Virtuemart product details page same as homepage - templates

I'm new to Joomla and Virtuemart, but I got it going smoothly. One question thought, my Product Details Page is treated as it is the Homepage. In other words, I wanna use a different template for the Homepage only, but it also get applied to the product details page. Am I missing something?

You can use different templates for different sections in your website. To do that you have to choose a default template and assign a different one to a menu item.
Go to Site --> Template Manager. You will see here a list with your templates.
You can make the Template1 default for example. To do that click the radio button on the left of the Template1. On the top click "Default". This template will be the default template. When a user will enter your site will see the Template1.
Now you can assign the Template2 to your homepage. Click the radio button on the left of the Template2. From the top click "Assign". You will see a list of your menu items. Select your homepage menu item from the list. Click "Save". Now your "Home" will show the Template1.
You can use this method with many templates.
In your example, the default template will be the one you cant to use for product details and you should assign another on to the homepage.


Hide category from navigation in bigcommerce

I created a new category in my bigcommerce store. Now, I need to hide a this category from every page in the "main" site navigation, so that you cannot get to the page that displays the products in that category unless you are given the link.
Then I need hide all the "main" site navigation from that new product page so that you cannot go to the "main" site unless you go directly to it.
I know this is code customization, but unsure where to start.
Can anyone guide me on where and what to do?
You would want to make this "hidden" category a subcategory of a parent that is hidden (from Products > Categories, click the green check to make it a red x).
Once this is done, it will be hidden from the menu navigation. From here, you would need to create a custom template file and set this "hidden" subcategory page to use the custom template with the reduced navigation.
Alyss's solution works, although it's worth giving a heads-up that when you try to unhide a subcategory — that's within a hidden parent category — BigCommerce will tell you that doing so will also unhide the parent category. You need to OK this, and on return to the category list re-hide the parent category alone. The subcategory will remain unhidden, and will function as described.

Theme for inner menu item does not work. Joomla 2.5

I have a website in Joomla and have created two themes for main-and-inner pages respectively.
When i created inner menu items i assigned them the inner-theme it works fine the first time you navigate to the theme but on the second hit to the page it just shows the home page theme. its really odd.
On my local machine everything works perfectly, this issue only arises when i upload it.
One more thing i am new to Joomla the way i made the template was i used the same home page template and changed the name attribute in the inner page but kept some of the module name same as in the home page so i could assign the module once and it could work on both templates. inner page differs in size of the banner & has breadcrumb module + 1 more that differentiates it from the home page.
This is most likely caused by the Itemid not propagated properly. The Itemid identifies a menu item, from which the settings are read. If the Itemid is missing, the settings of the default page (your main page) are used instead.
If you just want to slightly change the appearance of the front page and other pages, you can do that with one single template. See the Joomla! online documentation for how to determine if the user is viewing the front page.

how to add variables to joomla urls?

I am creting joomla component. In admin part main page shows users list. By click on toolbar icon for each user i want to show some list of information from my tables. By clicking at list element or toolbar menu i want to open from with fields for editing info from the list.
How can i transfer user ID from list of users to list of info and to the edit form (then adding new list elem, id of current user must be saved in the table with other data)?
Withowt joomla i can use some variable like selected_user_id in uri's, by what is the right way in joomla?
Maybe use standard html link, where you will put userId in GET variable.
In Joomla you have JRequest class ( You can use one of it's methods to get (getVar(), getInt() or getString()) or set variable (set()).

Joomla: How to assign custom layout to category?

I have a magazine using Joomla. I need to be able to have different layouts for different issues.
I copied the default template, modified it and it shows just fine in Template manager, but how do I actually assign it to a category so all articles added to that category would automatically use it?
UPDATE: Solution below seems to work... however now it seems to open it correctly only when I go through the blog view and when I use my link on the front page directly to an article it uses wrong layout?
If you are using Joomla 1.6 or 1.7, you should be able to assign a template to a menu item. So if you have a menu item pointing to the blog view of a category. Set the corresponding template to that menu item.
This is done in Extensions -> Template Manager -> Styles -> "Your Magazine Template"

Joomla, display different templates for each article

I have 2 Joomla templates installed on my site, I would like one of the pages to use the one template and the rest of the site to use the other template.
Is this possible?
This is for Joomla 1.5 it may be different in Joomla 1.0.
Yes it is possible, if the page is linked to a menu item.
Goto the Template manager (Extension/Template manager)
Select the template you want to use for all your pages and set it as default.
Open the template you want for the one pages. You will see a block "Menu assignment"
in there select the option "Select from list" and then select the Menu Item your page is linked to and save.