the next screenshot.
As soon as I move my cursor away from the popup box showing 00|0-> ('->' representing a pin) VS2013 freaks out and shows a very large stretched out (looks as if its a blown up sprite sheet of the characters?) across the whole window.
Things I have tried
Closed and reopened VS2013 -> still not working
Turned PC off and on again -> still not working
Uninstalled VS2013 and reinstalled -> still not working
Tried to change the font from Consolas (Default) to Times New Roman -> still not working
Computer Specs)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3930K CPU # 3.20GHz
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
ASUS P9X79 WS (motherboard)
Geforce GTX Titan 6GB
Monitor Resolution: 1920x1080
Note) This isn't only limited to the Memory 1 window.

Windows XP Mode loading in small screen in vmware player

I am running windows 7. I have just finished downloading and converting (using vmware converter) the Windows XP Mode vmware image to a .vmx file for vmware player.
I can then play the Windows XP image fine in VMWare player. There is however and issue where the windows xp screen inside vmware does not take up the whole screen. In face it only takes up a very small area. I've read on some forums that this might be a compatibility issue between windows 7 and windows xp.
Does anyone know how to fix this please?
Install VMWare Tools on the guest XP machine and bounce it. It contains several virtualization drivers among them one for the virtual graphic card. This allows you to dynamically change the screen resolution of the guest, just by resizing the VMWare Player window.

NSight crash at frame profile

I'm using Visual Studio 2012.
Nsight Visual Studio:
Version 3.2.2
Build Number:
My Graphics Card Information:
GeForce GT 720M
Driver version: 33182
Directx 3D version: 11.1
OpenGL 4.4
Each time I try to pause and capture a frame, and then click in Frame Profile, my program crash. This apply for all OpenGL program in my computer. First, I though it could be due to the Operating System, so I installed the OS again, but it still crashes.
This is the stack at the time the program crashes.
Before crash
I saw a crash error by NSight here, but it seems different from me.
You're best off reporting bugs in Nsight to Nvidia. 3.2.2 is a very new version and chances are it's going to be something someone hasn't reported yet.
The likely culprits will be using a newer or slightly out-of-the-ordinary OpenGL extension that the tool doesn't support yet. If you want to get to the bottom of it, binary chop parts of your application out until it does capture properly and add them back in until it stops working.