Large Matrix Inversion - concurrency

I am looking at taking the inverse of a large matrix, common size of 1000 x 1000, but sometimes exceeds 100000 x 100000 (which is currently failing due to time and memory). I know that the normal sentiment is 'don't take the inverse, find some other way to do it', but that is not possible at the moment. The reason for this is due to the usage of software that is already made that expects to get the matrix inverse. (Note: I am looking into ways of changing this, but that will take a long time)
At the moment we are using an LU decomposition method from numerical recopies, and I am currently in the process of testing the eigen library. The eigen library seems to be more stable and a bit faster, but I am still in testing phase for accuracy. I have taken a quick look at other libraries such as ATLAS and LAPACK but have not done any substantial testing with these yet.
It seems as though the eigen library does not use concurrent methods to compute the inverse (though does for LU factorization part of the inverse) and as far as I can tell ATLAS and LAPACK are similar in this limitation. (I am currently testing the speed difference for eigen with openMP and without.)
First question is can anyone explain how it would be possible to optimize matrix inversion by parallelization. I found an article here that talks about matrix inversion parallel algorithms, but I did not understand. It seems this article talks about another method? I am also not sure if scaLAPACK or PETSc are useful?
Second question, I read this article of using the GPUs to increase performance, but I have never coded for GPUs and so have no idea what is trying to convey, but the charts at the bottom looked rather alarming. How is this even possible, and how where do I start to go about implementing something like this if it is to be true.
I also found this article, have yet had the time to read through it to understand, but it seems promising, as memory is a current issue with our software.
Any information about these articles or the problems in general would be of great help. And again I apologize if this question seems vague, I will try to expand more if necessary.

First question is can anyone explain how it would be possible to optimize matrix inversion by parallelization.
I'd hazard a guess that this, and related topics in linear algebra, is one of the most studied topics in parallel computing. If you're stuck looking for somewhere to start reading, well good old Golub and Van Loan have a chapter on the topic. As to whether Scalapack and Petsc are likely to be useful, certainly the former, probably the latter. Of course, they both depend on MPI but that's kind of taken for granted in this field.
Second question ...
Use GPUs if you've got them and you can afford to translate your code into the programming model supported by your GPUs. If you've never coded for GPUs and have access to a cluster of commodity-type CPUs you'll get up to speed quicker by using the cluster than by wrestling with a novel technology.
As for the last article you refer to, it's now 10 years old in a field that changes very quickly (try finding a 10-year old research paper on using GPUs for matrix inversion). I can't comment on its excellence or other attributes, but the problem sizes you mention seem to me to be well within the capabilities of modern clusters for in-core (to use an old term) computation. If your matrices are very big, are they also sparse ?
Finally, I strongly support your apparent intention to use existing off-the-shelf codes rather than to try to develop your own.

100000 x 100000 is 80GB at double precision. You need a library that supports memory-mapped matrices on disk. I can't recommend a particular library and I didn't find anything with quick Google searches. But code from Numerical Recipes certainly isn't going to be adequate.

Regarding the first question (how to parallellize computing the inverse):
I assume you are computing the inverse by doing an LU decomposition of your matrix and then using the decomposition to solve A*B = I where A is your original matrix, B is the matrix you solve for, and I is the identity matrix. Then B is the inverse.
The last step is easy to parallellize. Divide your identity matrix along the columns. If you have p CPUs and your matrix is n-by-n, then every part has n/p columns and n rows. Lets call the parts I1, I2, etc. On every CPU, solve a system of the form A*B1 = I1, this gives you the parts B1, B2, etc., and you can combine them to form B which is the inverse.

An LU decomp on a GPU can be ~10x faster than on a CPU. Although this is now changing, GPU's have traditionally been designed around single precision arithmetic, and so on older hardware single precision arithmetic is generally much faster than double precision arithmetic. Also, storage requirements and performance will be greatly impacted by the structure of your matrices. A sparse 100,000 x 100,000 matrix LU decomp is a reasonable problem to solve and will not require much memory.
Unless you want to become a specialist and spend a lot of time tuning for hardware updates, I would strongly recommend using a commercial library. I would suggest CULA tools. They have both sparse and dense GPU libraries and in fact their free library offers SGETRF - a single precision (dense) LU decomp routine. You'll have to pay for their double precision libraries.

I know it's old post - but really - OpenCL (you download the relevant one based on your graphics card) + OpenMP + Vectorization (not in that order) is the way to go.
Anyhow - for me my experience with matrix anything is really to do with overheads from copying double double arrays in and out the system and also to pad up or initialize matrices with 0s before any commencement of computation - especially when I am working with creating .xll for Excel usage.
If I were to reprioritize the top -
try to vectorize the code (Visual Studio 2012 and Intel C++ has autovectorization - I'm not sure about MinGW or GCC, but I think there are flags for the compiler to analyse your for loops to generate the right assembly codes to use instead of the normal registers to hold your data, to populate your processor's vector registers. I think Excel is doing that because when I monitored Excel's threads while running their MINVERSE(), I notice only 1 thread is used.
I don't know much assembly language - so I don't know how to vectorize manually... (haven't had time to go learn this yet but sooooo wanna do it!)
Parallelize with OpenMP (omp pragma) or MPI or pthreads library (parallel_for) - very simple - but... here's the catch - I realise that if your matrix class is completely single threaded in the first place - then parallelizing the operation like mat multiply or inverse is scrappable - cuz parallelizing will deteriorate the speed due to initializing or copying to or just accessing the non-parallelized matrix class.
But... where parallelization helps is - if you're designing your own matrix class and you parallelize its constructor operation (padding with 0s etc), then your computation of LU(A^-1) = I will also be faster.
It's also mathematically straightforward to also optimize your LU decomposition, and also optimizing ur forward backward substitution for the special case of identity. (I.e. don't waste time creating any identity matrix - analyse where your for (row = col) and evaluate to be a function with 1 and the rest with 0.)
Once it's been parallelized (on the outer layers) - the matrix operations requiring element by element can be mapped to be computed by GPU(SSSSSS) - hundreds of processors to compute elements - beat that!. There is now sample Monte Carlo code available on ATI's website - using ATI's OpenCL - don't worry about porting code to something that uses GeForce - all u gotta do is recompile there.
For 2 and 3 though - remember that overheads are incurred so no point unless you're handling F*K*G HUGE matrices - but I see 100k^2? wow...


C++ How do I solve very large system of sparse linear system

I am trying to solve a very large and sparse system of linear equations in C++. Currently, I am using BiCGSTAB from eigen. It works fine for small matrix, but it is taking just too much time for matrix of the size I need, which is 40804x40804 (It could be even larger in the future).
I have a very long script, but I simply used the following format:
SparseMatrix<double> sj(40804,40804);
VectorXd c_(40804), sf(40804);
sj.reserve(VectorXi::Constant(40804,36)); //This is a very good estimate of how many non zeros in each column
//...Fill in actual number in sj
BiCGSTAB<SparseMatrix<double> > handler;
//...Fill in sj, only in the entries that have been initialized previously
This takes way too long! And yes, the solution does exist. Sparse function in matlab seems to handle this very well, but I need it in C++ in order to connect to a server.
I would really appreciate it you could help me!
You should consider use of one of the advanced sparse direct solvers: CHOLMOD
Sparse direct solvers are a fundamental tool in computational analysis, providing a very general method for obtaining high-quality results to almost any problem. CHOLMOD is a high performance library for sparse Cholesky factorization.
I guarantee that this package definetly will help you. Moreover CHOLMOD has supported GPU acceleration since 2012 with version 4.0.0 . In SuiteSparse-4.3.1 performance has been further improved, providing speedups of 3x or greater vs. the CPU for the sparse factorization operation.
If your matrices are the representations of graphs you can also consider METIS with combination of CHOLMOD. Which means you will be able to do partition/domainDecomposition in graphs then parallel solve with CHOLMOD.
SuiteSparse is a powerfull tool with the support of linear(KLU) and direct solvers.
Here are the GitHub link, UserGuide and SuiteSparse's home page

GPGPU programming architecture for HSA in C++ for Matrix Math

GPU Compute Programmers,
I have a C++ program which currently relies on the ACML (LAPACK) to invert and multiple fairly large matrices of single precision fp values (E.g. 4,000 x 4,000). These matrices are very sparse although they do not always fit nicely into a diagonal matrix so I cannot presently reduce them. The other thing about this program is I have to do this invert and multiply several times (serially) as part of a Newton Rapson. However, I have several thousand permutations which can be done in parallel, each with a small change to the matrix before again calculating and inverting the Jacobian. This is all single precision fp, and seems perfectly suited for the GPU. My question is this...
I suspect I will need to use the AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing Math Libraries (APPML) for OpenGL as that is the only thing (non-CUDA, I want to be GPU agnostic) I know of which is available with BLAS functionality. My problem is I do not see the LAPACK dgetrf and dgetri functions included in APPML (yes, these are fp64 but I don't need that precision). Would C++ AMP be a better alternative? I am very interested in HSA features of passing pointers rather than copying data as there is a lot of data in flight here and some calculations still are done on the CPU. I believe that copy overhead would kill me otherwise. Ultimately, performance is the key and I want to make the right architectural decisions to set myself up for the most performance I can wring out of HSA GPUs coming out over the next 6 months.
I am using VS 2013 Ultimate preview and would be able to take advantage of C++ AMP for these HSA capabilities. I just want to make sure I am making the right long term architectural decision now while my program is in its infancy. Here is a link and snippet from some interesting data I found on Anandtech:
C++ AMP, Microsoft's C++ extension for GPU computing, has also been updated with the upcoming VS2013. I think the biggest feature update is that C++ AMP programs will also gain a shared memory feature on APUs/SoCs where the compiler and runtime will be able to eliminate extra data copies between CPU and GPU. This feature will also be available only on Windows 8.1 and it is likely built on top of the "map default buffer" as Microsoft's AMP implementation uses Direct3D under the hood. C++ AMP also brings some other nice additions including enhanced texture support and better debugging abilities.
Any thoughts, additional questions or discussion would be greatly appreciated!

What is a fast simple solver for a large Laplacian matrix?

I need to solve some large (N~1e6) Laplacian matrices that arise in the study of resistor networks. The rest of the network analysis is being handled with boost graph and I would like to stay in C++ if possible. I know there are lots and lots of C++ matrix libraries but no one seems to be a clear leader in speed or usability. Also, the many questions on the subject, here and elsewhere seem to rapidly devolve into laundry lists which are of limited utility. In an attempt to help myself and others, I will try to keep the question concise and answerable:
What is the best library that can effectively handle the following requirements?
Matrix type: Symmetric Diagonal Dominant/Laplacian
Size: Very large (N~1e6), no dynamic resizing needed
Sparsity: Extreme (maximum 5 nonzero terms per row/column)
Operations needed: Solve for x in A*x=b and mat/vec multiply
Language: C++ (C ok)
Priority: Speed and simplicity to code. I would really rather avoid having to learn a whole new framework for this one problem or have to manually write too much helper code.
Extra love to answers with a minimal working example...
If you want to write your own solver, in terms of simplicity, it's hard to beat Gauss-Seidel iteration. The update step is one line, and it can be parallelized easily. Successive over-relaxation (SOR) is only slightly more complicated and converges much faster.
Conjugate gradient is also straightforward to code, and should converge much faster than the other iterative methods. The important thing to note is that you don't need to form the full matrix A, just compute matrix-vector products A*b. Once that's working, you can improve the convergance rate again by adding a preconditioner like SSOR (Symmetric SOR).
Probably the fastest solution method that's reasonable to write yourself is a Fourier-based solver. It essentially involves taking an FFT of the right-hand side, multiplying each value by a function of its coordinate, and taking the inverse FFT. You can use an FFT library like FFTW, or roll your own.
A good reference for all of these is A First Course in the Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations by Arieh Iserles.
Eigen is quite nice to use and one of the fastest libraries I know:
There is a lot of related post, you could have look.
I would recommend C++ and Boost::ublas as used in UMFPACK and BOOST's uBLAS Sparse Matrix

BLAS+Multiple Precision+MPI

I am writing a scientific application for my Maths PhD in C++, it's based on some heavy linear algebra, mostly BLAS level 3 routines. The sizes of the matrices employed vary considerably, ideally I would like to be able to deal with very large matrices of order 10000 and higher. So far I have used Intel MKL, multi-threaded, scales nicely onto 8 cores. My algorithm produces the correct results, however is very unstable, in double precision arithmetic, due to the accumulating errors, resulting from high powers being taken. Additionally, as I have access to a large supercomputer cluster, and my algorithm can be easily scaled across multiple nodes, I would like to employ MPI to scale the application across hundreds of nodes.
My goal is to find a templated BLAS library that:
Supports Multiple Precision Arithmetic,
Supports Multi-threading,
Supports MPI
My findings so far:
MTL4 - Matrix Template library 4 seems to do all of the above, however the open source edition will only run on one core, and the supercomputing edition is quite costly.
Eigen - appears not to support multicore? Does it support multicore and MPI if linked with MKL?
Armadillo - does all the above?
I would greatly appreciate any insights and recommendations
Kind Regards,
Depending on your matrix problem, the Tpetra package of Trilinos might be worth a look. It's templated on the scalar type, so you might use multiple precision types. It targets large scale applications on supercomputers so one can expect good parallel performances.
Hope it helps!
Edit: and it's free!

Matrix implementation benchmarks, should I whip myself?

I'm trying to find out some matrix multiplication/inversion benchmarks online. My C++ implementation can currently invert a 100 x 100 matrix in 38 seconds, but compared to this benchmark I found, my implementation's performances really suck. I don't know if it's a super-optimized something or if really you can easily invert a 200 x 200 matrix in about 0.11 seconds, so I'm looking for more benchmarks to compare the results. Have you god some good link?
I spotted a bug in my multiplication code, that didn't affect the result but was causing useless cycle waste. Now my inversion executes in 20 seconds. It's still a lot of time, and any idea is welcome.
Thank you folks
This sort of operation is extremely cache sensitive. You want to be doing most of your work on variables that are in your L1 & L2 cache. Check out section 6 of this doc:
He walks you through optimizing a matrix multiply in a cache-optimized way and gets some big perf improvements.
Check if you are passing huge matrix objects by value (As this could be costly if copying the whole matrix).
If possable pass by reference.
The thing about matricies and C++ is that you want to avoid copying as much as possable.
So your main object should probably not conatain the "matrix data" but rather contain meta data about the matrix and a pointer (wrapped in by somthing smart) to the data portion. Thus when copying an object you only copy a small chunk of data not the whole thing (see string implementation for an example).
Why do you need to implement your own matrix library in the first place? As you've already discovered, there are already extremely efficient libraries available doing the same thing. And as much as people like to think of C++ as a performance language, that's only true if you're really good at the language. It is extremely easy to write terribly slow code in C++.
I don't know if it's a super-optimized
something or if really you can easily
invert a 200 x 200 matrix in about
0.11 seconds
MATLAB does that without breaking a sweat either. Are you implementing the LAPACK routines for matrix inversion (e.g. LU decomposition)?
Have you tried profiling it?
Following this paper (pdf), the calculation for a 100x100 matrix with LU decomposition will need 1348250 (floating point operations). A core 2 can do around 20 Gflops (processor metrics). So theoretically speaking you can do an inversion in 1 ms.
Without the code is pretty difficult to assert what is the cause of the large gap. From my experience trying micro-optimization like loop unrolling, caching values, SEE, threading, etc, you only will get a speed up, which at best is only a constant factor of you current (which maybe enough for you).
But if you want an order of magnitude speed increase you should take a look at your algorithm, perhaps your implementation of LU decomposition have a bug. Another place to take a look is the organization of your data, try different organization, put row/columns elements together.
The LINPACK benchmarks are based on solving linear algebra problems. They're available for different machines and languages. Maybe they can help you, too.
LINPACK C++ libraries available here, too.
I actually gained about 7 seconds using **double**s instead of **long double**s, but that's not a great deal since I lost half of my precision.