How to show browse button in custom OleDB driver - c++

I am writing a custom OleDB provider using ATL. It connects to a file-type database. The driver functionality is complete, except for one omission.
In the Data Link properties dialog for the driver, the user has to manually type in (or paste) the required filename in to the DataSource edit box. I would like it to have a browse button for the file, as the MS Jet OleDB driver does. Is it a DBPROP structure that provides this functionality, where you can specify that you want to allow the user to browse, and also the file extension filter?
Many thanks for any help in advance.

Here's a sample provider that prompts for a path, maybe it helps:


Read files from Pasteboard file-url inside macOS sandbox

I would like to show a preview of the file contained in the pasteboard inside my sandboxed app. I'm able to do this using the QuickLookThumbnailing package.
Unfortunately, this requires a read access and does not work for files that are not inside the basics folders, such as Download, Video, Photo and Music.
For other cases I will get the error couldn't issue sandbox extension for '<path to file>'
I understood that in the sandbox design, file's access are supposed to be approve from the user somehow.
But in other application (sandboxed too), I can paste a file without being prompted for any confirmation.
How do they do this ?
Finder never provide a Security-Scoped Bookmark inside the pasteboard.
You don't get a security scoped bookmark but a path/URL that has read/write rights granted. You then create a security scoped bookmark and store it for subsequent access. This works for the general pasteboard (copy-paste) as well as for the drag clipboard.

Check in via Sharing Dialog PHP SDK

The publish_actions permission is deprecated. This permission was very good for implementing Check-in via the place parameter. In the place parameter it was possible to put the Page ID and the Check in to be registered in the Page and also in the User Timeline.
Now we only have the option of Sharing Dialog which is very limited. I have not yet found any solution so that users can check in via Dialog Sharing. I want to implement this function in a custom Wi-Fi Hotspot. Does anyone have a solution?
Video example:

Add, save data from MFC App(Visual Studio 2015) to SQL Server

I am beginner in using Visual Studio. I've had learnt on displaying data from SQL Server in ASP.NET web application. Now I want to display data with MFC Application(Project type). I don't know how to start make the button functioning which is to save any text to database. Compared to ASP.NET, it offers toolbox Grid View that easily display data but not in MFC App. Currently I just have a .rc file that being designed its interface. I got SQL Server Management Studio to use. I take a look at but the guidance not complete. I need a step by step and complete tutorial on how to add, save data into SQL Server using MFC Application at Visual Studio 2015.
Create a class in your MFC Application of type ODBC Customer. Right click on your "Header Files" folder in the Solution Explorer and click "Add Class". Select the option "MFC" and select "MFC ODBC Customer". Then you are asked to select your data source. Assuming that you haven't created any data source till now, click "New". Select your database driver type and then type the location where you want to save your data source. After saving, you will be asked the names of the server you wish to connect to and a description of your data source. After clicking "Next", you are asked about the authentication. I prefer "SQL Server Authentication using login id". Provide username and password. After "Next", you can select your database from the server or attach a database to the server. Click "Next" and you are moved to some optional selections. It is fine to let them be and click "Finish". You will now have a class which is used to add,read or delete data in the database.

Webbrowser Active X custom dynamic MIME handler pdf

I am using Microsoft's Web Browser ActiveX control in an MFC application.
I want to be able to change the default MIME handler for PDF.
It appears to me that web browser control must use the registry based file type association
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/pdf
I want to be able to set web browser control to use the pdf application
I tell it to use at runtime, rather than using the system registered default.
I cannot find any API that will allow me to do this. Is it possible?
I initially proposed in the comments to create an Asynchronous Pluggable Protocol handler to customize the player for this MIME type, but I think there might be an easier approach.
You might be able to redirect the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/pdf registry key to your own custom version (per-process) with RegOverridePredefKey API, as explained here.

Access 2013 on SharePoint 2013 Online - Multiple Questions

Very long time since I even look at Access.. but on SPO, with a database on Azure it seems really nice ... wondering tho..
Any way to remove that left pane with the Databases from the UI?
Set a list button to go to a URL formatted using selected column fields in the row?
Join in oData datasource like SharePoint Online List? Validate against SharePoint list Data? set dropdowns to lookup using SharePoint list data?
Any file upload control and upload to a sharePoint Library? A way to add metadata to a file and do some validation - like does file exist with this metadata. Dynamically rename files to some unique string.
Perform complex field validation with REGEX?
Secure the application and database to SharePoint groups.
What's the business language of choice? Not clear on how to edit and save macros. Can it make calls to webservices?
Any way to change that obsure url you get for the App in SharePoint 2013 Online?
Any way to remove that left pane with the Databases from the UI?
No, but there is a workaround. Right click on the tables you don't want to be visible, and select the option to hide them individually. You can also rename the table-views in that pane, so they appear to have more user-friendly names for your end-users.
Set a list button to go to a URL formatted using selected column fields in the row?
The best way to achieve something like this would be using a hyperlink control attached to a calculated column in your table/query where the URL and display text are computed and linked together automatically. If you need list functionality, you can allow the user to select an item in the list, and have that automatically update a separate hyperlink control to provide the link functionality.
Join in oData data source like SharePoint Online List? Validate against SharePoint list Data? set dropdowns to lookup using SharePoint list data?
Access 2013 Web Apps cannot pull external data at this time. Access 2013 Web Apps only accept incoming data connections e.g. a MS-SQL or oData service can use industry-standard methods to connect to your Access Web App and validate data.
Any file upload control and upload to a SharePoint Library? A way to add metadata to a file and do some validation - like does file exist with this metadata. Dynamically rename files to some unique string.
The only file support currently provided by Access Web Apps is in the form of images uploaded to an image field inside a table. This is useful to add people's photos to their records in a "contacts" table, and things like this. Other than that, you will need to use a custom SharePoint library interface for this type of functionality.
Perform complex field validation with REGEX?
Not currently supported to my knowledge.
Secure the application and database to SharePoint groups.
This functionality is handled within SharePoint, not within Access or SQL Azure. Secure your SharePoint site collection as needed, and these security settings will apply appropriately to read and/or write operations by SharePoint users within your database. e.g. a SharePoint "visitor" (read-only access) will not be able to edit any data in your database - only view it.
What's the business language of choice? Not clear on how to edit and save macros. Can it make calls to web-services?
In Access 2013 Web Apps, VBA is no longer supported. Macros have to be written using the GUI "wizardy" macro interface, which greatly limits the scope of available operations. As a result, you cannot perform more complex tasks, such as making calls to external web-services. However, for basic data operations and UI operations, the GUI macro interface serves the purpose well.
Any way to change that obscure URL you get for the App in SharePoint 2013 Online?
The URL is randomly assigned when you create an Access 2013 Web App, but is guaranteed to never change after it is assigned. Therefore, you could reasonably use your DNS/web-host to "mask" the URL with a CNAME or other type of HTTP redirection. There are many ways to do this, and they are all external to SharePoint and Access 2013 Web Apps, so it's up to your DNS and web providers to support this.