How to write simple background thread in CWorkerThread - c++

I'm trying to asynchronously run function in my add-on for Internet Explorer (I'm writing BHO in VC++). As suggested here I'm trying to use CWorkerThread.
I've been trying to figure it out for hours but still have no idea how to do it. I don't have much experience in ATL. The lack of a good documentations or tutorials on Internet is killing me.
I'm creating class by Add->Class and choosing ATL Simple Object (that's how you add classed to ATL project right?). But how to implement this IWorkerThreadClient? I thought that choosing Add->Implement Interface in Class View would be good but there is no IWorkerThreadClient on the list.
I think I don't know ATL or COM enaugh but can't find good resource for learning this (esspessialy newest ATL7).
I even tried winapi CreateThread approach but it isn't working. I'm passing this class pointer to run static method but something is corrupting with memory later. Nevertheless if It had worked I still would rather use something else than CreateThread.
Right now I have something like this. In OnDocumentComplete there's RemoveImages(sptmlDoc) and I just want to run it asynchronously.
EDIT: What I did with CreateThread:
I tried running RemoveImages function (from here) asynchronously. I created static function in my class with signature like here. RemoveImages has parameter so I copied it to a member of a class:
if (htmlDoc2 != NULL)
m_tmpHtmlDocument2 = htmlDoc2;
m_hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, MyThreadFunction, this, 0, &m_threadId);
and MyThreadFunction:
static DWORD WINAPI MyThreadFunction( LPVOID lpParam )
CHelloWorldBHO* myClass = (CHelloWorldBHO*)lpParam;
return 0;
I get "Unhandled exception at 0x60c0da05 in iexplore.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x000001b8." here in the bold line:
void CHelloWorldBHO::DontDisplayElement(CComPtr htmlElement)
CComPtr style;
HRESULT hr = htmlElement->get_style(&style);
if (hr == S_OK && style != NULL)
static const CComBSTR strNone(L"none");

Your performing a naughty by trying to use a COM handle allocated in 1 thread in another. BHO environment is STA (Single Threaded Apartment) so you should be marshalling the m_tmpHtmlDocument2 object for use in your thread.
Experiance has shown that in some cases IE may let you get away with passing the Browser com object from 1 thread to another and then getting the document and elements afterwards may work. This is entirely unreliable.
Depending on IE 6/7/8 you will have different target threads to execute your actions on, thinking at the levels of per security level/frame/tab/window. basically any time IE creates a new 'Site'
Also to prevent your app from holding the pages active even after navigation away from the page, in FireFox you would use an nsWeakPointer<> , I've never found the equivelant in IE.
Suggestion: Perhaps instead of marshalling com to another thread because your interaction with the page is slow, trying to improve the way you interact with the page and improve performance in process might be a better aim.
Here is an outline using the CThreadPool which will queue up requests, and then execute them when the pool has space.
I use pvWorkerParam to tie the threads back to the site.
I have different types of ActionRequests, you could of course simplify and just pass null for the request.
Note: This doesn't resolve marshalling issues you already have
class ActionRequest{
DontDisplayElement();// define your do stuff in here
class ScriptWorker
virtual ~ScriptWorker(void);
BOOL Initialize(void* pvWorkerParam);
void Execute(ActionRequest *request, void* pvWorkerParam, OVERLAPPED* pOverlapped){
std::auto_ptr<ActionRequest> cleanupRequest(request);
} catch(...) {}
void Terminate(void* pvWorkerParam);
boolean m_bCoUninit;
CThreadPool<ScriptWorker> m_scriptWorkerThread;
Site() {
void *pvWorkerParam = this;// or whatever you want to have passed to every script worker and execute in the pool.
m_scriptWorkerThread.Initialize( pvWorkerParam, 1 );
OnDocumentComplete() {
m_scriptWorkerThread.QueueRequest( new ActionRequest() );

and sptmlDoc - is it an IHTMLDocumet* ?
IWorkerThreadClient - never heard of it
"I even tried winapi CreateThread approach but it isn't working. I'm passing this class pointer to run static method but something is corrupting with memomory later"
Keeping it simple is the best design pattern of them all. So stick with CreateThread unless you have good reasons not to. Now, my guess is that the crash occurs because of sptmlDoc being passed to the thread for later processing. The thing is such pointers are only valid from the BeforeNavigate event until DocumentComplete event. Try to do that processing on the spot (inside your event handler) and see if it stil crashes. Some code posting would help too


MFC WebBrowser Control: How many (normal) lines of code does it take to simulate Ctrl+N?

Update: Answer: Two normal lines of code required. Thanks Noseratio!
I banged my head on the keyboard for more hours than I would have cared to trying to simulate IEs Ctrl+N behavior in my hosted Browser control app. Unfortunately, due to complications which I've abstracted out of my code examples below, I can't just let IE do Ctlr+N itself. So I have to do it manually.
Keep in mind that I am running a hosted browser. So typically, opening links in new windows will actuall open it within a new "tab" within my application (it's not really a tab, but another window... but appearance-wise it's a tab). However, Ctrl+N is different -- here, it is expected a fully-fledged IE window will launch when pressed.
I think my problem is that of framing the questions -- admittedly I am new to WebBrowser control and I find it to be a lot of yucky. Regardless, I've scoured the Internet for the past day and couldn't come up with an elegant solution.
Basically, the ideal solution would be to call a "NewWindow" function within WebBrowser control or its affiliate libraries; however, all I was able to find where the *On*NewWindow methods, which were event handlers, not event signallers. Which I understand that most of the time, the user will be creating the events... but what about programmatic simulation?
I tried looking into an SENDMESSAGE approach where I could use the IDs that the OnNewWindow events use... that ended up in nothing than crashes. Perhaps I could go back to get it work, but I'd like confirmation is that approach is even worth my time.
The next approach, which should have been the most elegeant, but sadly didn't pan out, was like the following:
Navigate2(GetLocationURL().GetBuffer(), BrowserNavConstants::navOpenInNewWindow);
It would have worked marvelously if it weren't for the fact that the new window would open in the background, blinking in the taskbar. needing clicking to bring it to the front.
I tried to get around the limitation in a myriad of ways, including getting the dispatcher of the current context, then calling OnNewWindow2 with that IDispatch object. Then I would invoke QueryInterface on the dispatch object for an IWebBrowser control. The webBrowser control (presumably under the control of the new window) could then navigate to the page of the original context. However... this too was a pretty messy solution and in the end would cause crashes.
Finally, I resorted to manually invoking JavaScript to get the desired behavior. Really?? Was there really no more elegant a solution to my problem than the below mess of code?
if ((pMsg->wParam == 'N') && (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) && !(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) && !(GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000))
LPDISPATCH pDisp = CHtmlView::GetHtmlDocument();
IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc;
if (SUCCEEDED(pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void **)&pDoc)))
IHTMLWindow2* pWnd;
BSTR bStrLang = ::SysAllocString(L"JavaScript");
CString sCode(L"\"");
BSTR bStrCode = sCode.AllocSysString();
COleVariant retVal;
pWnd->execScript(bStrCode, bStrLang, retVal);
I find it hard to believe that I must resort to such hackery as this to get something as simple as opening a new window when the user presses Ctrl+N.
Please stackoverflow, please point out the clearly obvious thing I overlooked.
Ctrl-N in IE starts a new window on the same session. In your case, or webBrowser.Navigate2 will create a window on a new session, because it will be run by iexplore.exe process which is separate from your app. The session is shared per-process, this is how the underlying UrlMon library works. So you'll loose all cookies and authentication cache for the new window. On the other hand, when you create a new window which hosts WebBrowser control within your own app process, you'll keep the session.
If such behavior is OK for your needs, try first your initial Navigate2 approach, precededing it with AllowSetForegroundWindow(ASFW_ANY) call. If the new window still doesn't receive the focus correctly, you can try creating an instance of InternetExplorer.Application out-of-proc COM object, and use the same IWebBrowser2 interface to automate it. Below is a simple C# app which works OK for me, the new window is correctly brought to the foreground, no focus issues. It should not be a problem to do the same with MFC.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace IeApp
public partial class MainForm : Form
// get the underlying WebBrowser ActiveX object;
// this code depends on SHDocVw.dll COM interop assembly,
// generate SHDocVw.dll: "tlbimp.exe ieframe.dll",
// and add as a reference to the project
public MainForm()
private void NewWindow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// could do: var ie = new SHDocVw.InternetExplorer()
var ie = (SHDocVw.InternetExplorer)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("InternetExplorer.Application"));
ie.Visible = true;
const int ASFW_ANY = -1;
static extern bool AllowSetForegroundWindow(int dwProcessId);

ATL COM: Access Event Methods From Other Thread

I'm implementing a COM interface to an existing VS2010 C++ MFC-application. Most parts of the COM interface interaction works great, but I am confused of how to trigger COM events from another thread that the one where the COM interface is running / defined. The application is multi-threaded with one main thread running the COM interface and handling GUI changes (thread 1) and one thread to receive incoming messages from a C-library (thread 2).
For certain messages received in thread 2 I want to notify the COM clients by sending a COM event. I have read many threads (Firing COM Event From Another Thread is one of them) and CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream / CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream is mentioned. Using Google I can't seem to find any usage of these methods that makes any sense to me; I just don't understand how to implement these functions and if they really will help me.
Relevant code parts:
TestCOM.idl: (the interface definition)
interface ITestCOM: IDispatch
[id(1), helpstring("method Test")] HRESULT Test();
dispinterface _ITestCOMEvents
[id(1), helpstring("event ExecutionOver")] HRESULT TestEvent();
coclass TestAppCOM
[default] interface ITestCOM;
[default, source] dispinterface _ITestCOMEvents;
ITestCOMEvents_CP.h (VS generated class for Connection Points / events)
template<class T>
class CProxy_ITestCOMEvents :
public ATL::IConnectionPointImpl<T, &__uuidof(_ITestCOMEvents)>
HRESULT Fire_TestEvent()
T * pThis = static_cast<T *>(this);
int cConnections = m_vec.GetSize();
for (int iConnection = 0; iConnection < cConnections; iConnection++)
CComPtr<IUnknown> punkConnection = m_vec.GetAt(iConnection);
TestCOM.h (class implementing the methods and CProxy_ITestCOMEvents class)
public CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CTestCOM, &CLSID_TestCOM>,
public IConnectionPointContainerImpl<CTestCOM>,
public CProxy_ITestCOMEvents<CTestCOM>,
public IDispatchImpl<IMecAppCOM, &IID_ITestCOM, &LIBID_TestLib, /*wMajor =*/ 1, /*wMinor =*/ 0>
static CTestCOM * p_CTestCOM;
p_CTestCOM = this;
Incoming.CPP (a class running on thread 2 that should trigger an event in the following case statement)
// Trigger Fire_TestEvent in thread 1
// CTestCOM::p_CTestCOM->Fire_TestEvent(); trigger event on thread 2
In the code above you can find my current workaround for this problem which is to create a pointer object p_CTestCOM that will allow any class running on thread 1 to trigger the COM events. Thread 2 can access that object but it would trigger it in thread 2, which wouldn't work. To solve this all methods defined in Incoming.CPP could post a message (using PostMessage()) to thread 1 which would use p_CTestCOM to access and send the COM event. This would work, but I am sure there must be a better (and safer) solution that more accurately follows the COM design principles.
I someone could shed some light I would be most grateful!
Roman R. provides some good options but there is a better alternative, IMO: you can marshal the listeners to the thread which fires the event. As advising the listeners is typically done inside IConnectionPointImpl class in an ATL project, you 'just' need to modify the default IConnectionPointImpl to do the marshalling for you (e.g. via GIT which is simpler that marshaling API).
The big advantage is that the rest of the code remains almost the same as before, so no message passing or synchronization is needed - only the generated *CP.h file needs to be updated.
The implementation is discussed in Microsoft knowledge base article KB280512 which seems to be removed now, but there is an improved implementation by PJ Naughter which you can use to replace the default implementation.
Here's the version that I use, based on the missing KB article.
The usage is simple, just rename the class in the generated CP.h file and modify m_vec.GetAt parts, as described in the gist I have linked.
The important thing to start with is the threading model of your COM object. It is is MTA, then you might want to simply initialize your worker thread respectively with COM, with CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED) and fire events right from there.
If the object is STA, which is most likely the case, and what might be necessary e.g. to well integrate the object with some environments, then you need to fire events from the main thread, and to get there from the worker thread you need to use some synchronization. For example, on your worker thread you discover a need to fire an event. You code might set a flag or an internal synchronization object (such as event) so that main thread code would eventually notice it and proceed with raising an external event from there.
Another common solution for STA COM object is to create in advance a hidden/message-only window so that a worker thread could post a message on it. The message will be dispatched to the window's procedure on window creation thread, that is on STA thread and the message handler would be a safe place to fire COM event from.
Alternatively you can create an internal COM object and marshal it into worker thread to create a proxy/stub pair, and have your call from worker thread automatically converted into call of your method on main thread through marhsaling. This is workable but inferior to window messaging in almost every way: your interface/object needs to be suitable for proxy/stub pair creation, COM call is blocking while with a windows message you always have a choice between SendMessage and PostMessage, and it is the latter you wlil want to prefer to avoid deadlocks in interthread communication.

wxProgressDialog somehow keeping app alive after death?

I'm having a strange problem with wxWidgets. I have the following code
MyFrame::OnDoSomeLongThing(...) {
progScreen = new wxProgressDialog(text,text,number,this,wxPD_AUTO_HIDE); // wxProgressDialog *progScreen is class member
doPartOfThing() // calls the update method at the end of it
doLastPartOfThing() // again calls update method that pushes value to 100/100
MyFrame::update() {
Now here's the thing. I can literally comment out the lines relating to progScreen, just let the process go without using a progress dialog, after all is said and done, my apps exits gracefully when I close the main window.
However, just the use of the progress dialog is somehow extending the life of the application. I've tried Destroy(), I've tried simply 'delete progScreen', and both, every time: I'll close the main frame, the process keeps running, and at some point exits with some astronomical number. The only thing I could think might be relevant, is that the doPartsOfThings methods may call boost::this_thread::sleep, because it involves waiting and whatnot down in my model class. But this shouldn't have anything to do with my problem. Or maybe it does... EDIT: I do want to emphasize that progScreen->Update() IS being called from the main (GUI) thread.
So I ask, am I using a wxProgressDialog correctly? If not, how should it be used?
Thanks for your help!
Well... it turns out that removing wxPD_AUTO_HIDE fixed the problem. I'm still not quite sure what the problem is, but the dialog even still behaves as before. App closes as expected.
I think that you need to override the wxApp method that closes the application so that it closes the wxProgressDialog object before it quits.
virtual int OnExit()
Override this member function for any processing which needs to be
done as the application is about to exit. OnExit is called after
destroying all application windows and controls, but before wxWidgets
cleanup. Note that it is not called at all if OnInit failed.
The return value of this function is currently ignored, return the
same value as returned by the base class method if you override it.
You will need something like, assuming progScreen is a public attribute of your frame
int myApp::OnExit()
return wxApp::OnExit();

Application crashes when creating an object

I have a class which inherits from IDirectInputA interface.
so, when i try to create object of this, application crashes (calls CorExitProcess from somewhere). What i did wrong?
p.s. Direct input v. 7
this code creates object. I deleted some code from it, except the main part
IDirectInputA** ppDI;
HRESULT hr = _DirectInputCreateA(hinst, dwVersion, ppDI, punkOuter);
xDirectInputA xDI = new xDirectInputA((IDirectInputA*)(*ppDI));
When you create your instance, you pass a pointer to IDirectInputA, right? What pointer do you pass? If you pass an uninitialized or a null pointer, you will get undefined behavior.
TBH what you are trying to do is more complicated than you think. The problem arises in what exactly you are trying to do. Are you trying to wrap IDirectInputA OR are you trying to completely re-implement it.
If you are trying to wrap it do the following:
IDirectInputA* pDI = NULL;
HRESULT hr = _DirectInputCreateA( hinst, dwVersion, &pDI, NULL );
Then create your derived class as follows:
class xDirectInputA : public IDirectInputA
IDirectInputA* mpInternal;
xDirectInputA( IDirectInputA* pInternal ) :
mpInternal( pInternal )
HRESULT CreateDevice( REFGUID rguid, IDirectInputDevice** ppDirectInputDevice, IUknown* pOuter )
// Do what ever processing you need.
return mpInternal->CreateDevice( rguid, ppDirectInputDevice, pOuter );
// Implement other functions.
Now you pass your xDirectInputA pointer around instead of the normal pointer returned from DirectInputCreate. You can now intercept every message that goes through the class.
If you are trying to do your own full re-implementation it is a LOT more complicated. You are going to need to fully implement the COM object. You'll be best off putting a DInput.DLL alongside the executable that contains your implementation. All in though this is only something you should try if you REALLY know what you are doing.
If you wish to learn COM fully I suggest purchasing Essential COM by Don Box. Its a VERY helpful book.

Exception Handling in Qt Script with C++?

I have the following action which is executed when a certain
button is pressed in a Qt application:
#include <shape.h>
void computeOperations()
polynomial_t p1("x^2-x*y+1"),p2("x^2+2*y-1");
BoundingBox bx(-4.01, 4.01,-6.01,6.01,-6.01,6.01);
Topology3d g(bx);
AlgebraicCurve* cv= new AlgebraicCurve(p1,p2);
//Other operations on g.
Topology3d(...), AlgebraicCurve(..), BoundingBox(...),
polynomial_t(...) are user defined types defined in the
corresponding header file .
Now for some values of p1 and p2, the method works perfectly.
Thus for some other values of p1 and p2, it is not
working anymore as the method gets blocked somehow and the
message "Application Not Responding" appears and I have to
kill the Application.
I would want to have the following behavior: whenever is taking too long, gets blocked for some particular
values of p1, p2, I would want to display an warning box
using QMessageBox::Warning.
I try to do this with try{...} and catch{...}:
#include <shape.h>
class topologyException : public std::runtime_error
topologyException::topologyException(): std::runtime_error( "topology fails" ) {}
void computeOperations()
polynomial_t p1("x^2-x*y+1"),p2("x^2+2*y-1");
BoundingBox bx(-4.01, 4.01,-6.01,6.01,-6.01,6.01);
Topology3d g(bx);
AlgebraicCurve* cv= new AlgebraicCurve(p1,p2);
//other operations on g
throw topologyException();
catch(topologyException& topException)
QMessageBox errorBox;
errorBox.setText("The parameters are incorrect.");
errorBox.setInformativeText("Please insert another polynomial.");
This code compiles, but when it runs it does not really
implement the required behavior.
For the polynomials for which gets blocked the error
message box code is never reached, plus for the polynomials
for which is working well, the error message box
code still is reached somehow and the box appears in the
I am new to handling exceptions, so any help is more than
I think the program gets blocked somewhere inside so
it does not reach the exception, still I do not understand
what really happens.
Still I would want to throw this exception without going
into the code of, this function is implemented as
part of a bigger library, which I just use in my code.
Can I have this behavior in my program without putting any
try{...} catch{...} block statement in the function?
You cannot achieve what you want with the use of try-catch. if takes too much time or goes into an infinite loop, that doesn't mean an exception will be thrown.
What you can do is, you can move the operations that take a lot of time into another thread. Start that thread in your event handler and wait for it to finish in your main thread for a fixed amount of time. If it does not finish, kill that thread & show your messagebox.
For further reference, read QThread, Qt Thread Support
Thanks for the suggestions.
So I see how I should create the thread, something like:
class myopThread : public QThread
void run();
Then I am rewriting the run() function and put all the operations that take a lot of time in it:
void myopThread::run()
polynomial_t p1("x^2-x*y+1"),p2("x^2+2*y-1");
BoundingBox bx(-4.01, 4.01,-6.01,6.01,-6.01,6.01);
Topology3d g(bx);
AlgebraicCurve* cv= new AlgebraicCurve(p1,p2);
//other operations on g
Okay everything is clear so far, still I do not see how to "Start that thread in your event handler and wait for it to finish in your main thread for a fixed amount of time. If it does not finish, kill that thread & show your messagebox."
I mean start the thread in the event handler refers somehow at using the connect (..Signal, Slot..) still I do not see how exactly this is done. I have never used QThread before so it is more then new.
Thank you very much for your help,
The most elegant way to solve this that I know of is with a future value. If you haven't run across these before they can be quite handy in situations like this. Say you have a value that you'll need later on, but you can begin calculating concurrently. The code might look something like this:
SomeValue getValue() {
... calculate the value ...
void foo() {
Future<SomeValue> future_value(getValue);
... other code that takes a long time ...
SomeValue v = future_value.get();
Upon calling the .get() method of course, the value computed is returned, either by calling the function then and there or by retrieving the cache value calculated in another thread started when the Future<T> was created. One nice thing is that, at least for a few libraries, you can pass in a timeout parameter into the .get() method. This way if your value is taking too long to compute you can always unblock. Such elegant isn't usually achieved.
For a real life library, you might try looking into the library documented here. As I recall it wasn't accepted as the official boost futures library, but it certainly had promise. Good luck!