How to Generate XSL code automatically? - xslt

I have UI which provide the facility to create own format by using drag and drop utility. I have also xml file which contains the data. Now task is how to automatically generate the .xsl file of the dynamically designed format for the data stored in xml form.
If you have any idea about the solution of the above problem.

Once (in 2006) I was using Altova MapForce to create xslt transformation.


Streaming xml modification to zip

I am working with potentially "large" xml files where my application only cares about a very small subset of the data contained in the file. So I was hoping to avoid loading the entire xml document into DOM.
I have been successfully using Apache Xerces C++ with the Sax2 api to extract data directly from an xml file contained in a zip archive, using custom implementations of xercesc::BinInputStream and xercesc::InputSource
However, now we want to apply modifications to a small subset of the nodes in the xml document (reading the original, and applying changes into a new xml file in a new zip archive). I was hoping to avoid loading the entire document into DOM just to modify a few nodes.
It would be nice to leverage the work I've already done with SAX2, but it appears that the SAX2 api is primarily oriented around reading documents. I could handle all SAX2 events, and write the information out to the new file as they occur, but I'm having difficulty locating xerces api functionality that would, for example, aid with handling xml entities (I really don't want to rewrite e.g. xml entity handling myself!) and other encoding issues.
I also noticed that xerces provides a xercesc::BinOuputStream (which would appear to be what I would want to derive from in order to directly serialize to a zip archive), but I haven't found a place where I could plug such a custom output stream into the xerces api. I also haven't been able to locate a corresponding output analogue for xercesc::InputSource.
Does xerces c++ provide any native functionality for writing xml documents in a streaming fashion?

how to get xsl from existing pdf?

Is it possible to get the .xsl file from an existing .pdf file?
I know that with Apache FOP you can get a .pdf file from a .xml and .xsl but I would like to go in the other direction. Any idea?
XML+XSL->PDF with Apache FOP, but is it somehow possible PDF->XSL?????
The reason why I would like to do that is because I want to open a PDF that has a form inside, edit it adding some information to the form and then save it again as PDF.
I already have the edited form as .xml and I'm trying to generate the PDF, but the I need a .xsl file for the layout... so I thought that maybe I could reuse the layout from the original PDF as they will be the same. Any other better approach?? I would like to avoid creating a specific XSL file for every form.
Definitely not the XSLT file, since that's not even part of what FOP does. FOP only works with FO documents, the fact that it allows you to use XML+XSLT to get the FO source is just a nice usability feature. However, once it gets the FO file, it doesn't know how that was obtained, so it can't embed in any way the XSLT file.
You could post-process the PDF file using another tool, like PDFBox, to embed any metadata you want.

Is there a free C++ xsl-fo to PDF engine?

Is there an xsl-fo to PDF engine written in C++ that can be used in QT?
The engines I have come across so far are in java.
You should use QXmlQuery: link
From qt docs:
Running an XSLT stylesheet is like running an XQuery, except that when you construct your QXmlQuery, you must pass QXmlQuery::XSLT20 to tell QXmlQuery to interpret whatever it gets from setQuery() as an XSLT stylesheet instead of as an XQuery. You must also set the input document by calling setFocus().
QXmlQuery query(QXmlQuery::XSLT20);
where "out" is pdf file. and xsl file define how to trasform your xml file to pdf.

XML usage for c++ application

I have a couple of questions about XML.
Can XML be used for normal c++ application instead of using a text file ?
If so, does this method have advantages?
and finally, how can I use XML to store data? what tools are needed?
You can use XML for storing information - it's less Human readable than a text file, but can be more easily communicated with other systems and coding languages.
If all you need is a few text/numeric properties, stick to a property file.
If you need a mix of configuration options, and you want to use validation (can be accomplished using XML schema), automatic modification (e.g. XSL transformations) or communicate it easily with Web Services, than XML is useful.
If you want to store binary data, XML is probably not that answer. Though you can store it in a filesystem and use the XML for the metadata (i.e. where each file is located).
Take a look at Apache Xerces-C for C++ XML code -
XML can be parsed as a text file by your application. There are libraries available.
Advantage: the files can be exchanged with other applications more easily, especially if you provide an XML-schema file.
Storing data in XML can be done with boost.serialization
It depends of the kind of data you want to read/write, but XML is generally a good way to go for storing structured and hierarchical datas.
You can use librairies such as TinyXML to easily parse and write XML files in C++.
The main drawback is that XML is verbose ; that's why you can also use an alternative such as JSON to store your datas.

create droplet app. to transform xml with xslt

I want to create a application, where you drop a xml doc on it, and an xslt transformation occurs using saxon as the transform engine. The result is a text file.
I am doing this on a mac. Does anyone know where I could find a beginner tutorail to approach this??
At sourceforge, take a look at the saxon resource zip file, it contains example applications for saxon.