Display custom template in ribbon in Sitecore - sitecore

Just like Weblog Entry I want to display custom template so user can create content page directly from there.

You need to set Insert Options on the standard values of the template for the Blog item to have a new custom template in that box.
Navigate to the Standard Values for the Blog template and click on the Assign button in the top Ribbon to add new templates.
Here's a post describing how to set this up in Sitecore pre 8, but the functionality is still exactly the same


Sitecore 8:Custom Dropdown List in RTE

I am trying to implement a custom drop list in RTE in Sitecore 8.The drop list on selection should just insert the associated value of the selected item from the drop list to RTE.
I followed the blog post at https://jammykam.wordpress.com/2014/06/17/add-custom-drop-down-list-to-rich-text-editor-in-sitecore/ and Custom RTE Dropdown in Sitecore 7.0 to implement this.However it does not work in sitecore 8.
Can you please let me know on how to achieve the same.
Thanks In Advance,
I just tested and it's still working the same in Sitecore 8 as it previously did in Sitecore 7.x versions, just as I previously answered and blogged.
Since the change is not showing up then there are some things to check:
Make sure you are editing the correct Rich Text Profile, there are several defined by default. Check your config for HtmlEditor.DefaultProfile setting for the default profile in use
Make sure your template is has not set a different profile to use. Check the source value of the Rich Text field on the template to make sure it does not override the default.
I can confirm this works in Sitecore 8 as I implemented the same thing following #jammykam's blog.
Double check your custom drop down is of template /sitecore/templates/System/Html Editor Profiles/Html Editor Custom Drop Down or /sitecore/templates/System/Html Editor Profiles/Html Editor Custom Drop Down Button
and your list items are of template /sitecore/templates/System/Html Editor Profiles/Html Editor List Item

Add a custom dropdown list in Sitecore PageEditor

How can a custom dropdown list be added to the page editor in Sitecore?
I understand that you can create individual buttons in the toolbar by creating items under /sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Custom Experience Buttons in the core DB using the WebEdit Button template and I understand that setting a button's Type field to Common will make it appear under the 'More' dropdown, but what I want is to create my own dropdown button with a unique list of buttons (corresponding to items in the master DB).
I've looked at the various processors in the <getChromeData> pipeline using dotPeek and suspect I will have to create a new processor in this pipeline, but I cannot find the relevant code which produces the 'More' dropdown list from the image.
Create a button of template type /sitecore/templates/System/WebEdit/WebEdit Button and set Type field to Common from the droplist. The button should then appear in the dropdown.

umbraco 7 page displays wrong template

I use Umbraco 7.2.1
I have a document type called News with allowed 2 different templates: News (default) & Projects
I create a page and choose Project template for it. And it displays News template instead.
I tried the following to see what's wrong and came to nothing:
I set up a new page and choose Projects template - the page displays News template instead.
I changed the default template for this doc type to Projects and set up new page with different title - the new page still displays News template instead of default Projects.
It is not logical. Tried to refresh the cache but the problem persists.
I ensured the template is correct and it displays as such in the CMS as well.
I have another doc type which uses different templates and have no problem with that. Only with News/ Projects templates.
Completely not logical..
You will need to check the structure on the doc type to check if both templates have been allowed to the News doc type. Typically when you create a new document type, only one template will be assigned. Alternatively, go to content, click on the properties tab and down the bottom you will see template. You should have dropdown enabling you to select which template you would like to use.

Virtuemart product details page same as homepage

I'm new to Joomla and Virtuemart, but I got it going smoothly. One question thought, my Product Details Page is treated as it is the Homepage. In other words, I wanna use a different template for the Homepage only, but it also get applied to the product details page. Am I missing something?
You can use different templates for different sections in your website. To do that you have to choose a default template and assign a different one to a menu item.
Go to Site --> Template Manager. You will see here a list with your templates.
You can make the Template1 default for example. To do that click the radio button on the left of the Template1. On the top click "Default". This template will be the default template. When a user will enter your site will see the Template1.
Now you can assign the Template2 to your homepage. Click the radio button on the left of the Template2. From the top click "Assign". You will see a list of your menu items. Select your homepage menu item from the list. Click "Save". Now your "Home" will show the Template1.
You can use this method with many templates.
In your example, the default template will be the one you cant to use for product details and you should assign another on to the homepage.

Joomla: How to assign custom layout to category?

I have a magazine using Joomla. I need to be able to have different layouts for different issues.
I copied the default template, modified it and it shows just fine in Template manager, but how do I actually assign it to a category so all articles added to that category would automatically use it?
UPDATE: Solution below seems to work... however now it seems to open it correctly only when I go through the blog view and when I use my link on the front page directly to an article it uses wrong layout?
If you are using Joomla 1.6 or 1.7, you should be able to assign a template to a menu item. So if you have a menu item pointing to the blog view of a category. Set the corresponding template to that menu item.
This is done in Extensions -> Template Manager -> Styles -> "Your Magazine Template"