Is there a free C++ xsl-fo to PDF engine? - c++

Is there an xsl-fo to PDF engine written in C++ that can be used in QT?
The engines I have come across so far are in java.

You should use QXmlQuery: link
From qt docs:
Running an XSLT stylesheet is like running an XQuery, except that when you construct your QXmlQuery, you must pass QXmlQuery::XSLT20 to tell QXmlQuery to interpret whatever it gets from setQuery() as an XSLT stylesheet instead of as an XQuery. You must also set the input document by calling setFocus().
QXmlQuery query(QXmlQuery::XSLT20);
where "out" is pdf file. and xsl file define how to trasform your xml file to pdf.


Reading Environment Variables in an XSLT Stylesheet with Saxon

I'm trying to generate an XML file with the my machine's hostname in some arbitrary element or attribute, e.g.
I'm using Saxon 9.2. I can think of three ways to do this:
Read and parse /etc/sysconfig/network (I'm using Fedora)
Read the environment variable (as in $ echo $HOSTNAME)
Pass the hostname to saxon and then use somehow dereference a variable (not sure if this is possible)
Are any of these possible? I think the first option is most likely to work, but I think the other two options will produce less verbose XSLT.
I also have a related question:
Currently, I have an XSLT and source XML file that generates a bunch of XML files, it works like I expect it to. Is there anyway I can selectively generate one file per host? That is, I want to say 'if the hostname is myHostName then generate the XML file for myHostName, if the hostname is myOtherHostName then generate the XML file for myOtherHostName'.
I ask this because I'm trying to configure a large number of machines and if I could drop an XSLT and XML file on each and then call the same command on every machine and hten get the right XML on each it would be really convienent.
You should pass a parameter to your xslt when "calling" it. I think this is the most robust solution.
So at the top of your stylesheet you would have something like :
<xsl:param name="hostName"/>
Then you can use it in your .xslt via the usual notation : $hostName etc.
You just then need to pass those parameters when calling the xslt processor. Depending on how you use it this may vary.
You can generate an XML file containing all needed parameters, then you can either pass it as parameter to the transformation (refer to the code samples to see examples of how this is done with Saxon).
Here is a link that can help:
Or simpler, save this XML file in the file system and just pass as parameter to the transformation the file path and name.
Then inside the transformation, use the standard XSLT function document() to load the XML document that contains the parameters.
Even further simplification is possible, if this file can be stored at a location that has exactly the same path on all machines. Then this avoids the need to pass this filepath as parameter to the transformation.
There are many possible ways of doing this: passing in parameters, reading the configuration file using the unparsed-text() function, calling an extension function.
But perhaps the most direct way is that Saxon 9.3 implements the new XPath 3.0 function get-environment-variable(). Support for XPath 3.0 requires Saxon-PE or higher.
(XPath 3.0 is of course still a draft and subject to change. In fact it has changed since Saxon 9.3 was released - the function has been renamed environment-variable()).

DTD validation before XSLT transformation

I have to write an XSLT to convert a XML file into another XML file. The original input file has to valid with respect to a DTD. Is there a way in which XSLT can validate the input xml file against the DTD before converting it ? Also reject the input file if it does not conform to the DTD.
Also , I will run the XSLT in a tool like Oxygen XML Editor.
Thanks in advance.
You have to do this through your XSLT processor. I don't think there is a way to do this in XSLT itself.
In oXygen, you can go to "XML / XSLT-FO-XQuery / XSLT / Saxon / Saxon-HE/PE/EE" in Preferences and turn DTD validation on or off (there is a combo box).
Not with builtin XSLT-1.0 functions (which cannot detect non-well-formedness in a clean manner either). Your environment may be able to provide this through other tools such as DOM Builders.
This depends entirely on the tool you are using. In this case, this is a question about the Oxygen editor. There's nothing in the specification for XSLT that requires a processor to perform DTD validation when reading XML.

How to Generate XSL code automatically?

I have UI which provide the facility to create own format by using drag and drop utility. I have also xml file which contains the data. Now task is how to automatically generate the .xsl file of the dynamically designed format for the data stored in xml form.
If you have any idea about the solution of the above problem.
Once (in 2006) I was using Altova MapForce to create xslt transformation.

Using XSL-FO and HTML?

I'm trying to transform some XML-data to HTML with XSLT for my bachelor thesis.
My professor wants me to consider XSL-FO too, or at least to write some word about it. But I'm very noob to this.
So my questions are:
Can I combine FO with HTML? Can I use FO istead of HTML and CSS? If yes, how will my browser render this? Are there any examples/tutorials on how to transform xml into web pages with FO?
Generating XSL-FO and XHTML from XSLT is not necessarily an either-or choice.
XSL-FO is generally used to generate PDF. For that you will need an XSL-FO engine, such as FOP, RenderX, Antenna House, IBex, etc. However, you can convert XSL-FO into XHTML and then render in the browser.
Generally, it wouldn't be worth the hassle to have your XSLT create XSL-FO and then convert into XHTML (just generate XHTML directly), unless you want to create both output formats (PDF and XHTML) with reduced effort.
It is possible to create both **XSL-FO and XHTML at the same time without maintaining two complete sets of stylesheets to create similar output in different vocabularies**.
Rather than choosing between one format or the other, or having to maintain two distinctly diffirent(but similar) stylesheet libraries, you can create your main stylesheet library to generate either XSL-FO or XHTML and then use a second transform to convert from XSL-FO to XHTML and vice-versa. There are existing XSLT stylesheets that you can leverage to do this.
In the past I have developed XSL-FO stylesheets and then used the Render-X FO2HTML stylesheet to convert the XSL-FO to XHTML output. It converts <block> elements into <div>, <inline> into <span>, etc.
I haven't used them before, but you could also try using HTML2FO stylesheets to convert XHTML outut into XSL-FO.
Out of the box, you can get amazingly similar output in both formats while maintaining one XSLT library dedicated to one particular output format.
If you happen to need to customize the output slightly (e.g. different header content for XHTML) then you just need to import/extend the conversion stylesheets and override the appropriate template(s) for the divergent content. This makes maintenance much easier, so you don't have to worry about updating multiple sets of stylesheets with essentially the same information.
XSL-FO is for PDF display only (this is not strictly true, but you can take it as a guideline). So HTML output and FO output are not related. From your XML source, you can use XSLT to generate XHTML or XSL-FO, but not both at the same time.
See for example DocBook. It comes with several XSLT stylesheets ready to use, one is for HTML output and one for PDF (via Apache Fop). If you are satisfied with the result could be a different question.

create droplet app. to transform xml with xslt

I want to create a application, where you drop a xml doc on it, and an xslt transformation occurs using saxon as the transform engine. The result is a text file.
I am doing this on a mac. Does anyone know where I could find a beginner tutorail to approach this??
At sourceforge, take a look at the saxon resource zip file, it contains example applications for saxon.