gtkmm button coloring - c++

I'm trying to change the background color of a button upon clicking it. I've connected the button to a clicking method just fine, but I can't seem to find the correct c++ syntax to create this. I've seen it done in python, but that doesn't exactly help me. Anyone have a tutorial or know the syntax?
EDIT: That makes sense. Thanks!

Buttons don't have color, they contain a child object and emit a signal when pressed, that's it.
You are likely putting a Label in the Button as the child object. A Label is text rendered by Pango, which lets you set attributes. What you think is the Button color is actually the background color of the Label text.
Gtk is pretty complex, but lets you do anything. If you want to do much with Gtk, look for a tutorial on Pango (text) and Cairo (images). If you want a simpler self-contained widget set, check out wx or tk.


How to put a QLabel in a toggle button Qt c++

For my project, I wish to have a toggle button.
After much research I found this post. toggle-switch-in-qt
I implemented the code of the third post on the link above.
This code works correctly. By cons I do not understand how can we add QLabel for the two states of the toggle button?
Would anyone have an idea to do this operation?
You will need to draw the label manually in Switch::paintEvent, depending on isEnabled(), using QPainter::drawText. Since the paint event of the control you refer to is overridden, the default behavior in QAbstractButton::paintEvent which normally draws the button label is not executed.

Suggestion wanted for MFC custom scrollbars

I want to make my own scrollbars for a custom drawn plot, like this image, what would be the best way to go?
Scrollbars should:
Only be visible when mouse hover over it (with fade in/out)
Be a part of the x/y axis of the plot, like in the picture
Not have any arrow buttons, just the thumb Thinner than the normal scrollbars
Would you suggest to:
Create everything from scratch, handling paging, scrollwheel etc.
Try to inherit CScrollBar and do my own drawing?
From what I've read, it's not very easy to customize scrollbars in MFC, for example here)
First off, these have to be scrollbar (or other) controls, not window scrollbars (used for scrolling a window).
Second, the statement "it's not very easy to customize scrollbars in MFC", is only partially true. MFC is a "thin wrapper" of Windows API, so you should better refer to the documentation of the Windows scrollbar control.
Then there is the CScrollBar class, but took a short look, and indeed, it does not really offer anything more than the Windows scrollbar does. As for the sample in the link you posted is a new (custom) control (painting everything on its own), i.e. literally "from scratch", not inheriting anything from CScrollBar.
So, you have to look into the Windows scrollbar control, and what it offers. Did take a look, and saw few things. Unfortunately there seems to be no owner-draw functionality. You can process the WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR message, but this only allows you to change colors.
And according to the documentation the background color only. This appears to be the only possible customization, apart from the SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS message, which can hide the arrows. And no fading effect. If these are enough to you, you could try the Windows/MFC scrollbar, otherwise try writing your own.

QT window within window?

I'm setting up a small code editor using QT and following this example. However, i'm curious on how to create windows within windows or widgets within widgets. I'm trying to achieve something similar to these:
Is there an example of overlaying widgets like this?
Any alternative soloution for QMessagebox for IOS development (QWidget application only)?
I gave an example of getting another QWidget to be embedded and painted on top of another one. Let me know if you have any questions about how it was done.
The PopUp flag and Qt::Tool options are also relevant.
Be sure to check out: the ToolTip property of a QWidget and the WhatsThis property of QWidget.
There are also other ways to make borderless, focusless windows that hover and disappear quickly on command. The Window Flags and Widget Attributes in Qt are very powerful when you are looking to modify Qt Widgets.
When you parent a Widget to another widget, it will draw itself on top of the other. Then you just need to resize and position it properly.
Also subclassing existing widgets can give you more options.
Draw text on scrollbar
Also common Qt::Tools that you will find are QDockWidgets. They are awesome!
Hope that helps.
Take a look at Qt Namespace especially Qt::WA_LayoutOnEntireRect and Qt::WA_StyleSheet. Pass it as a widget attrybutes. The second option looks promising but you have to create style sheet for QWidget.

How to add a widget to a qt Tool bar

I have the following problem:
I have added a spinner to my qt Tool Bar, which is located from top to buttom. This works fine. But now I want to order some buttons in a special order, but with mainToolBar->addWidget(button_name) it would be among one other. So how can I solve it? I tried to make a new widget "widget_1" and added some buttons to this widget, but when I write mainToolBar->addWidget(widget_1) nothing appears, only the one slider I have already added. Can anyone help me?
Thanks a lot :)
Well, just forget something.
select the widget and then layout in a form or whatever layouting you prefer.
And that's it. now, the widget will be shown in toolbar. it's because of size
and child widgets position. by layouting, everything will be resized and position

How to catch GTK focus state in gtkrc?

GTK+ 2.x has the follow states: NORMAL, PRELIGHT, ACTIVE, INSENSITIVE, SELECTED for use in GTK themes and I can do things like...
bg[NORMAL] = "#f6f6f6"
.. to change background color when in NORMAL state.
Also, I can change the background image of a button (when the mouse is over it) by changing the PRELIGHT state image.
But I was not able to find a way to change the button background when the user cycle the focus using the TAB arrow (ie. when a dashed rectangle appears around the button). I want to do this using themes in gtkrc, is this possible ?
I don't think so. The RC file documentation doesn't even mention "focus", so I don't think it's possible to theme that in this way.