Joomla, display different templates for each article - templates

I have 2 Joomla templates installed on my site, I would like one of the pages to use the one template and the rest of the site to use the other template.
Is this possible?

This is for Joomla 1.5 it may be different in Joomla 1.0.
Yes it is possible, if the page is linked to a menu item.
Goto the Template manager (Extension/Template manager)
Select the template you want to use for all your pages and set it as default.
Open the template you want for the one pages. You will see a block "Menu assignment"
in there select the option "Select from list" and then select the Menu Item your page is linked to and save.


Joomla 3.3.1 category blog not showing on specific template

I'm working on Joomla 3.3.1 (on Mac, MAMP). When I choose to display a menu item as "category blog" it leads to a blank page. If I select a different template style (on the menu item details) the page does show correctly.
How can I use my default template to show the page correctly? Where can the problem be?
I'm using the template "ict_conches_free" as my default template.
Will just add this as a proper answer:
Try checking for the following directory templates/YOU_TEMPLATE/html/com_content/category. If it exists then it mean a Template Override has been made for that specific view which allows users to override the view of an extension without having to modify core files.
In your case, if it exists, then the override is faulty in some way, shape or form. So simply delete the category folder.

CMS Made Simple Template creation

I have searched a lot the web for finding steps for creation Template for CMS made simple but not found anything related to this. How to create a template for CMS Made simple like we create templates in wordpress.
This is a useful video showing how to take a template and convert to CMSMS:
In the CMSMS admin area you go to Layout -> Templates. Then click Add new template.
To apply your template to all pages, go to Layout -> Templates. Alongside your template click "Set All Pages". Or you can apply to single pages by going to Content -> Pages, clicking the page you want, Options tab and change the Template drop down and click Submit.

Joomla 2.5 - How to open specific menu item in lightbox?

I am developing a site using Joomla 2.5 and the JCE editor with the Mediabox plugin installed and enabled.
I am trying to have 3 of my menu items open in a lightbox. For each of the menu
items, I went to Link Type Options and under Link CSS Style, I have added the jcepopup noicon.
When I save the items and refresh the front end of the site (even going so far as
clearing my cache), the jcepopup and noicon classes are not applied to any of those three menu items.
This is due to the menu module that you are using. Just because the parameters exists in the menu item does not mean that the menu module uses them. You will probably need to create a template override for the menu module that includes the classes in the links.

Virtuemart product details page same as homepage

I'm new to Joomla and Virtuemart, but I got it going smoothly. One question thought, my Product Details Page is treated as it is the Homepage. In other words, I wanna use a different template for the Homepage only, but it also get applied to the product details page. Am I missing something?
You can use different templates for different sections in your website. To do that you have to choose a default template and assign a different one to a menu item.
Go to Site --> Template Manager. You will see here a list with your templates.
You can make the Template1 default for example. To do that click the radio button on the left of the Template1. On the top click "Default". This template will be the default template. When a user will enter your site will see the Template1.
Now you can assign the Template2 to your homepage. Click the radio button on the left of the Template2. From the top click "Assign". You will see a list of your menu items. Select your homepage menu item from the list. Click "Save". Now your "Home" will show the Template1.
You can use this method with many templates.
In your example, the default template will be the one you cant to use for product details and you should assign another on to the homepage.

Joomla: How to assign custom layout to category?

I have a magazine using Joomla. I need to be able to have different layouts for different issues.
I copied the default template, modified it and it shows just fine in Template manager, but how do I actually assign it to a category so all articles added to that category would automatically use it?
UPDATE: Solution below seems to work... however now it seems to open it correctly only when I go through the blog view and when I use my link on the front page directly to an article it uses wrong layout?
If you are using Joomla 1.6 or 1.7, you should be able to assign a template to a menu item. So if you have a menu item pointing to the blog view of a category. Set the corresponding template to that menu item.
This is done in Extensions -> Template Manager -> Styles -> "Your Magazine Template"