Bit shifts with ABAP - bit-manipulation

I'm trying to port some Java code, which requires arithmetic and logical bit shifts, to ABAP.
As far as I know, ABAP only supports the bitwise NOT, AND, OR and XOR operations.
Does anyone know another way to implement these kind of shifts with ABAP? Is there perhaps a way to get the same result as the shifts, by using just the NOT, AND, OR and XOR operations?

Disclaimer: I am not specifically familiar with ABAP, hence this answer is given on a more general level.
Assuming that what you said is true (ABAP doesn't support shifts, which I somewhat doubt), you can use multiplications and divisions instead.
Logical shift left (LSHL)
Can be expressed in terms of multiplication:
x LSHL n = x * 2^n
For example given x=9, n=2:
9 LSHL 2 = 9 * 2^2 = 36
Logical shift right (LSHR)
Can be expressed with (truncating) division:
x LSHR n = x / 2^n
Given x=9, n=2:
9 LSHR 2 = 9 / 2^2 = 2.25 -> 2 (truncation)
Arithmetic shift left (here: "ASHL")
If you wish to perform arithmetic shifts (=preserve sign), we need to further refine the expressions to preserve the sign bit.
Assuming we know that we are dealing with a 32-bit signed integer, where the highest bit is used to represent the sign:
x ASHL n = ((x AND (2^31-1)) * 2^n) + (x AND 2^31)
Example: Shifting Integer.MAX_VALUE to left by one in Java
As an example of how this works, let us consider that we want to shift Java's Integer.MAX_VALUE to left by one. Logical shift left can be represented as *2. Consider the following program:
int maxval = (int)(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
System.out.println("max value : 0" + Integer.toBinaryString(maxval));
System.out.println("sign bit : " + Integer.toBinaryString(maxval+1));
System.out.println("max val<<1: " + Integer.toBinaryString(maxval<<1));
System.out.println("max val*2 : " + Integer.toBinaryString(maxval*2));
The program's output:
max value : 01111111111111111111111111111111 (2147483647)
sign bit : 10000000000000000000000000000000 (-2147483648)
max val<<1: 11111111111111111111111111111110 (-2)
max val*2 : 11111111111111111111111111111110 (-2)
The result is negative due that the highest bit in integer is used to represent sign. We get the exact number of -2, because of the way negative numbers are represents in Java (for details, see for instance

Edit: the updated code can now be found over here: github gist


Why is the result of a bitwise shift unrecoverable if there is a mathematical equivalent of the same operation?

Take for example the number 91. That number in binary is 1011011. If you shift that number to the right by 5 bits, you would get 2 (10 in binary). According to a google search, bit shifting to the left or right by a certain amount of bits is the same as multiplying or dividing the number by 2 to the power of the number of bits to be shifted, respectively. so to get from 91 to 2 by bit shifting, the equation would look like this: 91 / 2^5, which is also 91 / 32. Now, of course if you did that in your calculator, there would be some decimal values, which aren't included when bit shifting. The resulting 2 is actually 2.84357. I'm sure you know that if you do a certain operation on a number and then you do the inverse, the result would be what you had in the first place. So does decimal precision have something to do with this?
There is a mathematical equivalent of shifting to the right... and the mathematical operation is UNRECOVERABLE.
You seem to think that shifting to the right is:
bit shifting to the left or right by a certain amount of bits is the same as multiplying or dividing the number by 2
This is what you will hear people casually say, but it is only half right. As it it is not the same but only similar.
The correct statement is:
shifting a base-2 number one digit to the right is THE SAME as dividing by two in the integer domain
If you have an integer calculator, if you did 91/32 you will get 2. You will not get ANY decimal point because we are operating in the integer domain.
For real numbers, the equivalent operation is:
Which is also unrecoverable because it also results in 2.
The lesson here is be careful when listening to what people CASUALLY say. Casual speech is often imprecise and assumes the listener is familiar with the subject. You need to dig deeper what the statement is actually trying to say.
As for why it is unrecoverable? Division of integers give two results: the quotient (which is the main result) and the remainder. When we divide 91 by 32 we are doing this:
32 ) 91
So we get the result of 2 and a remainder of 27. The reason you can't get 91 by multiplying 2*32 is because we threw away the remainder.
You can get the result back if you saved the remainder. However, calculating the remainder is not a matter of simple shifts. Here's an example of how to make it reversable in C:
int test () {
int a = 91;
int b = 32;
int result;
int remainder;
result = a / b; // result will be 2
remainder = a % b; // remainder will be 27
return (result * b) + remainder; // returns 91
You can only recover the result of an operation if it has a 1-1 mapping between the inputs and outputs, i.e. it has an inverse function. But not all mathematical functions have an inverse function
For example if f(x) = x >> n with >> is the shift operator then it'll be equivalent to
f(x) = āŒŠx/2nāŒ‹
with āŒŠ āŒ‹ being the floor function. Since there are many inputs that lead to the same output, the relationship isn't 1-1 and there can't be an inverse function for it. This function works the same for both signed and unsigned right shift:
91 >> 5 == floor(91.0/32.0) == 2
-91 >> 5 == floor(-91.0/32.0) == -3
Similarly for an unsigned left shift function g(x) = x << n then the equivalent is
g(x) = (x * 2n) mod 2N
with N being the size in bits of x, because integer math in hardware, C and many other languages always reduce modulo 2N due to the limit of register size and the use of two's complement. And it's clear that the modulo function also isn't invertible/recoverable. The signed left shift is almost the same with some small modifications

What is the purpose of "int mask = ~0;"?

I saw the following line of code here in C.
int mask = ~0;
I have printed the value of mask in C and C++. It always prints -1.
So I do have some questions:
Why assigning value ~0 to the mask variable?
What is the purpose of ~0?
Can we use -1 instead of ~0?
It's a portable way to set all the binary bits in an integer to 1 bits without having to know how many bits are in the integer on the current architecture.
C and C++ allow 3 different signed integer formats: sign-magnitude, one's complement and two's complement
~0 will produce all-one bits regardless of the sign format the system uses. So it's more portable than -1
You can add the U suffix (i.e. -1U) to generate an all-one bit pattern portably1. However ~0 indicates the intention clearer: invert all the bits in the value 0 whereas -1 will show that a value of minus one is needed, not its binary representation
1 because unsigned operations are always reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be represented by the resulting type
That on a 2's complement platform (that is assumed) gives you -1, but writing -1 directly is forbidden by the rules (only integers 0..255, unary !, ~ and binary &, ^, |, +, << and >> are allowed).
You are studying a coding challenge with a number of restrictions on operators and language constructions to perform given tasks.
The first problem is return the value -1 without the use of the - operator.
On machines that represent negative numbers with two's complement, the value -1 is represented with all bits set to 1, so ~0 evaluates to -1:
* minusOne - return a value of -1
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 2
* Rating: 1
int minusOne(void) {
// ~0 = 111...111 = -1
return ~0;
Other problems in the file are not always implemented correctly. The second problem, returning a boolean value representing the fact the an int value would fit in a 16 bit signed short has a flaw:
* fitsShort - return 1 if x can be represented as a
* 16-bit, two's complement integer.
* Examples: fitsShort(33000) = 0, fitsShort(-32768) = 1
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max ops: 8
* Rating: 1
int fitsShort(int x) {
* after left shift 16 and right shift 16, the left 16 of x is 00000..00 or 111...1111
* so after shift, if x remains the same, then it means that x can be represent as 16-bit
return !(((x << 16) >> 16) ^ x);
Left shifting a negative value or a number whose shifted value is beyond the range of int has undefined behavior, right shifting a negative value is implementation defined, so the above solution is incorrect (although it is probably the expected solution).
Loooong ago this was how you saved memory on extremely limited equipment such as the 1K ZX 80 or ZX 81 computer. In BASIC, you would
Let X = NOT PI
rather than
LET X = 0
Since numbers were stored as 4 byte floating points, the latter takes 2 bytes more than the first NOT PI alternative, where each of NOT and PI takes up a single byte.
There are multiple ways of encoding numbers across all computer architectures. When using 2's complement this will always be true:~0 == -1. On the other hand, some computers use 1's complement for encoding negative numbers for which the above example is untrue, because ~0 == -0. Yup, 1s complement has negative zero, and that is why it is not very intuitive.
So to your questions
the ~0 is assigned to mask so all the bits in mask are equal 1 -> making mask & sth == sth
the ~0 is used to make all bits equal to 1 regardless of the platform used
you can use -1 instead of ~0 if you are sure that your computer platform uses 2's complement number encoding
My personal thought - make your code as much platform-independent as you can. The cost is relatively small and the code becomes fail proof

Flipping a two's complement number's sign using addition, subtraction, and left shifting

On a homework assignment, one of the questions asked us to multiply any arbitrary integer by a constant using only the +, -, and << operators and a maximum of three operations. For example, the first constant was 17, which I solved as
(x << 4) + x
However, some of the constants given were negative (such as -7). Multiplying by 7 is a relatively trivial thing to do (I have it as (x << 3) - x), but I cannot figure out how to flip the sign using only the three allowed operators.
I have attempted to flip that bit by adding or subtracting 2147483648 to every result (with the idea that this would force the most significant bit to be used, thus flipping the sign), but in my test implementation in C#, this has proven unsuccessful.
Is there some positive number by which I can multiply a given int that will be functionally analogous to -7? Would adding 2147483648 work in a language other than C#? Am I overlooking something?
The original question from the book is below:
Suppose we are given the task of generating code to multiply integer variable x by various different constant factors K. To be efficient, we want to use only the operations +, -, and <<. For the following values of K, write C expressions to perform the multiplication using at most three operations per expression.
A. K = 17
B. K = -7
C. K = 60
D. K = -112
You don't need to change the sign. You wrote 7 * x as (equivalent to) 8*x - x. Now, what do you need to do with that to obtain -7 * x?
Is x - (x << 3) not valid?

Implementing logical shifts

I need to implement a bitwise shift (logical, not arithmetic) on OpenInsight 8.
In the system mostly everything is a string but there are 4 functions that treat numbers as 32-bit integers. The bitwise functions available are AND, OR, NOT and XOR. Any arithmetic operators treat the number as signed.
I'm currently having a problem with implementing left and right shifts which I need to implement SHA-1.
Can anyone suggest an algorithm which can help me accomplish this? Pseudocode is good enough, I just need a general idea.
You can implement shifting with integer multiplication and division:
Shift left = *2
Shift right = /2
Perhaps you need to mask the number first to make the most siginificant bit zero to prevent integer overflow.
logical shift down by one bit using signed arithmetic and bitwise ops
if v < 0 then
v = v & 0x7fffffff // clear the top bit
v = v / 2 // shift the rest down
v = v + 0x40000000 // set the penultimate bit
v = v / 2
If there's no logical right shift you can easily achieve that by right shifting arithmetically n bits then clear the top n bits
For example: shift right 2 bits:
x >= 2;
x &= 0x3fffffff;
Shift right n bits
x >= n;
x &= ~(0xffffffff << (32 - n));
// or
x >= n;
x &= (1 << (32 - n)) - 1;
For left shifting there's no logical/mathematical differentiation because they are all the same, just shift 0s in.

subtracting two values of unknown bitsize

I'm trying to subtract two values from each other using twos compliment. I have a problem with the overflowing bit. Since my container hold an unlimited bit sized integer, I don't know if the top bit of the result is really from the result or just the overflow. How would I get rid of the overflow without using - (I can't just do 1 << bits - 1 since that would involve using the container, which has no working operator- yet)
0b1111011111 - 0b111010000 -> 0b1111011111 + 0b000110000 -> 1000001111
vs (normally)
0b00000101 - 0b000000001 -> 0b00000101 + 0b11111111 -> 0b100000100 -> 0b00000100
If you calculate a - b you must somehow "arrange" the word - as you have to make for the 2 compliment a negation with the bitwidth of m=max(bitwidth(a), bitwidth(b)).
To get rid of the of overflow you just do mask = negate(1 << m), and apply the mask with bitwise and.
(Or you could just check that bit and treat it accordingly).
Your problem is that you are subtracting the 9-bit 111010000 from the 10-bit 1111011111. The two's complement of 111010000 is ...11111000110000, where the dots are trying to show that you have to pad to the left with as many 1 bits as you need. Here, you need 10 bits, so the two's complement of 111010000 is not 000110000 but 1000110000.
So you want to calculate 1111011111 + 1000110000 = 11000001111, which you just truncate to 10 bits to get the correct answer 1000001111.