Is this an acceptable use of "ASCII arithmetic"? - c++

I've got a string value of the form 10123X123456 where 10 is the year, 123 is the day number within the year, and the rest is unique system-generated stuff. Under certain circumstances, I need to add 400 to the day number, so that the number above, for example, would become 10523X123456.
My first idea was to substring those three characters, convert them to an integer, add 400 to it, convert them back to a string and then call replace on the original string. That works.
But then it occurred to me that the only character I actually need to change is the third one, and that the original value would always be 0-3, so there would never be any "carrying" problems. It further occurred to me that the ASCII code points for the numbers are consecutive, so adding the number 4 to the character "0", for example, would result in "4", and so forth. So that's what I ended up doing.
My question is, is there any reason that won't always work? I generally avoid "ASCII arithmetic" on the grounds that it's not cross-platform or internationalization friendly. But it seems reasonable to assume that the code points for numbers will always be sequential, i.e., "4" will always be 1 more than "3". Anybody see any problem with this reasoning?
Here's the code.
string input = "10123X123456";
input[2] += 4;
//Output should be 10523X123456

From the C++ standard, section 2.2.3:
In both the source and execution basic character sets, the value of each character after 0 in the
above list of decimal digits shall be one greater than the value of the previous.
So yes, if you're guaranteed to never need a carry, you're good to go.

The C++ language definition requres that the code-point values of the numerals be consecutive. Therefore, ASCII Arithmetic is perfectly acceptable.

Always keep in mind that if this is generated by something that you do not entirely control (such as users and third-party system), that something can and will go wrong with it. (Check out Murphy's laws)
So I think you should at least put on some validations before doing so.

It sounds like altering the string as you describe is easier than parsing the number out in the first place. So if your algorithm works (and it certainly does what you describe), I wouldn't consider it premature optimization.
Of course, after you add 400, it's no longer a day number, so you couldn't apply this process recursively.
And, <obligatory Year 2100 warning>.

Very long time ago I saw some x86 processor instructions for ASCII and BCD.
Those are AAA (ASCII Adjust for Addition), AAS (subtraction), AAM (mult), AAD (div).
But even if you are not sure about target platform you can refer to specification of characters set you are using and I guess you'll find that first 127 characters of ASCII is always have the same meaning for all characters set (for unicode that is first characters page).


Is there a way to restrict string manipulation e.g substring?

The problem is that I'm processing some UTF8 strings and I would like to design a class or a way to prevent string manipulations.
String manipulation is not desirable for strings of multibyte characters as splitting the string at a random position (which is measured in bytes) may split a character half way.
I have thought about using const std::string& but the user/developer can create a substring by calling std::substr.
Another way would be create a wrapper around const std::string& and expose only the string through getters.
Is this even possible?
Another way would be create a wrapper around const std::string& and expose only the string through getters.
You need a class wrapping a std::string or std::u8string, not a reference to one. The class then owns the string and its contents, basically just using it as a storage, and can provide an interface as you see fit to operate on unicode code points or characters instead of modifying the storage directly.
However, there is nothing in the standard library that will help you implement this. So a better approach would be to use a third party library that already does this for you. Operating on code points in a UTF-8 string is still reasonably simple and you can implement that part yourself, but if you want to operate on characters (in the sense of grapheme clusters or whatever else is suitable) implementation is going to be a project in itself.
I would use a wrapper where your external interface provides access to either code points, or to characters. So, foo.substr(3, 4) (for example) would skip the first 3 code points, and give you the next 4 code points. Alternatively, it would skip the first 3 characters, and give you the next 4 characters.
Either way, that would be independent of the number of bytes used to represent those code points or characters.
Quick aside on terminology for anybody unaccustomed to Unicode terminology: ISO 10646 is basically a long list of code points, each assigned a name and a number from 0 to (about) 220-1. UTF-8 encodes a code point number in a sequence of 1 to 4 bytes.
A character can consist of a (more or less) arbitrary number of code points. It will consist of a base character (e.g., a letter) followed by some number of combining diacritical marks. For example, à would normally be encoded as an a followed by a "combining grave accent" (U+0300).
The a and the U+0300 are each a code point. When encoded in UTF-8, the a would be encoded in a single byte and the U+0300 would be encoded in three bytes. So, it's one character composed of two code points encoded in 4 characters.
That's not quite all there is to characters (as opposed to code points) but it's sufficient for quite a few languages (especially, for the typical European languages like Spanish, German, French, and so on).
There are a fair number of other points that become non-trivial though. For example, German has a letter "ß". This is one character, but when you're doing string comparison, it should (at least normally) compare as equal to "ss". I believe there's been a move to change this but at least classically, it hasn't had an upper-case equivalent either, so both comparison and case conversion with it get just a little bit tricky.
And that's fairly mild compared to situations that arise in some of the more "exotic" languages. But it gives a general idea of the fact that yes, if you want to deal intelligently with Unicode strings, you basically have two choices: either have your code use ICU1 to do most of the real work, or else resign yourself to this being a multi-year project in itself.
1. In theory, you could use another suitable library--but in this case, I'm not aware of such a thing existing.

Converting char to int in C

I have searched for this for quite some time before posting this question. The answer to it should be fairly easy though, since I am an ultra-beginner atm.
I have a char* in which I want a user to put some digits (over 20), that in turn can be called upon specifically.
This is what I've tried:
char* digits = GetString();
int prime = digits[0];
When I verify whether this worked with printf I find prime to have become 0.
printf("prime:%d\ndigits:%c\n",prime, digits[0]);
Why would this be and what could I do to make this work?
Edit: Is it perhaps easier to make an int array and use GetLongLong?
Neither C or C++ guarantees what value will be used to encode the character 0, but both guarantee that digits will be contiguous and ordered, so (for example) digits[0]-48 may or may not work, but digits[0] - '0' is guaranteed to work (presuming that digits[0] actually holds a digit, of course).
The precise requirement in the C++ standard (§2.3/3) is:
In both the source and execution basic character sets, the value of each character after 0 in the
above list of decimal digits shall be one greater than the value of the previous.
At least as of C99, the C standard has identical wording, but at §5.2.1/3.
The character zero ('0') has the numeric value of 48, '1' is 49, and so on.
You may find this a useful idiom to get the numeric value from the ascii value.
int prime = digits[0] - '0';
You may also find looking at man ascii informative (or similar man page if you use some other charset).

Encoding binary data using string class

I am going through one of the requirment for string implementations as part of study project.
Let us assume that the standard library did not exist and we were
foced to design our own string class. What functionality would it
support and what limitations would we improve. Let us consider
following factors.
Does binary data need to be encoded?
Is multi-byte character encoding acceptable or is unicode necessary?
Can C-style functions be used to provide some of the needed functionality?
What kind of insertion and extraction operations are required?
My question on above text
What does author mean by "Does binary data need to be encoded?". Request to explain with example and how can we implement this.
What does author mean y point 2. Request to explain with example and how can we implement this.
Thanks for your time and help.
Regarding point one, "Binary data" refers to sequences of bytes, where "bytes" almost always means eight-bit words. In the olden days, most systems were based on ASCII, which requires seven bits (or eight, depending on who you ask). There was, therefore, no need to distinguish between bytes and characters. These days, we're more friendly to non-English speakers, and so we have to deal with Unicode (among other codesets). This raises the problem that string types need to deal with the fact that bytes and characters are no longer the same thing.
This segues onto point two, which is about how you represent strings of characters in a program. UTF-8 uses a variable-length encoding, which has the remarkable property that it encodes the entire ASCII character set using exactly the same bytes that ASCII encoding uses. However, it makes it more difficult to, e.g., count the number of characters in a string. For pure ASCII, the answer is simple: characters = bytes. But if your string might have non-ASCII characters, you now have to walk the string, decoding characters, in order to find out how many there are1.
These are the kinds of issues you need to think about when designing your string class.
1This isn't as difficult as it might seem, since the first byte of each character is guaranteed not to have 10 in its two high-bits. So you can simply count the bytes that satisfy (c & 0xc0) != 0xc0. Nonetheless, it is still expensive relative to just treating the length of a string buffer as its character-count.
The question here is "can we store ANY old data in the string, or does certain byte-values need to be encoded in some special way. An example of that would be in the standard C language, if you want to use a newline character, it is "encoded" as \n to make it more readable and clear - of course, in this example I'm talking of in the source code. In the case of binary data stored in the string, how would you deal with "strange" data - e.g. what about zero bytes? Will they need special treatment?
The values guaranteed to fit in a char is ASCII characters and a few others (a total of 256 different characters in a typical implementation, but char is not GUARANTEED to be 8 bits by the standard). But if we take non-european languages, such as Chinese or Japanese, they consist of a vastly higher number than the ones available to fit in a single char. Unicode allows for several million different characters, so any character from any european, chinese, japanese, thai, arabic, mayan, and ancient hieroglyphic language can be represented in one "unit". This is done by using a wider character - for the full size, we need 32 bits. The drawback here is that most of the time, we don't actually use that many different characters, so it is a bit wasteful to use 32 bits for each character, only to have zero's in the upper 24 bits nearly all the time.
A multibyte character encoding is a compromise, where "common" characters (common in the European languages) are used as one char, but less common characters are encoded with multiple char values, using a special range of character to indicate "there is more data in the next char to combine into a single unit". (Or,one could decide to use 2, 3, or 4 char each time, to encode a single character).

std.algorithm.joiner(string[],string) - why result elements are dchar and not char?

I try to compile following code:
import std.algorithm;
void main()
string[] x = ["ab", "cd", "ef"]; // 'string' is same as 'immutable(char)[]'
string space = " ";
char z = joiner( x, space ).front(); // error
Compilation with dmd ends with error:
test.d(8): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (joiner(x,space).front()) of type dchar to char
Changing char z to dchar z does fix the error message, but I'm interested why it appears in the first place.
Why result of joiner(string[],string).front() is dchar and not char?
(There is nothing on this in documentation
All strings are treated as ranges of dchar. That's because a dchar is guaranteed to be a single code point, since in UTF-32, every code unit is a code point, whereas in UTF-8 (char) and UTF-16 (wchar), the number of code units per code point varies. So, if you were operating on individual chars or wchars, you'd be operating on pieces of characters rather than whole characters, which would be very bad. If you don't know much about unicode, I'd advise reading this article by Joel Spolsky. It explains things fairly well.
In any case, because operating on individual chars and wchars doesn't make sense, strings of char and wchar are treated as ranges of dchar (ElementType!string is dchar), meaning that as far as ranges are concerned, they don't have length (hasLength!string is false - walkLength needs to be used to get their length), aren't sliceable (hasSlicing!string is false), and aren't indexable (isRandomAccess!string is false). This also means that anything which builds a new range from any kind of string is going to result in a range of dchar. joiner is one of those. There are some functions which understand unicode and special case strings for efficiency, taking advantage of length, slicing, and indexing where they can, but unless their result is ultimately a slice of the original, any range they return is going to have to be made of dchars.
So, front on any range of characters will always be dchar, and popFront will always pop off a full code point.
If you don't know much about ranges, I'd advise reading this. It's a chapter in a book on D which is online and is currently the best tutorial on ranges that we have. We really should get a proper article on ranges (including on how they work with strings) onto, but no one's gotten around to writing it yet. Regardless, you're going to need to have at least a basic grasp of ranges to be able to use a lot of D's standard library (especially std.algorithm), because it uses them very heavily.

Matching unmatched strings based on a unknown pattern

Alright guys, I really hurt my brain over this one and I'm curious if you guys can give me any pointers towards the right direction I should be taking.
The situation is this:
Lets say, I have a collection of strings (let it be clear that the pattern of this strings is unknown. For a fact, I can say that the string contain only signs from the ASCII table and therefore, I don't have to worry about weird Chinese signs).
For this example, I take the following collection of strings (note that the strings don't have to make any human sense so don't try figuring them out :)):
"[001].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test'",
"[002].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test'",
"[003].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test'",
"[001].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test.sample'",
"[002].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test.sample'",
"-001- BAR.[TEST] - 'bartest.xx1",
"-002- BAR.[TEST] - 'bartest.xx1"
Now, what I need to have is a way of finding logical groups (and subgroups) of these set of strings, so in the above example, just by rational thinking, you can combine the first 3, the 2 after that and the last 2. Also the resulting groups from the first 5 can be combined in one main group with 2 subgroups, this should give you something like this:
"[001].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test'",
"[002].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test'",
"[003].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test'",
"[001].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test.sample'",
"[002].[FOO].[TEST] - 'foofoo.test.sample'",
"-001- BAR.[TEST] - 'bartest.xx1",
"-002- BAR.[TEST] - 'bartest.xx1"
Sorry for the layout above but indenting with 4 spaces doesn't seem to work correctly (or I'm frakk'n it up).
Anyway, I'm not sure how to approach this problem (how to get the result desired as indicated above).
First of, I thought of creating a huge set of regexes which would parse most known patterns but the amount of different patterns is just to huge that this isn't realistic.
Another think I thought of was parsing each individual word within a string (so strip all non alphabetic or numeric characters and split by those), and if X% matches, I can assume the strings belong to the same group. (where X will probably be around 80/90). However, I find the area of speculation kinda big. For example, when matching strings with each 20 words, the change of hitting above 80% is kinda big (that means that 4 words can differ), however when matching only 8 words, 2 words at most can differ.
My question to you is, what would be a logical approach in the above situation?
As for a reallife example:
Thanks in advance!
Basically I would consider each string as a bag of characters. I would define a kind of distance between two strings which would be sth like "number of characters belonging to both strings" divided by "total number of characters in string 1 + total number of characters in string 2". (well, it's not a distance mathematically speaking...) and then I would try to apply some algorithms to cluster your set of strings.
Well, this is just a basic idea but I think it would be a good start to try some experiments...
Building on #PierrOz' answer, you might want to experiment with multiple measures, and do a statistical cluster analysis on those measures.
For example, you could use four measures:
How many letters (upper/lowercase)
How many digits
How many of ([,],.)
How many other characters (probably) not included above
You then have, in this example, four measures for each string, and you could, if you wished, apply a different weight to each measure.
R has a number of functions for cluster analysis. This might be a good starting point.
Afterthought: the measures can be almost anything you invent. Some more examples:
Binary: does the string contain a given character (0 or 1)?
Binary: does the string contain a given substring?
Count: how many times does the given substring appear?
Binary: does the string include all these characters?
Enough for a least a weekend's tinkering...
I would recommend using this: as the distance.
Also, For files a good heuristic would be to remove checksum in the end from the filename before calculating the distance:
A check is simple - it's always 10 characters, the first being [, the last -- ], and the rest ALPHA-numeric :)
With the heuristic and the distance max of 4, your stuff will work in the vast majority of the cases.
Good luck!
Your question is not easy to understand, but I think what you ask is impossible to do in a satisfying way given any group of strings. Take these strings for instance:
Each is close to those listed next to it, so they should all group with their neighbours, but the first and the last are completely different, so it would not make sense to group those together. Given a more "grouping" dataset you might get pretty good results with a method like the one PierrOz describes, but there is no guarantee for meaningful results.
May I enquire what the purpose is? It would allow us all to better understand what errors might be tolerated, or perhaps even come up with a different approach to solving the problem.
Edit: I wonder, would it be OK if one string ends up in multiple different groups? That could make the problem a lot simpler, and more reliably give you useful information, but you would end up with a bigger grouping tree with the same node copied to different branches.
I'd be tempted to tackle this with cluster analysis techniques. Hit Wikipedia for an introduction. And the other answers probably fall within the domain of cluster analysis, but you might find some other useful approaches by reading a bit more widely.