How To Locate Header Files in GNUstep In Windows XP - header-files

I am completely new to objective c. I am trying to compile a very basic program of "hello world", but the problem is that gcc compiler can't figure out where my header files are. I wrote on cygwin bash shell:
$ gcc -lobjc hello.m -o hello
and error given was:
hello.m:9:25: fatal error: foundation.h no such file or directory
I am using GNUstep on windows xp, having installed all the components needed. I know and have seen that header files are present. Please someone can guide me how can I locate those files? Or how should i give command to locate files myself? Is there any other possible way that I can permanently tell that in this folder header files are located.
And also please can someone point out to a good link from where I can learn objective c. Actually I am preparing myself to built an iPhone app and needs to do practice on windows for some weeks due to some reasons....
Please help me. Thanks a lot in advance

I found out problem and figured out solution for this. Actually I had installed GNUstep sys with cygwin thats why compiler could not figured out the correct directory. My installation was incorrect. So I uninstalled all and reinstalled:
GNUstep core 0.29.0
GNUstep msys 0.29.0
GNUstep devel 1.4.0
and now everything is going fine.
More help on installation can be get from here


Header Files not Working in CLion after Xcode update

Apple sent out an Xcode update today and little did I know it would mess with my all of my header files.
The header file I am attempting to use is time.h. I know the code if fully functional because an online C++ shell will run it fine but CLion is telling me Cannot find 'time.h'. When I attempt to run the program I receive the following:fatal error: 'wchar.h' file not found. This was odd because I was able to locate the wchar.h file.
As per this post, I have followed all the instructions to no avail. I have also checked the location of the Command Line Tools with xcode-select -p and received that they are in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools, which seems to be correct. I have also checked that gcc is working and the correct version. Any time I try xcode-select --install at this point it just tells me that it is installed and check for updates if I think it is wrong. It also told me there were no updates.
The only other thing I can think of is that the compiler is also telling me the following:
clang: warning: no such sysroot directory: '/Applications/' [-Wmissing-sysroot]
And after checking this directory, I noticed that my sdk is MacOSX 10.13 where the compiler was looking for 10.12. Also my SDK is just a 10 byte alias file that OS X tells me can't be found when I click on it?
I am really scratching my head on this one, I have re-installed Xcode already just as a last resort to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated.
You need to change the sdk your project is using. Go to your Target and look at the Build Settings. Set the Base SDK popup to "Latest Mac OS(...)" and you should be good to go.

How do I get allegro on Orwell Dev C++

I'm not using bloodshed dev c++ , instead I'm using orwell dev c++ , I got Allegro 5 and installed the package (as a .zip file) but it says 'allegro5/allegro.h: No such file or directory'. Maybe I'm using the wrong type of header or is it another problem?Thanks!
That means you did not install the Allegro files in the correct place. I´m not familiar with the GCC Toolchain that Orwell uses (Im a Visual Studio guy), but what you need to do is place them on a place where the compiler can find them. Then make a makefile with the instructions on how to build this program with the correct Allegro libraries linked.
Here is the wiki article for installation on Code::Blocks, Maybe it can help you installing on DevC++, however, I think the binaries listed here might be newer than the ones on the Allegro's wiki page.

Installation and use of GDAL library in mingw for windows

I try to use GDAL library in MinGW on a Windows 7 system. I downloades the GDAL 2.0.0 from and did the built and install like described here: This worked fine without any errors. When I now try to include gdal.h or gdal_priv.h in a C++ file msys says: fatal error: gdal.h: no such file or directory. Did I forget anything? Do I need to place the built dll files anywhere else?
Thank you very much for your help!

MinGW c++ compiler zlib1.dll missing error?

I have just started to learn C++ for school, and I'm trying to download the compiler MinGW to compile my source code. However, every time I try to compile a program an error message shows up saying that zlib1.dll is missing.
This is the error message
the program can't start because zlib1.dll is missing from your computer
I have tried installing/re-installing with no luck. I don't know what's the problem here?
Can anyone please help me with this problem as I have some homework that I need to do but I can't without the compiler.
I had this same problem, but fixed it like this:
I ran the MinGW Installation Manager (e.g. C:\MinGW\libexec\mingw-get\guimain.exe).
I navigated to All Packages -> MinGW -> MinGW Libraries.
I checked the boxes next to mingw32-libz (dev & dll).
I went to Installation -> Apply Changes.
Now everything worked properly.
From the MinGW getting started; an automated GUI installer assistant, or use mingw-get, is available (installed as "MinGW Installation Manager") and can be used to install additional libraries and manage dependencies. For the missing zlib libraries, add the mingw32-libz libraries as required.
It seems to have been an issue previously here on super user. It seems you may be able to get them directly from the zlib website. Open Babel has some info on it being required to be copied afterwards (together with some other dlls).
Alternatives include using the mingw-w64 distros from nuwen or mingw-builds. I've never had any issue getting these up and going. They also support x64 builds.
Had same problem here, I've just used mingw-get install mingw32-libzat the cmd and it worked.

What do I have to do to set C++ development in eclipse?

I am currently trying to set my eclipse so that I can start c++ development on my Windows computer. However, I am stuck with some errors. But first, here is what I did so far:
Installed the CDT for Eclipse
Installed Cygwin (with the additional packages gcc, gcc and make)
Added all "paths for headers" in Eclipse
The problem is that when I try to run my Hello World program, I get Launch failed. Binary not found.
I already build and rebuild the project but the program is still not running. It must be because of these errors that I have:
/bin/sh: g++: command not found
make: ***[src/HelloWorld.o] Error 127
What can I do to solve these errors?
Try running the Cygwin setup.exe again and select the packages for g++. Search for that and make sure those are installed. It should be under the name gcc-g++. The C++ compiler is installed separately from the C compiler.
Ok, I figured it out by myself. Since this really freaked me out, I want anyone else who has this problem to know how I solved it.
So apparently, since I had g++, gcc and all that installed, it had to be a problem with the path.
So what I did was check my path. If you don't know how to edit it, check this link
So in there, I chose Path under the System variables and clicked on Edit.... What I noticed was that instead of C:\cygwin64 it said C:\cygwin. All I did was append the 64 (since I had installed the 64-bit version of cygwin) and I was done.
I restarted Eclipse, cleaned and built the project and the errors where gone!