Do i need to develop touch screen version of an application separately [closed] - c++

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am developing an desktop based application in c++. I want to make it touch screen enabled, where touch screen is available. My question do I need a separate version for this application for touchscreen?

If you are planning on adding specialized support for touchscreens, like multitouch, and enable gestures for your application, you'll have some separate code handling that. If not, whatever OS you are using, assuming your code is portable, mouse input should be equivalent to touch input.
That being said, your question is quite vague, I'm not sure if my answer is what you expected.


Handling Apple events from console app on Mac [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
Please give me some hints about how to work and, more practically, handle Apple events from raw console application written in C++ on Mac. I know that there is huge infrastructure for this purpose in Cocoa but as I think this is only a wrapper.
May be it's impossible?
There is C API for it:
But as you can see that Apple considers this as legacy nowadays, so for a new project, using the Objective-C APIs might be the better choice.

Display image in console application [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am writing a program, and I thought that it would be better with images (I am creating console application). So I want to know if it's possible? And if it is how can I do it? Thanks.
You can do it by ASCII art, There are many open source libraries which convert image to ASCIIs, such as libcaca.
And if you want use colored images, you can use rlutil.
Consoles are designed to display characters only. With some very crude exceptions it is not possible to display images unless you open another window.

Resolution template for Tablet App [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I need help with a project.
I need to create 2 templates for an aplicattion (10.1 inch tablet), but I just need to give to the developer de PSD templates of it, he will do the rest of the work (programing). So the question is, in what resolution I need to give him these templates? any "safe" area (for menu navigation)?, minimu size for buttons?any other tip?
Thank you for your time.
No safe area.
Buttons should be at least 44px on 44px.
Resolution is different in different devices, check this out:
Here is a great guide for mobile design:
Good luck!

about win32 standalone:tracking a browser? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
I am trying to make a standalone using c++.In my standalone I want it to track user's clicks,I mean which link does he/she clicks.I am trying to count how much time he/she uses a perticular site,like pageaddict(a firefox extension).
So any support..?
If you want to make a Firefox extension, you should be using JavaScript. In C++, you might make a sniffer, which could tell you from what site the packets you receive are from. But that would require quite a lot of knowledge and of time.

How to introduce keyboard functions in Opengl code [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am new to opengl I tried to make an isosurface by reading from a text file .now I want to introdude keyboard functions in my code so that I can rotate an do all that stuffs. please tell me from where i can study that or give me a sample code
OpenGL only deals with drawing stuff. It gives you a canvas and some primitive drawing tools. Nothing more. Anything beyond that is the task of the user interface system provided by the OS.
Maybe you're using GLUT and are mislead by its name. GLUT is not part of OpenGL; it's a rudimentary framework aimed at developing simple OpenGL example programs, but that's about it.