Object axis rotation in OpenGL - opengl

When I rotate an object in OpenGL, the axis also rotates with the object. Is there a way to avoid this? Basically, I want to achieve the successive rotations around the same axis.
I am not very familiar with quaternions but as I read it, it seems to be a solution. Is there any other way to get it?

When I rotate an object in OpenGL, the axis also rotates with the object.
The transformation does not rotate the object, it rotates the coordinate system. Chaining rotations is noncommutative. So what you must do is simply: Swap the rotation operations, that the first rotation applied, i.e. the last you multiply on the stack designates your object rotation, followed (i.e. previously multiplied) with the other rotation.
BTW: In a comment you wrote:
I store the previous transformation using glGetDoublev and then before applying the new rotation, I load that matrix by glLoad and then multiply it with the new rotation matrix. In my application, I have to serialize the object on disk, thats why I did it this way. Along with the object, I store the transformation matrix as well
This suggests you've mistaken OpenGL for a scene graph or a matrix math library. It is neither. Don't use OpenGL as an "object store" (it doesn't work like this), and don't rely on OpenGL's matrix functions (they got removed from OpenGL-3 anyway).


Correct way to translate in a 3D world after rotating?

I have a basic cube generated in my 3D world. I can rotate correctly around the camera, but when I translate after rotating, the translations are not correct.
For example, if I rotate 90 degrees and translate into the Z axis, it would move as if translating in the X axis.
glRotatef(angle,0,1,0); //Rotate around the camera.
glTranslatef(movX,movY,movZ); //Translate after rotating around the camera.
I need some help with this. Also, I tried translating before rotating, but the rotation is not at the camera. It is at the edge of the cube.
Keep in mind that in OpenGL that the transformation is applied to the camera, not the objects rendered; so you observe the inverse of the transformation you expected.
Also in OpenGL the Y and Z axes are flipped (Y is vertical), so you observe a horizontal translation instead of a vertical one.
Also, because the object is rotated though 90 degrees about Y, the X and Z axes replace each other (one of them is reversed).
willywonkadailyblah's answer is half correct. Because you are using the old OpenGL, you're using the old matrix stack. You are modifying the modelview matrix when you're doing your glRotatef and glTranslatef calls. The modelview matrix is actually the model's matrix and the camera's view matrix precombined (already multiplied together). These matrices are what determine where your object is in 3D space and where your viewing position/direction of the world is. So you can think of your calls as moving the camera, but it's probably easier to think of them as moving and rotating the world.
These rotate and translation calls are linear transformations. This has a precise definition, but for our purposes it means that you can represent the transformation as a matrix and you multiply it with the point's coordinates to apply the transformation to a point. Now matrix multiplication is not commutative, meaning AB != BA. All this to say that when you rotate, then translate it is different than translating and rotating, which I think you know. But then when you translate, rotate, and translate again, it might be a little more difficult to follow what you're actually doing. Worse even if you throw in some scaling in there. So I would suggest learning how linear transformations work and maintaining your own matrices for the objects and camera if you're serious about learning OpenGL.
learnopengl.org is an excellent website, but it teaches you Modern OpenGL, not what you're currently using. But the lesson on transformations and on coordinate systems are probably generally helpful, even without exact code for you to follow

How would I go about moving in a 3D environment, openGL c++

I'm not quite sure on how I should be making things move using openGL.
Am I supposed to be moving the camera's position around the 3D world, or moving/translating the objects around the camera?
I read online that the camera should stay at the origin and everything else should move around the camera, but wouldn't that be an intensive operation? Like if I have 1000 objects and I'm moving, we'd have to move all of these objects. Would it not be easier to move the camera and keep the world objects where they are?
The way OpenGL works is, conceptually, the camera is always in the center, Y axis up and Z axis forward. If you want to move or rotate the camera, you actually move everything else the opposite way.
This is opposed to Direct3D for example, where you have a separate camera matrix.
It's a minor detail though because mathematically speaking they're exactly the same. Whether you move everything forward or the camera back, it's exactly the same end result. You could even argue that having only one matrix as opposed to lugging around two and multiplying them is a performance gain, but it's extremely minor and usually you'll separate your camera matrix from your world building matrix anyway.
In Opengl, the camera is always located at the eye space coordinate (0., 0., 0.). To give the appearance of moving the camera, your OpenGL application must move the scene with the inverse of the camera transformation.
You don't need to worry about moving/translating objects in your scene. gluLookAt() function does it for you. This function computes the inverse camera transform according to its parameters and multiplies it onto the current matrix stack.

How do I access a transformed openegl modelview matrix [tried glGetFloatv()]?

I am trying to rotate over the 'x' axis and save the transformed matrix so that I can use it to rotate further later; or over another axis from the already rotated perspective.
glRotatef(yROT,model[0],model[4],model[8]);//front over right axis
//save model
glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, model);
Unfortunately I noticed that openGL must buffer the transformations because the identity matrix is loaded to model. Is there a work-around?
Why, oh God, would you do this?
I have been toying around with attempting to understand quaternions, euler, or axis rotation. The concepts are not difficult but I have been having trouble with the math even after looking at examples *edit[and most of the open classes I have found either are not well documented for simpleton users or have restrictions on movement].
I decided to find a way to cheat.
By 'further later' I mean in the next loop of code. In other words, yRot is the number of degrees I want my view to rotate from the saved perspective.
My suggestion: Don't bother with glRotate at all, they were never very pleasant to work with in the first place and no serious program did use them ever.
If you want to use the fixed function pipeline (= no shaders), use glLoadMatrix to load whatever transformation you currently need. With shaders you have to do the conceptually same with glUniform anyway.
Use a existing matrix math library, like GLM, Eigen or linmath.h to construct the transformation matrices. The nice benefit is, that you can make copies of a matrix at any point, so instead of fiddling with glLoadIdentity, glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix you just make copies where you need them and work from them.
BTW: There is no such thing as "models" in OpenGL. That's not how OpenGL works. OpenGL draws points, lines or triangles, one at a time, where each such called primitive is transformed individually to a position on the (screen) framebuffer and turned into pixels. Once a primitive has been processed OpenGL already forgot about it.

OpenGl polygon rotation

I'm trying to implement a moving and rotating polygon in OpenGl and C++.
Movement and rotation are along the XZ plane(2D transformations only).
The polygon is defined by a centre point and a set of vertices whose coordinates are stored as offsets from the centre point.
The polygon is moved based on the user's key-press either in X or Z direction by simply adding the moved distance to the centre point and updating the vertices by adding the offset values to centre coordinates.
Rotation with respect to centre point is implemented by using the glRotatef() function.
But i need to know the coordinates of vertices for collision detection calculations.
Is there any chance of just retrieving the vertex coordinates of the transformed polygon without performing matrix operations myself?
The glRotatef function creates a matrix which is multiplied with the current matrix that exists on the stack to get the rotation on screen. Even if you could obtain that matrix then you would still have to multiply it against your vectors to obtain the values you want, which is what you'd have to do if you did the maths yourself. Just like datenwolf said, it would be better for you to make a maths library yourself that will perform all the necessary things needed for manipulating objects in a 2d or 3d world.
Is there any chance of just retrieving the vertex coordinates of the transformed polygon...
OpenGL is not a math library. It's only meant for drawing. Also the matrix manipulation functions of fixed function OpenGL are obsolete and have been removed from OpenGL-3 core and further.
without performing matrix operations myself?
In fact, this is the recommended way to do this. Remember: OpenGL is just your drawing tool, not a 3D-renderer-game-simulation-engine-math-geometry-toolkit.

Opengl rotation at a point

I want to rotate a shape in opengl, but I want to rotate it at a point. Namely I have a cylinder and I want to rotate it so it looks like it is spinning at the bottom and the spin 'size' increases until the object falls to the ground. How would I do this kind of rotation in opengl?
Translate to the origin
Translate back
So, if you want to rotate around (a,b,c), you would translate (-a,-b,-c) in step 1, and (a,b,c) in step 3.
(Don't be afraid of the number of operations, by the way. Internally all you do is multiply the transform matrix three times, but the pipeline that transforms the vertices is agnostic of how many operations you did, it still only uses the one final matrix. The magic of using a matrix for transformation.)