I have to check cells and when it is empty show MsgBox or something. So I`m looking for IsNull function or cell.length. Has BASIC some kind of this functions?
In OpenOffice I would use YourCell.String == ""
According to http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/BASIC_Guide/Cells_and_Ranges, you can check Cell.Type to see if it is equal to com.sun.star.table.CellContentType.EMPTY.
I would like to put an AND statement within the below formula but I keep getting the error "You have entered too few arguments", is anyone able to help please?
Replace commas with semicolons and use AND function in IF condition.
Worked for me in google sheets.
=IF(AND(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A2;$D$2:$D$4;1;FALSE)); TRUE);"No";"Yes")
Hope it helps!
The following formula works to make a search using a custom formula
but dont work if I use the logical operator OR. Example :
Is there a way to solve this issue?
=(SEARCH("release", $C:$C))+(SEARCH("prod", $C:$C))
=REGEXMATCH($C:$C, "release|prod")
I am trying to create a field in Google Data Studio that sums the revenue for lists that begin with US. I know I have to use regex, but it continue to tell me there is an unexpected end to the formula.
Here is the code.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
You can use
Or even
See REGEXP_MATCH documentation:
REGEXP_MATCH attempts to match the entire string contained in field_expression. For example, if field_expression is "ABC123":
REGEXP_MATCH(field_expression, 'A') returns false.
REGEXP_MATCH(field_expression, 'A.*') returns true.
background info - not important
I realise I need improvement on understanding logic and understanding documentation when playing around with Android apps. So, I thought I'll switch to Google Sheets in the hope of some basic practice in a context I might find easier to understand.
I've set up a Google Sheet:
I would like Column B to:
display "Folder1" if "Black" is found in the adjacent Column A cell.
display "Folder2" if "Blue" is found in the adjacent Column A cell.
display "Folder3" if "Green" is found in the adjacent Column A cell.
and to then be able to add more conditions.
My formula for Column B is currently:
find("Black", A2:A,1)>0,"Folder1",
find("Blue", A2:A,1)>0,"Folder2",
find("Green", A2:A,1)>0,"Folder3")
Which is only meeting the first condition "Folder1" if "Black" is found and not continuing with the rest of the if clauses.
I think I have nested it correctly though because all of the IFS() are at the same level with their corresponding find() within. And, I have two closing brackets which close the IFS and the ARRAYFORMULA.
Am I just simply not using the right kind of functions for what I'd like to do?
Thank you for your suggestions on how I can solve this!
The problem is that find() only returns a number > 0 if it actually finds a match. Otherwise it returns an error which you can't test for explicitly.
You can fix you code like this:
isnumber(find("Black", A2:A,1)),"Folder1",
isnumber(find("Blue", A2:A,1)),"Folder2",
isnumber(find("Green", A2:A,1)),"Folder3")
Now we can test that what find() returns is an number and the code will work!
Obviously, I put on multiple lines for clarity.
I need a little help with my calculator program. I have created the code for the main buttons like the numbers 0-9 and the arithmetic operators to make it perform simple calculations.
What I'm having problems with right now is making the CE button work, after clicking the CE button I need the last entered character to be removed from the display label.
I have tried to adapt this code somehow, but it doesn't work:
lblResult->substr(0, lblResult->size()-1);
I know I'm doing somehting wrong here, can you please help me?
Thanks in advance
...Now that we know that lblResult is a System.Windows.Forms.Label, we can look at the documentation.
A Label has a Text Property, which is a String^ (i.e. a string reference).
For what you want to do, the Remove Method of String is appropriate. But note in the documentation it says that it "Returns a new string in which a specified number of characters from the current string are deleted." This means that it does not modify the string, but returns a modified copy.
So to change the label's text, we need to assign to its Text property what we want: the current string with all of the characters except the last:
lblResult->Text = lblResult->Text->Remove(lblResult->Text->Length - 1);
lblResult->resize(lblResult->size() - 1);
In this case you can use components Remove and Length methods.
Use the following code to access the components text:
Than remove the last character of string by accessing Remove and component Length method
= component->Text->Remove(component->Text->Length - 1)
I hope you find this useful.
Just asking the obvious -- the whole statement is
*lblResult = lblResult->substr(0, lblResult->size()-1);