OpenGl polygon rotation - c++

I'm trying to implement a moving and rotating polygon in OpenGl and C++.
Movement and rotation are along the XZ plane(2D transformations only).
The polygon is defined by a centre point and a set of vertices whose coordinates are stored as offsets from the centre point.
The polygon is moved based on the user's key-press either in X or Z direction by simply adding the moved distance to the centre point and updating the vertices by adding the offset values to centre coordinates.
Rotation with respect to centre point is implemented by using the glRotatef() function.
But i need to know the coordinates of vertices for collision detection calculations.
Is there any chance of just retrieving the vertex coordinates of the transformed polygon without performing matrix operations myself?

The glRotatef function creates a matrix which is multiplied with the current matrix that exists on the stack to get the rotation on screen. Even if you could obtain that matrix then you would still have to multiply it against your vectors to obtain the values you want, which is what you'd have to do if you did the maths yourself. Just like datenwolf said, it would be better for you to make a maths library yourself that will perform all the necessary things needed for manipulating objects in a 2d or 3d world.

Is there any chance of just retrieving the vertex coordinates of the transformed polygon...
OpenGL is not a math library. It's only meant for drawing. Also the matrix manipulation functions of fixed function OpenGL are obsolete and have been removed from OpenGL-3 core and further.
without performing matrix operations myself?
In fact, this is the recommended way to do this. Remember: OpenGL is just your drawing tool, not a 3D-renderer-game-simulation-engine-math-geometry-toolkit.


How to determine the XYZ coords of a point on the back buffer

If I pick a spot on my monitor in screen X/Y, how can I obtain the point in 3D space, based on my projection and view matrices?
For example, I want to put an object at depth and have it located at 10,10 in screen coords. So when I update its world matrix it will render onscreen at 10,10.
I presume it's fairly straightforward given I have my camera matrices, but I'm not sure offhand how to 'reverse' the normal process.
DirectXTk XMMath would be best, but I can no doubt sort it out from any linear algebra system (OpenGL, D3DX, etc).
What I'm actually trying to do is find a random point on the back clipping plane where I can start an object that then drifts straight towards the camera along its projection line. So I want to keep picking points in deep space that are still within my view (no point creating ones outside in my case) and starting alien ships (or whatever) at that point.
As discussed in my comments, you need four things to do this generally.
ModelView (GL) or View (D3D / general) matrix
Projection matrix
Depth Range (let us assume default, [0, 1])
What you are trying to do is locate in world-space a point that lies on the far clipping plane at a specific x,y coordinate in window-space. The point you are looking for is <x,y,1> (z=1 corresponds to the far plane in window-space).
Given this point, you need to transform back to NDC-space
The specifics are actually API-dependent since D3D's definition of NDC is different from OpenGL's -- they do not agree on the range of Z (D3D = [0, 1], GL = [-1, 1]).
Once in NDC-space, you can apply the inverse Projection matrix to transform back to view-space.
These are homogeneous coordinates and division by W is necessary.
From view-space, apply the inverse View matrix to arrive at a point in world-space that satisfies your criteria.
Most math libraries have a function called UnProject (...) that will do all of this for you. I would suggest using that because you tagged this question D3D and OpenGL and the specifics of some of these transformations is different depending on API.
You are better off knowing how they work, even if you never implement them yourself. I think the key thing you were missing was the viewport, I have an answer here that explains this step visually.

Using OpenGL for 2D

I have started with OpenGL and learned about model,view,and the projection matrix. From my understanding the projection matrix is only needed to project a 3D entity onto a 2D surface(the screen). So if I want to create a 2D game would I even need to mess around with the projection matrix?
It can still be nice to use a projection matrix for defining your coordinate system. By default a window will be defined between [-1,1] for both x and y no matter what resolution and aspect ratio. If you don't fix this using a projection matrix, you'll have to compensate in other ways. You want a square to render as a square, not a rectangle.
Depending on your GL version you can call glOrtho, construct it manually or use glm::ortho.
In my experience, working on the default [-1,1] system is extremely unpractical. For example : You don't want rotations around the z axis to deform your geometry.
No. When dealing purely with two dimensions, you can leave the projection matrix as the identity matrix.

Object axis rotation in OpenGL

When I rotate an object in OpenGL, the axis also rotates with the object. Is there a way to avoid this? Basically, I want to achieve the successive rotations around the same axis.
I am not very familiar with quaternions but as I read it, it seems to be a solution. Is there any other way to get it?
When I rotate an object in OpenGL, the axis also rotates with the object.
The transformation does not rotate the object, it rotates the coordinate system. Chaining rotations is noncommutative. So what you must do is simply: Swap the rotation operations, that the first rotation applied, i.e. the last you multiply on the stack designates your object rotation, followed (i.e. previously multiplied) with the other rotation.
BTW: In a comment you wrote:
I store the previous transformation using glGetDoublev and then before applying the new rotation, I load that matrix by glLoad and then multiply it with the new rotation matrix. In my application, I have to serialize the object on disk, thats why I did it this way. Along with the object, I store the transformation matrix as well
This suggests you've mistaken OpenGL for a scene graph or a matrix math library. It is neither. Don't use OpenGL as an "object store" (it doesn't work like this), and don't rely on OpenGL's matrix functions (they got removed from OpenGL-3 anyway).

Opengl rotation at a point

I want to rotate a shape in opengl, but I want to rotate it at a point. Namely I have a cylinder and I want to rotate it so it looks like it is spinning at the bottom and the spin 'size' increases until the object falls to the ground. How would I do this kind of rotation in opengl?
Translate to the origin
Translate back
So, if you want to rotate around (a,b,c), you would translate (-a,-b,-c) in step 1, and (a,b,c) in step 3.
(Don't be afraid of the number of operations, by the way. Internally all you do is multiply the transform matrix three times, but the pipeline that transforms the vertices is agnostic of how many operations you did, it still only uses the one final matrix. The magic of using a matrix for transformation.)

Efficiency of perspective projection vs raytracing/ray casting

I have a very general question. I wish to determine the boundary points of a number of objects (comprising 30-50 closed polygons (z) each having around 300 points(x,y,z)). I am working with a fixed viewport which is rotated about x,y and z-axes (alpha, beta, gamma) wrt origin of coordinate system for polygons.
As I see it there are two possibilities: perspective projection or raytracing. Perspective projection would seem to requires a large number of matrix operations for each point to determine its position is within or without the viewport.
Or given the large number of points would I better to raytrace the viewport pixels to object?
i.e. determine whether there is an intersection and then whether intersection occurs within or without object(s).
In either case I will write this result as 0 (outside) or 1 (inside) to 200x200 an integer matrix representing the viewport
Thank you in anticipation
Perspective projection (and then scan-converting the polygons in image coordinates) is going to be a lot faster.
The matrix transform that is required in the case of perspective projection (essentially the world-to-camera matrix) is required in exactly the same way when raytracing. However, with perspective projection, you're only transforming the corner points, whereas with raytracing, you're transforming all the points in the image.
You should be able to use perspective projection and a perspective projection matrix to compute the position of the vertices in screen space? It's hard to understand what you want to do really. If you want to create an image of that 3D scene then with only few polygons it would be hard to see any difference anyway between ray tracing and rasterisation if your code is optimised (you will still need to use an acceleration structure for the ray tracing approach), however yes rasterisation is likely to be faster anyway.
Now if you need to compute the distance from between the eye (the camera's origin) and the geometry visible through the camera's view, the I don't see why you can't use the depth value of any sample for any pixel in the image and use the inverse of the perspective projection matrix to find its distance in camera space.
Why is speed an issue in your problem? Otherwise use RT indeed.
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