How to add a widget to a qt Tool bar - c++

I have the following problem:
I have added a spinner to my qt Tool Bar, which is located from top to buttom. This works fine. But now I want to order some buttons in a special order, but with mainToolBar->addWidget(button_name) it would be among one other. So how can I solve it? I tried to make a new widget "widget_1" and added some buttons to this widget, but when I write mainToolBar->addWidget(widget_1) nothing appears, only the one slider I have already added. Can anyone help me?
Thanks a lot :)

Well, just forget something.
select the widget and then layout in a form or whatever layouting you prefer.
And that's it. now, the widget will be shown in toolbar. it's because of size
and child widgets position. by layouting, everything will be resized and position


Creating a scrollable window without Layouts

I am trying to achieve something what, I thought, would be a super easy thing to do. But for some reason QtDesigner is driving me crazy, it simply won't work...
I created a GUI and freely arranged different elements in the window, without layout or anything like that. At some point there were to many elements, so all I wanted to to, was to make it scrollable up and down, to see all elements.
So I added a ScrollArea in QtDesigner and added all elements as children of this ScrollArea (which btw also was a pain in the ass, because apparently drag and drop in the Object viewer is not a thing, and editing the .ui file by hand, is also not allowed... great).
So the result I have now is the following:
before resize - no scrollbar, elements at bottom inaccessible
resized vertically - some stuff still snapped off at the bottom
So as you see, although I created a ScrollArea... There is no scroll area. So I googled a little bit and found out that you can add layouts to your scrollarea, and yey, finally, a scroll bar! But how in this world am I supposed to arrange the elements in the way you see in the screenshots, with layouts. They are so super restrictive.
How am I supposed to simply get a vertical scrollbar, without this restrictive layout stuff?!
Here is how my object viewer looks
And here is what is called upon GUI creation:
I tried it with, and without the commented lines. No scrollbar, no matter what I do.
Try this to fix it:
In Qt Designer:
Select QScrollArea object.
Uncheck the QScrollArea properties widgetResizable.
In C++:
// If you want to set `widgetResizable` programmaticly
ui->scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(false); // Optional if you did it in Qt Designer

How to activate centralWidget in QT Designer

I was looking at this article
How to make a Qt Widget grow with the window size?
but when i got to the answer I got stuck on "activating" the central widget. I notice an icon with a red circle so I guess that means its disabled. I've been searching the net to try to figure out how to "activate" it but I am not having any luck.
Can someone please help me out?
Have a look at the layout system.
That icon does not mean your QWidget is disabled, that just mean you do not apply a layout on it.
Try to press like Ctrl+1 in order to apply a basic layout. If nothing has changed, you might need to put a QWidget inside the central widget first and then apply the layout.

QT window within window?

I'm setting up a small code editor using QT and following this example. However, i'm curious on how to create windows within windows or widgets within widgets. I'm trying to achieve something similar to these:
Is there an example of overlaying widgets like this?
Any alternative soloution for QMessagebox for IOS development (QWidget application only)?
I gave an example of getting another QWidget to be embedded and painted on top of another one. Let me know if you have any questions about how it was done.
The PopUp flag and Qt::Tool options are also relevant.
Be sure to check out: the ToolTip property of a QWidget and the WhatsThis property of QWidget.
There are also other ways to make borderless, focusless windows that hover and disappear quickly on command. The Window Flags and Widget Attributes in Qt are very powerful when you are looking to modify Qt Widgets.
When you parent a Widget to another widget, it will draw itself on top of the other. Then you just need to resize and position it properly.
Also subclassing existing widgets can give you more options.
Draw text on scrollbar
Also common Qt::Tools that you will find are QDockWidgets. They are awesome!
Hope that helps.
Take a look at Qt Namespace especially Qt::WA_LayoutOnEntireRect and Qt::WA_StyleSheet. Pass it as a widget attrybutes. The second option looks promising but you have to create style sheet for QWidget.

How to add QMenus or Qactions on a Widget like QlistWidget area as a list item?

Is there any way to add QActions as a list item on QListWidget?
I want to make a customization window which will show list of actions on a widget for move up, move down, Rename and other options. I'd like to display it on the widget same as it appears as a context menu.
I tried adding it as a list item with icon and text, but the look it not very good:
i) list items with blank icon are not aligning properly, even after adding a blank icon of size 16*16 is not taking up any space and text with icons & w/o icon are not aligning.
ii) I'm unable to add right-pointing black triangle at the right most, in-case of sub-menus cause somehow unicode character for this is not getting displayed on my Linux machine.
That's why I want to add QActions as it are getting popped at original place.
Any suggestions?
Yes I have a suggestion : do not try to make fancy widgets like this, users will not find it intuitive
You should find another way to implement this.
Imo, something like a QToolButton with a QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup popup mode will do the trick. This way, you can embed menu and sub-menus in a widget, using QToolButton::setMenu().

How to Bring the Widget Bring to front in Qt?

Please have a look at this screenshot:
The circles are custom controls. When I click a control, I need to bring the widget to the front. Ex. if I click the second circle it should look like this:
When the control is clicked I am able to get the sender (i.e. the control). Only thing is how to bring the object to the front.
Please help me fix this issue.
Have you tried QWidget::raise()?
Raises this widget to the top of the parent widget's stack. After this call the widget will be visually in front of any overlapping sibling widgets.
Note: When using activateWindow(), you can call this function to ensure that the window is stacked on top.
So the pattern I usually use that will ensure a window is shown, brought to the front of sibling widgets and brought in front of other applications is: